Packington Estate


(2) The all day bird count will take place on the Reserve this coming Saturday, 4th May 2019, and all contributors welcome.

(1)  The West Midlands Ringing Group are looking for a volunteer(s) to assist them with monitoring Lapwing numbers in and around Marsh Lane Nature Reserve. The intention is to monitor breeding Lapwing numbers from 2019 to 2021 to see where birds move to once HS2 is in place. Some breeding takes place on the Reserve and some east of it. This will require visits between March to September reporting back during each visit on numbers of birds seen, where they are nesting and how many chicks are present. The group would like to be present during the colour-ringing of Lapwing chicks and conduct some evening monitoring during the winter with the use of thermal imaging equipment. Volunteer expenses will be paid. For those wishing to volunteer please contact Ben Dolan at The volunteers are required immediately.



28th April 2019 – Record updated.

24th April 2019 – Record updated.

18th April 2019 – Record updated.

15th April 2019 – Record updated.

11th April 2019 – Record updated.

Work Party Dates:

7th May 2019 – 6 pm

4th June 2019 – 6 pm

2nd July 2019 – 6 pm

6th August 2019 – 6 pm

3rd September 2019 – 6 pm

Ringing Returns

Black-headed Gull : Darvic ringed bird – White 21L1

This colour-ringed Black-headed Gull was back at Marsh Lane on Saturday, 13th April, nearly 4 years after its previous sighting. The full history of this bird is as follows:

15/06/13     Ringed as a chick at Hosehill Lake LNR, Theale, Berkshire.
06/07/13     still at Hosehill Lake LNR, Theale, Berkshire.
24/06/14     Bowling Green Marsh, Topsham, Devon.
04/05/15     Marsh Lane Nature Reserve, West Midlands
23/10/15      Camel Estuary, Wadebridge, Cornwall
16/01/16      Camel Estuary, Wadebridge, Cornwall
20/05/18     Kingsbury Water Park, Warwickshire
13/04/19     Marsh Lane Nature Reserve, West Midlands.

With thanks to Graham Rowling for this information.

Ben Dolan reports that a Cetti’s Warbler, originally ringed at Marsh Lane on the 4th November 2015 was sighted again at Stortons Gravel Pits, Northampton, on the 14th April 2019. This is a distance of 55km and it has been seen at this site every year since being ringed at Marsh Lane in 2015.

Also, a Reed Warbler, previously caught in the Reedbed on the 14th April 2017 was re-caught, almost exactly two years later, on the 15th April 2019.

Reed Warbler – 15th April 2019 – photograph by Ben Dolan

On the 27th March, three Chiffchaffs caught in the back gate comprised one new bird and two re-traps from May 2018.

Chiffchaff – 27th March 2019 – Photograph by Ben Dolan

30th April 2019

Cloudy, light south-westerly wind.

Three Lapwing chicks and a male Yellow Wagtail were on the land east of the A452 and there was a Peregrine over Railway Pool this morning.

29th April 2019

Mostly sunny, still cool, light south-easterly wind.

44 Common Terns and three Mediterranean Gulls were probably the highlights of the day. One of the Mediterranean Gulls, a first-summer, had a yellow leg ring on it and is different to the bird on the 25th.

A Water Rail was seen and heard in the north causeway bay. A Garden Warbler was singing along the central streamline but just one Whitethroat so far behind Railway Hide.

The Oystercatcher that had seemingly lost its chicks had managed to protect them and there were three together in front of Oak Hide this evening.

With thanks to Graham Rowling for the following record and information.

The first summer Mediterranean Gull was at Marsh Lane this evening.  It was ringed as a chick at Löbnitz Gravel Pit, Leipzig, Germany on 15th June 2018.

It already has a number of sightings, its full history is:

15/06/18              Ringed at Löbnitz Gravel Pit, Leipzig, Germany.

30/06/18              Seen at Löbnitz Gravel Pit, Leipzig, Germany.

02/07/18              Seen at Löbnitz Gravel Pit, Leipzig, Germany.

11/08/18              Seen at The Lough, Cork, Ireland

30/12/18              Seen at Clogheen Marsh, Lackenagobidane, Cork, Ireland

29/04/19              Seen at Marsh Lane Nature Reserve

The map below shows these locations:

It was one of 18 chicks ringed at this location last year, 10 of which have already been reported abroad.

Other records to follow.

28th April 2019

Still windy, although less so than yesterday. Occasional light showers and occasional sunny intervals.

The first Garden Warbler of the year was singing in the back gate copse and there were at least two Whitethroats at the back of Railway Hide, but I am not aware of any others yet being seen. Three Oystercatcher chicks were seen on Railway Pool and there were three Common Sandpipers and three Little Ringed Plovers on site. A female Peregrine again put in an appearance and there was a Lesser Whitethroat in song on the crop field hedge.

Other birds included two second-summer Mediterranean Gulls, a Raven, two Yellowhammers and two Little Egrets.

A few interesting plants have been noted in the log, namely Celery leafed Buttercup and Changing Forget-me-not, both on the stony bank near the waters edge on the far side of Car Park Pond. The latter is so called as the tiny flowers change from white-pink to blue as they unfurl.

27th April 2019

Very blustery from the south-west with short, sharp showers, all part of storm Hannah.

The strong winds, periodic showers and generally cold conditions were not conducive to birding.

Today’s counts were as follows, four Mute Swans, 27 Greylags and a brood of five on Railway Pool, 16 Canadas and a brood of two on Car Park Pool, a pair of Wigeon, a pair of Shoveler, 94 Gadwall, seven Mallard, two Shelduck, 58 Tufted, 11 Cormorants, one Heron, four Little Grebes, ten Moorhen, 33 Coot, 20 Lapwing and a brood of three on Railway Pool in front of the hide, three Little Ringed Plovers, seven Oystercatchers and a brood of three on Railway Pool (? a separate brood), one Common Sandpiper, 1200 Black-headed Gulls, one second-summer Mediterranean Gull, 28 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, ten Herring Gulls, one Peregrine, a Cetti’s Warbler in the causeway, two Sand Martins, two Swallows, four House Martins and 28 Common Terns.

26th April 2019

Breezy, but sunny with light showers later on.

A Peregrine was on a kill in the crop field this morning much to the upset of the Lapwings. When it departed it looked like the remains belonged to a passerine rather than one of the Lapwings.

As the day went on, the Oystercatchers hatched out three chicks but all were quickly predated by the Black-headed Gulls. The presence of the Black-headed Gulls is a real problem in the numbers that now exist and they do seem to be a disincentive for other waders to alight for any length of time. I am uncertain what the solution is other than to remove the islands completely!

Other birds today were two Common Sandpipers, a Lesser Whitethroat in song by the car park gates and at least ten Lesser Black-backs and a Herring Gull.

25th April 2019

Overcast, humid, hazy sunshine to start with, clouding over with showers in the late afternoon and evening.

Oystercatchers have hatched out a single young and on site today were, in addition, four Little Ringed Plovers, a Common Sandpiper, three Mediterranean Gulls, 1420 Black-headed Gulls, 41 Common Terns, two female Goosanders, two Shelduck, a pair of Wigeon and the Cetti’s Warbler.


24th April 2019

Sunshine and showers, north-easterly wind.

Two Whimbrel appeared for two minutes at 10 am this morning before moving off. There were 24 Common Terns, one Little Ringed Plover, one Common Sandpiper and, at the mobile phone mast, there were a pair of Lesser Whitethroats and a Snipe.

In the evening, there were 32 Common Terns and two female Goosanders. A group of hirundine in the evening comprised at least 20 Sand Martins, two Swallows and a House Martin.

23rd April 2019

Hazy sunshine, warm, light south-easterly wind, clouding over towards the end of the day.

The only record in the log was of a single Common Sandpiper on Railway Pool this morning.

22nd April 2019

Hot and sunny, stronger east, south-easterly wind.

25 Common Terns were present this morning, mostly on Car Park Pool. A drake Pochard was a new arrival and lingering wildfowl included three Wigeon, three Teal and male Shoveler.

Four Little Ringed Plovers and eight Oystercatchers were present on site and plenty of butterflies again included 30 Orange-tips, five Speckled Wood, six Peacocks, a Comma, a Brimstone and the first Holly Blue of the year.

The Twayblade Orchids are beginning to show by the back gate.

21st April 2019

Hot and sunny, light south-easterly wind.

This morning there was a female Wheater in the crop field and a female Yellow Wagtail on Railway Pool, the latter moving off to the north east. A second bird flew over to the north at 18.50. There were at least 25 Sand Martins present in the evening along with 20 Common Terns. Four Little Egrets were feeding along the river and the Lesser Whitethroat was again in song at the north end of Car Park Pool. A Water Rail called from the north causeway bay and, in the back gate copse, three Bullfinches and a Treecreeper were recorded. A single Whitethroat sang behind Railway Hide with others seemingly slow to arrive.

20th April 2019

Warm and sunny, with temperatures again into the mid 20’s.

A summer plumaged Greenshank put in a brief appearance on Railway Pool this morning.

Greenshank – 20th April 2019 – Flew in from the south; flew off north – Photograph by Jeff Rankin

In the meantime, other counts were six Mutes, 28 Greylags, 17 Canadas, two male and one female Wigeon, 94 Gadwall, five Mallard, four Teal, four Shoveler, 94 Tufted Ducks, eight Cormorants, five Great Crested Grebes, seven Little Grebes, three Little Egrets, 16 Moorhen, 29 Coot, eight Oystercatchers, three Little Ringed Plover, 17 Lapwing, 960 Black-headed Gulls, four Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 25 Common Terns, one Snipe and two Cetti’s Warblers.

At least 40 Orange-tips were counted today, plus five Speckled Woods, five Small Tortoiseshells, two Brimstones, one Comma and a Peacock.

19th April 2019

Sunny, light easterly wind, temperatures over 20 degrees.

A Grasshopper Warbler was reeling in the vegetation between the Causeway and Oak Hide this morning. A late Common Gull was amongst the many Blackheads and also one second-summer Mediterranean Gull.

Plenty of butterflies again included one Brimstone, two Peacocks, two Small Tortoiseshell, three Speckled Woods, one Comma and 14 Orange-tips.

The Lesser Whitethroat was again in song between the car park and the Dragonfly Pool.


18 April 2019

Misty start, warm and sunny, with winds from the north-east, and temperatures up to about 20 degrees.

A Warbler census this morning yielded at least nine Willow Warblers, eight Sedge Warblers, two Reed Warblers, 13 Blackcaps, eight Chiffchaffs and the first Whitethroat (Railway) and Lesser Whitethroat (Old Road) of the year. Sedge Warblers must have arrived in force overnight with birds by River Hide, two along the Old Road and at least five in the Reedbed / causeway area.

There were still six Wigeon present on Car Park Pool, six Teal along the flood plain with a Little Egret and at least three Swallows and five Sand Martins went through. An estimated 15 pairs of Lapwing were spread across the Reserve.

A Jack Snipe and four Snipe were flushed from wet ground north of Siden Hill Wood and, in the evening, the Common Tern count reached 22. There were also a pair of Goosanders, three Redshanks and two second-summer Mediterranean Gulls.

Plenty of butterflies were on the wing, mostly Peacocks and Orange-tips but also with some Speckled Woods in Siden Hill Wood.

17th April 2019

Warm and sunny.

Common Tern numbers rose to 16 today and yesterdays Sedge Warbler was still in good song in the Reedbed. Four Willow Warblers were singing from the back gate copse (one) and on the Old Road (three). The second-summer Mediterranean Gull put in a brief appearance and there are still at least six Wigeon present.

At least ten Peacock butterflies and 20 Orange-tip butterflies were noted.

16th April 2019

Mostly overcast, occasional sunny intervals, south-easterly wind.

The first Sedge Warbler of the year was singing from the Reedbed this morning and there were ten Common Terns and a Little Ringed Plover on Railway Pool.

15th April 2019

Sunny, strong south-easterly wind.

15 Sand Martins, one House Martin and one Swallow were feeding between the river and Siden Hill Wood whilst, on Car Park Pool, there was a Redshank, a female Wigeon and nine Common Terns.

A male Kestrel flew over the cottages and there were two Buzzards high over the pools.

The warmer weather provided the conditions for Peacock and Orange-tip butterflies to be on the wing with at least two of the former and five of the latter.

14th April 2019

Sunny intervals, increasing south-easterly wind.

Common Tern numbers were up to nine today and there were still two Wigeon lingering on site. Six Blackcaps, three Cetti’s Warblers, ten House Martins, two Swallows, a dozen Sand Martins, a female Goosander, Sparrowhawk and Reed Warbler comprised the main additional counts.

13th April 2019

Sunny, cold south-easterly wind.

Today’s counts comprised five Mute Swans, 35 Greylags, 11 Canadas, five Shelduck, four Wigeon, 88 Gadwall, six Mallard, eight Shoveler, ten Teal, 36 Tufted Duck, a male Goosander, 11 Cormorants, five Great Crested Grebes, six Little Grebes, three Herons, one Little Egret, ten Moorhen, 37 Coot, eight Oystercatcher, 46 Lapwing plus seven east of the A452, one Redshank, two Snipe, 1550 Black-headed Gulls, one second-summer Mediterranean Gull, four Lesser Black-backs, one Herring Gull, seven Common Terns, two Cetti’s Warblers (north end of Car Park Pool and the causeway), 11 Sand Martins, one Swallow, 18 House Martins, two Linnets in the crop field; and Peacock and three Orange-tip butterflies.

12th April 2019

Mostly sunny, cool south-easterly wind.

Birds were similar to yesterday with the additions being a single Reed Warbler in the Reedbed and a Common Gull on Car Park Pool.


11th April 2019

Sunny, cold south-easterly wind.

There were at least four Common Terns on site today including a pair in display flight over the Car Park Pool islands. The Willow Warbler continues to sing around the car park area and a few Sand Martins were feeding in the lee of Siden Hill Wood.

Birds around the mobile phone mast included three Mistle Thrushes, singing Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Song Thrush and Greenfinch.

On the pools, there were two Little Ringed Plovers, Redshank, two Shelduck, one Little Egret, a first-summer Mediterranean Gull and nine Wigeon, with two Snipe on Railway Pool, three Bullfinches in the back gate copse along with a Treecreeper and, finally, a Raven went over.

10th April 2019

Mostly sunny, cold easterly wind.

A flock of mixed hirundines was present over the pools in the cooler and slightly overcast conditions early morning and these included four House Martins in amongst mostly Sand Martins and a few Swallows. Also on site was a second-summer Mediterranean Gull, two Little Ringed Plovers, a Redshank, one Common Tern, at least one Willow Warbler and two Blackcaps.

A Willow Tit was recorded in the book but, unfortunately, the finders initials were not legible. Sadly I think this is unlikely as there has not been a Willow Tit at the Reserve since the 21st March 2010. I would welcome further details please if the finder could respond.

In the evening there were three female Goosanders, four Shelduck and a late Common Gull.

Finally, away from the cool wind and in the sunny areas, a few Orange-tips were on the wing.


9th April 2019

Mostly overcast, occasional sunny intervals, cold brisk north easterly wind.

The first Yellow Wagtail of the year was feeding north of Car Park Pool on the flood plain, the male in question still being present at, at least 12.15 pm. There was also a House Martin over the flood plain.

Other migrants comprised of three Blackcaps, two Chiffchaffs and at least one Willow Warbler, whilst ten Wigeon continued to linger. There were also two female Goosanders in the evening on the Car Park Pool.

8th April 2019

Mostly overcast, light south easterly wind, with showers in the evening.

A Ringed Plover joined two Little Ring Plovers and four Oystercatchers on Car Park Pool this morning whilst over the flood plain there were at least 20 Sand Martins, 20 Swallows and the first two House Martins of the year.

Five Yellowhammers (four males and a female) were feeding at the car park feeder along with a pair of Reed Buntings, a pair of Mallard and a couple of Goldfinches whilst a Great Spotted Woodpecker was present on the Oak Hide feeder.

Later in the day a female Merlin was reported over at Railway Pool along with two Common Terns.

Lady Smock are coming into flower by the path to Railway Hide and the temperature was just warm enough for two Orange-tips to be present there.

7th April 2019

Mostly overcast, light south easterly wind.

Two firsts for the year today with a Common Tern on Car Park Pool and a Reed Warbler singing in the Reedbed. Going the other way, there was late Redwing by the south west pond. A Meadow Pipit flew over the flood plain and there were two singing Willow Warblers along the Old Road, one by the car park and one down towards the horse paddocks.

Other birds today included two second-summer Mediterranean Gulls, two Little Ringed Plovers, two female Goosander, two Snipe and a Little Egret.

6th April 2019

Overcast start but clearing to become warm and sunny during the day.

The first Willow Warblers of the year, both periodically in song, one by the car park and the other beyond the top gate along the Old Road. There were also Blackcaps both in the south-west copse and along the Old Road.

Four late Fieldfares flew over the Old Road and other birds today were as follows: four Mute Swans, 42 Greylags, 12 Canadas, three Shelduck, 12 Wigeon (including the male with the damaged wing which over-summered last year), 57 Gadwall, six Teal, four Mallard, 30 Shoveler, 51 Tufted, ten Cormorants, one Heron, four Great Crested Grebes, five Little Grebes, 15 Moorhen, 30 Coot, eight Oystercatchers, 14 Lapwing on the Reserve and 13 east of the A452, three Snipe, three Redshank, 850 Black-headed Gulls, two second-summer Mediterranean Gulls, eight Lesser Black-backs, two Herring Gulls, eight singing Chiffchaffs and two singing Cetti’s Warblers.

In the afternoon eight attended the work party. The car park feeders were all cleaned out and repaired, a blocked drain by the back gate was also opened up and a new nest box erected. The regular job of digging out emergent Alders and Willows along the shore line also took place with the focus being in front of Car Park Hide and along the bank in front of Railway Hide. Finally, the Tern Hide and Tern boxes were put out on Car Park Pool islands with more next week.

5th April 2019

Overcast, light south-easterly wind.

Birds were basically similar to yesterday with the addition of one male and four female Goosanders, five Common Gulls, four Wigeon and a Little Egret. There were also four Yellowhammers in the crop field.

4th April 2019

Rain, south-easterly wind.

A pair of Wheatears were present on the flood plain during the day and, on the pool margins or over the pools, were two second-summer Mediterranean Gulls, three Little Ringed Plovers, a Redshank, two Snipe, three Swallows, seven Sand Martins and two Cetti’s Warblers. Raptors included Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and Buzzard.


3rd April 2019

Cool north westerly, sunshine and showers

A Common Sandpiper, presumably yesterday’s bird, was again around Car Park Pool this morning. A Cetti’s Warbler was in song on the causeway and a presumed second bird on the north end of Car Park Pool. There were at least four Chiffchaffs present along with two Redshanks, two Little Ringed Plovers and a second-summer Mediterranean Gull.


2nd April 2019

Cold north westerly and periodic showers

At 8am the inclement weather had the predicted effect of “grounding” hirundines and at least ten Sand Martins and three Swallows were present over Car Park Pool. A pair of Little Ringed Plovers were feeding on the Car Park Pool island, there were at least six Wigeon still present and two Snipe on the foreshore.

Lastly, a second Summer Mediterranean Gull put in a brief appearance on Railway Pool .

Later in the day, the first Common Sandpiper of the year was present on the Car Park Pool islands, an early date.

1st April 2019

Warm and sunny

Five Sandmartins were feeding over the flood plain this morning and there were five Wigeon there as well. A second-summer Mediterranean Gull was again on Railway Pool briefly. Seven Goosanders came into roost on Car Park Pool in the afternoon.

The warm weather saw Orange Tip and Peacock butterflies present around the south west pond together with a White-tailed Bumble Bee.

Other birds included Yellowhammer, Cetti’s Warbler, two Little Egrets, Sparrowhawk and Bullfinch. The latter appear to be scarce with the only reliable records coming from the back gate copse.