Packington Estate

Notices / Updates

30th and 31st August – photographs added

28th August – new final paragraph added

28th August – final paragraph added and photographs added.

15th August – Photographs added and detail on Red-veined Darter amended.

10th and 13th August 2017 – Photographs added.

11th August 2017 – Record updated.

6th August 2017 – Record updated.

7th August 2017 – Photographs and final paragraph added.



Ringing Recoveries

Black-headed Gull, ringed at Marsh Lane Nature Reserve on the 7th June 2016 was seen on the 22nd May 2017, 83 miles away in Pennington Flash, Leigh, Wigan.  Photograph by W Halton (through unknown Facebook Group).

31st August 2017

Cool start with some rain clearing in the afternoon, fine evening. Light north-westerly wind.

In the morning there was a Swift and five House Martins over the car park and two Green Sandpipers, two Little Egrets and 20 Lesser Black-backed Gulls were seen on or over the pools. Reed Warbler, Garden Warbler and Whitethroat were all noted in the log.

In the evening, 60 Swallows and two Sand Martins gathered over the pools with 40 Swallows and at least one Sand Martin roosting in the pond by the car park, with the balance appearing to go to the Reedbed with 170 Starlings. There were also two Swifts over the central streamline and 200 Jackdaws were feeding on the flood plain before roosting in Siden Hill Wood, two Pochard were new in on Car Park Pool.

Sunset over Siden Hill Wood from the car park  – Photograph by Nick Barlow – 31st August 2017


30 August 2017

Wet start, light north-westerly wind, slowly clearing from lunchtime onwards.

Relatively quiet on the pools with just a Snipe and two Little Egrets of particular note, but there was an increase in the number of hirundines moving through today with a mixed flock of 50 birds at 8.30, all House Martins, except for four Swallows and two Sand Martins. Birds continued to move through or build up and a 100 strong flock had congregated by 11 am, which began to disperse as the rain eased. With the exception of a few Sand Martins this flock was split evenly between House Martins and Swallows.  At 1.30 20 House Martins flew south over the wood and ten Swallows, four House Martins and two Sand Martins were feeding over the car park, and two Swifts were feeding low over the flood plain.

In the evening, two Swifts fed over the central streamline and ten House Martins and 50 Swallows gathered over the pools, with the latter likely to be roosting on site. There were nine Little Grebes (six adults and three juveniles) now only one adult Great crested Grebe and a nearly fledged youngster on Railway Pool, a Tawny Owl along the central streamline, an adult and juvenile Water Rail in the north causeway bay, three Little Egrets, 22 Cormorants and an increase in Teal and Shoveler to 26 and 19 respectively.

Sedge Warbler – 30th August 2017 – Photograph by John Hunt

29th August 201 7

At 11 am a Marsh Harrier was seen briefly at the back of Car Park Pool and it seems likely that it was the bird from yesterday.  A Hobby was chasing hirundines over Railway Pool mid-morning, there was a Snipe on Railway Pool, a Little Egret on Car Park Pool and a Green Woodpecker feeding on the Aeromodellers runway.


28th August 2017

Sunny, warm, light southerly wind. Temperatures again over 20 degrees Centigrade.

With two Swifts arriving from the north at 7.45 and being joined by five House Martins, two Sand Martins and two Swallows, there was a promise of a strengthening hirundine passage. As it was, whilst birds did move south for much of the day, it was more of a trickle than a flood. Between 7.45 and 9.30, 18 House Martins, one Sand Martin and 27 Swallows flew south and there were a further 34 Swallows and two House Martins around Patrick Farm, the latter probably including some migrants.

At 8 am there was a Green Sandpiper and four Snipe on Car Park Pool and the same Green Sandpiper moved backwards and forwards from Patrick Bridge. There were also two Little Egrets on site.

The crop field is maturing nicely and the sunflowers are looking particularly good in the sunlight. There was a flock of 15 Linnets in the crop field Oaks dropping down occasionally into the crop field to feed whilst along the Old Road, there were two Chiffchaffs, a Blackcap, two Goldcrests and a Bullfinch between the cottages and the car park, two each of Chiffchaffs and Blackcap around the top gate along with a Whitethroat, a large mixed flock of Tits around the Aeromodellers  including ten Long-tailed Tits, five Chiffchaffs and two Goldcrests; and by the river bridge a KingfisherGrey WagtailBlackcap and a Coal Tit.

Photographs by Nick Barlow

Sunflowers in the crop field – 28th August 2017

Teasels in the crop field

The Ford on the flood plain to the River Blythe

Aside from the trickle of hirundines there was relatively little visible migration but quality came in the shape of a Yellow Wagtail at about 10 am and a juvenile or immature Marsh Harrier at 10.45. The latter was picked up over the central stream, flew over Railway Pool where it circled and gained height and then drifted off south-east over the lorry park. There was also a Grasshopper Warbler along the path just west of Oak Hide, seen in the hedgerow and ditch side vegetation before vanishing. This is probably one of the pair that hopefully is nesting on site.

Aside from plenty of Small Whites there was a Small Copper by Oak Hide and Migrant Hawkers at either end of the Old Road.

Two further Yellow Wagtails went south at mid-day and Kestrel and Peregrine were also seen. Seven Greenfinches, including some juveniles, visited the car park feeder.

27th August 2017

Sunny and warm.

The 7th and 8th Spotted Flycatchers of the autumn were seen briefly along the railway line at 11 am (to the rear of Railway Hide) when a female Sparrowhawk also went over. A Swift went south in a mixed hirundine flock, there were eight Shoveler on the pools, a Water Rail in the north causeway bay, a Nuthatch by the south-west pond and a Coal Tit by the Aeromodellers.

Other birds today (with no locations given) included Willow Warbler, two Garden Warblers, Whitethroat, Hobby, one Little Egret and three Green Woodpeckers.

26th August 2017

Sunny and warm.

Swifts are continuing to move through, albeit in small numbers, with five today and a handful of hirundines. There was an immature male Red-veined Darter around the Dragonfly Pool and a Peregrine went over at 4 pm.

Other counts today comprised: 12 Mute Swans, 270 Greylags, a Farmyard Goose and a Greylag / Canada cross, 42 Canadas, 29 Teal, 32 Gadwall, 43 Mallard, six Shoveler, 37 Tufted, nine Little Grebes (five adults, four juveniles), two Great Crested Grebes (just one adult and one juvenile), two Little Egrets, three Herons, 23 Cormorants, 22 Moorhens, 104 Coot, 98 Lapwing, 61 Black-headed Gulls, a Kingfisher (flew south past Car Park Hide), two Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Tawny Owl along the central streamline and ten Rooks on the flood plain.

25th August 2017

Sunny, warm, light south-westerly wind.

Possibly the same Osprey as yesterday flew south behind Siden Hill Wood at 9.15 and the first Snipe of the autumn was on Car Park Pool with a Green Sandpiper on Railway Pool. An unseasonal Redpoll flew over the car park, just after 9 am and a pair of Ravens also went over.

A ringing session in the Reedbed and causeway for an hour and a half this morning yielded 57 birds and one control, the latter a Reed Warbler. The totals were nine Reed Warblers, 13 Sedge Warblers, 17 Blackcaps, two Garden Warblers, one Whitethroat, three Chiffchaffs, three Wrens, seven Reed Buntings and singles of Blackbird and Blue Tit. This result was from an hour and a half courtesy of four nets.

Mid-morning there were two Green Sandpipers and a Little Egret in the shallows by the Patrick Farm bridge and a pair of Red-legged Partridges at the north end of the Old Road crop field and a Sparrowhawk hunted there and along the Old Road. In the evening there was a Common Sandpiper on Railway Pool and a few Swallows over the car park, probably prior to roosting.

24th August 2017

Sunny periods, light westerly wind.

Today’s highlights included an Osprey south at 8 am and also a Peregrine, whilst a pair of Ravens showed well over the Old Road and railway embankment.

Ravens – Photograph by Max Silverman – 24th August 2017

A Spotted Flycatcher showed briefly on the railway embankment between 10.15 and 10.25 along with both Lesser Whitethroat, Whitethroat and at least three Chiffchaffs.

A Grey Wagtail went south and there was Cetti’s Warbler in song in the Reedbed. At least five Chiffchaffs and a Willow Warbler were in a mixed Tit flock along the Old Road and, on the margins of the pools, there were three Little Egrets and 17 Teal. Two Migrant Hawkers were hunting along the causeway and there was a Comma Butterfly by the Aeromodellers along with a pair of Red-legged Partridge.

23rd August 2017

Humid, mostly overcast with a few sunny periods, light south-easterly wind.

The best bird today was a presumed second Tree Pipit in two days with this bird flying over at 2.55 in the afternoon. There were anything up to four Little Egrets on site with about 180 Lapwings, an Oystercatcher and 100 Starlings. There were still plenty of small birds about including at least ten Chiffchaffs, a few Blackcaps and a Coal Tit and, in the evening, a female Goosander roosted on Car Park Pool at dusk. There was also a Water Rail in the causeway bay, 14 Little Grebes, three Great Crested Grebes and the two nearly fledged young, 21 Teal, seven Shoveler and a drake Pochard. At least 30 Swallows feeding up in the late evening probably went to roost.

22nd August 2017

Overcast and humid, light south-easterly wind.

There was another incredible ringing session between 05.30 and 09.30, this time limited to just four nets in the back gate copse. Without nets on the causeway or in the Reedbed, the total of 94 beds was only 16 short of the 12th, with a more limited coverage.

The highlight was undoubtedly a Tree Pipit which hopped up onto the fence near to Railway Hide and then flushed into one of the nets in the back gate copse. The pictures show what a gorgeous looking bird it was and one of the pictures demonstrates the reduced length of the rear hind claw which, for Tree Pipit, is limited to 7mm to 9mm but with Meadow Pipit is between 10mm and 13mm. The markings are also bolder than for Meadow Pipit.

Tree Pipit showing rear hind claw length – 22nd August 2017 – Photograph by Nick Barlow

Tree Pipit – 22nd August 2017 – Photograph by Ben Dolan

Tree Pipit – 22nd August 2017 – Photograph by Max Silverman

Other totals were as follows, 51 Blackcaps, two Lesser Whitethroats, three Garden Warblers, 15 Chiffchaffs, three Reed Warblers, two Sedge Warblers, one Long-tailed Tit, one Goldcrest, five Robins, six Blue Tits and three Wrens.

There were clearly lots of small birds about this morning, only a fraction of which we ever see, but Whitethroat, Blackcap and Chiffchaff were seen on the railway embankment, Lesser Whitethroat, Whitethroat, Blackcap and Chiffchaff along the causeway, Reed and Sedge Warbler in the pond by the car park, Blackcap and Chiffchaff on the central stream along with a small flock of Goldfinches. 12 House Martins were feeding over the railway embankment, west of Railway Hide at 9 am but they seemed to move off and shortly after six went south over the car park along with two Swallows and a Sand Martin. Aside from 12 Teal on the pools and plenty of Swans and Geese there was nothing else of note until about 9.30.

Lesser Whitethroat – 22nd August 2017 – Photograph by Ben Dolan

21st August 2017

Overcast, turning humid from mid-day, light south-easterly wind.

Today’s highlights were all brief in duration. There were two Wheatear on the crop field with about 30 Chaffinches and a Spotted Flycatcher was in the north hedge of the Old Road game crop, but neither lingered.

On Car Park Pool there were three Little Egrets and a Common Sandpiper, a Sedge Warbler showed in front of the Reedbed Hide, a Water Rail in front of the causeway hide and there was the usual congregation of birds around the car park feeder, including three Greenfinch, two Goldfinch, five Reed Buntings and a couple of Chiffchaffs.

Lesser Whitethroat, at least three Blackcaps and Common Whitethroats were all seen on the railway embankment.


20th August 2017

Sunny am, slowly clouding over pm, with rain in the evening. South, south-easterly wind.

Today’s highlight was a juvenile Ruff which appeared briefly on Car Park Pool at about 10.30 before moving to Railway Pool and then departing high to the north at 10.45. There was also a Raven over, a Kingfisher on Railway Pool, Water Rail in the causeway, two Little Egrets, four Herons and three Common Terns on Car Park Pool. 240 Canada Geese were mostly restricted to Car Park Pool along with at least 300 Greylags and there were five Shoveler and a drake Pochard.

A Peregrine went over, only the second record for the month and there was a Swift in the early morning.

20 mixed Martins were feeding over Siden Hill Wood at 5.40 in the rain.  Other birds today included a Hobby, both early morning and early evening and a Redshank through, briefly.

19th August 2017

Sunshine and showers, cool south-westerly wind.

The fourth Spotted Flycatcher of the week was found just north of the mobile phone mast in the hedge there at about 11.20, but proved elusive thereafter.

Plenty of warblers were still present on the Reserve with, for example, Lesser Whitethroat, Common Whitethroat, Reed Warbler, three Blackcaps, one Willow Warbler and four Chiffchaffs in the vegetation behind Railway Hide and at least another ten Chiffchaffs elsewhere.

A Green Sandpiper flew down stream towards Bradnocks Marsh and there were 40 House Martins feeding over the car park at 9.30 along with three Swifts, before they all moved south. In the evening, there were at least 30 Swallows at dusk of which half were seen to roost in the Reedbed along with three Sand Martins and 30 Starlings. 15 to 20 Swifts also appeared at dusk.

A new Red-veined Darter was found in the rushes behind the Oak Hide feeder, this time a fresh female and this, with the immature male seen earlier in the week would seem to confirm breeding either at Marsh Lane or elsewhere, locally.

Other counts today comprised 22 Mute Swans, 419 Greylags, two Farmyard Geese, the Greylag / Canada Goose, 18 Canada, 57 Mallard, 24 Teal, 67 Gadwall and two broods totalling six ducklings, a drake Pochard, 33 Tufted, 47 Cormorants, three Great Crested Grebes and two chicks on Railway Pool, 15 Little Grebes comprising six adults, nine fledged juveniles, together with two chicks on Railway Pool, three Herons, four Little Egrets, 17 Moorhens, 123 Coot, 137 Lapwings, a single Common Tern, nine Black-headed Gulls and 30 Goldfinches on Railway Pool.

18th August 2017

Sunny, blustery south-westerly wind.

Three adult Common Terns appeared at about 8.30 to rest up on the islands on Car Park Pool and there was still a drake Pochard there. The two young Dabchicks at the north end of Car Park Pool are nearly fledged now. Six Greenfinches flew into the car park feeder to enjoy the seed there and hirundines and Swifts were again obviously on the move with, at 8.30 three Swifts, eight Sand Martins and three House Martins over the central streamline, whilst five House Martins moved south over Siden Hill Wood. At least one young Buzzard was very vocal on the flood plain, mewing for food.

There were, in addition, three Little Egrets on the pool margins and the Cetti’s called on the causeway.

Despite the increasingly blustery wind, areas of shelter proved productive with a Spotted Flycatcher in a large mixed flock by the Aeromodellers gate. There were at least eight Chiffchaffs in the area along with a number of Goldcrests. By the farm gate there were eight to ten Goldfinches including youngsters and four Linnets.

Eight Common Blues and two Migrant Hawkers gave an indication of the warmth of the sun away from the wind.

17th August 2017

Wet overnight, clearing quickly, south-westerly wind.

Two Little Egrets and a Kingfisher were present along the River, to the north of the Reserve and three Chiffchaffs and Lesser Whitethroat along the Old Road. In the evening, birds on the pools included both young Great Crested Grebe on Car Park Pool, seven adult, three fledged juvenile and four unfledged Little Grebes, an increase in Teal to 16, three Shoveler, 19 Mute Swans and a drake Pochard. Cetti’s Warbler were singing from the causeway and 20 Swallows, ten Sand Martins and three Swifts were recorded in the evening. Little Egret numbers increased to five and there was a single Common Tern.

16th August 2017

Fresh westerly wind, sunny.

A Peregrine went over the car park and Siden Hill this morning and there were two separate Sparrowhawks, one over the car park and a separate one over the field east of the underpass. Over the same fields there were 115 Swallows feeding up, presumably in advance of departure. There were at least two Little Egrets and 97 Canadas on the pool margins and a Green Sandpiper flew north along the river towards Patrick Bridge. Nuthatch, Goldcrest, Treecreeper, at least seven Long-tailed Tits and three Chiffchaffs were present in the back gate copse but as we have discovered from ringing there are often far more birds than what appear to us.

There were five Rooks with the Jackdaws on the flood plain, four Linnets were feeding on the car park feeder, there was a Southern Hawker Dragonfly on the Dragonfly Pool and Brown Hawker and four Black-tailed Skimmers on the path to Railway Hide.


15 August 2017

Cool start, warming quickly, westerly wind.

The early morning was productive with plenty of small birds calling or on show with the highlight being two Spotted Flycatchers on the railway embankment prior to 9.30 when they appeared to go missing. Lesser Whitethroat, Whitethroat (2), Blackcap (2) and Chiffchaff (3) were also present along with Bullfinch and Reed Bunting.

Spotted Flycatcher – Photograph by Max Silverman

In the Aeromodellers hedge by the game crop there were at least three Chiffchaffs and four Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps called from a number of other hedgerows across the Reserve.

On the pool margins there were two Little Egrets, two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers and a Common Sandpiper. Overhead, at least seven Swifts moved south prior to 9.30 and hirundines were clearly migrating with 16 House Martins over the central streamline at 8.30 (when a Hobby appeared briefly), and a further 12 came in from the west at 10 am. A few Sand Martins and Swallows were moving through in small pulses up to 10 am, at least. A Grey Wagtail also dropped in, briefly at 10 am,  there were also six Common Terns during the morning.

Red Admiral, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper and Speckled Wood butterflies showed in ones and twos along the pathways with two Brown Hawkers between Oak Hide and the causeway.

Last but not least, there was an immature male Red-veined Darter (not a female as first thought) around the margins of the small pond by the car park.

Immature male Red-veined Darter – Found on small car park pond at mid-day – Photograph by Jeff Rankin

14th August 2017

Showery, occasional sunny periods.

A Hobby put in an appearance at 2 pm and there were two Swifts over Car Park Pool at a similar time. Two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers were asleep on the Car Park Pool islands and an adult and fledged juvenile Common Tern put in a brief appearance. There were two juvenile Willow Warblers along the causeway and the car park feeder was again busy with five Greenfinches, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, Reed Bunting, four Blue Tits and two Great Tits. Eight Stock Doves fed together on the flood plain and there were at least 17 Mute Swans and three Little Egrets.

13th August 2017

Sunny, cool and dewy start, warming up quickly to over 20 degrees, very light south-westerly wind.

On the pools there were two Pochard, a male and a female, three Teal, a Shoveler, a juvenile Little Ringed Plover, five Little Egrets, two adults and a juvenile Common Tern and a noticeable increase in Black-headed Gulls to 215. Mute Swans were up again to 18 and in the north causeway bay, Water Rail and Cetti’s Warbler were seen and heard respectively.

After the excellent ringing totals of the previous day it was perhaps not surprising that the Old Road also proved busy. There was Bullfinch, a family party of Goldcrests and at least three Chiffchaffs just north of the gate by the cottages. Around the car park there were at least four Blackcaps, all juveniles, an adult and two juvenile Lesser Whitethroats, a young Song Thrush and Blackbird, at least two Chiffchaffs, a Whitethroat and a juvenile Willow Warbler.

In the top gate area and either side of it were two further Lesser Whitethroats, a Whitethroat, a Treecreeper, a Garden Warbler, a Willow Warbler, a Bullfinch and three Chiffchaffs.

In contrast, the area around the Old Road game crop was disappointingly quiet with just Jay, a pair of Linnets, Goldcrest and two Chiffchaffs.

There were 16 House Martins over Siden Hill Wood but, otherwise, there was little by way of hirundine passage.

In the late afternoon, a second juvenile Little Ringed Plover joined the first and a juvenile Kestrel hunted with the male suggesting local breeding. Common Terns were up to four and, after a lack of hirundine passage, six Swallows and a Sand Martin flew south, but still no great quantity of those today.

Long-tailed Tit on the Old Road – Photograph by Nick Barlow


Blackbird by the Aeromodellers – Photograph by Nick Barlow

Purple Loosestrife – Photograph by Nick Barlow

12th August 2017

Initially overcast start, clearing to sunny intervals, light south-westerly wind.

Five Swifts went south prior to 9 am but as the weather improved, birds presumably got higher and no more were seen. As we approach the middle of the month they will become increasingly scarce and are often only early morning or late evening visitors.

Other counts today comprise six Mute Swans, a significant 422 Greylags, two Farmyard Geese, one Greylag / Canada hybrid, 81 Canada, 29 Mallard, 59 Gadwall and three broods comprising 12 ducklings, three Shoveler, six Teal, one drake Pochard, 40 Tufted and still five broods with 15 ducklings, still two adult Great Crested Grebes with both chicks on Railway Pool, nine adult and one fledged juvenile Little Grebe and still five broods across the pools, namely a two and one on Car Park Pool and then, on Railway Pool a two, a one and a one. In addition, there were two Herons, five Little Egrets, 26 Cormorants, 18 Moorhen, 113 Coot, 170 Lapwing, three juvenile Little Ringed Plovers, a juvenile Oystercatcher, four Common Terns (three adults and a juvenile), 44 Black-headed Gulls and two Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

The Kestrel was hunting the newly cut and baled grass around Car Park Hide, a Water Rail was seen from the north causeway screen and the Cetti’s Warbler called in the causeway area.

An astonishingly good ringing session between 5 and 9 am this morning yielded 110 birds as follows.

Back gate copse area : one Sedge Warbler, two Reed Warblers, 29 Blackcaps, six Whitethroats, one Lesser Whitethroat, two Garden Warblers, three Willow Warblers, four Chiffchaffs, one Wren, one Robin, three Great Tit, four Blue Tit and a Goldcrest.

Nets in the Reedbed and causeway area yielded : 16 Reed Warbler and 17 Sedge Warblers, two Whitethroats, three Chiffchaffs, one Blackcap, one Wren, eight Reed Buntings, one Great Tit, one Greenfinch and one Blue Tit.

11th August 2017

Sunny start clouding over pm.

News kindly phoned in to me today comprised three juvenile Little Ringed Plovers on Car Park Pool, two possibly three Water Rails in the north causeway bay (including at least two juveniles) where both Sedge Warbler and Reed Warbler showed well.

The Mute Swan numbers have been building up quickly over the last couple of days and there were 13 adults today. Starling numbers have also increased to 113 and the Black-headed Gull numbers are now building up again with 81 on site this morning and considerably more than that feeding in the recently cultivated field by the Aeromodellers. There were a minimum of 20 House Martins over Siden Hill Wood and ones and twos were also moving south, along with four Swallows. There were at least five Common Terns still on site.

Other counts included 107 Lapwing, eight Stock Doves, Little Egret, Kestrel and 11 Moorhen.

White Letter Hairstreak, Comma and Small Copper were all seen by the Aeromodellers.

10th August 2017

Sunny, light northerly wind.

Waders comprised 228 Lapwings, two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers and a Green Sandpiper and there were still six Common Terns which came in from the south. One Little Egret was feeding on the Car Park Pool islands. A flock of up to 60 Starlings was present and a Sparrowhawk regularly put those and the Lapwings to flight. Chiffchaffs were calling on the causeway and by the car park and there were at least two Reed Warblers in the reeds by the causeway. Three House Martins and five Sand Martins fed over the central streamline.

The Grasshopper Warbler reeled briefly from the orchid field this morning and showed once, well.

Grasshopper Warbler – Photograph by Max Silverman

There is also a Wheatear on the flood plain around the old cattle feeder location, just north of Car Park Pool.

Both White Letter Hairstreak and a Small Copper butterfly were showing either on the Wych Elm or adjacent to it by the Aeromodellers’ hut.

9th August 2017

Wet, northerly wind.

A male Sparrowhawk hunted over Railway Pool at about 7.30 and then a little later, presumably the same bird, also hunted the Reedbed where a number of Reed Warblers showed well. There was no initial sign of the Whinchat, however.

Over the pools there was a flock of at least 20 Sand Martins with two Swallows, and two further Swallows came in from the south to feed in amongst them. Both Great Crested Grebe chicks were still with the adults on Railway Pool, along with at least two young Dabchicks and there were three young Dabchicks on Car Park Pool. The youngster from the north causeway bay appears to be fledged. There were at least four calling Chiffchaffs and a calling Blackcap by the car park but, in the poor light and rain, passerines were generally keeping down.

By 9 am, waders on the pool margins included three juvenile Little Ringed Plovers, a Green Sandpiper all on Railway Pool and a Dunlin on Car Park Pool. Also on site were three Little Egrets and three Common Terns.

In the evening the weather had improved and ten attended the Work Party and achieved a lot. The islands on Car Park Pool were all strimmed, the emergent willows and alders around the front of Car Park Hide were cleared, the car park feeder was opened up, some of the hides were swept and the channels in the north causeway bay were also cleared. Many thanks to those who attended.

They were also rewarded with a flock of four Dunlin, which dropped in briefly but moved on. Two Green Sandpipers and three Oystercatchers flew over, calling, and ten Common Terns came in to roost (seven were adults and three were fledged juveniles). A trickle of Martins and Swallows, totalling about 20 moved south at dusk, along with four Swifts and there was a Sedge Warbler in the north-east corner of Car Park Pool.

Sunset – 9th August 2017 – Photograph by Nick Barlow

8th August 2017

Mostly damp, cool and overcast, northerly wind.

The Whinchat was again present around the Car Park Pool this afternoon, although it can go missing from time to time. On the pool margins there were two Ringed Plovers, two Common Sandpipers, a Little Ringed Plover, two Dunlin and a Green Sandpiper with a Sparrowhawk overhead. Hirundines and Swifts were again on the move and, for example, between 3.50 and 4.05,  15 Sand and House Martins, two Swallows and seven Swifts moved south. The Martins were split approximately a third / two thirds in favour of Sand Martin.

7th August 2017

Mostly dry but overcast, cool start, south-westerly wind.

Yesterday’s Whinchat showed well today, often favouring the fence line between Car Park Hide and the causeway. This photogenic bird deserves more photographs, though it now appears to have lost its tail!

Whinchat around the Car Park – 7th August 2017 – Photograph by Jeff Rankin

Whinchat – 7th August 2017 – Photograph by Max Silverman

The pair of Dabchicks with two young showed particularly well in front of Oak Hide. One of the adults was trying to feed to the youngsters a fish which was clearly too big!

Dabchicks -7th August 2017 – Photographs by Max Silverman

A Kingfisher was seen by the Dragonfly Pond and, overhead, at least three Swifts and a House Martin joined a number of Sand Martins slowly moving south. There was a juvenile Little Ringed Plover on Car Park Pool and, on the railway embankment, Whitethroat and Green Woodpecker. The car park feeder was again busy with both Great and Blue Tits, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Robins, Reed Buntings and a juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker.

The horse paddock, despite the generally overcast conditions, held Painted Lady, Small Tortoiseshell and good numbers of male and female Common Blues. There was also a rather tatty looking Small Copper.

In the deteriorating conditions this evening, a Dunlin and four Little Ringed Plovers were present on Car Park Pool with an additional Little Ringed Plover visible from Oak Hide. There was also a Green Sandpiper which appeared very briefly and on which the white rump was not initially obvious. Therefore, please check out any Green Sandpipers because those that lack a white rump could conceivably be the American race, Solitary. There was also an Oystercatcher, ten to twelve Swifts, seven House Martins and five Swallows with a pair of Water Rails seen from the causeway bay. The male Whinchat continued to show well.

6th August 2017

Mostly sunny, south-westerly wind.

The best bird of the day was a male Whinchat which was originally present on the fence between Car Park Hide and the causeway before subsequently moving to the east side of the Reedbed. It was a moulting juvenile male.

Whinchat – August 6th 2017 – Photographs by Nick Barlow


Hirundines were again on the move with a steady trickle of House Martins and Sand Martins and the occasional Swallow and a few Swifts. On the pool margins there were singles of Common Sandpiper, Green Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover (juvenile); there were four Shoveler, 12 Teal, 205 Greylags, one to two Cetti’s Warblers around the Reedbed, a Kestrel over the crop field, a Water Rail in the causeway bay and a Willow Warbler on the Old Road.

In the hedge by the mobile phone mast, there was Whitethroat, two Blackcaps, Chiffchaff, adult and juvenile Goldfinch and a family party of Greenfinches.   A Heron took two Moorhen young from the Car Park Pool island and dispatched both of them and may well have been the same bird that captured a Short-tailed Field Vole on Friday and also ate that.

5th August 2017

Heavy showers, south-westerly wind, sunny intervals.

Less usual birds today included three female Goosanders and, separately, five juvenile Shelduck over to the north, a Dunlin and two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers. There was also an increasing Coot flock, with numbers up to 103.

Other counts today comprised six Mute Swans and five cygnets, 147 Greylags, 102 Canadas, 19 Mallard, four Teal, two Shoveler, 73 Gadwall and five broods of 17 ducklings, 40 Tufted Duck and 12 broods of 33 ducklings, four Little Egrets, two Herons, 15 Cormorant, four Great Crested Grebe and a brood of two on Railway Pool, 13 Little Grebes of which 11 were adults and two were fledged juveniles and there were four broods with a 2 and a 1 on Railway Pool, and a 2 and a 1 on Car Park Pool, 18 Moorhen, 210 Lapwing, eight Black-headed Gulls, five Common Terns, five Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 20 Sand Martins, five House Martins and seven Swifts.

In the evening there was a Common Sandpiper as well.


4th August 2017

More overnight rain, cool south-westerly to begin with, mostly overcast start slowly clearing to sunny intervals.

There was again a movement of hirundines first thing, although birds seemed to move on as the weather improved.  At 8.00am there were at least 60 Sand Martins, ten House Martins and two Swifts but by 8.30am the number of House Martins and Sand Martins had halved.

Probably because of the shelter, the causeway was the best area for birds this morning with Whitethroat, Blackcap, Bullfinch and Chiffchaff amongst other birds present.  There were also plenty of ripening blackberries in the area and elderberries are also now maturing. There were two further Whitethroats on the track side between the back gate and the Railway Hide, at least one Blackcap on the embankment and in the willows under the crop field oaks there were up to ten Reed Buntings, Chiffchaff and Whitethroat there.

A Dunlin dropped in briefly at 10.00am but did not linger.   There were also four Little Ringed Plovers, two Oystercatchers, a Raven over the car park, six Little Egrets, ten Swifts over Siden Hill Wood and the railway embankment had certainly livened up with at least five Blackcaps, Lesser Whitethroat, two Chiffchaffs and five Long-tailed Tits.

Of note, there was also a leucistic Wood Pigeon in a flock in the field in front of Siden Hill Wood.

3rd August 2017

Sunny intervals, blustery south-westerly wind after overnight rain.

Five raptors were seen between 8 and 8.30, with the best being a Red Kite south over Siden Hill Wood at 8.05, closely followed by Hobby and Sparrowhawk eyeing up the hirundine flock over the flood plain. There was also Kestrel and Buzzard.

At least 60 Sand Martins and ten House Martins were hawking over the pools and there were two Little Egrets on Railway Pool.

The early movement of House Martins is of note, possibly because the season overall is regarded as quite an early one. Normally most House Martin movement has not started until the middle of August.

The Cetti’s Warbler sang from the Reedbed area and there was still plenty of warblers calling but many of them remained elusive in the blustery wind.

Other birds of note included three Ravens, five Little Egrets and two Little Ringed Plovers and a Water Rail in the causeway bay.


2nd August 2017

Mostly overcast, brisk southerly rain showers.

On the pools this morning were singles of Green and Common Sandpiper and Little Egret and, over the pools, there were again plenty of Sand Martins, a couple of House Martins and at least one Swift. Full attention however was not given to the birds as a few of us concentrated on finishing off the ragwort clearance including that on the Railway Pool islands and the margins of that pool. Also, the island strimming began with the two small islands and the large one in front of Oak Hide now mostly strimmed. The vegetation is particularly thick again this year and the wild flowers (many of which have now gone to seed) look particularly good close up. Aside from some ragwort some willows were also dug up as well. Thanks to Adrian Henry and Stuart Jennings from the Estate staff for their help with this and to John Hunt for clearing the ragwort around the Reedbed in the last few days.

Additional birds recorded later in the day, mostly on Car Park Pool, comprised two Little Egrets, two Oystercatchers, 11 Common Terns, two Little Ringed Plovers (one adult and a juvenile), the first Redshank for some weeks and a Water Rail in the north causeway bay. There was a Kingfisher on Railway Pool and more Sand Martins and at least five Swifts flew through in the evening. There were four Teal and five Shoveler and still four half grown Gadwall broods and ten Tufted broods.

Little Grebe – Railway Pool – Photograph by John Hunt


1st August 2017

Sunny intervals, brisk, cool, southerly wind, with occasional showers.

On the pool margins there was an adult and a juvenile Little Ringed Plover and one Common Sandpiper, but proof as to the much quieter nature of the Reserve came from the fact that there were only four Black-headed Gulls and three adult Common Terns on site. At least 15 Lesser Black-backs flew over and there was still plenty of Warblers on site, albeit in the brisk wind they were harder to tie down than at the weekend. The best was the reeling Grasshopper Warbler which has moved onto the bund to the north of Oak Hide from where it reeled for a good hour this morning from 8.30 and showed well. Chiffchaff, Reed Warbler, Whitethroat and Blackcap were seen on the causeway, Sedge Warbler from River Hide, Chiffchaff and Blackcap in the back gate copse, Garden Warbler and Chiffchaff by the south-west pond and more Chiffchaffs around both Oak Hide, along the central stream and the car park.

Grasshopper Warbler – 1st August 2017 – Photographs by Max Silverman

Over the north end of Car Park Pool there were at least ten Swifts, ten to 15 House Martins and a number of Sand Martins, the total for the latter including those feeding over the pools amounting to at least 60.

There will be some disturbance briefly tomorrow morning from 6 am for maintenance, but that should have finished by 10 am.