Packington Estate

St James' Church contact
T: 01676 522020

Church services and concerts

The Private Chapel of St James’ is administered by The Trustees from 1st April 1994
Sunday Services and all other uses by permission — enquiries to Lady Guernsey

Church Services – 2024

Sunday services are held monthly (usually on the first Sunday) at 10.30 a.m., unless stated otherwise.

January 7th Epiphany Holy Communion
February 4th Candlemas Holy Communion
March 10th Mothering Sunday Holy Communion
March 31st Easter Sunday Family Communion
May 5th Rogation Sunday Holy Communion
June 2nd Trinity I Holy Communion
July 7th Trinity VI Holy Communion
August 4th Lammas Holy Communion
September 1st Trinity XIV Holy Communion
October 6th Harvest Festival Holy Communion
November 10th Remembrance Sunday Service of Remembrance

All are most welcome to these services.


Anyone wishing to explore the option of Confirmation should, for the time being, contact Lady Guernsey.

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