Packington Estate

31st October 2015

– Overnight rain slowly clearing to become sunny again.

In a ringing session this morning, a female Cetti’s Warbler was caught by the south-west pond with one, possibly two, seen from Oak Hide later in the morning. New birds ringed today comprised a juvenile Wren, 16 Redwings of which 13 were juveniles, a juvenile Goldcrest, six Blue Tits (three juveniles), two Robins (one juvenile), four Great Tits (two juveniles), a juvenile Dunnock and a juvenile male Reed Bunting. There were also seven re-traps, fiveLong-tailed Tits, a Robin and a Blue Tit. The Robin was from the 25th August and theLong-tailed Tits from the 16th September. The wing lengths were quite interesting on theRedwings with the shortest being 112mm and the longest being 121mm. Icelandic birds have the longest wing length but they need to be over 125mm.

There was also an influx of Thrushes today with at least 200 Fieldfares moving south in small flocks between 8.30 and 9.30, over 100 Redwings over and probably 1,000 Starlings came out from the roost. A Peregrine went over and, courtesies of Graham Rowling, other counts were one Little Grebe, three Herons, 22 Cormorants, five Mute Swans, the Black Swan, two Greylags, 226 Canadas, 289 Wigeon, 38 Gadwall, 241 Teal, 23 Mallard, 45 Shoveler, nine Pochard, eight Tufted, 13 Moorhen, 31 Coot, 182 Lapwing, a single Snipe, 290Black-headed Gulls, four Common Gulls, two Lesser Black-backs, a Herring Gull, theMallard / Teal hybrid and seven Meadow Pipits on the tip field.

Last, but definitely not least, a Woodcock was flushed from the crop field and there were four female Goosanders on Car Park Pool which left for the river at the end of the morning. A Minkwas seen crossing the path to River Hide and 3.35.

30th October 2015

– Wet and windy from the south west

At least one Cetti’s Warbler was calling frequently from the causeway area at around 8am and seven Fieldfare went over. A flock of 15 Stock Doves were spiralling around the east face of Siden Hill Wood and then over the top of the wood being joined by four further singles over the course of a few minutes. They appeared to be enjoying the windy conditions before eventually disappearing.

The pair of hybrid Swans were on Car Park Pool and a Yellowhammer flew over to the west at 9am.

23 Snipe were counted along with 15 Siskin and a Chiffchaff with the Long-tailed Tit flock.

29th October 2015

– Mostly wet, south westerly

42 Snipe fed on the Car Park Pool islands this afternoon, the best count so far this autumn and between 600-700 Starlings went to roost in the reed-bed as the light faded.

28th October 2015

– Grey misty and overcast after heavy overnight rain, clearing to sunny and warm conditions

The two presumed female Cetti’s Warblers were keeping close company along the causeway banks this morning and calling regularly. An agitated Water Rail called frequently from the north west corner of the reed-bed although the cause of its agitation could not be seen.

Also along the causeway were at least ten Blackbirds, 21 Redwings (with a further 22 over), a Treecreeper and two Goldcrests. There were at least 15 Siskins along the central streamline and a further three went over with two Skylarks. There were ten Pheasants in the crop field and 12 Snipe on the Car Park Pool islands.

Around the lunchtime period, Cetti’s was heard briefly by the causeway screen, a singleCommon Gull joined the Black-heads on Car Park Pool and there were three Little Grebesand a Great Crested Grebe spread across the Pools. Several Common Darters and Migrant Hawkers remain on the wing.

27th October 2015

– Grey overcast start, brightening as the day progressed, north easterly

With thanks to Steve Haynes for phoning in with the information, a Red Kite flew south over the Reserve at 12.30pm. There was a Brambling and a Chiffchaff on the Old Road and two female Cetti’s Warblers at the north causeway screen.

26th October 2015

– Cool start but gorgeous sunny day, south easterly

15 Redwings with a few Blackbirds were along the causeway area this morning, a femaleSparrowhawk flew over, at least three Buzzards were in the air together, 60 Starlings were feeding on the Car Park Pool islands and the two Whooper / Mute hybrids were joined by theBlack Swan on Car Park Pool.

In the warm autumn weather, there was a Red Admiral butterfly on the Old Road and severalCommon Darters and Migrant Hawkers around the causeway.

25th October 2015

– Cool first thing with a frost, sunny, light south westerly

A male Brambling was today’s highlight in one of the thorn bushes near the causeway screens, from where later two Cetti’s Warblers were again heard from the same causeway screen, firstly at 10am and then briefly at 2.30pm. A little later in the early afternoon at the same spot, an Otter showed briefly as it moved through the reed mace.

Other birds of note included a first winter Peregrine, a Water Rail at the causeway, 249Canada Geese, 206 Wigeon, ten Snipe, the two Whooper / Mute hybrids and last but not least, seven first winter Goosanders on Car Park Pool.

24th October 2015

– Occasional sunshine and periodic heavy showers

Today’s counts were as follows: Five Little Grebes, three Herons, 34 Cormorants, 13 Mute Swans, the two Whooper / Mute hybrids, a Black Swan, 11 Greylags, one Canad, 138Teal, 193 Wigeon, 14 Gadwall, 79 Mallard, 30 Shoveler, one Pochard, 11 Tufted, 14Moorhen, 54 Coot, 139 Lapwing, 34 Snipe, 113 Black-headed Gulls, one Common Gull, one Herring Gull, a Water Rail calling from the reed-bed, 45 Redwing over and twoSiskins.

23rd October 2015

– Cloudy but dry, light south, south westerly

No records

22nd October 2015

– Dull a.m., brighter later; light NW

Two Whooper/Mute Swan hybrids were present on Car Park Pool around midday – most likely the same pair as seen last year. Other sightings included two Common Gulls and 18Cormorants on Railway Pool, six Linnets on the crop field, a Kestrel hunting over Railway Pool margins and a Buzzard soaring behind Oak Hide.

21st October 2015

– Overcast; light NW

During the afternoon, 209 Teal and 155 Wigeon were flushed from Railway Pool due to disturbance by local shooting. Also present were a Little Grebe, eight Snipe and three WaterRails. A Chiffchaff was seen on the Marsh, a Grey Wagtail by the stream, Lesser Redpollsflew over and Siskin was heard.

Finally, the female Cetti’s Warbler was again around and was heard calling at 15.15 from scrub by the container in the Car Park.

20th October

2015 – bright, sunny & mild; light NW

No records

19th October 2015

– mainly dull and overcast but dry and mild; light NE wind.

Today’s main highlight was again Cetti’s Warbler, with two birds this time, these being recorded together around midday in front of the central/causeway stream on the Car Park Pool side.

Raptors were in evidence with a Peregrine seen cruising East over the Reserve towards the A452 and a couple of records of a female Kestrel, one of which involved it being mobbed over the crop field. Other sightings included Common Gull on Car Park Pool, Kingfisher, twoWater Rails, Great Spotted Woodpecker (Concrete Road), Grey Wagtail, four LesserRedpoll, two Yellowhammers which flew over (Old Road) and a flock of c.20 Linnet.Redwingand Fieldfare are now being noted regularly with several records, including a mixed flock of 100+ birds seen over Hampton-in-Arden.

18th October 2015

– mainly dull and& overcast but dry; light NE wind.

The main record of note was that the Cetti’s Warbler was again seen, this time at dusk along the Old Road. There was also a Chiffchaff in the same location and other records during the day included Kingfisher, 12 Lesser Blackbacked Gulls, three Common Gulls, threeFieldfare, 20 Redwing and three Skylarks which flew over.

17th October 2015

– mainly dull & overcast but dry; light N

Results from the weekly count were as follows: Two Grey Herons, a single Little Egret, sixMute Swans (four adults + two juveniles), Black Swan, 416 Greylag Geese, a Canada xGreylag hybrid, nine Canada Geese, a Barheaded Goose, 170 Wigeon, 41 Gadwall, 64Mallard, 170 Teal, 45 Shoveler, four Tufted Duck, 47 Pochard, 12 Moorhen, 59 Coot, 132Lapwing and three Snipe. In terms of Gulls, there were 180 Blackheaded Gulls, threeLesser Blackbacked Gulls and a single Common Gull. Other species included six Skylark, 116 Redwing, three Fieldfare, 11 Lesser Redpoll, four Siskin, four Meadow Pipits and a single Chiffchaff (Old Road). There was also what appeared to be a female Mallard x Tealhybrid on railway Pool.

Later in the day a Peregrine was present and the female Cetti’s Warbler was relocated around the NE corner of Car Park Pool during the afternoon.

Seven people were present for the afternoon work party and various tasks were carried out including strimming and& weed spraying on the islands and clearing around the car park entrance gate. Thanks to all who attended.

16th October 2015

– mainly dull & overcast but dry; light N

There was no sign of yesterday’s Cetti’s Warbler despite a prolonged search. Records included three Lesser Redpoll along the central stream line, a first winter Herring Gull, 64Shoveler, 40 Pochard, 23 Cormorants and two Little Egrets. There were also 20 Rooks on the flood plain.

15th October 2015

– Mostly overcast, cool north-easterly wind.

It is five years since Cetti’s Warblers were last seen at the Reserve, having arrived and bred successfully and then been adversely affected by cold weather and either died out or moved away. It was therefore very pleasing today that Cetti’s Warbler was seen briefly and heard calling around the car park frequenting the scrub on the west side of the car park and that around the Car Park Pond – a good find by Steve Haynes.

There was also a flock of 27 Redwings that flew south-west over the wood.

14th October 2015

– Fine and sunny, but cold with a light northerly wind.

At least three Song Thrush and four Redwing were feeding along the causeway at about 8 a.m., with some flying off but at least two Redwing remained. A further Song Thrush was in sub-song by Oak Hide. Pairs of Bullfinches were in the back gate compound and around the car park and three Siskins and at least five Skylark went over.

Yesterdays female or immature Stonechat appears to have moved to Railway Pool where it was feeding in front of the Hide. The autumn’s first flock of Fieldfares went through, with 12 west mid-morning, and there were three Chiffchaffs along the Old Road.

13th October 2015

– Initial sunshine, cold northerly breeze, clouding over later.

Two Little Egrets roosted on Railway Pool with 26 Cormorants this morning and later on a female of first-winter Stonechat showed well around Car Park Hide. Wildfowl counts included 160 Wigeon, 142 Teal, 37 Gadwall plus Sunday’s hybrid, 65 Shoveler and 52 Teal. There was also a Common Gull with the Black-headed Gulls on Car Park Pool.

A Raven flew over Siden Hill Wood and in the field opposite the entrance to the Siden Hill car park, there was a Brown Hare and eight Yellowhammers, a Redwing by the Pumping Station and 38 Stock Dove around the wood.

12th October 2015

– Sunny.

No records.

11th October 2015

– Sunny, warm, north-easterly wind.

Three Chiffchaffs were found today with singles at the cottages, top gates and by the Aeromodellers. The bird at the top gate was in song and the bird at the Aeromodellers was accompanied by a Goldcrest and a Nuthatch.

Slim visible migration included five each of Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Siskin, Goldfinch andReed Bunting, with a Grey Wagtail low north along the Old Road as well. Two Song Thurshes or Redwings dropped into the Old Road hedges at about 9.30 but did not show again or call.

15 Carrion Crows were amongst 40 to 50 Jackdaws flying around and over Siden Hill Wood. The Bar-headed Goose was again with the Greylags, this time on Railway Pool.

Both the first winter and the Common Gull were on the pools with at least 52 Pochard. What appears to be a hybrid first-winter Gadwall / Mallard cross was also on Railway Pool with theBar-headed Goose. A Kingfisher was on the river and a Coal Tit by the car park feeders.

10th October 2015

– Sunny, light northerly wind, warm.

There is still not much visible migration evident with the best being seven Redwings south-west over Siden Hill Wood at 8.30. Five Alba Wags, three Skylarks, a few Meadow Pipitsand one Lesser Redpoll were the best of the rest.

Lingering Chiffchaffs included one slightly odd calling bird by the cottages and a further single along the concrete road.

The best bird of the day was a second winter Mediterranean Gull which showed up briefly on Car Park Pool in the early afternoon. The bird had an injured leg. There were also threeCommon Gulls amongst the Black-headed Gulls, the latter having increased to a significant 510 indicating some significant movement. There are also six Lesser Black-backs.

An impressive 100 Siskins were feeding along the central streamline and four Little Egretsroosted on Railway Pool.

Other counts today comprised five Herons, 21 Cormorants, one Little Grebe, 11 Mute Swans (six adults and five cygnets), the Black Swan, 346 Greylags, a single Canada /Greylag hybrid, three Canadas, the Bar-headed Goose, 155 Wigeon, 31 Gadwall, 113Teal, 35 Mallard, 55 Shoveler, 44 Pochard, seven Tufted, 15 Moorhen, 71 Coot, 145Lapwing, seven Snipe, a Grey Wagtail at Patrick Bridge and a Comma Butterfly on the central stream.

9th October 2015

– Cool start, warm and sunny. Light east, north-easterly wind.

What appears to have been the first Redwing recorded on the Reserve this autumn dropped into the back-gate compound today at 8 a.m. to join at least three ticking Song Thrushesthere. It or another flew over the back gate copse about an hour later. A few Redwings have been in the vicinity for about a week.

There appeared to be little else on the move aside from a few Meadow Pipits and two Pied Wagtails. There were three Pheasants and a Green Woodpecker in the orchid field and a further three Pheasants at on the car park feeder.

Bullfinches were calling and flying around both the car park and the back gate compound andRobins were very active suggesting, perhaps, a few immigrants amongst the total.

Warblers appear to have moved on and a Tit flock on the central streamline contained nothing more than a pair of Goldcrests.

8th October 2015

– Mostly sunny, south-easterly wind, temperatures up to 16 °C.

On another lovely autumn day, there were plenty of Migrant Hawkers and Common Darterson the wing and these remain the food source of a lingering Hobby which flew south mid-morning. There have been no hirundines now since the beginning of the month. A pair ofPeregrines were soaring high over the Reserve at 2 p.m., and both Starlings and Black-headed Gulls appeared to be hawking insects over the pools at the same time. A total of 300Black-headed Gulls was the best count.

Two Little Egrets roosted again and the Bar-headed Goose came in with the Greylags. There was a juvenile Water Rail in front of the north causeway screen, five Rooks on the flood plain and seven Siskins and two Redpolls along the concrete road.

7th October 2015

– Showery, overcast and north-westerly wind.

It remains relatively quiet for new birds at the moment. Those that were recorded in the log included a Buzzard, a male Kestrel and a female Sparrowhawk hunting along the causeway, five Snipe on Car Park Pool islands, a Great Spotted Woodpecker on the Oak Hide feeder and a Green Woodpecker in the orchid field. 15 Goldfinches and, up to 50 Starlings went south and three Little Egrets, the Bar-headed Goose and the Black Swan were on the pools.

6th October 2015

– Sunshine and heavy showers

What was presumably the Dunlin from the last few days was again on Car Park Pool this morning along with the Bar-headed Goose. Snipe numbers had increased to 25 and there were at least 15 Siskins along the central streamline. There was also still a Hobby, feeding on dragonflies in the finer periods of weather, with many still about as the weather remains mild. A juvenile Water Rail showed from the north causeway hide.

5th October 2015

– Overnight rain, unsettled, occasional sunny intervals, southerly

There were ten Snipe this morning of which six were feeding around Car Park Pool. Other birds recorded in the log included an immature Herring Gull, a leucistic female Pheasant, fourGreen Woodpeckers and a Jay around the orchid field, ten Goldfinches on the thistles by Railway Hide and a Great Spotted Woodpecker on the Concrete Road.

4th October 2015

– Bright and sunny

On an absolutely gorgeous autumn day, there was not a great deal new to report. The Dunlinlingered for its third day and Wigeon and Shoveler numbers had risen to 125 and 60 respectively.

A few birds on the move included a flock of nine Skylark west over Railway Pool, together with a few singles taking the total to nearly 20. Meadow Pipit numbers were probably not dissimilar, including another small group on the Tip field.

A lingering Hobby was catching dragonflies over car park pool at 1.30pm and other raptors included a couple of Sparrowhawks and four Buzzards.

There was a single Little Egret on Railway Pool in the afternoon, ten Snipe were spread across the Reserve and a Water Rail showed well from the causeway.

3rd October 2015

– Murky and overcast all day, light north easterly

There were three Stonechats on site today, the male in front of Railway Hide which proved elusive in the afternoon and a further two by the Car Park, a male and a female or juvenile. The male disappeared quite quickly but the female relocated to the Reedbed and was still showing well in the early afternoon.

Yesterday’s Dunlin was also present along with two Little Egrets, two Grey Wagtails, at least 30 Siskin, a few Redpolls and at least three Chiffchaffs.

Around lunchtime a Rock Pipit showed briefly on Railway Pool from Oak Hide but could not be relocated after it was driven off by a Lapwing.

Other counts included three Herons, two Little Grebes, 26 Cormorants, 22 Mute Swans of which 13 were adults, 379 Greylags, three Farmyard Geese, the Bar-headed Goose, fourCanadas, 108 Wigeon, 147 Teal, 25 Gadwall, 49 Mallard, 63 Shoveler, 41 Pochard, only five Tufted, 12 Moorhen, 80 Coot, 178 Lapwing, four Snipe, six Meadow Pipits, of which five were on the Tip Field, a single Skylark over and ten Reed Buntings around the crop field. There was also a Kingfisher feeding along the river by Patrick Bridge.


2nd October 2015

– Misty start, slowly clearing, predominantly sunny, very light easterly

A small arrival of Thrushes overnight saw at least four active Song Thrushes and fiveBlackbirds between the Car Park and the top gate.

The male Stonechat showed well in front of Railway Hide for much of the day. A Dunlin was a new arrival along with a female Goosander and a Hobby showed well again in the afternoon. Several Siskin were again feeding in the Alders along the central streamline by the orchid field.

Butterflies included two Holly Blues on the bank by River Hide and a Brown Argus by the Reedbed.

1st October 2015

– Overcast and murky.

In poor light there was no sign of the Egret around Patrick Bridge from 7 until 8 a.m. and little in the way of visible migration. A few Meadow Pipits went over and one flock of ten Alba Wagtails, the latter probably having come out from a local roost. There were 23 Stock Doves, Blackcap and two Chiffchaffs on the flood plain along with two Treecreepers and two Goldcrests, but nothing else of note.

Three Little Egrets were on the pools today and the Pochard count had reached 39.