Packington Estate


Please note that with effect from 20th January 2021 Marsh Lane, Hampton in Arden will be gated just north of the railway bridge which accesses the Marsh Lane Nature Reserve car park, to the west of Siden Hill Wood.  The gate is going to be locked overnight.  Solihull Council have deemed this has become necessary due to frequent problems of anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping and other forms of environmental crime at Bradnocks Marsh.

The closing/opening times will be as follows:

  • 1st April – 30th September 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.
  • 1st October – 31st March 6 p.m. to 8 a.m.

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) – Updated 15th April 2021

The Reserve remains open.  Members have been helpful and responsible during the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Please continue to co-operate by:

  1. Remembering social distancing – 2m minimum between people.
  2. No more than three people, per hide at any one time, subject to (1) above.
  3. For the time being, please leave two hide flaps open permanently, one on each side, to allow for air flow.
  4. A spray and cloth has been put into the six main hides so that if people wish to, they can wipe down doors, flaps, shelves etc.
  5. A mask is preferred for people using hides. 

Can all visitors please ensure they follow HM Government guidance in respect of hand sanitisation and social distancing, and ensure they avoid the Reserve  if they or any family members (or anyone else you may be in contact with) are showing any symptoms associated with Covid-19.

Work Party Dates

January 15th – 2pm

February 12th – 2pm

March 12th – 2pm

April 9th – 2pm

May 4th –  6pm

Link to West Midland Bird Ringing Group:

31st December 2021

Sunny spells, fresh south-westerly wind.

Limited records today. A pair of Goosander and three Pochard were present on Car Park Pool, the pair of Yellowhammers north of Patrick Farm and a female Stonechat at the phone mast.

Wigeon – Photograph by Ray Allen

30th December 2021

Mostly drizzly and dull, strong south-westerly wind.

Some particularly good counts of wildfowl today, with 413 Teal and 372 Wigeon. A Shelduck and female Goosander, along with 20 Common Gulls and five Herring Gulls were present on Car Park Pool in the morning and a Great Crested Grebe fed on Railway Pool where three different Water Rails were heard calling around the margins.

A pair of Stonechats were again by the Oak in the Aeromodellers field and at least two Cetti’s Warblers were heard, one in the North Causeway Bay and one on the north shore of Railway Pool. Seven Meadow Pipits were in the rough field north of Patrick Farm with a further two, along with six Skylark, east of the A45.

Three female and two male Bullfinch were enjoying the Guelder Rose berries behind Railway Hide in the morning, when a Barn Owl flew from the Oak tree by River Hide, over Car Park Pool to land in the Oak by the crop field.

The returning colour-ringed Black-headed Gull, yellow 2DXJ, was seen amongst the flock on Car Park Pool this morning. This is the returning bird that was previously ringed at Pitsea landfill site. It was ringed as an adult at the site in Essex on the 8th March 2014 and has been seen at Marsh Lane in February 2016, January 2018, February and March 2019, February 2020, February 2021 and again in December 2021. The sighting is a bit earlier than previous ones, perhaps due to the mild weather. Unfortunately there have been no reported sightings from elsewhere so we do not know of its wintering or breeding areas.

29th December 2021

Wet start, sunny afternoon, remaining mild.

A drake Goosander was present in the morning and nine roosted in the evening. Six Snipe were seen around the Marsh area and the adult Greater Black-backed Gull joined 22 Common Gulls and a steady turnover of Black-headed Gulls on Car Park Pool. 20 Siskins fed in the Alders by the South-west Pond.

At dusk, at least 250 mixed corvids came in from the south to a pre-roost gathering in the flood plain trees. The flock included some Rooks (audible only).

A two man work party cut the Reedmace in the North Causeway Bay to open up and widen the channel between the hide and the pool.

Sunset over  Car Park Pool – Photograph by Nick Barlow

28th December 2021

Wet start, brighter later on, noticeable north-easterly wind. Flood plain and Railway Pool flooded.

A flock of at least 50 Siskins were enjoying the Alder seeds around the south-west pond before flying over to the Alders along the central stream this morning. 156 Mallard was a good count and there were two Shelduck, two drake Pochard and a drake Goosander. The adult Peregrine was again present in its favoured dead tree on the front face of Siden Hill Wood. A female Stonechat was on the rough ground opposite Patrick Farm.

The flooding from the River Blythe had extended into Railway Pool and any of the Wigeon and Teal were either in the margins of the Railway Pool floods or down the flood plain.

One male and four female Goosanders returned to Car Park Pool in the late morning and after a wash and bathe, roosted on the islands.

A single Little Grebe was seen on the river, being sped down stream on the floods.

The adult Greater Black-backed Gull joined 200 Black-headed Gulls on Car Park Pool, although there was a steady turnover of the latter during the day. The immature Peregrine put in a brief appearance and there were seven Greenfinch at the Oak Hide feeder.

Lastly, four Egyptian Geese flew over.

27th December 2021

Mostly wet and mild. The Blythe Valley remains flooded.

Six male and eight female Goosanders, together with a drake Goldeneye roosted on Car Park Pool this morning, but had all departed by 8 am. The Goldeneye may be spending time at Bradnocks Marsh.

Three Dunlin flew around the pools but did not land. Additionally, there was a Shelduck, four drake Pochard and 34 Lapwing.

The adult Peregrine was again perched in the front of Siden Hill Wood this morning and on the flood plain or at the mobile phone mast, there were respectively 200 Redwing and five Fieldfare, together with a Snipe and a female Stonechat.

26th December 2021

Still misty and mild. The river Blythe was well up at Patrick Bridge and many of the Reserve’s Wildfowl Geese and Gulls were present there.

A pair of Goosanders were present on Car Park Pool in the morning and at least four appeared in the early afternoon. Seven Pochard were on Railway Pool with a single Little Egret and there was a female Shelduck on the floods along with six Herring Gulls with two more flying over. At least 75 Redwings and five Fieldfares were feeding on the floodplain and at least one Stonechat was present in the rough ground east of the Old Road. A single Raven went over.

25th December 2021

Misty AM, wet again in the afternoon and throughout the evening, fresh north easterly.

Some good counts today courtesy of Graham Rowling and Dave Scanlan were as follows; one Mute Swan, eight Greylags, 290 Canadas, two Shelduck, 40 Shoveler, 62 Gadwall, 50 Mallard, 365 Wigeon, 340 Teal, five Pochard, 14 Tufted Ducks, 21 Cormorants, three Herons, four Moorhens, 21 Coot, a single Snipe, 80 Black-headed Gulls, a single Common Gull, six Herring Gulls, four Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a pair of Stonechats on the east side of the Old Road near Patrick Farm, 60 Redwing, 50 Fieldfare on the floodplain and two Ravens over, the latter later displaying over Siden Hill Wood.

In the afternoon, 12 Goosanders came into roost, eight males and four females.

24th December 2021

Overcast in the morning, wet in the afternoon and evening.

The only bird making the log today was a single Yellowhammer which was present around the car park.

23rd December 2021

Mostly overcast, remaining mild.

Four Goosanders were present on Car Park Pool during the morning and the pair of Stonechats were again along the Old Road towards Patrick Farm. Counts included, 225 Teal, 45 Shoveler, two Pochard, seven Common Gulls, the adult Greater Black-back Gull and four Herring Gulls. There was also a single Little Egret and a Cetti’s Warbler sang near River Hide.

22nd December 2021

Cold, mostly overcast again, light south easterly. Sunny intervals in the afternoon, rain in the evening.

An attractive flock of mixed Finches was feeding in the alders by the central stream crossing in the early afternoon. The flock comprised at least 48 Goldfinches, 15 Siskins and eight Redpolls and there was another flock of 25 Goldfinches along the floodplain and in the alders along the top stream.

Just north of Car Park Pool, also in the early afternoon, a flock of 25 Redwings, six Fieldfares and two Mistle Thrushes were feeding on the grass and the disturbed area from the former cattle feeder and much of the Reserve’s Wigeon flock were feeding with Canadas nearby.

A pair of Stonechats were again along the Old Road just south of Patrick Farm but were not visible in the early afternoon. The birds do wander quite widely. An immature Peregrine was also present along with six Pochard and a single Little Egret. A Woodcock got up from the track side, by the back gate, in the afternoon and flew off towards the lorry park.

21st December 2021

Mostly overcast.

In the early morning, there was a Barn Owl perched on the top of the box on the west side of the north Causeway bay and an immature Peregrine terrorised the birds over Car Park Pool on and off during the day. The attentions of both this immature and an adult are probably the main reasons for the drop in Lapwing numbers.

The pair of Stonechats were again just east of the Old Road near Patrick Farm along with eight Skylarks and over 100 Redwing and a single Fieldfare were feeding on the floodplain. Birds on the pools included a pair of Goosander, a Little Egret, four Pochard and on the Car Park Pool island, the adult Greater Black-back Gull again roosted and at least six Common Gulls paused to bathe before moving off. Two Ravens went over and a pair of Sparrowhawks were giving the feeders their attention.

Xylaria hypoxylon -Photograph by John Hunt – Xylaria hypoxylon is a club-like fungus that typically grows in clusters on decaying hardwood. It is known by a variety of common names, such as the candlestick fungus, the candlesnuff fungus, carbon antlers,or the stag’s horn fungus.

Little Grebe – Photograph by Bob Breach

Robin – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

Goldcrest – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

20th December 2021

Remaining mostly overcast.

The only bird making the log today was a smart drake Goldeneye which showed well on Car Park Pool and was the first of the autumn.

19th December 2021

Mostly overcast.

No records.

18th December 2021

Overcast, light easterly.

A Jack Snipe and two Common Snipe were in the wet ground near the mobile phone mast this morning and there were two Snipe on Car Park Pool. Coal Tit and Nuthatch were, as usual, present in Siden Hill Wood and there was a Grey Wagtail on the river by Patrick Farm. An immature and an adult Peregrine were again present.

The main wildfowl counts comprised; one Mute Swan, five Greylags, 100 Canadas, 34 Shoveler, 53 Gadwalls, 260 Wigeon, 62 Mallard, 175 Teal, four Pochard, 17 Tufted Ducks, five Moorhen, 42 Coot, 78 Black-headed Gulls, eight Common Gulls, nine Lesser Black-backed Gulls, three Herring Gulls, the adult Greater Black-back Gull and a drake Goosander. One Little Egret, four Herons, 27 Cormorant, 16 Siskins on the central streamline and one Raven over made up the rest of the counts.

17th December 2021

Mild but mostly overcast.

A immature Peregrine was present today along with 13 Common Gulls and four Pochard. Nuthatch, Coal Tit and two Goldcrest were in the Back Gate Copse and after a drop in Gadwall to two on the 4th December, numbers have since bounced back and there were 59 today.

Six Rooks went over to the west just after first light and there were two Redwings in the Old Road hedges by the car park.

16th December 2021

Mild but overcast.

No records.

15th December 2021

Overcast, fresh south westerly.

54 Gadwall were an improvement on previous counts and a flock of 18 Siskins initially fed in the alders by the southwest pond before moving to the central stream.

Water Rails were seen or heard in the north Causeway Bay or by the southwest pond, two Raven went over, there was a single Fieldfare in Siden Hill Wood and a male House Sparrow at Patrick Farm.

Muntjac Deer – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

Robin – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

14th December 2021

Mostly overcast.

A juvenile Peregrine caused havoc today over both pools and took a Lapwing over Car Park Pool. It landed on the north end of the grass bank, was mobbed by Crows and Magpies, and flew away west with the bird to pluck it.

Wildfowl and other counts on Car Park Pool this lunchtime comprised: 193 Wigeon, 64 Teal, 21 Shoveler, 117 Black-headed Gulls, three Lesser Black-backed Gulls, one Herring Gull, 12 Common Gulls and the adult Greater Black-back. There were also 19 Cormorants, a Little Egret and three Goosanders.

20 Chaffinches continued to visit the Crop Field and there were two Collared Doves along the streamline.

13th December 2021

Rather misty and overcast but remaining mild.

Two male Stonechats were present along the Concrete Road this morning and there were six Pochard on Car Park Pool. A Water Rail showed well from the North Causeway screen and two Collared Doves and six Long-tailed Tits joined the throng at the Car Park Feeder, all quickly dispersed by a Sparrowhawk.

The Reay brothers have been busy identifying the different maples along the Old Road, picking up Cappadocian, Red, Purple-leaved and Norway. These would have been planted over 40 years ago. The dual carriageway dates from the late 60s or early 70s.

12th December 2021

Generally mild with temperatures over 10 degrees, sunny intervals.

Yesterday’s two Dunlin were still present today and supplemented by two note worthy wildfowl counts. 11 Egyptian Geese were present between 8:50 and 9:20 before flying south (the largest flock of this species at the Reserve) and at a similar time there were 15 Goosanders present of which only one was a male. A Shelduck was also a welcome and typical December arrival.

Two Peregrines, an adult and an immature were either perched up or hunting over the Reserve.

Gulls included 14 Commons and four Herring Gulls on the pools and a first winter Greater Black-back flew over northwest.

12 Meadow Pipits were present in the overgrown field formerly used by the Aeromodellers, whilst a Nuthatch, Treecreeper, two Bullfinches, Lesser Redpoll and Siskin were all in the Back Gate Copse. A Water Rail showed well but briefly from Oak Hide.

11th December 2021

Overcast, rain from 12.30 light, south-easterly wind.

Two Dunlin were present today and I suppose it is conceivable that birds seen on both pools may have referred to two separate birds in the last few days.

The elusive female Stonechat was back on the fence line down to Car Park Hide. It is not clear where it goes when it is not clear where it goes when it is not present there.

Other counts today were as follows: one Mute Swan, 112 Canadas, four Greylags, 37 Shoveler, 15 Gadwall, 320 Wigeon, 48 Mallard, 166 Teal, nine Tufted, 36 Cormorants, three Herons, eight Moorhens, 50 Coot, 52 Black-headed Gulls, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, ten Common Gulls, three Lesser Black-backed Gulls, four Herring Gulls, 118 Lapwing and four Snipe.

80 Redwings included 60 along the flood plain and 20 by Corrie Farm with 35 Fieldfare in a group just north of Patrick Farm.

Four Siskins were feeding in the Alders along the Central Stream and, at 3 pm, a drake Goosander had arrived on Car Park Pool, presumably to roost.

10th December 2021

Sunshine and light showers, westerly wind.

Yesterday’s Dunlin remained with the Lapwings, moving between the two pools. The adult Peregrine was again seen and in the morning there were seven Goosanders on Car Park Pool, four males and three females.

9th December 2021

Bright start, subsequently clouding over in the north-west; brighter periods again in the afternoon. Still.

After a quiet few days, today was a productive one. It started with the adult Peregrine perched in the dead tree at the front of Siden Hill Wood (this lies between the two hides as viewed from either Oak Hide or Car Park Hide). It presumably roosts there before either hunting over the Reserve or disappearing.

Approximately 20 Chaffinches were feeding in the crop field and then along the causeway and the adult Greater Black-backed Gull came into the car park islands to roost. Shortly after 9 am, a pair of Goosanders flew into Car Park Pool and the Dunlin appeared on the islands there. There were also seven Common Gulls along with the Black-headed Gulls.

Two Green Sandpipers were feeding either in the Marsh or on the islands from Oak Hide and there was a Kingfisher on the fence post in front of Oak Hide.

In the late autumn, a female or immature Marsh Harrier appeared, low over Car Park Pool and then flew towards the streamline. It was immediately lost to vies as it was so low. It temporarily disappeared only to reappear over the car park area a few minutes later. It then headed north, up the river, being mobbed by numerous Jackdaws and eventually turning east, just by Patrick Farm and disappearing towards Berkswell.

There were 60 Redwings and two Fieldfares on the flood plain and three Buzzards around the Siden Hill Wood area. It is not surprising that the bird was elusive even to those on site as it was so low it was often below the tree line.

8th December 2021

Overcast, west south-westerly.

No records.

7th December 2021

The only records making the log were in the afternoon, with three Ravens together over Siden Hill Wood, a Lesser Redpoll in the alders by Oak Hide and four Lesser Black-backed Gulls and five Common Gulls on Car Park Pool.

6th December 2021

Cold, over cast am., sunny pm.

It was clear overnight with a light frost, before Storm Barra moved through with periods of torrential rain and a strong north-westerly wind.

No records.

5th December 2021

Overnight rain, cold windy from the northwest, periods of drizzle.

The overnight rain had caused the river to flood part of the floodplain at Patrick Bridge, and many of the wildfowl from the Reserve had moved down to the floods to feed. Railway Pool has been quiet over the last few days and when the majority of wildfowl are present on the main part of the Reserve, Car Park Pool is the favourite location.

Just before 11:30 a group of 150-200 Canadas came in from the south and landed on Car Park Pool and in amongst them was a single Barnacle Goose. This may be the bird which has been lingering at Upton Warren for a few days. As there is a free flying Feral population in parts of the country, the status of individual birds is always going to be difficult to ascertain.

The flock lingered on Car Park Pool for only about 10 minutes before moving down the floodplain. Some of the Canadas landed to feed but the majority of the flock appeared to have kept going including the Barnacle Goose which was not seen again by early afternoon. This was the first record of Barnacle Goose since April 20th 2013.

Small birds were at a premium in the strong blustery wind and the pair of Stonechats that had been lingering east of the Old Road had moved up to the small fenced off area by the gate by Patricks Farm where there was more shelter.

Other small birds which were seen or heard included a Treecreeper by the car park, 12 Chaffinches along the Causeway, eight Greenfinches on the car park feeder, a Siskin by Oak Hide and a female Cetti’s Warbler along the Causeway.

There were scattering of Redwings but not the numbers of the last few days. Only approximately ten were seen along with a single Fieldfare by the Dragonfly Pond and a Song Thrush opposite the car park gate.

Two Great Spotted Woodpeckers came and went from the car park feeders, a pair of Buzzards were bring mobbed in the fields by Oak Hide, a Kestrel hunted near Patrick Bridge, two Common Doves flew over Railway Pool and two Lesser Redpolls were in the alders along the path to River Hide.

On Car Park Pool, amongst the small numbers of Black-headed Gulls, were four Common Gulls and the adult Greater Black-backed Gull. 310 Teal and 46 Shoveler plus eight Gadwall were the best of the rest.

4th December 2021

Sunny spells, blustery westerly.

The pick of today’s birds were four Stonechats (a female around the car park fence, a pair around the Dragonfly Pond and a female opposite Patrick Farm), an adult Peregrine perched in Siden Hill Wood, a Raven over Siden Hill Wood and later feeding on a dead sheep by the Dragonfly Pond, a Water Rail in the north Causeway Bay, a Grey Wagtail around the margins of Railway Pool and three over flying Redpolls.

The main wildfowl counts were as follows; six Mute Swans, nine Greylags, 133 Canadas, 32 Shoveler, six Gadwalls, 225 Wigeon, 72 Mallards, 269 Teal, four Tufted, three Little Grebes, four Herons, two Little Egrets, 30 Cormorants, 14 Moorhens, 33 Coot, 98 Lapwing, 11 Snipe, 70 Black-headed Gulls, ten Common Gulls, 25 Herring Gulls over and two Lesser Black-backed Gulls on the pools together with the regular adult Greater Black-backed Gull.

Nine attended the afternoon work party in good light. Jobs achieved were repairs to the nest boxes on the east side of the river, clearance of some reeds from the reedbed channels and the removal of nettles, docks, and grass clumps on the islands on Car Park Pool (some work still to be done) to aid the nesting Terns. Thanks to all those who attended.

Sunset – Photograph by Nick Barlow

3rd December

No records.

2nd December 2021

Cold, sunny, clear skies.

The pair of Stonechats from the Dragonfly Pond had moved back again to the Aeromodellers field this morning and the female was again around Car Park Hide.

The adult Peregrine put in a brief appearance over Car Park Pool where the adult Greater Black-backed Gull roosted as usual.

The Water Rail shot across the channels in the north Causeway Bay whilst two Cetti’s Warblers called from Hawthorns near the crop field Oaks in the afternoon, a less usual location for them. A Raven and two Skylarks went over to complete the records for the day.

1st December 2021

Wet overnight, clearing slowly, light north westerly rain from midday.

The female Stonechat was back on the fences down to Car Park hide this morning, showing particularly well. 45 Redwings flew over in one flock of 35 and the second of ten with other scattered birds feeding on berries along the Old Road and beyond Oak Hide. 25 Goldfinches favoured the alders along the Blythe and 20 Chaffinches had come into the crop field where we’re trying to feed regularly.

A Jay, as ever shy, slunk away from the Oak Hide feeder and a Cetti’s Warbler showed well in the Causeway bushes.

Later in the morning, the pair of Stonechats were re-found by the Dragonfly Pool and the adult Greater Black-backed Gull joined at least two Herring Gulls, two Lesser Black-backs and eight Common Gulls on Car Park Pool.

Wildfowl comprised; 84 Greylags. 281 Wigeon, 34 Shoveler, 211 Teal, eight Gadwall and six Tufted Ducks.