Packington Estate

Update: The colour-ringed Redshank that was present at Marsh Lane on a number of dates between the 19th March and 29th April was ringed as an adult on Thorny Island, Chichester Harbour, West Sussex, on the 17th October 2015 and was seen again there on the 26th February and 13th March. This is a useful indication that our breeding waders probably winter on our immediate coastlines.

 31st March 2016

– Mostly sunny, occasional light showers, south-westerly wind.

As a result of an impromptu ringing session by the back gate, two Tawny Owls were seen and heard there at dawn, a Woodcock was flushed from the meadow, 30 Snipe flew back into the Oak Hide marsh with two singles flushed from nearby and two Peregrines went over which appear to have been the cause of a dead Black-headed Gull on Railway Pool. Whether as a result of the Peregrine the Black-headed Gulls seemed to rather desert the pools and have been slow to return.

The ringing session yielded 16 new birds, four Chiffchaff, five Reed Buntings, two Dunnock and singles of Robin, Wren, Blue Tit, Great Tit and Song Thrush. The Reed Buntings were all from a net in the Reedbed.

The Chiffchaff’s weights varied from 7.4g to 8.1g, the latter being a migration weight.

There were still four Yellowhammers in the crop field and a Red Kite went through to the north.

30th March 2016

– Light frost, mostly sunny, cool south westerly wind.

Perhaps somewhat belatedly after storm Katie an adult Little Gull arrived on Car Park Pool at about mid-day and stayed for a couple of hours, showing well. It had a nice pink flush to the under-parts although the hood had not completely moulted through. Both Mediterranean Gulls were also present along with a Jack Snipe in the Marsh and at least seven singing Chiffchaffs. A Kingfisher was also seen flying over Car Park Pool, a Grey Wagtail flew over Railway Pool and at least one Small Tortoiseshell was feeding on the Coltsfoot by the car park.

29th March 2016

– Sunny start, slowly clouding over, rain p.m.

A bright and breezy start saw the second-summer Mediterranean Gull join the long-staying full adult on Railway Pool during the morning but both appeared to disappear at mid-day.

The usual Jack Snipe was hiding in the rushes immediately below Oak Hide with two more a little further away and a fourth was flushed, along with four Common Snipe, from the boggy ground near the pumping station. 29 more Commons were counted between the Marsh and the car park surrounds. At least 12 Fieldfares and five Redwings were calling from the tall trees in Siden Hill wood before flying off to the east whilst within the wood, there were at least two singing Chiffchaffs and the spring’s first singing Blackcap with another Blackcap singing at Patrick Farm. Also within the wood, three Coal Tits were interacting above the Lower Siden Hide with the usual Nuthatches and Goldcrests singing within the wood. Great Spotted Woodpeckers were drumming from either end and a Green Woodpecker was calling for much of the morning by Tower Hide.

By the former Ammunition Depot, there was at least one singing Chiffchaff and probably a second bird, plus a singing Bullfinch whilst, at the river crossing over the Blythe, there was a Grey Wagtail and six Redpolls. Four Siskins, all singles, flew north.

Hirundines were again trickling through all day with double figure counts of Sand Martins and a few Swallows.

The Blythe was still flooded across much of the flood plain south of Patrick Bridge and was visited by many of the Black-headed Gulls from the Reserve, plus some of the wildfowl and waders and a single adult Common Gull; the latter species has been in disappointing numbers this March.

Three Little Ringed Plovers were feeding at 18.15 on the grass in front of Car Park Hide.

 28th March 2016

– Wet and windy overnight, clearing to sunshine and occasional showers.

Storm Katie passed through overnight, filled up the Blythe and saw extensive flooding during the day across the flood plain. Expectant birders early on were rewarded only with a Dunlin, though Sand Martins and a few Swallows trickled through all day and joined by the first House Martin of the year.

The adult Mediterranean Gull was again amongst the Black-heads and joined in the afternoon by a second-summer , two Jack Snipe showed in the Marsh, six Goosanders were on Car Park Pool, a Water Rail in the Marsh, eight Yellowhammers with a similar number of Reed Buntings in the crop field and at least three Siskins over. Around 4 p.m. the year’s first White Wagtail showed to a lucky few in the crop field.

The setting of an overnight moth trap yielded a limited catch of two Clouded Drabs and three March moths.

27th March 2016

– Blustery south-westerly wind, sunny intervals.

A small arrival of Chiffchaffs overnight saw three singing along the Old Road or concrete road area, one on the railway embankment and one by the south-west pond. Hirundines were initially slow to get on the move with a single Sand Martin on Car Park Pool at 7 a.m. and then three on Railway Pool at 10 a.m. By early afternoon at least another ten had moved through, along with a single Swallow.

22 Fieldfares came out of Siden Hill Wood and flew over Railway Hide, heading east, at 9.30.

In the back gate copse two pairs of Siskins were interacting with both males in song and one of the males feeding on the Willow flowers.

There were at least four Snipe in the Marsh around the Dragonfly Pond, along with a single Meadow Pipit and two further Meadow Pipits flew south down the river. The Marsh was pretty devoid of Common Snipe, but four more were feeding on the edge of the crop field. The Jack Snipe, however, did show well in the Marsh.

The usual Finches and Buntings were at the spinner feeder in the field, the Ringed Plovermoved between the islands on both pools and there were up to five Goosanders on Car Park Pool. The adult Mediterranean Gull was again in amongst the Black-heads with his amorous advances getting him precisely nowhere.

26th March 2016

– South-westerly wind, mostly overcast and drizzly.

Hirundine passage, though only slowly “cranking up” is characterised at the moment by ones and twos briefly before birds move on quickly; for example, there was a single Sand Martin at 7 a.m., a Swallow at 9.10 a.m., and then two further Sand Martins later in the morning.

Little Ringed Plovers were a bit more in evidence today, with at least three on site, although those too did not linger. Other waders comprised a single Ringed Plover, two Oystercatchers, 19 Lapwing, six Redshank, a Jack Snipe in the Marsh along with 15 Common Snipe and a Woodcock flushed from under the Guelder Roses by Railway Hide, mid morning.

Other counts today comprised four Great Crested Grebes, nine Little Grebes, two Herons, one Little Egret (not Buffy), 25 Cormorants, six Mute Swans, four Greylags, four Canadas, two Shelduck, 65 Wigeon, 12 Gadwall, 18 Teal, 12 Mallard, 12 Shoveler, three Pochard, 36 Tufted, one male and four female Goosanders, 14 Moorhen, 34 Coot, the adult summer Mediterranean Gull, 770 Black-headed Gulls, one Common Gull, 11 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, three Yellowhammers in the crop field and a Chiffchaff in the back gate copse along with two Mistle Thrushes, a Coal Tit and two Siskin.

 25th March 2016

– Sunny and warm away from the cool north-westerly wind.

Lots of insects on the wing around the Reserve today and the Ruff continues to linger, as does the adult Mediterranean Gull whilst six Fieldfares and two Redwings were feeding on the flood plain opposite the horse paddock.

A Peregrine went over Railway Pool at 10.10, there was a Chiffchaff singing by the south-west pond, a Coal Tit in the back gate copse and a Water Rail from the north causeway screen. Other bits and pieces in the morning including seven Goosanders, a singing Treecreeper on the central stream and a single Little Egret.

The afternoon, however, produced increasingly better fare with firstly a Curlew on Car Park Pool at 2.45 which flew off about a quarter of an hour later, a Red Kite which flew over to the north west and a second bird later to the south of the Lorry Park and, at 5.15 a Great White Egret flew south over Railway Pool at 5.15 before appearing to drop onto Bradnocks Marsh (the Reserve’s third record).

24th March 2016

– Rain on and off from about 10.30 a.m., cold south-westerly wind.

At least six Sand Martins and a Swallow were feeding over the pools this morning from about 11.30 and the first year drake Goosander was roosting on Car Park Pool.

The Ruff remains on Car Park Pool where up to six Goosanders were present during the day. The Cetti’s Warbler called on the causeway and as the rain set in from 10.30 at least six Sand Martins and a Swallow dropped in before moving on with further Sand Martins and another Swallow later in the early afternoon.

Other birds of note during the day comprised Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover, three Little Egrets, the adult summer Mediterranean Gull and a Jack Snipe in the Marsh.

The crop field was ploughed and power harrowed this morning and is worth attention for early Wheatears. The banks of Railway Pool were mown last evening.

23rd March 2016

– Remaining overcast, cold, light north-westerly wind.

The crop field has now been cut and the Finches and Buntings around the spinner are more obvious. Although flighty, there were at least eight Reed Buntings, six Yellowhammers and ten Chaffinches but probably more than this.

Birds on the pools were similar to the last few days with the Mediterranean Gull and Ruff still on show. A male Sparrowhawk hunted the crop field but disappeared quickly.

In the late morning four Sand Martins were feeding up over the flood plain before moving north and two more birds and a Swallow flew north through Car Park Pool at 14.30. In the Marsh, there were 20 Snipe and two Jack Snipe and along the Old Road, there was a Chiffchaff in song.

22nd March 2016

– Overcast, light northerly wind.

A similar array of birds as the previous days with the Mediterranean Gull searching the islands for a mate, the Ruff wandering from Railway Pool to Car Park Pool and back again and three Jack Snipe showed in the Marsh. A Little Egret (not Buffy), was on site along with six Goosanders, six Oystercatchers, at least two Redshank and the single Ringed Plover.

The Cetti’s Warbler was seen in the Reedbed and the Kingfisher flew down river.

21st March 2016

– Sunny start, light frost, clouding over mid-morning. Cold, light north-westerly wind.

The adult Mediterranean Gull appeared in the morning but was again harassed by the Black-heads and came and went. The Ruff was present for its fourth day, there was a Jack Snipe in the Marsh and two Chiffchaffs were in song on the Old Road.

25 Redwing and a Fieldfare were also on the Old Road and possibly the same group were later swelled in numbers by others and an estimated 40 of each were feeding on the flood plain opposite the aeromodellers. What sounds like a Mink was seen on site although no location was given.

20th March 2016

– Mostly overcast with occasional sunny intervals, northerly wind.

Yesterday’s quality birds, such as the adult Mediterranean Gull and Ruff were still present and were joined by two Dunlin. Chiffchaffs were seen and / or heard along the Central Streamline and along the Old Road and seven Goosanders spent part of the day on Car Park Pool. There were two Jack Snipe in the Marsh, a Grey Wagtail at Patrick Bridge, a Treecreeper on the central streamline, Buffy the Little Egret on Railway Pool, pairs of Green Woodpeckers by Railway Hide and the Dragonfly Pond and at least two Redwings in the back gate copse.

19th March 2016

– Overcast, light north-easterly wind.

A good selection of birds today included the reappearance of the Ruff and also the Dunlin, together with six other wader species – OystercatcherRedshankSnipeJack SnipeRinged Plover and Lapwing.

Also, the adult summer plumaged Mediterranean Gull re-appeared with other quality including a pair of Goosanders and 22 Yellowhammers in the crop field. The full counts were as follows: three Great Crested Grebes, five Little Grebes, one Heron, Buffy the Little Egret, 31 Cormorants, two Mute Swans, one Black Swan, four Greylags, eight Canadas, 228 Wigeon, 17 Gadwall, 39 Teal, 16 Mallard, eight Shoveler, 11 Pochard, 55 Tufted, nine Moorhen, 21 Coot, 74 Lapwing, nine Oystercatchers, three Redshank, eight Snipe, one Jack Snipe, one Ringed Plover, 950 Black-headed Gulls including a bird with a pink dye applied to its rear end and a BTO ring, three Common Gulls, three Lesser Black-backed Gulls, two Herring Gulls, five Meadow Pipits over to the north, two Collared Doves in the back gate copse, 22 Yellowhammers, 12 Chaffinch and eight Reed Buntings in the crop field, 40 Fieldfare and 30 Redwing on the flood plain and a pair of Siskin in the back gate copse with the male in song.

At 6 p.m, the first Little Ringed Plover of the year was found and a pair of Goosander roosted.

18th March 2016

– Overcast all day, light north-easterly wind.

Two wader species which improved the days birding was firstly a Ruff that appeared on Railway Pool this morning from about 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. but seemed to disappear thereafter, and a Woodcock which was flushed from the back gate copse. Other waders were much as expected. A Water Rail was visible from the north causeway hide on the muddy fringe created by the lower water level.

17th March 2016

– Misty start, sunny thereafter, light north-easterly wind.

There were at least six Redshank on the islands, along with two Ringed Plovers and five Oystercatchers. Buffy the Little Egret was on site again, a pair of Lesser Redpolls were feeding in the north causeway reeds and a pair of Goosanders were on Car Park Pool.

16th March 2016

– Foggy start, sunny thereafter, easterly wind.

In the milder conditions, a Small Tortoiseshell was on the wing by Oak Hide and Frogs with associated spawn were visible in the Marsh.

40 Redwing and five Fieldfare were in the back gate copse, a Peregrine went over and the usual waders were on the pools.

 15th March 2016

– Sunny intervals, clouding over, north, north-easterly wind.

Dunlin was a new arrival mid-morning onto the Car Park Pool islands and there were five Redshanks, four Oystercatchers and two Ringed Plovers in total. In the crop field ten Chaffinches and at least two each of Reed Bunting and Yellowhammer were feeding on the spun seed, three Pied Wagtails came off Railway Pool and a single Meadow Pipit went over. A female Goosander spent much of the morning on Car Park Pool.

14th March 2016

– Sunny, light easterly wind.

Yesterday’s Chiffchaff was again on the causeway near to the central stream and a Small Tortoiseshell, the first butterfly of the year, seen around Oak Hide where a Jack Snipe was also visible, in the Marsh.

Two Ringed Plovers were on site and there were 12 Yellowhammers in the crop field. There was a female Goosander on the north end of Car Park Pool in the morning.

13th March 2016

– Sunny, light easterly wind.

With the fine weather it was perhaps no surprise that the first Chiffchaff of the year appeared on the central streamline singing and fly catching. There was a Treecreeper by the south-west pond and birds yesterday were singing on the central streamline and on the Old Road by the cottages, with the latter bird likely to be one heard in the crop field Oaks later in the day.

On the pools or in the Marsh were three Redshank, one Ringed Plover, two to three Jack Snipe, a pair of Goosanders, two Little Egrets (one of which was Buffy), three Common Gulls, a Cetti’s Warbler and a Peregrine. Three Lesser Redpolls and ten Yellowhammers were also noted.

A moth trapping session by Scott Hackett yielded three Common Quakers, one Hebrew Character, one Clouded Drab, one Shoulder Stripe and two March Moths.

12th March 2016

– Mostly sunny, light south-easterly wind.

Three Redshank came and went during the day and three Jack Snipe joined 26 Snipe in the Marsh. The Jacks often down just to the right of the pipe in amongst the rushes.

Cetti’s Warbler showed well in the causeway bay as it worked its way through the Reedmace. A male Goosander spent part of the morning roosting on Car Park Pool and other counts today were as follows: three Great Crested Grebes, six Little Grebes (five car park and one Railway Pool), two Herons, Buffy the Little Egret, 33 Cormorants, six Mute Swan, the Black Swan, 93 Greylags, 20 Canadas, 280 Wigeon, 16 Gadwall, 102 Teal, nine Mallard, 14 Shoveler, 15 Pochard (including Blue T6T), a female Goosander which replaced the male later in the day, 45 Tufteds, eight Oystercatchers, 213 Lapwing, five Moorhen, 30 Coot, 660 Black-headed Gulls, one Common Gull, four Lesser Black-backs, four Yellowhammers in the crop field and a pair of Kestrel by the pole box.

At least five Song Thrushes were also counted, two in the back gate copse, two on the causeway and one in the crop field. 26 Lapwings have taken up territory east of the A452. Goldcrests were seen on the Old Road by the entrance to the Dragonfly Pool and another on the central stream crossing. Four Green Woodpeckers together in one group showed well towards the back gate with a fifth towards Railway Hide. A Muntjac showed well to two observers on the causeway, a Water Rail ran across the Marsh disappearing quickly, as usual.

In the afternoon, ten attended the Work Party and spent most of the time working on the causeway including diverting the overflow from Car Park Pond down the right hand side of the track. The sluice extensions were taken off to lower the water levels in the pools, the banks of the causeway were strimmed for species improvement and butterflies. Thanks to all those who attended.

11th March 2016

– Foggy start, slowly clearing to sunny conditions.

The water level on the pools, particularly on Railway Pool, remains very high and the island in front of Railway Hide is completely submerged. A pair of Goosanders were visible, just, in the fog and a Dunlin emerged from it as conditions improved. All available island space was taken by Black-headed Gulls.

The water levels in the Marsh remain high and just four Snipe were hanging on to the Reedmace on the right hand side, with ten to the left of Car Park Hide. A few Yellowhammers and Reed Buntings were in the crop field, along with a pair of Linnets, 14 Stock Dove and five Pheasants. Lastly, a pair of Siskin flew north along the streamline.

There were at least two and possibly three Jack Snipe in the Marsh close to the stream outlet pipe.

10th March 2016

– Overcast, light northerly wind.

Counts today were as follows: 260 Wigeon, 16 Pochard, a Little Egret, fourOystercatchers, one Redshank, one Jack Snipe, one Ringed Plover, two Shelduck and six Little Grebes.

9th March 2016

– Heavy overnight rain, strong northerly wind, continuing to the morning.

The heavy rain had already caused the River Blythe to break its banks at Patrick Bridge this morning and possibly because of that the pools were relatively quiet aside from a female Goosander on Car Park Pool.

A flock of about 50 Chaffinches and Buntings in the crop field included a minimum of 21Yellowhammers, the white headed Reed Bunting and a single Goldfinch. They were joined by 14 Stock Doves, three Pheasants and ten Jackdaws.

There were 50 Snipe with 27 feeding on the grass to the left of Car Park hide, 19 flew out of the Marsh and a further four were left feeding there.

In the afternoon, two Ringed Plovers put in an appearance and the first Mediterranean Gull of the year, a full adult, joined the Black-headed Gulls on Railway Pool.

8th March 2016

– Mostly overcast, light northerly wind.

The first Redshank of the year was the best of the birds today, but a healthy 280 Wigeon was a notable count with all birds on Car Park Pool. There were at least three Oystercatchers, together with a Ringed Plover, a Cetti’s was heard, but not seen, by the north causeway screen, two Shelducks were on the Reedbed Pool, three Bullfinches by the car park gate and three Great Crested Grebes were on Railway Pool.

7th March 2016

– Frosty, but sunny all day.

Two Jack Snipe and ten Snipe were in the Marsh with a further 16 Snipe by Car Park Hide. Both Bar-headed Geese were on the flood plain.

Later in the day a female Blackcap was noted, but no location, and a “Little Plover” was noted from Oak Hide.

Two pairs of Goosanders were roosting on Railway Pool.

6th March 2016

– Mostly overcast, occasional wintery showers, northerly wind.

A Curlew roosted briefly on the Car Park Pool islands this morning and then flew towards the flood plain. There were two Bar-headed Geese amongst the Greylags this morning neither, interestingly, associating with the other.

Plenty of Gulls were still spread across the pools with at least 900 Black-headed Gulls, 11Herring Gulls, seven Common Gulls and 12 Lesser Black-backs.

Buffy, the Little Egret joined five Oystercatchers and a pair of Goosanders, either on the islands or the pools, there was a Jack Snipe in the Marsh, a Ringed Plover on Railway Pool and the Cetti’s was seen around the south causeway hide.

5th March 2016

– Mostly cloudy, with sunny intervals and a fine sunset, wintery showers, cool north-westerly wind.

Although nothing particularly out of the ordinary today, more interesting fair came in the shape of eight Oystercatchers, two pairs of Goosander, a record breaking count of 1175 Black-headed Gulls, (including another Polish ringed bird with a colour ring, yellow TC42), twoLittle Egrets and three Jack Snipe. Other counts were: three Great Crested Grebes, threeLittle Grebes, two Herons, 40 Cormorants, four Mute Swans, a Black Swan, 29 Canadas, six Shelduck, 195 Wigeon, 55 Teal, 11 Shoveler, ten Mallard, 14 Gadwall, 21 Pochard(including Blue F6T), 15 Tufted, 13 Moorhen, 60 Coot, 17 Snipe, 591 Lapwing, fiveOystercatcher, 12 Common Gulls, nine Lesser Black-backed Gulls and finally eightRedwing and three Siskin in the back gate copse.

Dusk rarely fails to disappoint; late song from at least six Song Thrushes, a pair of Bullfinches going to roost in the ivy on the central stream, Snipe flying out of the Marsh to feed elsewhere, a Jack Snipe flushed from the ditch by the Oak Hide feeder, Jackdaws flying both north and south to roost and, best of all, a minimum of 16 Pied Wagtails roosting on the east side of the Reedbed with a Cetti’s Warbler in attendance. These were presumed migrants as birds were noted coming in off the sea at Portland over the last couple of days.

4th March 2016

– Sunny start with frost after overnight rain.

Despite a lovely but cold start, cloud was beginning to move in from the north mid morning.Water Rails were seen briefly from the north causeway hide and in the Marsh, and there were at least 18 Snipe along with a handful of Teal in the latter location.

On the causeway, there were two Redpoll, a singing Linnet, pairs of Long-tailed Tits andBullfinches and, at the west end, a singing Goldcrest on the streamline.

Amongst the many hundreds of Black-headed Gulls there were a couple of Common Gulls, two Lesser Black-backs and a Herring Gull, but Common Gulls have been less numerous than sometimes in late February and early March, which is normally the peak period for return migration. Hopefully there are some more to come.

40 Wood Pigeons moved high to the north-west and gave the distinct impression of being returning birds. In the meantime, 400 or so exploded out of the fields to the west of the railway having been driven off a crop there and landed in the wood. Two Rooks flew down river and a few distant Buntings and Finches were also flying up and down the flood plain. Additional birds included three Oystercatchers and a pair of Shelduck.

Mention was made of a colour-ringed Black-headed Gull in the blog a few days ago and courtesy of Graham Rowling we now have further details. The bird was originally ringed as a first calender year bird on one of the Friesland Islands in the Netherlands on 31st July 2003. Just under ten years later, on the 18th March 2013, a colour-ring was added to the bird in Poland near Gdansk on the Baltic coast. It has then been seen on at least three dates at Marsh Lane, 15th, 18th and 19th February. It is thus nearly 13 years old.

3rd March 2016

– Occasional sunny intervals, mostly dry until mid p.m. and then progressively wetter. South-westerly wind.

Yesterday’s Curlew reappeared again in the morning, there was a Water Rail in the Marsh along with a Jack Snipe, a Peregrine and two Ravens went over and, on the pools, there were five Oystercatchers and a Little Egret. Two Yellowhammers were with a small group of Reed Buntings and Chaffinches in the crop field.

2nd March 2016

– Sunshine and showers, cold strong north-westerly wind.

A Curlew flew over, low, to the south and appeared to land in Lower Siden. There were also two Ravens, five Oystercatchers, Buffy the Little Egret, a pair of Goosanders and a Bar-headed Goose.

1st March 2016

– Wet and windy from the west, becoming sunny later.

The Snipe in the Marsh were commuting between the islands and the Marsh itself and at least 35 were on view at any one time. There was also a Jack Snipe tucked away just to the right of the outlet pipe below Oak Hide.

In the crop field, there were at least 11 Reed Buntings including the slightly aberrant male with the white head. There were at least two more birds by the feeders and twoYellowhammers with the main flock. Five Stock Doves were feeding with the Buntings and 13 more were in seeming display flight over Siden Hill Wood.

Buffy the Little Egret was on Railway Pool along with three Great Crested Grebes, there was a single Ringed Plover on Railway Pool and a Cetti’s Warbler called from the causeway area.