Packington Estate

Notices / Updates

5th September – photograph added.

6th September – final paragraph added.

5th September – final paragraph added.

Lost Property (Found):

Man’s cap brown with embroidered eagle on front.

Childs Clarks navy boot with kitty on the front.

Items have been in the record box for c.10 days.  They will be retained at the Estate Office (01676 522020) until Monday 21st August.

Work Party Dates

October 7th – 2 pm

November 11th – 2pm

December 9th – 2 pm

30th September 2017

Mostly showery, remaining mild, south-westerly wind.

The Little Stint showed occasionally and was mobile, sometimes on Railway Pool and sometimes on Car Park Pool.

There was an increase in wildfowl with Wigeon up to 55 and Teal up to 118 and a light overhead passage included two Grey Wagtails, six Skylarks and 20 Meadow Pipits.

There is still a scattering of Chiffchaffs on site with at least four birds, a singing individual by the cottage, one on the central streamline and two in with a Tit flock by the Aeromodellers, where there was also a hunting Kestrel.

16 Greenfinches at the car park feeder was of note and other counts today comprised 12 Mutes, 54 Greylags, one Farmyard Goose, 33 Canadas, 55 Wigeon, 24 Gadwall, 37 Mallard, 47 Shoveler, two Pochard, 12 Tufted, 22 Cormorant, eight Little Grebes (three adults and four juveniles), 24 Moorhen, 108 Coots, 202 Lapwing, 14 Snipe, a Kingfisher, two Herons, three Little Egrets, 140 Black-headed Gulls, 19 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and two Herring Gulls.

29th September 2017

Overnight rain slowly clearing to sunny, light south-westerly

The Little Stint showed intermittently in front of Oak Hide again today and there was an increase in Snipe to at least 18 birds, principally on the Railway Pool islands.  40 Lesser Black-backs on Car Park Pool was a noteworthy count as was five Red Admirals on the ivy at the edge of the Old Road game crop.

130 Black-headed Gulls, two Herons, five Pochard, 90 Starlings and at least 200 Lapwings were also counted.

28th September 2017

Mostly cloudy, light-southerly.

The Little Stint can be seen from Railway Pool this morning.

The rather elusive Little Stint eventually gave itself up today, again best viewed from Oak Hide.  The Lapwings were twitchy as a result of the presence of a Peregrine and there was a male Kestrel hunting around the Reserve generally.  A Water Rail showed well from the north causeway hide and a Cetti’s Warbler was also present in that area.

A Stoat showed particularly well in front of Oak Hide and there were five Snipe feeding on the Railway Pool islands along with a Little Egret.


27th September 2017

Overcast morning, late afternoon rain, light south-easterly.

Only a few records today:

20 Meadow Pipits were around the Old Road game crop, a Kestrel was hunting in front of Siden Hill Wood and the Cetti’s called along the central stream line.

26 September 2017

Foggy start, slowly clearing. Light north-easterly wind developing.

The Little Stint emerged from the gloom this morning but could be elusive in the marginal vegetation to the islands on Railway Pool.

Another exceptional ringing session in the back gate copse this morning yielded 93 new birds of which 69 were Blackcaps! A Common Whitethroat was a nice late surprise as well and other birds of note included three Goldcrests, two Robins, four Chiffchaffs and a Song Thrush. There were five of the latter species in the Oak by Oak Hide this morning.

As the fog began to lift, a tape of Meadow Pipit calls was played and as if by magnetism, Pipits dropped in to feed by the tape, on the bank by Railway Hide. One was ringed and by 11 am at least 70 birds were present.

Six Swallows flew through today, there were at least four Chiffchaffs away from the ringing area and a first-winter Common Gull was present on Car Park Pool.

25th September 2017

Very wet start and drizzly all morning.

A juvenile Little Stint was a new arrival on Railway Pool at just after 11 am this morning and although difficult to find from time to time, was still there at 4.20 pm this afternoon, at least. This afternoon it was best viewed from the track to River Hide, looking over the bank in amongst the Lapwings.

Five Siskins south over the car park at lunchtime, were the first of the autumn. There were at least ten Chiffchaffs spread across the Reserve, often in amongst Tit flocks and there did seem to be more small birds about than of late. A first-winter Herring Gull was present with 20 Lesser Black-backs on Car Park Pool, six Song Thrushs were counted, a Water Rail was seen in the north causeway bay and there were at least 12 Snipe counted on site.

24th September 2017

Sunny, light south-easterly wind.

A fractional move in the wind around to the south-east triggered noticeably more passage, including the first Redwing of the year, an early bird along the Old Road by the car park gates. 20 Skylarks, eight Meadow Pipits, 30 Swallows, a handful of House Martins all moved through early on with a further 20 Meadow Pipits, 60 House Martins and 20 Swallows later in the morning. A Hobby was also seen, as was the Garden Warbler, by Railway Hide and 21 Meadow Pipits were feeding in the tip field.

Wigeon numbers had crept up to 22 and there were 59 Shoveler. The first Common Gull of the autumn, an adult, was present on site along with 30 Lesser Black-backs and two Herring Gulls (either on site or overhead).

Buzzard – near the back gate 24th September 2017

Photograph by Dave Shakespeare

23rd September 2017

Initially cloudy, slowly clearing, light southerly wind.

There was a male Stonechat around the car park area this morning, a Raven went over Siden Hill Wood, there was a Water Rail, as usual, in the causeway bay, certainly one and probably two Cetti’s Warblers, one signing in the Reedbed and a separate one calling by Railway Hide, at least three Little Egrets and a continuing trickle of hirundines and Meadow Pipits, the latter mostly too high to see.

12 Swallows went south prior to 9 am and a further nine along with five House Martins, during the rest of the morning.

Other counts today comprise: nine Mute Swans, 150 Greylags, 35 Canadas, one Farmyard Goose, ten Wigeon, 47 Teal, 19 Gadwall, 32 Mallard, 17 Shoveler, 12 Tufted, 26 Cormorants, two Herons, two juvenile Little Grebes, one adult and four juvenile Little Grebes, 13 Snipe, 154 Lapwings, 270 Black-headed Gulls, one Herring Gull, 17 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and a Tawny Owl on the central streamline.

22 September 2017

Mostly sunny and warm after a cool start, southerly wind.

One or two bits and pieces slightly different from the norm included a Yellowhammer over the car park, the first of the autumn and two female juvenile House Sparrows in the hedge beyond Oak Hide. A few Meadow Pipits were flying over, calling, but were generally out of sight. There appeared to have been a small arrival of Song Thrushes with at least four calling birds spread from the car park to the back gate.

What was presumably the same Garden Warbler from earlier in the week showed from Railway Hide, on and off, between mid-day and 1.30. A Hobby went through at 2 pm and there was still a dribble of Swallows and Meadow Pipits moving through, with nine Meadow Pipits and a single Pied Wagtail in the crop field nearest to the Aeromodellers.

21st September 2017

Showers all day.

Remaining quiet ! A few hirundines continued to dribble through in ones and twos, Wigeon numbers were up to 14 and the two Mute Whooper hybrids reappeared for the first time for many months.


20 September 2017

Sunny intervals, high cloud, south-westerly wind.

35 Swallows flew through in a single flock at 8 am and a further eight went south at 9 am, closely followed by eight House Martins. There seemed to be little else on the move, however. A male Sparrowhawk was disturbing the birds around the back gate copse and a Snipe flew over the Reedbed looking for somewhere to land.

A few Chiffchaffs were still scattered around the Reserve and there were 11 Meadow Pipits feeding in the Old Road crop field. In the late afternoon, there were two Little Egrets, two female Goosanders and Wigeon numbers had increased to ten.

19th September 2017

Sunny and warm after cold morning. Light south-westerly wind.

Less usual birds today included a Hobby over the flood plain and a late Garden Warbler by Railway Hide. A Sand Martin was amongst the small numbers of hirundines that were noted in the book, Wigeon are up to eight and a Kingfisher and two Little Egrets made up the more notable species in the log.

18th September 2017

Occasional sunny intervals and showers, light north-westerly wind.

Seemingly quiet with just 15 Swallows over Railway Pool in the late morning and the usual birds at the car park feeder including five each of Goldfinch and Greenfinch and two Stock Doves.

17th September 2017

Sun and showers, northerly wind.

A Hobby was perhaps the best bird today in an otherwise thin species list. A relatively late Reed Warbler was also seen and small numbers of House Martins, Swallows and Meadow Pipits were also on the move again. The Cetti’s Warbler sang from the Reedbed and the Water Rail called from near River Hide. A male Kestrel hunted the crop field and Wigeon numbers increased to four.

16th September 2017

Sunshine and heavy showers, cool north-westerly wind.

A Pintail was new in today, visible on Railway Pool from River Hide. A Peregrine also flew over and there was a continuing passage of hirundines although with no great numbers; for example, from 10 am to 12.30 pm 15 Swallows, two House Martins and a Sand Martin went through and in two hours from 2 pm, 14 House Martins and 11 Swallows flew south. A Kingfisher flew across Car Park Pool and there were three Little Egrets on site but, otherwise, species and numbers were not dissimilar to the previous few days.

The full count was; eight Mute Swans, 395 Greylags, two Farmyard Geese, a Greylag / Canada cross, 74 Canadas, three Wigeon, 27 Gadwall, 23 Teal, 37 Mallard, only ten Shoveler, 14 Tufteds, 27 Cormorants, eight Little Grebes (four adults, four juveniles) three Great Crested Grebes (one adult, two juveniles), one Heron, one Water Rail, 32 Moorhen, 116 Coot, 181 Lapwing, four Snipe, 34 Black-headed Gulls, 11 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, three Sparrowhawks, a Cetti’s Warbler and five Chiffchaffs.

At least 37 Starlings were feeding on the islands in the afternoon and both Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker were recorded.

15th September 2017

Sunshine and showers, cool north westerly wind

Hirundines and Meadow Pipits were again the focus of attention. An estimated 75 mixed hirundines had moved through by 12.45 with ones and twos continuing thereafter. Most of the hirundines this morning were House Martins with a few less Swallows and just single figures of Sand Martins. Meadow Pipits were also going through, mostly at some height, but at least 50 had gone through by 1pm and seven Linnets also flew west.

Duck numbers are slowly on the rise with 53 Shoveler and 61 Teal today and there were also still two Wigeon. 353 Greylags and 118 Canadas can, as one might imagine, make quite a dim!

A male Cetti’s Warbler sang from the Reedbed with another bird calling in front of River Hide. A Water Rail was very vocal in the north causeway bay and a Tawny Owl was again visible by the box on the central streamline. Six Jays were counted, including one bird caching acorns in the green roof of the Sand Martin box. Lastly, a pair of Kingfishers showed well on the Dragonfly Pond.

14th September 2017

Blustery showers, sunny intervals, cool northerly wind.

There were five Little Egrets roosting on the small island on Railway Pool in front of River Hide and a male Sparrowhawk was hunting the crop field. A small trickle of hirundines included three Sand Martins, a Grey Wagtail went over and a Kingfisher showed well in the north causeway bay.

13th September 2017

Slowly clearing after strong winds from the west and overnight rain.

Despite the inclement weather, there was nothing new, with this morning’s birds being fairly standard fair over the last couple of days, four Little Egrets, Cetti’s Warbler, Blackcap, Kingfisher, 30 House Martins and a few Sand Martins and Swallows. In the late afternoon and evening, there was a Hobby on the prowl and 150 House Martins were feeding over the pools and, in addition, 100 Swallows roosted in the pond by the car park. A relatively late Reed Warbler was seen along the causeway and 14 Little Grebes was a reasonably good count.

12th September 2017

Sunny am, beginning to cloud over pm.

There were again two Swifts this morning.  The regular occurrence of this species into September is unprecedented for the Reserve.  There were upwards of 25 House Martins and five Sand Martins but no Swallows.  A Peregrine, two Buzzards and a large female Sparrowhawk were also seen this morning and the Lapwing flock totalled around 180.

On the pools, yesterday’s two Wigeon were still present, along with two Pochard, two Little Egrets and 18 Cormorants.  There was a passage of Meadow Pipits and in three hours 45 were counted up to 1.45pm.  Twelve Rooks joined 200 Jackdaws on the flood plain and two relatively late Common Whitethroats were seen on the railway embankment and the causeway respectively.  A Kingfisher showed well to a number of admirers on the Dragonfly pool and the Cetti’s Warbler was again heard in the Reedbed/causeway area.

Both Common Snipe and Hobby were also seen during the day.

11th September 2017

Sunshine and heavy showers, south-westerly.

A Black-tailed Godwit was new in, arriving on Car Park Pool at 11.15am but not lingering.  Six juvenile Shelducks flew through at 8.30am, two Wigeon were new in and six Meadow Pipits went over as well.  At least two Water Rails showed well in the north causeway bay and one Little Egret was on site.

A female or juvenile Blackcap, along with two Chiffchaffs, were seen just north of the car park along the Old Road and amongst the visitors to the car park feeder were seven Goldfinches and three Greenfinches.

10th September 2017

Drizzly start, thereafter sunshine and showers, increasingly blustery, south-westerly wind.

There was a noticeable movement of Meadow Pipits today with at least 30 over in the morning, including approximately ten that were grounded on the Tip field by the morning’s drizzle. Ones and twos were noted thereafter during the day and there was also one Skylark with the Pipits, flying over.

There was a Swift over Car Park Pool with a flock of mixed hirundines, mostly House Martins in the late morning and, in the evening, hirundines again congregated over Car Park Pool and the central stream, with c.25 House Martins, 15 Swallows and six Sand Martins. Other birds of note included 45 Teal, 22 Shoveler, a Raven over, a Green Sandpiper on Dragonfly Pool again, a Kestrel high over the Old Road, a Cetti’s singing from the causeway area and a Sparrowhawk over Car Park Pool.

9th September 2017

Sunshine and showers.

Plenty of hirundines were on the move again today and also two Swifts, again. In the morning there were at least 25 House Martins a Sand Martin and five Swallows with a flock of over 100 House Martins and two Sand Martins at 5 pm. At 7 pm a flock of 70 mixed hirundines were composed of almost entirely of Swallows with just three House Martins and two Sand Martins. In the evening sun, there was a mobile Tit flock by the south-west pond which included at least three Chiffchaffs, two Goldcrests and a Treecreeper and there were three calling Blackcaps in the back gate copse. A Hobby chased the Martins in the early evening, 130 Starlings went to roost and there were at least two Cetti’s Warblers on site, a bird singing in the Reedbed and another one calling in the north causeway bay.

Other counts today comprised seven Mute Swans, 94 Greylags, a Farmyard Goose, a single Canada, 28 Gadwall, 47 Teal, 53 Mallard, 16 Shoveler, 18 Tufted, 23 Cormorants, five Great Crested Grebes (three adults and two juveniles), 11 Little Grebes (three adults and eight juveniles), two Little Egrets, a Heron, 22 Moorhen and 114 Coots, 214 Lapwing, three Snipe, a Green Sandpiper on the Dragonfly Pool, 125 Black-headed Gulls, three Lesser Black-backed Gulls and a Tawny Owl along the central stream by the box.

Two Buzzards were present for much of the day, a pair of Stock Doves were by the car park and a Sparrowhawk hunted the Reedbed at 7 pm.

8th September 2017

Sunshine and showers. North-westerly wind.

At 8.30 there was a Swift over the Old Road with six House Martins and the Greenshank flew in at 9.15 and departed at 9.40.

There were three Snipe on Car Park Pool, at least two Little Egrets, a Kingfisher feeding in the Reedbed Pool and a steady trickle of House Martins and Sand Martins throughout the day, but no subsequent counts.

7th September 2017

Sunny periods, south-westerly wind.

Presumably the same Greenshank from yesterday (which departed yesterday at 11.30) was back on the Car Park Pool islands today.

A pair of Kingfishers were very active around the north causeway screen this morning, showing well, as did a Water Rail. There was a flock of 20 Linnets on the causeway and at least 12 House Martins went over. There were again two Swifts and photographs suggest they have full crops and as at least two Swifts have been present regularly over the last few days, it is possible that they are the same birds undertaking a late brood.

There were at least three Little Egrets this morning, Cetti’s Warbler was heard along the causeway and a Willow Warbler was reported by the Dragonfly Pool. It is getting late for this species now.

6th September 2017

Overnight rain, clearing to sunny intervals. Cool westerly wind.

It was a pleasant surprise that the Greenshank had roosted overnight and was still present this morning, spending much of the time sleeping on the island in front of Car Park Pool, next to a Snipe.

Greenshank – 6th September 2017 – Photograph by Nick Barlow

At least 70 House Martins were present at any one time around 8.30 to 9 am this morning, with an obvious turnover of birds during this period. Up to five Sand Martins were also present in the flock, along with three Swallows and two Swifts.

Both Whitethroat and Blackcap showed well by the Oak Hide feeder, there were at least three Chiffchaffs heard between the car park and Railway Hide, a Grey Wagtail went over, there was a Kestrel perched on the railway embankment and a flock of 30 Linnets were in the crop field.

Other birds today included three Ravens, four Goldcrests, the Cetti’s Warbler, a Nuthatch in the back gate copse and a Treecreeper along the causeway and an adult and juvenile Water Rail in the north causeway bay.

The Linnet flock increased to 70 as the morning progressed and there were five Pied Wagtails around the Old Road crop field.

70 Swallows congregated over Car Park Pool prior to roosting.

Nine attended the work party which included clearance in the Marsh, mowing the paths to Railway Hide and River Hide and maintenance of the islands. Thanks to all those who attended.

5 September 2017

Wet morning, showery afternoon, warm up to 20 degrees centigrade and humid.

There was little noted in the log by lunchtime today with just three Little Egrets on the pool margins, a Whitethroat and Green Woodpecker. A few House Martins continued to move through.

In the afternoon, a Greenshank was a new arrival which lingered until dusk. A White Wagtail was also recorded along with two Snipe (both on Car Park Pool) and a Hobby. A Water Rail showed in the north causeway screen, Little Egret has increased to four, there were 82 Coot and 150 Lapwing and a Raven went over.

Greenshank – 5th September – Photograph by Paul Casey


4th September 2017

Overcast and humid.

There were still migrants in selected spots with, for example, birds seen from Railway Hide today being a late Willow Warbler, two Whitethroats, reed Warbler, Blackcap and Chiffchaff.

A juvenile Water Rail was seen from the causeway and the Cetti’s Warbler was heard from there again.

Two late Swifts flew through, along with 20 mixed Martins (mostly House) and, on the pools, there were 15 Little Grebes, two adult and two juvenile Great Crested Grebes, one Little Egret and 25 Cormorants. The car park feeders continue to entertain with, amongst other birds, six Goldfinches and five Greenfinches.

3rd September 2017

Drizzly, light south-easterly wind.

A few late Swifts continue to move through with three over with a mixed flock of hirundines mid-morning whilst, in the evening, at 6.45 there were 40 House Martins over the central streamline along with five Sand Martins and 20 Swallows around the car park in advance of roosting.

Other records included an increase in Teal from yesterday to 28, plus 12 Shovelers, two Little Egret, Water Rail, Tawny Owl, a Whitethroat by Oak Hide, a Green Sandpiper on the dragonfly pond and a Treecreeper behind Railway Hide.

2nd September 2017

Sunny, cool start, temperatures rising to about 20 degrees, light north-westerly wind.

There was again a steady trickle of Swifts and hirundines, with at least four Swifts during the early morning over the central stream with ten Swallows and two House Martins. By 9.40, the number of House Martins either over the Reserve or moving through had reached 40 and there was at least one Sand Martin but only two more Swallows.

Other passage was limited to the first four Meadow Pipits of the year, with the beginning of September being a regular time for the first ones. A Redshank went through at 9.30 and between 12.45 and 1 pm a female Whinchat was perching on the bullrush stems to the right of Oak Hide, but it was not seen later.

There was a feeling of fewer summer migrants lingering in the scrub with just five Chiffchaffs noted between the car park and Railway Hide. On the railway embankment there was at least one Lesser Whitethroat, two Blackcap, two juvenile male Bullfinches whilst, in the crop field, there was again a small Linnet flock totalling 15 to 20 birds.

Other counts included five Mute Swans, 209 Greylags, the Farmyard Goose, the Greylag / Canada hybrid, four Canadas, 14 Mallard, 19 Shoveler, 55 Gadwall, 18 Teal, two male Pochard, 25 Tufted Ducks, three Herons, three Little Egrets, 30 Cormorants, four Great Crested Grebes (both adults and both juveniles today), 11 Little Grebes (four adults and seven juveniles), 145 Lapwings, a Green Sandpiper, at least 250 Black-headed Gulls (though there was turnover all morning), five Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Hobby over at 12.40, a Sparrowhawk on at least five separate occasions, a Tawny Owl on the central stream, a juvenile Water Rail from the causeway and two Treecreepers along the concrete road.

In the evening, a single Swift dropped in for five minutes at 12.07 and there was again a small build up of hirundines over the car park along with a roost of about 130 Starlings.


1 September 2017

Sunny and light north-westerly wind.

Opposite Patrick Farm this morning a Hobby was chasing Swallows of which a few of the breeders remain. At least 23 Linnets and a few Starlings were feeding on the recently tilled land and in the small grass paddock immediately opposite the farm gate there were two Whitethroats, two Chiffchaffs and a few House Sparrows. A Grey Wagtail also went over.

At Patrick Bridge six Teal and six Mallard and a Little Egret were feeding in the shallows before being disturbed by the cows. By the mobile phone mast there were nine Goldfinches, an adult and two juvenile Greenfinches and five very vocal Song Thrushes together, the latter continuing the trend of late August and early September migrants.

On the Reserve, five Little Egrets roosted on the car park pool islands during the morning.