Packington Estate


Please note that with effect from 20th January 2021 Marsh Lane, Hampton in Arden will be gated just north of the railway bridge which accesses the Marsh Lane Nature Reserve car park, to the west of Siden Hill Wood.  The gate is going to be locked overnight.  Solihull Council have deemed this has become necessary due to frequent problems of anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping and other forms of environmental crime at Bradnocks Marsh.

The closing/opening times will be as follows:

  • 1st April – 30th September 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.
  • 1st October – 31st March 6 p.m. to 8 a.m.

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) – Updated 15th April 2021

The Reserve remains open.  Members have been helpful and responsible during the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Please continue to co-operate by:

  1. Remembering social distancing – 2m minimum between people.
  2. No more than three people, per hide at any one time, subject to (1) above.
  3. For the time being, please leave two hide flaps open permanently, one on each side, to allow for air flow.
  4. A spray and cloth has been put into the six main hides so that if people wish to, they can wipe down doors, flaps, shelves etc.
  5. A mask is preferred for people using hides. 

Can all visitors please ensure they follow HM Government guidance in respect of hand sanitisation and social distancing, and ensure they avoid the Reserve  if they or any family members (or anyone else you may be in contact with) are showing any symptoms associated with Covid-19.

Work Party Dates

September 8th – 6 pm

October 9th – 2 pm

November 6th – 2 pm

December 4th – 2 pm

Link to West Midland Bird Ringing Group:


20th and 23rd August – Photographs added.

18th August – Record updated with final two paragraphs.

9th and 10th August – Records provided.

31st July – record updated.

7th August – photographs added

8th August – record updated.

Records for 2nd, 3rd and 4th August added.

30th July 2021 – Photograph added of Whiethroats – Railway Hide.

26th July 2021 – Photograph added of Gatekeeper

31st August 2021

Overcast, cool north easterly, occasional drizzle

Six House Martins moved north just after 8.00am and there were at least 12 Sand Martins feeding over the pool at 8.15am. Aside from a few Lapwings, there was just a single Green Sandpiper present.

Three Chiffchaff (at least) were calling from the back gate area and there were Whitethroat and Blackcap by Oak Hide.  A Little Grebe and single half-grown chick were feeding just under Railway Hide and five Herons and two Little Egrets were on site up until 9.00am.

A pair of Egyptian Geese appeared on Car Park Pool in the late morning and there was a group of seven Buzzards over Railway Pool.

30th August 2021

High cloud, occasional sunny intervals, mostly cloudy with a light northerly wind.

The Great White Egret was back on site today feeding on the Blythe by Patrick bridge.

The adult Greater Black-backed Gull was present along with Green Sandpiper and three Snipe.

Wigeon numbers had increased to six and there were still 30 Shovelor.  Seven Herons, six Little Egrets, 24 Lesser Black-backed Gulls were some of the other counts. In the morning there were 20 mixed hirundines feeding over the pools before moving south and were mostly Sand Martins but there was at least one Swallow amongst them. In the afternoon, the Swallow numbers had increased to seven and the Sand Martins to over 30.

102 Lapwing and a Green Sandpiper, together with five Herring Gulls, were additional counts in the afternoon and a Red Admiral butterfly was seen. A female or juvenile Cetti’s Warbler was heard along the Causeway.

The Car Park feeders were particularly busy with at least 40 birds counted at 1.00pm which included a Chiffchaff, six Greenfinch, two male Reed Buntings and a male Chaffinch.

29th August 2021

Mostly overcast, cool north-easterly

A juvenile Marsh Harrier flew through in the late morning and, as usual with this species, did not linger. A Kingfisher was back on the posts in front of Railway Hide this morning, and there was also a Common Sandpiper and two Snipe feeding on the margins there. A pair of Egyptian Geese were amongst others on Car Park Pool and the first Great Black-backed Gull of the Autumn was present there late morning as well.

The highlight of the afternoon was a Great White Egret which was first seen along the Blythe before it flew to Railway Pool, and was later seen on Car Park Pool until 7.50pm when it flew east. A Nuthatch fed at the Car Park feeders, there were seven Linnets feeding on the islands, and a Hobby went over. Finally, a Corn Bunting was noted which seems very unlikely and I would be most grateful for any further details of that bird.

Great White Egret – Photograph by Steve Taylor

Snipe – Photograph by Ray Allen


28th August 2021

Sunny spells, light northerly

The first two Wigeon of the Autumn were amongst the wildfowl on Car Park Pool this morning with other counts today as follows: 34 Mute Swans, 129 Canadas, Canada Greylag cross, 312 Greylags, 31 Shovelor, 93 Gadwall, 19 Mallard, 51 Teal, 38 Tufted and 30 ducklings, 16 Cormorants, six Herons, six Little Egrets, nine Little Grebes (four adults, five juveniles), 19 Moorhen, 69 Coot, 81 Lapwing, a Snipe, 51 Black-headed Gulls, 6 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 18 Rook on the flood plain, a Collared Dove perched above Railway Hide, one Raven over and, last but not least, a Hobby.

Mute Swan – Causeway – Photograph by Ray Allen

Green Sandpiper – Oak Hide – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

Snipe by Oak Hide – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

27th August 2021

Overcast, fresh northerly

There was a small movement of hirundines this morning with 20 House Martins and 20 Sand Martins either over the pools or flying south and a Yellow Wagtail was present along the Old Road. Increasing duck numbers saw 26 Shovelor and 30 Teal and there were also 20 Cormorants. Waders were limited to six Snipe and two Green Sandpipers and there was a Nuthatch on the Oak Hide feeders. A Stoat showed well to a few in front of Car Park Hide.

Green Sandpiper – Photograph by Paul Casey

26th August 2021

Broken light cloud, sunnier later, light NE.

A Whinchat frequented the HS2 fence posts , just south of Patrick bridge in the early morning but disappeared quickly.

Wildfowl numbers have increased in the last few days with, amongst other species, 18 Shoveler and 30 Teal today.

A male Yellowhammer on the car park feeders was the first since the Spring. Other records consisted of five Little Egrets, 11 Herons , 13 Cormorants and a Nuthatch in the Back Gate Copse.

25th August 2021

Overcast, cool NE breeze .

A quieter day with a little hirundine passage: for example, between 9.30 and 10.00am this morning, 10 Sand Martins, two House Martins and six Swallows went south down the valley.  Waders were limited to two Green Sandpipers and one Snipe and there were three Little Egrets as well.

In the evening, 26 Mute Swans continued the good numbers for this species and other wildfowl included two Shoveler and 14 Teal.

24th August 2021

Dull and overcast but dry.

A ringing session in the back gate yielded 32 birds and two re-traps . The totals were  19 Blackcaps, two Garden Warblers, one Reed Warbler,  three Chiffchaffs, two Robins, one Bullfinch,two Wren and singles of Song Thrush and Blackbird. The re-traps were a Great Tit from 2016 and a Bullfinch from earlier this year.

On the pools a juvenile Mediterranean Gull was present on Car Park Pool and a Green Sandpiper on Railway.

Other birds and insects making the log were a Sparrowhawk, four Little Egrets, a Snipe, Kestrel and four Ravens over Siden Hill Wood. Insects extended to, three Migrant and two Southern Hawkers, one Brown Hawker, a Speckled Wood, three Green-veined Whites, six Meadow Browns, a Gatekeeper and two Large Whites.

Juvenile Mediterranean Gull – Photographs by Steve Taylor

Juvenile Mediterranean Gull – left, front 


23rd August 2021

Bright but mostly overcast , light NE.

A frustratingly brief party of three Turnstones arrived on Car Park Pool islands in the morning, but departed almost immediately.  A Common Sandpiper and two Little Egrets were also present there and two Green Sandpipers fed around the margins of Railway Pool.

In the afternoon, a Redstart was recorded “on the left hand track”, possibly the Causeway.

Migrant Hawker Patrolling the Reeds on Dragonfly Pond – Photograph by Ray Allen

Cormorant take-off south Causeway – Photograph by Ray Allen

22nd August 2021

Overcast morning, warm and sunny pm, light north-westerly.

A few more good birds today with four Black-tailed Godwits which arrived early morning and left to the south at 8.15 am. These were followed by an immature Marsh Harrier which came south over the Causeway at 10.50 am but, as is often the case, did not linger.

Yesterday’s two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers and singles of Common and Green Sandpiper remained.

A Kingfisher again did the circuit of the posts around Railway Pool, there was a Nuthatch in the south-west pond area and other birds in the log were four Shoveler, 21 Teal, a Kestrel and four Ravens over to the east.

21st August 2021

Mostly wet and still and turned fine in the evening.

The Old Road was by far and away the best area this morning with a mixed flock comprising two Lesser Whitethroats, two – three Common Whitethroats, a Garden Warbler, three juvenile Willow Warblers, four Chiffchaffs, a Tree Creeper, Goldcrest (adult feeding young) whilst a Yellow Wagtail flew over going south.

There was also a Lesser Whitethroat on the Railway Embankment with two Blackcaps and a Chiffchaff and there was a further Tit flock between Oak Hide and the south-west pond comprising two more Chiffchaffs.

A flock of Swallows and Sand Martins were feeding over the flood plain but had made their way to Car Park Pool by 10.45 am and comprised at least 25 Swallows and five Sand Martins.

Wildfowl counts included 34 Mute Swans, (27 adults and seven juveniles), a noticeable jump on the previous few days, 140 Greylags, four Canadas, 76 Gadwall, 33 Mallards, 16 Teal, two Shoveler, 42 Tufteds and 58 ducklings, 20 Moorhen, 94 Coot, six Herons, three Little Egrets, five Cormorants, four Little Grebes comprising eight adults and six juveniles, 98 Lapwing, singles of Common and Green Sandpiper, ten Blackheaded Gulls, 16 Lesser Blackbacked Gulls, two Herring Gulls and a female with two chicks around the car park which were about two weeks old.

In the afternoon the Green Sandpiper count on Railway Pool had increased to three and the two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers had appeared on Car Park Pool again. A Kingfisher showed well on the post in front of Railway Hide.

20th August 2021

Mostly overcast, light south-westerly.

Waders were similar to the previous days with two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers and singles of Common and Green Sandpiper. A Nuthatch was again in the south-west pond area.

North of Patrick Farm there was a good mixed flock of finches comprising of at least 30 House Sparrows and 50 Goldfinches. Three Whitethroats suggest that they have bred successfully there.

Heron – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

Lapwing from Car Park Hide – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

19th August 2021

Sunny intervals, westerly wind, becoming overcast in the afternoon with evening showers.

Fortunately the hay was baled and removed from site before the evening rain spoilt it.

Two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers were feeding around the margins of the islands in front of Car Park Hide and are presumably the same birds that have been present on and off for a few days.

At least eight Teal and four Shoveler were feeding on Railway Pool. Six Little Egrets were present, four on Car Park Pool and two on Railway Pool and four Buzzards, viewable from Railway Hide north along the flood plain, appeared perhaps to be a family group.

A flock of 15 Stock Doves were feeding on the Orchid Field and 12 Sand Martins and two House Martins were feeding over Car Park Pool in the early afternoon.

18th August 2021

Light overnight rain showers, sunny intervals, brisk north-westerly wind.

On arrival at just after 7 am this morning, many of the ducks and most of the 93 Coot on Car Park Pool were on the islands, suggesting some disturbance. Shortly after, ducks started flying out from the margins just in front of River Hide and presumably a Fox was working the margins, although it remained unseen.

Aside from the Lapwings, the only wader prior to 8 am was a juvenile Little Ringed Plover. Small numbers of hirundines were on the move and between 7 and 8 am five Swallows and eight Sand Martins moved through.

The railway embankment and the bushes behind Railway Hide were active although birds were elusive. There were at least four Reed Warblers in the Guelder Rose bushes and then in the thorns, on the embankment itself, there were at least three Blackcaps, three Chiffchaffs and a male Bullfinch. A Greater Spotted Woodpecker was working its way west towards the river and a Green Woodpecker was calling from the south-west pond.

To the north of the Reserve, a hunting Kestrel was mobbed by a pair of Lesser Black-backed Gulls but eventually avoided them.

Other records by 8 am were two Little Egrets, five Shoveler, five Teal, a total of 104 Coot, 11 Cormorants, 11 Stock Doves (Orchid Field) and one young Dabchick being fed in front of Railway Hide by both parents. Reed Warblers were calling in a number of places along the Causeway and there was a Linnet there as well.

Later in the day a Great White Egret was present on Railway Pool for a short period of time but does not appear to have lingered.

There were two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers later in the day, along with a single Common Sandpiper and an Oystercatcher through to the south. 11 Teal, 14 Mute Swans and two Little Egrets were counted in the evening.

17th August 2021

Mostly overcast, brisk south-westerly wind.

Two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers were present on the shore line to the islands on Car Park Pool and ten Sand Martins and a House Martin went through in the morning. Five Little Egrets were feeding on the margins of Railway Pool.

16th August 2021

Sunny intervals, south-westerly wind, occasional showers.

In the morning, a Black-tailed Godwit flew through but did not land and there were two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers on the Car Park Pool islands. Seven Little Egrets was a noteworthy count and two juvenile Garden Warblers were present along the Old Road, north of the car park gates.

15th August 2021

Occasional sunny intervals, mostly cloudy, south-westerly wind.

We are definitely moving in to berry season with Blackberries, Rowan berries and Elderberries all ripening. A particularly purple-faced Greenfinch was obviously enjoying the Blackberries on the Causeway and a number of Blackcaps were feasting on the Elderberries on the railway embankment were Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff and a probably Lesser Whitethroat were mostly deep in cover. A family part of six Linnets were present on the Causeway,

Early morning waders included singles of Green and Common Sandpiper with a Snipe in flight which was originally looking to land on the Islands but, in the end, flew off towards the wet field by the mobile phone mast.

18 Cormorants flew east to west, high to the north of the Reserve at 8 am and as the day unfolded, a Little Ringed Plover came on to the Car Park Pool Islands, two Kingfishers were seen, along with seven Little Egrets, 15 Teal and a Cetti’s Warbler (female or juvenile) on the Causeway.

40 mixed hirundines were feeding by Patrick Bridge, most of which were Swallows. There were a minimum of 300 Jackdaws feeding on the flood plain.

14th August 2021

Overcast, showers, fresh south-westerly wind.

The best bird of the day was a Spotted Flycatcher on the railway embankment to the left of the hide along with two Common Whitethroats and a Willow Warbler.  Another Whitethroat was present by the A452 underpass.

An adult and fledged juvenile Common Tern were present today along with one adult and two juvenile Ringed Plovers.

A female Pheasant and 5 No. week old chicks were present around the Car Park feeders. Other counts today comprised 13 Mute Swans, 36 Canadas, 11 Greylags, 48 Gadwall, 30 Mallard, 12 Teal, 25 Tufteds with 96 ducklings, many of which were congregated in one creche in the centre of Railway Pool, nine Little Grebes (of which four were adults, four were fledged juveniles and one chick on Railway Pool), three Herons, four Little Egrets, 13 Moorhen, 128 Coot, 120 Lapwing, six Black-headed Gulls, five Lesser Black-backed Gulls, ten Sand Martins and four Swallows.

13th August 2021

Grey and overcast after light overnight rain, light south-westerly wind, clearing through quickly.

Waders today comprised two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers and an adult, one Common Sandpiper and two Green Sandpipers. Five Little Egrets were spread around the margins.

Just inside the back gate, a pair of Reed Warblers were feeding at least three young along the ditch between the Back Gate Copse and the compounds and there was at least one Garden Warbler and three Chiffchaffs there. Reed Warblers were active in the Guelder Rose bushes behind Railway Hide and along the Causeway.

Wildfowl extended to two Egyptian Geese, two Shoveler, 12 Teal and plenty of Tufted on Railway Pool where at least 47 young were under the supervision of a number of females.

Carrion Crow – Photograph by Andy Ambrose

12th August 2021

Sunny, fresh south-easterly wind.

The grass has been mown today in advance of hay making and the Causeway cut back to allow more space for its removal. The speed of this will depend on the weather. Aside from potentially being a saleable item, the removal of the grass helps reduce the fertility which helps the flowers at the expense of the grasses.

On the Railway Embankment, plenty of warbler activity included five Whitethroats, a Lesser Whitethroat and three Sedge Warblers. A Dog Fox was patrolling the margins, keeping the Wildfowl alert. Two Shoveler, three Teal and two Little Grebe broods were present on Railway Pool. Five Little Egrets and a Common Sandpiper were patrolling the margins of the pools and a Grey Wagtail flew over.

11th August 2021

Sunny intervals but with more cloud, westerly wind.

Singles of Green and Common Sandpiper were present this morning, along with three Little Egrets.

More hirundine passage included eight Sand Martins mid morning and a further eight at 2.30 pm (undoubtedly just a snap-shot of numbers) and 22 House Martins flew south over Siden Hill Wood, also at 2.30 pm.

Three Common Blues, one Essex Skipper, one Migrant Hawker and singles of Latticed Heath, Riband Wave, Silver Ground Carpet and Shaded Broadbar moths were all seen.

In the evening, the Tufted Duck chicks amounted to 112, most of which were on Railway Pool although 20 were in three groups on Car Park Pool. Eight Teal were feeding mostly in front of Oak Hide and a group of nine Little Grebes on Car Park Pool, in front of the hide, comprised three adults and six juveniles. 14 Mute Swans, two Chiffchaffs in the Back Gate Copse and a Sparrowhawk over Railway Pool made up the other records in the log.

10th August 2021

Sunny intervals and warm with a light south-westerly wind.

Waders this morning comprised a Green Sandpiper on Railway Pool and two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers on Car Park Pool. In the late afternoon, two winter plumaged Blacktailed Godwits arrived on Car Park Pool where they were roosting until about 6.15 pm.

A Kingfisher was seen from Railway Hide, again on the posts in front of the hide, and there was an adult with two juvenile Little Grebes on the south side of Railway Pool near to the hide.

In the evening, two Common Terns arrived over Car Park Pool at about 7.30 pm but due to management work, were probably disuaded from staying. Three Swallows went through in the evening and further unquantified numbers were noted in the morning.

Eight attended the evening Work Party. The islands on Car Park Pool were strimmed with some of the larger weeds being pulled out. The paths were mown and cut back around the sides and the hides were swept. Thank you to all those who attended.

Recent ringing sessions have been disappointing but overnight rain lead to a productive ringing session. The Reedbed and the Central Stream were busy this morning with 46 birds caught as follows: 24 Sedge Warblers of which four were adults, 14 Reed Warblers of which three were adults, two Robins, three Garden Warblers of which two were juveniles, two young Blackaps and a young Cetti’s Warbler.

9th August 2021

Early morning sunshine, clouding over with heavy showers throughout the late afternoon and overnight into the 10th.

The only records in the log today were four Little Egrets, a Sparrowhawk over Railway Pool, a Sedge Warbler behind Oak Hide and a Banded Demoiselle at the back gate.

Peacock Butterfly – Dragonfly Pond – Photograph by Ray Allen


8th August 2021

Sunny intervals with some showers later; fresh S/SW

Bird of the day was undoubtedly an adult Sanderling which was first located on Car Park Pool around 0730 and which was still present by lunchtime at least.

A Kingfisher was again seen along the Central Streamline and at least two juvenile Cetti’s Warblers were heard, but not seen, in thick cover along the Causeway. Other records included both Green and Common Sandpiper, juvenile Little Ringed Plover and the Egyptian Goose.

7th August 2021

Sunny intervals with showers later; fresh SW

The day got off to a good start with an early record of a Great White Egret which was found on Railway Pool at about 0730.

Great White Egret – Photographs by Steve Pattison

In addition, the regular Saturday count produced: 13 Mute Swans, 166 Canada Geese, 348 Greylag Geese (a good count but still some way off the August record of 500), three Farmyard Geese, 22 Gadwall with five broods (29 in total – all grown), 41 Mallard, Shoveler, 16 Teal, 20 Tufted Duck with 14 broods (75 ducklings), ten Moorhen, 113 Coot (August record is 139), 14 Little Grebe (nine adults and five juveniles in three broods), five Grey Heron, three Little Egret, 168 Lapwing, a juvenile Little Ringed Plover, singles of both Common and Green Sandpiper, four Blackheaded Gulls, four Lesser Blackbacked Gulls and a single Cormorant.

Female Tufted Duck – Photograph by Steve Pattison

Other records included the Egyptian Goose, male and female Blackcap, Whitethroat along the Old Road, four Chiffchaff (three along the Old Road and one along the Concrete Road), 44 Swifts over Siden at 1235, three Sand Martins, House Martin, Kingfisher along the Central Streamline and Peregrine over Siden Hill Wood. Also noted were four Common Blue (two in the Crop Field and two by the Dragonfly Pond) and four Brown Hawker.

6th August 2021

Overcast with showers; fresh SW

A Friday morning count yielded the following: two Common Sandpiper, a juvenile Little Ringed Plover, a juvenile Great Crested Grebe, 14 Teal, Shoveler, Egyptian Goose, 260 Greylag Geese, 130 Canada Geese, three Farmyard Geese, a new brood of nine Mallard, four broods of Gadwall (23 in total), four broods of Tufted Duck (58 in total including several new broods) and 13 Little Grebes (11 adults and two juveniles). Aside from the count, other records included seven Lesser Blackbacked Gulls, seven Sand Martins, two Swallows, Swift, two Little Egrets and a Peregrine which was perched in the dead Spruce tree later in the afternoon.

A Spotted Flycatcher was seen briefly along the Old Road mid-morning but unfortunately couldn’t be found subsequently.

Butterfly records were: ten Common Blue (inc. two females), two Small Skipper, 50+ Meadow Brown, c30 Gatekeeper, eight Greenveined White and 13 Large White. Dragonfly Pool sightings were: c20 Common Darter, Ruddy Darter, two Emerald Damselflies, two Southern Hawker, 10+ Bluetailed Damselflies and c30 Redeyed Damselflies.

5th August 2021

Overcast with sunny intervals; fresh S

Two female Pheasants were around the Car Park area and had a number of young with them – three were part-grown and six looked to be newly-hatched. Elsewhere, the Egyptian Goose was again present, a Common Sandpiper was on Car Park Pool in the afternoon and a group of 39 Lapwing was noted.

4th August 2021

Sunny intervals; light S/SW

Car Park Pool held 92 Coot while there were 37 Tufted Duck chicks in total on Railway Pool, including a group of nineteen. Singles of Common Sandpiper and Egyptian Goose were again present as was Cetti’s Warbler along the Causeway. Other records included up to three Little Egrets, Common Tern adult and juvenile on Car Park Pool, and Kingfisher from River Hide. A Willow Warbler, heard in song, was part of a mixed flock with Long-tailed Tits in the Back Gate Copse.

3rd August 2021

Sunshine with scattered cloud; showers from late afternoon; light N

Green Sandpiper numbers were up to three, possibly four, with a Common Sandpiper also logged. Four Common Snipe was a good count for early August and other records included two Oystercatcher, three Little Egrets, Cetti’s Warbler along the Causeway and, finally, the Egyptian Goose was again present.

2nd August 2021

Sunshine with scattered cloud; light N

As is often the case, the Car Park feeders were busy, with both Blackcap and Chaffinch juveniles, five Greenfinches, Green Woodpecker, Stock Dove and Reed Bunting all noted. There were few records from elsewhere across the Reserve other than a single Oystercatcher on Railway Pool and a Common Buzzard over.

Courtesy of the Reay brothers, the following plants were noted in flower: Pale Persicaria (along the Concrete Road), Lesser Burdock (by the door of Oak Hide), Goldenrod (on the path to River Hide) and Bristly Oxtongue (in the ditch down to Oak Hide).

Adult male Great Spotted Woodpecker – Dragonfly Pond – Photograph by Ray Allen

Red-eyed Damselfly taken at Dragonfly Pond – Photograph by Ray Allen

1st August 2021

Sunshine with some cloud and occasional showers.

A juvenile Water Rail in the North Causeway Bay (presumably bred there again) was flushed by a Mink this morning. A juvenile Hobby was again on site, there was an Egyptian Goose, four Teal and two Little Egrets. The Green Sandpiper showed well from Railway hide and there were still two Oystercatchers on site.

A Kingfisher was also visible around the margins of Railway Pool.

On the Old Road there was a Lesser Whitethroat by the Old Road Bale Store, the Raven flew over Siden Hill Wood, there were 20 Sand Martins through south, a Sedge Warbler in front of River Hide but no Terns this morning.