Packington Estate

Wishing all our members and visitors to this site a very happy Christmas and New Year

31st December 2016

Misty start, occasional sunny intervals p.m., south-westerly wind.

The year ended in fine style with another record count, this time of Wigeon, with 494. This surpassed the previous record of 420. Teal numbers were slightly down but still an impressive 473. Two males and a single female Goosander came in to Car Park Pool in the afternoon and the Egyptian Goose was again on the flood plain.

In the crop field there were at least 27 Yellowhammer and 25 Reed Bunting, together with 16 Linnets, a Greenfinch and three Chaffinches. A flock of ten Siskins were feeding at the southern end of the Reedbed and a separate flock of 20 were in the back gate copse where one male was in song. Winter Thrush numbers appears to have dropped with just three Fieldfare over and a couple of Redwings along the Old Road. Four Song Thrushes were spread around the more sheltered areas.

Other birds of note included a Little Egret and a Peregrine over. Overhead a passage of larger Gulls included 35 Herrings and 21 Lesser Black-backs.

On the flood plain the Egyptian Goose was joined by 114 Canadas whilst towards the end of the afternoon there were 300 Jackdaws, 73 Carrion Crows, and five Rooks.

Other counts today included 11 Mute Swans, the Black Swan, 90 Greylags, one Greylag / Canada hybrid, 11 Gadwall, 32 Mallard, nine Shoveler, 25 Pochard, six Tufted, 19 Cormorants, 14 Moorhen, 38 Coot, 12 Snipe and 340 Lapwings.

Last, but not least, the elusive female Stonechat showed well around River Hide in the afternoon. Presumably present on or around the Reserve all December it has nevertheless only been recorded on seven dates.

30th December 2016

Frosty start then milder to 8 degrees, overcast, south-westerly wind.

Teal numbers remain high with 530 today and also two male and a single female Goosander. The Little Grebe that was first recorded on the 24th remains.

29th December 2016

Sunny, frosty

The majority of the Pools remain iced over. There were still hundreds of Duck either on the smaller areas of open water or roosting on the edges of the ice – these included 547 Teal, 313 Wigeon, 35 Pochard, 385 Greylag and one Greylag-Canada hybrid and also the Egyptian Goose which was on the flood plain.

In the crop field there were 40 Linnets, 31 Yellowhammers, at least 25 Reed Buntings, 10 Chaffinches and four Greenfinches.

In the early afternoon a male and two female Goosanders came in to join the other wildfowl and two Jack Snipe were seen amongst five Common Snipe in the Marsh with another Jack Snipe seen by the Dragonfly Pond.

In the evening two Snipe were ringed from the Tip field.

28th December 2016

Sunny, frosty and some early morning mist.

With temperatures below freezing, it was not surprising that parts of the Pools were iced up and perhaps as a result of displacement of birds from other waters, the Teal count today was an exceptional 591, nearly 200 above the previous record of 397 of both a few days ago and in January 2015. There were also 412 Wigeon, the second highest total ever.

At least 20 Yellowhammers were feeding around the Car Park area this morning.

About 900 Starlings roosted in the Reedbed and 200 Wood Pigeons and 300 Jackdaws roosted in Siden Hill Wood.

A Mink was an unwelcome visitor to the Marsh.

27th December 2016

Mostly sunny.

After some weeks of no signs at all, the male Cetti’s Warbler showed really well in front of River Hide today, mostly calling with just the occasional snatch of song. The Egyptian Goose was also seen again.

26th December 2016

Sunny with a strong westerly.

The Egyptian Goose was again with other wildfowl on Car Park Pool this morning, before moving on to the flood plain where initially it was feeding on its own, occasionally being harassed by a Crow.  A few Greylags and the two Greylag hybrid Canadas joined it in the late afternoon, still on the floodplain opposite the horse paddock.

In the rape crop by the Aeromodellers there were 57 Redwings, four Song Thrushes and three Meadow Pipits, with 15-20 Redwings, 10 Fieldfares, a pair of Mistle Thrushes, two more Meadow Pipits either around the farm or in the fields just to the north.

At dusk, the Mute Swan count built up to 24 and about 500 Starlings came in to roost. The usual arrival of Jackdaws from the South occurred at sunset, with 150 – 200 birds feeding or congregating on the floodplain or bathing in the ford.

A Kingfisher showed well around Patricks Bridge and there was also a Little Egret.

At dusk, a Woodcock flew out from Siden Hill Wood.

25th December 2016

Mild but overcast.

No records.

24th December 2016

Mild, mostly overcast, westerly.

An Egyptian Goose was a new arrival today originally on Car Park Pool before flying off, then returning and moving to the floodplain.

Other counts today were four Mute Swans, 163 Greylags, 371 Wigeon, 38 Gadwall, 397 Teal, 40 Mallard, 15 Shoveler, 43 Pochard, six Tufted, 50 Cormorants, one Little Grebe, three Heron, 17 Moorhen, 49 Coot, 415 Lapwing, four Snipe, 80 Black-headed Gulls and singles each of Herring and Common Gull.

A Chiffchaff was an unseasonable record on the Railway Embankment where it was seen well and occasionally heard calling. There was also a Treecreeper there. At least 13 Yellowhammers were feeding in the crop field with a similar number of Reed Buntings and about 400 Starlings roosted in the Reedbed.

23rd December 2016

Overcast am, sunny pm, south westerly.

There were only a handful of Buntings in the crop field this morning but over 40 Jackdaws and 14 Stock Dove. A female Kingfisher showed really well in front of the north causeway hide in the afternoon and there were three Siskins feeding in the Alders at the back gate.


22nd December 2016


A Jack Snipe showed in the Marsh this morning but could not be found in the afternoon. There were 18 to 20 Snipe on Railway Pool and, in the evening, a minimum of 16 Yellowhammers, a similar number of Reed Buntings and a handful of Chaffinches were feeding at the north end of the crop field.

At dusk, 150 Jackdaws came in from the south east towards Siden Hill Wood, presumably to roost and the Starling roost again consisted again of about 1000 birds with the main flock of about 400 to 500 putting on an excellent display over the Reedbed but subsequent birds dropped in almost immediately.

21st December 2016

Mostly overcast, light southerly wind

The female Stonechat showed again today around the western edge of Railway Pool and a pair of Goosanders came in to preen and wash.

20th December 2016


No records.

19th December 2016


In the crop field there were at least 15 Reed Buntings, five Greenfinches and four Yellowhammers and on or around the pools were 38 Pochard, a Kingfisher and 18 Snipe, whilst a Raven flew over. Three Jays around the Oak Hide area suggests the birds were after the peanuts!

18th December 2016

Mostly overcast, light southerly wind.

The Stonechat again showed this morning, visible from River Hide looking towards Siden Hill Wood. A Raven went over and there were slight increases in some Duck numbers with 34 Shoveler and 33 Pochard of note. Two Kestrels, a Common Gull, Green Woodpecker and Sparrowhawk  were other birds noted in the log and Greylags totalled 376 with one of the Canada / Greylag hybrids amongst them.

17th December 2016

Mostly overcast, light southerly wind.

A Water Rail showed from the north causeway hide early on and the Lapwing count of 400 being one of the best of the autumn. The intermittently appearing female type Stonechat was again in the Lower Siden field and the Snipe total has crept up to 21.

Other counts today were eight Mute Swans, one Black Swan, 57 Greylags, one Farmyard Goose, 33 Canadas, 251 Wigeon (although some further birds may have been on the flood plain), 19 Gadwall, 232 Teal, 26 Mallard, 19 Shoveler, 11 Pochard, 11 Tufted, 34 Cormorants, one Heron, ten Moorhens, 28 Coot and nine Black-headed Gulls.

The afternoon work party was entertained by a superb murmuration of Starlings with a flock of at least 1000 birds swirling over the Reedbed before dropping in to roost. Many thanks to those who attended with the main task being continued clearance of willow and scrub between Railway Hide and the river.

16 December 2016

Sunny intervals. Light south, south-easterly wind.

There were a handful of Reed Buntings and Yellowhammers in the crop field today and, hopefully, numbers will increase as some “cleanings” from a local grain drier have been deposited in the crop field, near the car park (thanks to Lawrence Goodall).

The wildfowl on the pools were very twitchy over the lunch period, for reasons which were not apparent and, for once, the Lapwings appeared to be much more relaxed.

There were 12 Common Snipe visible from Railway Hide and there was a Coal Tit in a mixed flock of Tits and Finches, presumably on Railway Hide although no definite location given. A Fox was also circuiting the pools causing the wildfowl to be particularly wary.

15th December 2016

Overcast, remaining mild.

The only record in the log was of 25 Redwings emerging from the Old Road blackthorn at dawn, presumably having roosted overnight.

14th December 2016

Sunny, mild, south, south easterly wind.

In amongst the many wildfowl were a Redshank and Little Egret and other birds of note included a Stonechat and two Sparrowhawks.

13 December 2016

Mild, misty, with some afternoon rain. Southerly wind.

In the field immediately east of the underpass, there was a mixed flock of nine Skylarks, 11 Meadow Pipits and six Pied Wagtails feeding together. There was also a Kestrel.

On the margins of Car Park Pool there were 14 Snipe with a further two in the Marsh. There were a pair of Redpolls feeding in the scrub around the car park.

12th December 2016

Mostly overcast, mild, southerly wind.

In the car park / crop field this morning there was a male Yellowhammer and at least 15 Reed Buntings with the Stonechat again by River Hide on the log pile. A scattering of Thrushes and other Finches were in the hedgerow by the Old Road game crop.

11th  December 2016

Mild high cloud, sunny intervals, westerly wind.

Still plenty of winter thrushes about and also a noticeable movement of Herring Gulls with flocks of 16 and 10 going north-west with single figure counts of Lesser Black-backed Gulls.  There was no sign of yesterday’s male Mandarin this morning.

There was a Little Egret on Car Park Pool, 30 Linnet and 20 Chaffinches in the game crop, 33 Cormorants, three Herons, a Sparrowhawk, a Kestrel and three Meadow Pipits and a Skylark on the tip field.

10th December 2016

Mild but cloudy with persistent rain from midday. Light NW breeze.

The regular Saturday morning count was as follows: 31 Cormorants, two Herons, seven Mute Swans, Black Swan, 12 Greylag Geese, 11 Canada Geese, 49 Mallard, 228 Teal, 38 Gadwall, 10 Tufted Duck, 334 Wigeon, 18 Shoveler, eight Pochard, a male Mandarin on Railway Pool, a female Goosander, seven Moorhen, 27 Coot, 388 Lapwing, 14 Snipe, a single Jack Snipe (Dragonfly Pond), 33 Black-headed Gulls and a single Lesser Black-backed Gull.

Winter thrushes were plentiful, with 50+ Redwing and 20+ Fieldfare across the reserve, the Crop Field contained 20+ Reed Buntings as well as 12 Yellowhammers and eight Greenfinches with both Goldcrest & Greenfinch recorded along the Old Road.  There were two Siskins in the alders in the back gate copse.

9th December 2016

Continuing very mild but generally overcast. Light SSW breeze

A small party of Goosanders, 2 females and one male, was on Car Park Pool mid-morning and three Snipe were recorded on there too. There was a mixed group of around a dozen Redwings and Fieldfares feeding along the causeway, with a larger flock along the Old Road, which also yielded Bullfinch (m), Goldcrest and Kestrel.


8th December 2016

Continuing very mild; damp and overcast with some drizzle. Light SSW breeze.

No records

7th December 2016

Continuing very mild, bright with sunny intervals. Light SSW breeze.

The sole record in the logbook was of a flock of 40+ Redwings along the Old Road, accompanied by a handful of Fieldfares.


6th December 2016

Much milder with a very light southerly breeze, a foggy start remaining misty all day

Conditions were generally poor throughout the day and there were just two entries in the logbook: a Dunlin on Car Park Pool and a Water Rail from the Causeway viewing screen.

5th December 2016

Hard overnight frost but bright start; cloudier later but cold all day with light easterly.

There were no records from the pools themselves, presumably as these were largely frozen after the hard overnight frost, but a number of Snipe were present feeding around the margins of Railway Pool. Elsewhere across the Reserve there was a single female Yellowhammer around the Car Park area, along with 2 Pied Wagtails. A male Great Spotted Woodpecker was on the Oak Hide feeder, a Kestrel was around the back gate copse, both Greenfinch and Chaffinch were present along the Causeway and a party of some 20 Jackdaws was feeding in the Crop Field.

4th December 2016

Sunny, cold, easterly wind.

Car Park Pool again froze overnight and there was no open water at all. There was more open water on Railway Pool entirely due to the quantity of Ducks present, with at least 300 Teal, 200 Wigeon plus Gadwall and Shoveler.

Two Little Egrets were on the margins of Railway Pool, briefly, before flying off north. Water Rails were present in the causeway and River Hide areas. Sparrowhawk hunted the margins of the pools and there were again plenty of Thurshes around, although no particular counts.

During the middle of the day, a first-winter female Peregrine flew over with a Black-headed Gull in its talons and, east of the A452, there were eight Skylarks. Six Meadow Pipits were feeding on the tip field and, in the crop field, exactly 40 Yellowhammers were counted although there were probably more than this present. 15 Greenfinches, five Linnets and about 15 Reed Buntings made up the balance of the birds there.

At dusk, an impressive 600 to 700 Starlings came in to roost and 150 to 200 Jackdaws congregated on the flood plain, most arriving from the south. Almost at twilight, a few of the Jackdaws flew back to the south.

3rd December 2016

Overcast start, brighter p.m., easterly wind, milder, with much of the ice having melted from Car Park Pool.

Early on, there was a female Stonechat around Railway Pool although it could not be found later. A Little Egret flew off from Car Park Pool at 10.15 and there was also a Sparrowhawk around the car park area hunting the Buntings and Finches. At least 40 Redwings were feeding on berries on the railway embankment and there were good counts of Finches and Buntings in the crop field, with 29 Yellowhammers, 12 Reed Buntings, 24 Linnets and seven Greenfinches present.

Other counts today included ten Mute Swans, the Black Swan, 33 Greylags, 300 Wigeon, 310 Teal, 36 Gadwall, 24 Mallard, 16 Shoveler, a Pochard, three Tufted Ducks, one Heron, seven Moorhen, 32 Coot, a second Sparrowhawk, a Kestrel, 20 Siskins (back gate copse), 286 Lapwing, five Snipe, ten Black-headed Gulls, two Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Herring Gull, a Common Gull and two Collared Doves which flew over Railway Pool.

Along the Old Road, there were at least 50 each of Redwing and Fieldfare, there was a Treecreeper by the Aeromodellers along with a singing Goldcrest and nine Meadow Pipits flew low to the south over Patrick Farmhouse.

At a lamping session around the Lapwing field today one Fieldfare, one Redwing and two Woodcock were ringed.  Also seen was a further Lapwing and two further Woodcock.

Woodcock – Photograph by Ben Dolan of Brewood Ringers – 3rd December 2016




2nd December 2016

Milder, but overcast.

Other than a few desultory Lapwings and a Pied Wagtail there were no birds on Car Park Pool this morning, but a handful of Thrushes and Buntings in the Old Road hedges.

A Water Rail rushed across the Marsh later in the morning, there were seven Goldfinches on the central streamline, 22 Redwings on the railway embankment, 25 Chaffinches in the Old Road game crop and two Snipe along the edge of the Dragonfly Pool.

1st December 2016

Remaining mostly frozen, sunny.

No records.