Packington Estate

30th September 2016

Mostly sunny, west south-westerly wind.

There was again good visible migration this morning with birds going through in reasonable numbers for much of the morning. In a count from 8.30 to 9.10 a.m., the following went south-west: 132 House Martins, 31 Swallows, 13 Skylarks, 51 Meadow Pipits, four Pied Wagtails, two Grey Wagtails, four Siskin and three Reed Bunting.

One unidentified species that went through at the same time and with a Meadow Pipit flock was not clinched, but was of the size and had the flight pattern of Lapland Bunting. The juvenile Hobby was again present and showing well.

The ringing group had another successful morning in the back gate copse, with the following birds ringed: 23 Blackcap, 14 Chiffchaff, six Goldcrest, four Dunnock, three Blue Tit, three Blackbird and singles of Robin and Bullfinch. There was one re-trap Chiffchaff and one Blackcap was noteworthy in its weight of 24.4g.

29th September 2016

After overnight rain, blustery west south-westerly, sunny and mild

There was reasonable visible migration this morning and between 9am and 10am the following went south: 50 House Martins, ten Swallows, eight Meadow Pipits, four Reed Buntings, two Linnets, singles of Yellow and Pied Wagtail and a Hobby (and it or another reappeared later in the morning, perched on Tower Hide for 15 minutes and then hunted the Reserve). 

There was a Kestrel hunting the area around the Car Park and the crop field and by the Cottages, there was Treecreeper, two Goldcrests and a Blackcap.

28th September 2016

Sunny, mild with temperatures creeping up to 20 degrees, south south-westerly

Between 7.45am and 8.05am this morning at least 100 Swallows and three Sand Martins went south along with five Meadow Pipits. In the hedge, south of the mobile phone mast, in a small Tit flock, there were both male and female Blackcaps, Bullfinch, three Greenfinch and a Goldcrest.

On the Reserve east of the river, a juvenile Hobby showed well along with a Green Sandpiper, six Common Snipe, Water Rail and at least two Chiffchaffs. A Raven went over the Car Park at 12.46pm and there were six Dabchicks spread between the Pools.

27th September 2016

Cloudy start, westerly, again progressively improving, a superb sunset.

As the weather slowly improved, birds of prey began to appear with two Hobbies, a Sparrowhawk and a Peregrine all putting in appearances. There were again several Snipe across both Pools (creeping into low double figures), a Water Rail showed briefly in the North Causeway bay and there were at least two Chiffchaffs on site.

Sunset at Packington Hall

by Nick Barlow 27th September 2016


26th September 2016

Drizzly, light south easterly, weather slowly improving

There were 11 Snipe around Car Park hide and a further eight in front of Oak Hide this morning and as the weather slowly improved, ten late Sand Martins, two House Martins and a Swallow went through at 11.10am. A Kestrel hunted the tip field and there was a Water Rail in the North Causeway bay and a female Great Spotted Woodpecker showed well along the concrete road

25th September 2016

Warm, sunny, blustery south-westerly wind.

The hirundine passage was much reduced today although birds that were heard calling were high up and difficult to see. In a period from 10 until 11 am., only three House Martins (although more were seen moving south in the late evening) and two Swallows went south together with a handful of Meadow Pipits. Aside from a large Tit flock, including Chiffchaffs, Goldcrest and Treecreeper, the Old Road was otherwise quiet but the sheltered area of the Old Road game crop was being favoured by insects and butterflies. Ivy flowers are a favoured source of nectar for all insects but, in particular, late butterflies and both yesterday (at the south end of Siden Hill Wood) and today on the west end of the Old Road game crop, there were Red Admirals and Commas, a Painted Lady as well. Strangely, however, no Speckled Woods today. Small Coppers continue to be seen both in the horse paddock and the Old Road game crop where there were also two Migrant Hawkers. A single Common Darter was down by the farm but they seem to have been scarce this autumn. There was also a Song Thrush and Grey Wagtail at the farm.

The two Whooper Mute hybrids were on Car Park Pool where the Black Swan took somewhat of a disklike to one of them as can be seen from the photo below. A Hobby put in a now daily appearance, there were six Little Egrets, two Pochard, 112 Wigeon, nine Snipe and one Kestrel. One of the Little Egrets had two darvik rings on it, white K on the left leg and yellow C on the right leg.

Black Swan taking a dislike to one of the Whooper / Mute Hybrids

25th September 2016 – Photograph by Jeff Rankin


Red Admiral – 25th September 2016

Photograph by Nick Barlow




Looking south across the flood plain

Photograph by Nick Barlow

Update: The colour-ringed Little Egret seen by Paul Johnson on the 24th September 2016  was ringed by the Tees Ringing Group as a nestling on the 24th May 2016 at a private site near Hartlepool.

24th September 2016

Overnight rain, clearing but blustery south-westerly wind, warm but sunny.

There was a late Little Ringed Plover on Car Park Pool this morning along with a third-winter Yellow-legged Gull and Kingfisher and Green Sandpiper were seen at Patrick Bridge. A total of 111 House Martins went south between 9 am and 12 mid-day, although passage was not continuous. There were also 12 Swallows and nine Meadow Pipits through in the same period.

Four Chiffchaffs, including a singing bird together with a calling Blackcap were at the north end of Siden Hill Wood and in the wood itself Coal Tit, Nuthatch, Treecreeper and a number of Goldcrests were present in a large wandering Tit flock. At the north end as well there was a recently fledged young Song Thrush.

Counts during the morning were 22 Mute Swans, a Black Swan, 294 Greylag, one Greylag Canada, two Canada Geese, 104 Wigeon, 24 Gadwall, 97 Teal, 11 Mallard, 51 Shoveler, six Pochard, 27 Tufted, ten Little Grebe, five Heron, 18 Cormorants, ten Moorhen, 46 Coot, 133 Lapwing, four Snipe, 190 Black-headed Gulls, three Lesser Black-backed Gulls, two Raven, a Hobby and 233 Jackdaw and six Rook on the flood plain. Kestrels were seen at both ends of the wood.

In the evening, a ringing session was disrupted by the blustery conditions and yielded only a few birds, as follows: seven Great Tits, one Chiffchaff, ten Blue Tits, one Robin, five Reed Buntings, five Starling and six re-traps from earlier in the autumn. Nevertheless, a late pulse of Meadow Pipits saw two flocks go over in the late afternoon, one of 55 and another one of 20. There were also three Little Egrets about.


23rd September 2016

Cool overnight but temperatures soon increasing to at least 19 degrees, south, south-westerly wind.

A Hobby again put in an appearance over the Reserve today, two Grey Wagtails went south, there were at least three Little Egrets on the pools and the Wigeon count has now surpassed 100 with 111 today.

A few Chiffchaffs continue to linger and there was a Raven over Siden Hill Wood, a Water Rail in front of the north Causeway Hide, two Small Coppers feeding on Ragwort in the horse paddock and a male Sparrowhawk hunting around River Hide.


22nd September 2016

Drizzly start, light south-westerly wind, soon clearing to warm sunshine.

A Water Rail was calling repeatedly from the east side of the north causeway bay this morning and a first-winter Yellow-legged Gull flew north at 8.30 a.m. 13 Snipe fed between the two pool margins and at least four Chiffchaffs were calling, one at the west end of the causeway, back gate, Old Road and railway embankment.  At least 20 Reed Buntings were spread between the causeway and the crop field.

During the later morning period, the two Whooper Mute hybrids appeared after some absence and the Red-eared Terrapin which is only occasionally seen was photographed out on the Car Park Pool islands.  Other birds today included a Hobby feeding over the Railway Pool, a Kingfisher calling regularly around the margins of Railway Pool and at least three Little Egrets.

Red-eared Terrapin – 22nd September 2016

Photograph by Jeff Rankin


21 September 2016

Sunny intervals, light south-westerly wind, evening rain.

The first six Siskins of the autumn were accidentally flushed along the causeway and the first Hobby for quite some days went through both pools during the mid-morning period. There was also a Sparrowhawk about, up to four Little Egrets, eight Snipe and 80 Wigeon and a Blackcap, three Chiffchaffs and a Goldcrest around Railway Hide. Sadly, however, there were no hirundines in the evening roost.

20th September 2016

High cloud, slowly clearing to sunny intervals, light north-easterly wind.

Although no great numbers, there appeared to be a small arrival of both Song Thrushes and perhaps Great Spotted Woodpeckers today with a Song Thrush over at 8 a.m. and four on the southern hedgeline of the Old Road game crop. There were at least two Great Spotted Woodpeckers there, a third one on the Old Road and possibly two further birds which flew west over Railway Pool.

There was again a small trickle of Meadow Pipits with 12 through in the hour between 8 and 9 a.m.

Treecreepers were vocal and showed well by the car park and on the edge of the Old Road game crop, with a Nuthatch there and also at the Oak Hide feeder.

Two Ravens went over at 8.30 am and landed in the tops of the trees in Siden Hill Wood.

Wigeon numbers have increased again with 80 this morning, along with two Little Egrets and seven Snipe.

A handful of Swallows went south, there were double figure counts of Reed Buntings again, although it is difficult to know whether the resident birds have been supplemented by migrants or not.

19th September 2016

Wet for most of the day. South-westerly wind.

The Green Sandpiper was on the river flash by Patrick Bridge this morning and two adult Little Ringed Plovers on Car Park Pool were a late surprise. Two Little Egrets fed around the margins of Railway Pool and a Lesser Whitethroat showed well on the causeway, along with about 20 Reed Buntings (which moved between there and the crop field).

18th September 2016

Sunny intervals, increasingly warm, temperatures up to 19 to 20 degrees, light south-westerly wind.

Unlike most previous mornings, the overnight roost of Swallows did not all instantly depart with up to 40 perched on the fence posts around Car Park Pool and at least 100 more in the air overhead.

As the day wore on, a Raven went over to the north and there was a kettle of 14 Buzzards thermaling together close to the Reserve. A single Kestrel and four Little Egrets all put in appearances during the day and a Green Sandpiper showed well by Patrick Bridge, on the Blythe. There was another steady but slow trickle of Meadow Pipits with 16 through in the morning and 16 Snipe were reported.

In the warm evening, full sun on the bushes around the south-west pond revealed at least four Chiffchaffs and a smart, pristine Lesser Whitethroat. There was a Blackcap in sub-song in the large hawthorn by the Oak Hide feeder, along with four Greenfinches. A Grey Wagtail went over and there were at least four Pieds on the pool margins.

17th September 2016

Light north-westerly wind, high cloud, dry, noticeably cooler.

The second Osprey of the week went south at 9 a.m. There was a steady trickle of Meadow Pipits during the first two hours, with at least 28 counted going south in ones and twos. Seven Swallows went north-west and two further birds went north-east. There were at least six Chiffchaffs on the flood plain, mostly feeding with a roaving Tit flock. There were at least two Greenfinches and a Bullfinch by the pumping station and five Greenfinches by the car park. One Grey Wagtail was feeding in the grass around the pumping station, with a second bird flying over to the south and a Raven was seen on a number of occasions.

Both Wigeon and Teal numbers had increased substantially since last weekend with Wigeon up from mostly single figure counts to 32 and Teal up from 70 to 128.

Other counts were as follows: 16 Mute Swans (ten adults and six cygnets), a Black Swan, 230 Greylags, 16 Canada, 36 Gadwall, 28 Mallard, 59 Shoveler, 23 Tufted, 16 Cormorants, two Little Egrets, nine Herons, 16 Little Grebes (five adults and 11 juveniles), 16 Moorhen, 69 Coot, 107 Lapwing, five Snipe, 202 Black-headed Gulls, and five Lesser Black-backed Gulls. A Hobby seen during the day on a number of occasions.


16th September20 16

A Spotted Redshank made a brief visit this morning for 20 minutes from about 8.25 am. It fed along the margins of the Car Park Pool islands, but also swam in amongst the Geese. It was quite nervous and, in the end, headed off south-west. The only other waders were a single Common Sandpiper with the Lapwings.

A Peregrine put in a couple of appearances in the morning and did not help the nervousness of the Spotted Redshank. The first Common Gull of the autumn, a juvenile, appeared in the rain but did not linger. There were at least four Common Snipe and a pair of Ravens went over.

Spotted Redshank – September 16th 2016

Photograph by Nick Barlow


15th September 2016

Foggy until about 1 p.m., and then increasingly sunny and hot, north-easterly wind.

A Green Sandpiper was feeding along the edge of Dragonfly Pool in the early afternoon when a Yellow Wagtail went south over Patrick Farm and the House Sparrows which had gone awol on bird count day were back in strength with at least 20 around the buildings. A Raven flew over and at least one Water Rail was seen in the Reedbed during a ringing session.

During the morning and in the fog, a slightly disappointing ringing total yielded 30 new birds, of which nine were Chiffchaff, eight were juvenile Blackcaps and the others were a single Great Tit, four Blue Tit, two Goldcrests and three out of 15 Meadow Pipits that dropped in. Another roost catch of the Swallows caught 260 of which 33 were adults. There was also a single Sand Martin, Reed Warbler, Wren and Chiffchaff. 16 Starlings were caught out of a flock of about 50 and 19 Reed Buntings out of a total of 35 to 40. Of the Reed Buntings seven were adults and the rest were juveniles. The total number of Swallows coming to the roost was difficult to estimate as birds were coming in, unlike previous evenings, at different times and most of them went into the main Reedbed this evening. The flock congregating over the car park at about 7.30 pm comprised 300 or so but quite a lot more had already gone into the Reedbed prior to this and the total lies somewhere between 500 and 1000.

14 September 2016

Warm, sunny, humid, north-easterly wind.

On the pool margins there were two Little Egrets and five Snipe in front of Oak Hide, with four Blackcaps and a Chiffchaff on the railway embankment and another Chiffchaff by the car park. At least ten Reed Buntings were either around the car park feeder, in the crop field or along the causeway and a flock of 50 Starlings floated about above the car park and car park pools.

A Raven flew across the front of Siden Hill Wood and then dropped onto the flood plain before being seen a little later, and hirundine passage totalled at least 45 Swallows and at least 35 House Martins south between 8.30 and 9.40 am.

The warm weather encouraged the butterflies to be on the wing relatively early and there were at least two Commas by the car park gates, a Painted Lady in the horse paddock and lots of insects, including at least one Small Copper in the Old Road game crop where the late flowering Fodder Raddish and Mustard are a pretty site.

The evening Swallow roost totalled at least 300 birds with a Hobby in attendance. A Grey Wagtail went over and, on the pools, there were two Little Egrets, four Snipe and five Wigeon.

Painted Lady – September 14th 2016

Photograph by Nick Barlow



Small Copper – September 14th 2016

Photographs by Nick Barlow

Comma – September 14th 2016


13th September 2016

Hot and humid for much of the day, with a spectacular thunder storm in the late afternoon and early evening. Temperatures c.25 degrees.

An Osprey that flew south over the Reserve at 10.30 can be seen from Jeff Rankin’s photograph to be colour ringed. The blue and white combination seems to indicate that it is definitely a UK ringed bird and courtesy of Roy Dennis (ex RSPB) definitely ringed in Scotland. The legibility of the ring number might prevent its ringing location being identified.

Osprey – September 13th 2016

Photograph by Jeff Rankin


On the pools there were four Little Egrets, eight Common Snipe and a Common Sandpiper. A good showing of the third emergence of Small Copper butterflies with at least seven in the horse paddock this afternoon.


Small Copper – September 13th 2016

Photograph by Jeff Rankin

Albeit down on some previous evenings, there was still a good Swallow roost of 300 to 350 birds in the Car Park Pool which attracted the attention of a Hobby.

12th September 2016

Mostly overcast, remaining warm, southerly wind.

The only birds recorded in the log today were three Little Egrets and two Common Sandpipers.

 11th September 2016

Birds over in the early morning or heard prior to first light included Barn Owl, Raven and both Woodpeckers.

Both Peregrine and Hobby put in appearances today, the former a female hunting the railway briefly with the latter catching prey over the tip field. A Yellow Wagtail went south-east over Car Park Pool and the first substantial Meadow Pipit passage took place with 15 over, south, in approximately two hours this morning. There were five Snipe and a Common Sandpiper seen from Oak Hide, a Reed Warbler in the Marsh and Duck numbers included 65 Shoveler, four Pochard but just three Wigeon. There were also three Little Egrets.

A Small Copper butterfly was a nice late find in the crop field and the Hobby came back to visit Car Park Pool in the afternoon. There are still plenty of Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs on site, spread across the Reserve whilst, in the evening, there was another spectacular Swallow roost in the pond by the car park with at least 600 birds present together with at least one Sand Martin.


Little Egret – September 11th 2016

Taken from Oak Hide by Jeff Rankin

10th September 2016

Mostly wet, south-westerly wind, sunny evening.

Today’s counts comprised eight Mute Swans, the Black Swan, 77 Greylags, one Canada, 22 Gadwall, 43 Mallard, 30 Teal, nine Wigeon, 57 Shoveler, four Pochard, 39 Tufted, 12 Little Grebe (five adults and seven juveniles), seven Herons, three Little Egrets, 14 Cormorants, 16 Moorhen, 18 Coot, 66 Black-headed Gulls, one Lesser Black-backed Gull, one Common Sandpiper, three Snipe and two Red-legged Partridges east of the A452.


Photograph by Nick Barlow – September 10th 2016

An estimated 800 Swallows roosted in the evening, split equally between the pool by the car park and the Reedbed with perhaps 20 Sand Martins at most. After the wet day, the Swallows rested on the fencing wire by the car park, to dry out and preen.


Photograph by Nick Barlow – September 10th 2016

An incredibly productive ringing session yielded 283 Swallows (only three were adults), four Sand Martins (all juveniles), 15 Reed Buntings (three were adults) out of a roost of 35 to 40 birds and singles of Pied Wagtail (adult) and Chiffchaff (juvenile). There were three re-trapped Reed Buntings, all ringed in August, a re-trapped Reed Warbler ringed on the 2nd September and a re-trapped Swallow from the 19th August.


Swallows – September 10th 2016

Photograph by Nick Barlow


9 September 2016

Sunny after overnight rain, breezy from the south.

The warmth of the early morning sun and the shelter from the wind meant that the railway embankment was lively with birds. At least four Chiffchaffs and three Blackcaps were amongst a fairly sedentary Long-tailed Tit flock, all enjoying the sun and the pickings in the elders. There were at least three further Chiffchaffs in the back gate compounds, (along with a Bullfinch), another by the south-west pond and at least three along the causeway.

The ripening corn and sunflowers in the crop field were catching the sun and at least nine Reed Buntings were feeding in the field.

290 Black-headed Gulls was the best count so far of the autumn, but the only wader aside from Lapwings was a Common Sandpiper. Other birds of note today were six Dabchicks, Kingfisher, 40 Starlings, Treecreeper, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, nine Wigeon and seven Swallows south at 8.30; and at 12.30 two Little Egrets, two Common Snipe and a Hobby over.

In the evening, 200 Swallows had arrived by 18.45., feeding over Car Park Pool and the flood plain before starting to circle the Reedbed at 19.20, when they were joined by at least another 100 birds. The first dropped into the reeds surrounding the pool by the car park at 19.35 and all had gone to roost by 19.50.

Sunflowers – September 9th 2016 – Photograph by Nick Barlow


8th September 2016

Sunny, south-westerly wind.

On or around the pools today were 12 Wigeon, four Pochard, 78 Shoveler, Common and Green Sandpiper, one Little Egret, one Hobby and two Kestrels and, in the evening, there was another excellent Swallow roost with at least 400 birds.


7th September 2016

Sunny intervals, south-westerly wind, humid.

There was another good Swallow congregation this evening with at least 350 birds and on the pools there was an increase in Wigeon to six and Pochard to four, plus two Little Egrets and a Common Sandpiper. However the undoubted highlight was an Otter which swam across the north end of Car Park Pool at 8.05 p.m.

During the day, only the second Yellow Wagtail of the autumn was perched in the hawthorns just north of Car Park Pool, on the flood plain, with a Whitethroat near the pumping station. Three Little Egrets were feeding on Railway Pool, two Hobbies hunting over the pools, seven Wigeon, 50 Shoveler, three Pochard, 220 Black-headed Gulls, a Snipe in the Marsh, a Yellowhammer by Patrick Barns, a Green Sandpiper on Dragonfly Pond and the first Meadow Pipit of the year which flew south.

6th September 2016

Sunny intervals, south-westerly wind, humid.

A female Mandarin was a new arrival today, visible from Oak Hide before it disappeared into the reeds. Unfortunately no time was given for it. A Hobby went over at mid-day and Blackcap, Whitethroat and Chiffchaff were all seen on the railway embankment.

The work party in the evening were rewarded with a fantastic assembly of about 500 Swallows which started congregating at about 6.30 and roosted in the Car Park Pond at about 7.50 pm. Only one Sand Martin was seen with them. A Sparrow Hawk hunted the odd Swallow over Railway Pool but did not bother the main flock at all. After roosting and after dark, single birds could be heard calling in the air over the car park itself and were either late arrivers or birds already moving on.

Finally, on the pools, there were three Common Sandpipers and a Little Egret.

Thanks to all those who attended the work party.


5th September 2016

Drizzly, south, south-easterly.

The wet conditions meant that at 7.30am this morning there were 17 House Martins and five Swallows feeding low around the car park and the tip field, two – three Greenfinches around the car park feeder and at least 40 Shoveler on Car Park Pool alone.

This afternoon there were two Wheaters on the flood plain visible from the gate on the Old Road just north of Car Park Pool.

In the early evening, an adult Hobby was hunting dragonflies over Railway Pool at 6.15 by which time 50 Swallows had already gathered prior to roost. At the same time, at least 15 House Martins went over, high to the south-west. The warm and humid conditions proved ideal for Migrant Hawkers with six together on the path to the back gate and at least another five between there and the car park.

4th September 2016

Occasional sunny intervals but mostly overcast, breezy from the west.

The male Redstart remained on the flood plain but was typically elusive.  Aside from two Chiffchaffs, a Nuthatch and a Whitethroat, the hedges were relatively quiet.  Hirundine passage however, perhaps interrupted by yesterday’s rain, was in full flow again with counts in the period from 10.45am to 11.45am as follows:

10.45am – 40 -50 House Martins over the Old Road and 15 Swallows and ten separate House Martins south through the flood plain.

10.50am –  15 more House Martins and Sand Martins south across the flood plain.

11.07am –  Five more House Martins across the flood plain.

11.15am – At least 150 House Martins and five Sand Martins pausing to feed in the lee of Siden Hill Wood.  This flock might have included some of the earlier birds but interestingly there were no Swallows amongst the flock.

On the flood plain there were at least three Rooks with 100 Jackdaws, and on the pool margins at least two Common Sandpipers and three Little Egrets.

There was a Green Sandpiper on the Dragonfly Pool and 58 Shoveler spread between the two pools and a Hobby and a Lesser Whitethroat around Patrick Farm.

3rd September 2016

Bright start, soon turning to rain from 10.00am.  Cool, south-westerly.

The ringing session from Friday night continued into Saturday morning and helped to fill in a few gaps on the all day bird count which eventually reached 77.  At 3.00am a Little Owl flew across the crop field calling and there was also a Tawny Owl calling from along the central stream; for Little Owl this was the first record since 17 February 2012.  This used to be a regular occurring species but has become increasingly scarce in the locality.  It is possible that agricultural changes have made the species struggle and predation by Buzzards is also thought to be a reason.  This time of year is a classic time to catch up with Little Owl as young are pushed out of territory and there is quite a lot of calling between birds as new territories are formed.

Other birds helpfully added by the ringers included Garden Warbler, Sedge Warbler and Willow Warbler.  Migration was pretty thin aside from the hirundine, one Yellow Wagtail, which flew over mid-morning and a superb male Redstart on the flood plain just east of the pumping station.  A Shelduck was also a surprise addition to the list.

Wildfowl counts comprised 18 Mute Swans, the Black Swan (not counted in the day list), 259 Greylags, ten Canadas, two Wigeon, 41 Gadwall, 63 Teal, 71 Mallard, 59 Shoveler, three Drake Pochard, 40 Tufted, two Herons, three Little Egrets, 12 Cormorants, ten Little Grebes (seven adults and three juveniles), 22 Moorhen, 76 Coots, 60 Lapwing, two Common Sandpiper, one Green Sandpiper, 51 Black-headed Gulls, three Lesser Black-backed Gulls and two Herring Gulls.

The 77 species were as follows:  Mute Swan, Greylag Goose, Canada Goose, Shelduck, Wigeon, Gadwall, Teal, Mallard, Shoveler, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Pheasant, Little Grebe, Cormorant, Heron, Little Egret, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Kestrel, Peregrine, Water Rail, Moorhen, Coot, Lapwing, Snipe, Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, Black-headed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Herring Gull, Stock Dove, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Feral Pigeon, Little Owl, Tawny Owl, Kingfisher, Green Woodpecker, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Sand Martin, Swallow, House Martin, Yellow Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, Pied Wagtail, Wren, Dunnock, Robin, Redstart, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler, Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Goldcrest, Long-tailed Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Nuthatch, Tree- Creeper, Jay, Magpie, Jackdaw, Rook, Crow, Starling, House Sparrow, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Linnet, Bullfinch and Reed Bunting.  Notable omissions were Great Crested Grebe (frustratingly seen just across the railway at Bradnocks Marsh), Hobby (one was seen on the 2nd chasing Swallows at Patrick Farm), any passage waders, no Terns, no Skylark, Mistle Thrush or Lesser Whitethroat, Coal Tit, Raven or Yellowhammer.

The Friday and Saturday ringing results were as follows: 247 species were ringed with the following composition:  152 Swallows of which only seven were adults, 39 Blackcaps of which only one was an adult, ten Sand Martins, 14 Reed Buntings of which 9 were adults, 6 Reed Warblers, 11 Chiffchaffs, 3 Sedge Warblers, 3 Pied Wagtails, 3 Blue Tits and singles of Wren, Robin, Green Woodpecker, Starling, Garden Warbler and Great Tit.

Please note that Marsh Lane will be taking part in the Midlands all day bird count tomorrow, 3rd September, so all those who can put in a little bit of time to help supplement the list would be most welcome.

2nd September 2016

Overcast, occasionally drizzly.

The back gate copse was the liveliest place first thing, with a 30 strong mixed Tit and Warbler flock working its way slowly through the vegetation. This included at least six Chiffchaffs, three Blackcaps, Treecreeper, Goldcrest and Bullfinch. There was a single Little Egret on Railway Pool. Near Patrick Bridge in the hedgerows there, there were at least three Whitethroats and four Chiffchaffs.

There was a Green Sandpiper, a Snipe and two Common Sandpipers on the margins of Railway Pool, a Nuthatch at the Oak Hide feeder and in the evening another superb roost of mostly Swallows and a few Sand Martins that totalled at least 400 birds of which over 160 were ringed (full details to follow).  There was also a small roost of 10 – 15 Starlings in the Reedbed.

1st September 2016

Sunny and warm, light south-westerly wind.

The large hedge south of the pumping station car park was lively with birds today as it caught the morning sunshine. There were at least two each of Whitethroat and Blackcap, plus a Bullfinch and two Ravens went over.

On the pools there was at least one each of Common Sandpiper and Little Egret and a juvenile Peregrine put in a number of appearances during the early afternoon. Two Kingfishers were also seen.