Packington Estate

31st December 2015

– Mostly sunny, increasing south-westerly wind, cooler.

There were three Jack Snipe in the Marsh this morning, two together half way towards the water and a third near the water’s edge. 21 Common Snipe were also present there.

Happy New Year to all.

30th December 2015

– Wet and windy all day.

Despite the generally inclement weather, two Jack Snipe, 25 Common Snipe and a Water Rail all showed well in the Marsh and today’s Cormorant count reached 47.

29th December 2015

– Sunny, south-westerly wind.

Both Jack Snipe showed very well in the Marsh in the afternoon where there was also aWater Rail. A pair of Goosanders roosted on Railway Pool. A Sparrowhawk again gave its attention to the reduced Starling roost with probably no more than 400 to 500 birds present again this evening.

At least 240 Jackdaws were perching in the top of the trees in Siden Hill Wood prior to dusk with another 100 in the air just north of the wood at the same time.

As part of a ringing session, a few Redwings and a couple of Starlings were caught and one of the ringed Cetti’s from 4th November was also re-trapped. The full results are:

One Dunnock (juvenile)
One Wren (juvenile)
Seven Redwing (all juveniles)
One Reed Bunting (juvenile male)
Two Starlings (juveniles)

28th December 2015

– Mostly dry, light south-westerly wind, remaining mild.

Two Cetti’s Warblers were seen and heard from the north causeway hide this morning and, in the Marsh, initially one and then subsequently two Jack Snipe showed well in the late morning. There were also 20 Common Snipe in the Marsh.

An adult Greater Black-backed Gull was roosting on one of the islands on Car Park Pool in the morning before flying off south. It was joined by at least five Herring Gulls and threeCommon Gulls, together with two Lesser Black-backs and about 200 Black-headed Gulls.

Buffy, the Little Egret, was on site again and counts included 327 Wigeon and 44 Pochard.

Water Rails were seen in the Marsh and heard from the Reedbed where there was only a relatively small Starling roost this evening, about 400 to 500 birds only. Treecreeper, Mistle Thrush, Bullfinch and Goldcrest were all observed by the back gate.

27th December 2015

– Drizzly and mild.

At least one Cetti’s Warbler was seen and heard briefly from the north causeway hide and a flock of 50 Siskins were feeding in the same area.

North of the Reserve, around the pumping station, there were at least 160 mixed Thurshes of which 110 were Redwings. Both Woodpeckers were in the trees there, eight Snipe in the wet boggy field by the pumping station, two Buzzards, Treecreeper, Goldcrest and a flock of 20 Chaffinches.

26th December 2015

– Remaining mild, mostly overcast, periodic rain.

The more noteworthy birds today included an adult Yellow-legged Gull amongst 19 Common Gulls, five Herring Gulls and four Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Peregrine, two femaleGoosanders and the best Wigeon count so far this winter, 338. There were also 18 Rooks on the flood plain.

Other counts today were as follows: six Herons, 61 Cormorants, four Little Grebes, 15Mute Swans, the Black Swan, 148 Greylags, 76 Canadas, 213 Teal, 55 Gadwall, 42Mallard, 20 Shoveler, 41 Pochard, 32 Tufted, seven Moorhen, 89 Coot, 228 Lapwing, 12Snipe and a Green Woodpecker by the car park.

In the evening, at least 1000 Starlings came in to roost and again exhibited the behaviour seen a few days ago with birds cooperatively perching on the reed stems at the south end of the Reedbed to push them down onto the surface of the water to be used as a platform to bathe. The birds subsequently moved en masse to roost on the west side of the Reedbed.

25th December 2015

– Remaining mild, breezy, mostly overcast with some rain.

Happy Christmas to all Members and readers.

Yesterday’s Grey Wagtail was again by the car park and feeding on the causeway and Buffy, the Little Egret, put in one of its sporadic appearances. The Cormorant count reached 51.

Raptors included Buzzard and Sparrowhawk, a Water Rail showed well in the Marsh and tenLong-tailed Tits visited the Oak Hide feeder.

24th December 2015

– Wet a.m., sunny p.m., slightly cooler, south-westerly wind.

Two Cetti’s Warblers showed briefly from the north causeway hide in the afternoon, calling occasionally but generally remaining elusive. An adult Peregrine went through at 3 p.m., again flushing the Gulls and Lapwings.

To the north of the Reserve at least 67 Redwings were flying across the flood plain to feed in the fields by the pumping station. At least 200 Jackdaws came in to Siden Hill Wood to roost, but only a few Starlings had begun to appear by 3.45 p.m. A Grey Wagtail was feeding around the car park towards the end of the afternoon.

23 December 2015

– Mild and sunny.

A group of about ten Lesser Redpolls were showing well ths morning just north of the car park gates on the Old Road, feeding on Willow Herb stems. There were a further seven with five Siskin, a pair of Nuthatch and a Treecreeper on the central streamline.

At about 10.30 a juvenile Peregrine put up all the Lapwings and Gulls before flying off south-west. The Gulls included at least five Lesser Black-backs, an adult Herring Gull and six Common Gulls.

Bullfinches were also much in evidence this morning with four by the back gate, five on the central streamline and a pair by the cottages.

In the evening, just past 4 p.m., a minimum of 3,000 Starlings came in to roost with the usual Sparrowhawk in attendance.

22nd December 2015

– Wet and windy all day.

The only record in the log was of 42 Cormorants.

21st December 2015

– Sunny start and finish, wet and windy from the south-west in between.

There were six Lesser Redpolls feeding on the Rosebay Willow Herb seed on the Old Road this morning and a Little Egret was on Car Park Pool with a couple of Common Gulls. A pair of Kestrels were again lingering around the railway arches.

At least 60 Redwings were roosting in the bramble against the central stream, parallel with the path to River Hide.

20th December 2015

– Sunny all day, brisk south-westerly wind.

Although it was slightly cooler today with a clear sky and a brisk south-westerly wind, temperatures still hovered around 9 to 10 degrees. A Cetti’s Warbler was recorded on at least two occasions from the north causeway hide where a Kingfisher was also seen. Ten Snipeand a Water Rail showed in the Marsh and eight Common Gulls were amongst the Black-headed Gulls on Railway Pool. A female Goosander frequented Car Park Pool during the day and was joined by a male at dusk. Other counts included 41 Pochard, a singleYellowhammer, six Lesser Redpolls along the Old Road and 15 Rooks on the flood plain.

At dusk, at least 2000 Starlings came in to roost in the Reedbed. Initially most of the birds went down to the southern end and there displayed behaviour I have never seen before with the birds deliberately working together to push the reed stems flat onto the water so that they could use those as a float to balance to mutually bathe together. The flock seemed to wait until most birds had undertaken this before flying up again and then splitting into roosting groups on both the west and east shore.

Jackdaws were also coming in, in small groups from the south-west and flying to Siden Hill Wood to congregate. At least 260 were counted but this was almost certainly an underestimate. The birds regularly circled the wood and almost at last light had dropped back down again onto the flood plain before, a few minutes later, rising again and appearing to drop into the wood to finally roost. A few did drift off north-west, towards Hampton, but the majority remained. There were also a few Crows and Rooks amongst them.

19th December 2015

– Overcast, periodic rain, blustery southerly wind.

In the early morning there were at least 20 Redpoll on the railway embankment and a further seven on the Old Road, Buffy the Little Egret on the Dragonfly Pool, six Bullfinches around Railway Hide along with ten Long-tailed Tits and a female Goosander on Car Park Pool.

As the morning developed, a Jack Snipe showed really well just in front of Oak Hide in the Marsh and a flock of 50 Siskins flew over the car park with a further 20 or so by the south-west pond. A Cetti’s Warbler called from the vegetation below the bank to River Hide on the Railway Pool side.

The Lapwings, Gulls and Snipe were particularly “twitchy” and the Snipe disappeared from the Marsh at about mid-day, having been spooked by something.

Other counts today were 33 Cormorants, four Little Grebe, five Heron, 15 Mutes, the Black Swan, 80 Greylags, 78 Canadas, 291 Wigeon, 211 Teal, 63 Gadwall, 66 Mallard, 23Shoveler, 40 Pochard, 32 Tufted, eight Moorhen, a noticeable increase in Coot to 101, 17Snipe in the Marsh, 36 Black-headed Gulls, seven Commons, two Herrings, six Lesser Black-backs and a pair of Mistle Thrushes by the car park.

18th December 2015

On another ridiculously mild morning with temperatures at 7.15am reaching 12ºC, there was a superb sunrise and the 4000 strong Starlings left the Reed-bed roost promptly at 8am. Departure is amazingly synchronised in groups of a few hundred at a time over about 2 minutes. This morning they came out of both sides of the Reed-bed and no Sparrowhawksappeared to be in attendance.

There was a Kestrel hovering over the crop field and it or another by the south west pond along with a Buzzard.

In dim light at 7.30am, a Jack Snipe showed close to Oak Hide in the Marsh but soon scuttled off into the reeds. There were 10-15 Snipe as well. Amongst the duck on Car Park Pool was a female Goosander and well over 100 Canadas left Railway Pool at dawn to feed on the flood plain.

Roosting Redwings were coming out of various roosts from about 7.20am until 8am, with five flying off from the Blackthorn by the south-west pond in one go and ones and two’s leaving other roosting bushes on the Railway embankment, back gate copse, central stream and Old Road.

A flock of seven Siskins were feeding in the Alders along the central stream and amongst plenty of song, were vocal Song Thrushes on the central streamline, two by the back gate and one on the Old Road.

Jackdaws and a couple of Rooks left roosts in Siden Hill Wood to depart in various directions but mostly to the south and eight Lesser Black-backs flew north west, also at dawn.

Later in the day there were two male Goosander and 22 Cormorants on Car Park Pool, tenSnipe in the Marsh, at least one


by the back gate, a Sparrowhawk harassing theLapwings and four Bullfinches (two pairs) on the edge of the orchid field. At least one Rookwas amongst many Jackdaws on the flood plain.

A ringing session today gave the following results:

4 Redwing (one juvenile)
33 Starling (11 adults)
2 adult Reed Buntings
Green Woodpecker and Sparrowhawk (both juvenile females)

Interestingly, a Starling was re-trapped having been ringed on the 19th November which is bizarre considering the roost contains about 5000 birds.

It is interesting to note that since ringing started in 1910, just under 10,000 Green Woodpeckers have been ringed whereas the comparable total for Great Spotted is 43,000.

17th December 2015

– Mostly overcast, mild, south-westerly

A Water Rail showed well from the north causeway screen this morning and there were at least 25 Common Snipe in the Marsh.

16th December 2015

– Mostly overcast and drizzly, south-westerly

No records

15th December 2015

– Dull and mild, south-easterly

Two females and a male Redpoll showed well this morning, feeding on seed heads 50 yards north of the car park gate on the Old Road. Buffy the Little Egret was on Car Park Pool. AWater Rail showed (no location) and the regular Green Woodpecker was around the car park area.

14th December 2015

– Overcast, drizzly and mild, south-westerly

The 100 strong Siskin flock was on the Old Road near the Dragonfly Pool this morning and a pair of Goosanders were on Car Park Pool. There were still three Little Grebes in the north causeway channel, a Water Rail in the Marsh, along with over 15 Snipe and threeBullfinches in the back gate copse.

13th December 2015

– Mostly wet, but still mild, south-west / south-easterly wind.

Possibly on the back of the increasingly damp weather, Snipe numbers increased to 55 with at least 30 in the Marsh and the rest on the Car Park Pool Islands. A third-winter Greater Black-backed Gull went over with eight Herring Gulls and two Lesser Black-backs and a singleLittle Egret was seen briefly dropping onto the river to feed, opposite Oak Hide. A maleSparrowhawk buzzed Car Park Pool in the morning and male Bullfinches were seen both in the back gate copse and on the causeway. Treecreeper was working its way down the central stream and there seemed to be plenty of Blackbirds about with at least six on the causeway, at least four to the rear of Oak Hide and five or six around the car park.

12th December 2015

– Overcast, regularly wet.

It probably needs a cold spell to bring in anything particularly unusual and so, aside from a very impressive flock of 125 Siskins and four Lesser Redpolls on the central stream, a pair ofGoosanders on Railway Pool and Buffy, the Little Egret, on the Dragonfly Pond, there was not a great deal out of the ordinary. The Water Rail did a manic sprint from the left side of Oak Hide across to the Marsh, mid-morning, but there were only 16 Common Snipe visible in the Marsh and no Jacks.

Other counts today were as follows: two Little Grebes, two Herons, 32 Cormorants(although a noticeable turnover all day), 22 Mute Swans, a Black Swan, 16 Greylags, 141Canadas (mostly on the flood plain), 161 Wigeon (though more probably up towards Patrick Farm), 330 Teal, 54 Gadwall, 22 Mallard, 22 Shoveler, the drake Brewers Duck, 25Pochard, 16 Teal, 11 Moorhen, 78 Coot, 197 Lapwing, 80 Black-headed Gulls, fourCommon Gull, one Lesser Black-back, two Yellowhammers in the crop field and a pair ofKestrels around by the railway bridge. At least 2000 Starlings came in to roost over the Work Party. Six attended and spent most of the time improving or cutting new ringing rides. Thanks to all who attended.

11th December 2015

– Fine and mild, south-westerly wind.

The only records by mid-day were of a female Goosander on Car Park Pool and about fiveYellowhammers in the crop field. Around lunch time a Jack Snipe showed with about tenCommon Snipe in the Marsh.

10th December 2015

– Wet most of the day.

No records.

9th December 2015

– Clear overnight and sunny and bright, but cool this morning.

There was no sign of the Goldeneye on Car Park Pool this morning but there was a drakeShelduck and at least eight Common Gulls. In the crop field the spinner feeder has now been put out and during its installation, there were at least six Yellowhammers in the field.

8th December 2015

– Sun and showers.

No records.

7th December 2015

– Sunny intervals, remaining mild, 13 degrees.

Four females and two drake Goosanders were washing and preening on Car Park Pool this morning at 8.45 a.m., where the drake Goldeneye was also present. There were 23Pheasants in the field but only about three Yellowhammers this morning. Six Redwings, sixBlackbirds and a Green Woodpecker were in the car park and the Lesser Redpoll went over.

There was an impressive 32 Mute Swans on Car Park Pool today and a Kingfisher flew past the hide. There was still at least two Little Grebes in the north causeway bay.

6th December 2015

– Breezy, drizzly from time to time, remaining very mild.

There were seven Goosanders on Car Park Pool this morning along with a drake Goldeneye. The Goosanders consisted of one adult male, two immature males and four females. The malePeregrine was again harassing the Lapwings over Car Park Pool and “Buffy” the Little Egretwas also present there. A Snipe count in the Marsh had increased to 41 and a Water Railshowed well there with another one in the north causeway area. A Cetti’s Warbler called from the Marsh, there were 12 Common Gulls on Railway Pool and a Kestrel hunted there and other wildfowl counts of note were 369 Teal, 24 Pochard and 11 Rooks on the flood plain.

5th December 2015

– Very windy, mostly overcast.

Aside from a steady turnover of both Black-headed and Common Gulls, the very windy conditions did not appear to blow anything unusual into the Reserve. The maximum count ofCommon Gulls was 19 at any one time, but birds were coming and going all the time. Other impressive counts included 310 Jackdaws on the flood plain and a record count of Teal, 385 spread between the pools.

Other birds of note included, at last, the first Jack Snipe of the year which showed in the Marsh well from mid-morning until at least 12.30 when it slipped away. It was feeding actively with 29 Common Snipe but, within half an hour, a number of the Common Snipe had disappeared back into the Reedmace and the rest of them had gone to sleep.

At about 2 p.m., at least three male and six female Goosanders were flying backwards and forwards between the Reserve and Bradnocks Marsh.

Other counts were as follows: three Herons, three Little Grebes, 38 Cormorants, 25 Mute Swans, the Black Swan, 281 Greylags and three Farmyard Geese, plus the Greylag / Canada cross, at least 79 Canadas on the Reserve and further birds, largely hidden by the vegetation feeding on the flood plain, 220 Wigeon, 385 Teal, 72 Gadwall, 47 Mallard, 34Shoveler, 14 Pochard, 14 Tufted, the Brewer’s Duck, the drake Goldeneye, six Moorhen, 69 Coot, 139 Lapwing, 123 Black-headed Gulls, a minimum of 19 Common Gulls, sixHerring Gulls, five Lesser Black-backs and 20 Siskins flying around the front of Siden Hill Wood. In the crop field there were at least 12 Yellowhammers and eight Reed Buntingswith a handful of Chaffinches.

4th December 2015

– Mostly sunny, south westerly

Last night’s overnight rain had caused the Blythe to overtop its banks at Patricks Bridge where some of the Wildfowl, Starlings and Gulls from the Reserve were feeding, although there appeared to be nothing out of the ordinary.

On the Reserve the male Goldeneye remains on Car Park Pool, there was a Cetti’s Warblercalling along the causeway, a Peregrine went over, there were 26 Snipe in the Marsh and“Buffy” the Little Egret was on the Dragonfly Pool.

3rd December 2015

– Mild, mostly overcast and breezy from the south-west again.

The only news so far today consisted of a flock of 33 Siskins around the south-west pond and a dozen snipe in the Marsh – still no Jacks though which seems scarce so far this year.

2nd December 2015

– Sunny morning, slowly clouding over, mild south westerly

Today’s undoubted highlight was a male Merlin that came in low from the east over the car park and headed off south west across the front of Siden Hill Wood buffeted by the wind!

A pair of Shelduck were new arrivals on Railway Pool and the drake Goldeneye remains on Car Park Pool.

18 Fieldfares flew south at lunchtime. There were 21 Snipe in the Marsh, a pair ofTreecreepers in the back gate copse along with a pair of Bullfinches and 12Yellowhammers in the crop field.

With thanks to Lawrence Goodall, one of the local farmers, a trailer load of grain cleanings has been deposited in the crop field in the hope of attracting buntings and other seed eaters, though within 25 minutes an 80 strong Jackdaw flock had found them!

At least 2000 Starlings had arrived at the roost by 3.30 with smaller groups arriving, being harried by at least one Sparrowhawk.

1st December 2015

– Remaining mild (13.5 degrees centigrade) south-westerly wind, mostly dry with some sunny intervals. Some flooding at Patrick Bridge.

Three lucky individuals had a fantastic close fly-by of the Short-eared Owl as it presumably came out of a roost somewhere on Railway Pool and flew across the hide and away to hunt somewhere out of sight of the Reserve.

From about 3.30 p.m., the Starlings were gathering in ever increasing numbers and almost on the dot, an estimated 5000 birds dropped into the Reedbed to roost at 4 pm with a further 500 stragglers coming in, in dribs and drabs, thereafter. A male Sparrowhawk was on the hunt but did not seem to be successful.

The drake Goldeneye, on Car Park Pool, was joined by a drake Goosander and five females at dusk and Reed Buntings were also dropping in to cover (the Reedbed and the vegetation in front of Oak Hide) as the light was fading.

A Woodcock was flushed from the brambles behind tower hide and there were approximately 50 Redwings and three Fieldfares along the railway line.