Packington Estate

Latest News

June 2024

RABBIT ACTIVITY As regular visitors will have noticed, rabbit activity is causing holes on the hard core tracks and whilst we try and in-fill them, please be aware that the tracks are more uneven than normal as a

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May 2024

RABBIT ACTIVITY As regular visitors will have noticed, rabbit activity is causing holes on the hard core tracks and whilst we try and in-fill them, please be aware that the tracks are more uneven than normal as a

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April 2024

30th April 2024 Sunny spells, fresh south-easterly. A Black Tern put in a brief highlight around 09.00 but unfortunately did not linger.  The Bittern continued to boom and other counts included a drake Shoveler, three Egyptian Geese, two

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March 2024

  31st March 2024 Sunny and showers, westerly. The year’s first Sedge Warbler was seen and heard in the North Causeway Bay this morning, and other migrants included four Sand Martins through to the north, and three Little

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February 2024

29th February 2024 Overcast, light westerly. Again, today there were two adult Mediterranean Gulls on Railway Pool, five female Goosanders on Car Park Pool, 24 Snipe in front of Car Park Hide and a further 11 on Railway

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January 2024

31st January 2024 Overnight frost, dry with sunny intervals, light to moderate south westerly A Water Rail in the North Causeway Bay was the first log entry for this species for a while and there was also a

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December 2023

RABBIT ACTIVITY As regular visitors will have noticed, rabbit activity is causing holes on the hard core tracks and whilst we try and in-fill them, please be aware that the tracks are more uneven than normal as a

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November 2023

30th November There were 23 Goosanders on Car Park Pool at first light this morning (ten males and 13 females), but the birds moved off, as usual, quite quickly and there were no other records. 29th November 2023

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October 2023

  31st October 2023 Generally dry with occasional light showers, overcast; light east/south-easterly Collared Dove put in an appearance for the second day in a row, with two at the Car Park feeders and five over the Crop

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September 2023

  30th September 2023 Sunny intervals, mostly still, cloudy pm. Two Green Sandpipers and a Common Sandpiper, along with 10 Snipe and a few Lapwings were the waders on site.  Other birds included 15 Wigeon, three Little Egrets,

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August 2023

RABBIT ACTIVITY As regular visitors will have noticed, rabbit activity is causing holes on the hard core tracks and whilst we try and in-fill them, please be aware that the tracks are more uneven than normal as a

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July 2023

RABBIT ACTIVITY As regular visitors will have noticed, rabbit activity is causing holes on the hard core tracks and whilst we try and in-fill them, please be aware that the tracks are more uneven than normal as a

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June 2023

30th June 2023 Overcast, drizzle, fresh southerly. A Snipe on Car Park Pool was unseasonal and is probably a failed breeder or an early returning bird.  There were eight adult Little Ringed Plovers, 11 Oystercatchers, one fledged juvenile

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May 2023

31st May 2023 Overcast, drizzle, fresh northerly wind. There was no sign of the Black Tern this morning but a Red Kite was seen again and the Ringed Plover remained. Three Little Ringed Plovers, seven adult Oystercatchers and

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April 2023

  Ringing Returns The Black-headed Gull (Ringed: White J2049) which was on Car Park Pool on the 21st April, was ringed as a chick at Lyseren, Norway on Jun 6, 2022 and was still there on Jul 8,

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March 2023

Ringing Returns The Black-headed Gull seen on Railway Pool on the 6th March was ringed as an adult at Redesmere, Cheshire, on Nov 23rd, 2019. Since ringing, it has been seen at the following locations: Redesmere, Cheshire –

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February 2023

  Work Party Dates Saturday March 4th – 2 pm Saturday April 1st – 2 pm Wednesday May 10th – 6 pm Link to West Midland Bird Ringing Group: Updates 3rd, 8th, 12th and 15th  February – Photographs

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January 2023

Link to West Midland Bird Ringing Group: Updates 31st January – Photographs added 19th January – Photographs added 24th January – Photograph added 16th January – Photographs added 11th to 15th January – Records added 6th, 8th, 13th

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December 2022

Link to West Midland Bird Ringing Group: Updates 15th December – Photographs added 7th December – Photograph added 3rd December  – Photographs added 17th November  – Photograph added 25th November – Photograph added 31st December 2022 Overcast, light

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November 2022

RABBIT ACTIVITY As regular visitors will have noticed, rabbit activity is causing holes on the hard core tracks and whilst we try and in-fill them, please be aware that the tracks are more uneven than normal as a

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October 2022

Updates 31st October – Record added 30th October – Photograph added 17th October – Photographs added 18th October – Records added 17th October – Record updated (second update on 26th October) 1st October – Photographs added. 7th October

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