Packington Estate

Work Party Dates:

3rd September 2019 – 6 pm

5th October 2019 – 2 pm

9th November 2019 – 2 pm

7th December 2019 – 2 pm

Update to 20th August 2019

Update to 23rd August 2019

Update to 28th August 2019

31st August 2019

Sunny intervals, breezy from the north-west.

With persistence, the Old Road produced plenty of warblers with at least five Chiffchaffs around the car park gates area, together with a Blackcap, a Lesser Whitethroat and a juvenile Robin. Between the car park gates and the top gate there was a Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Reed Warbler family, two more Chiffchaffs and a Song Thrush. A Brown Hawker was working the road margins and there were at least two Small Whites and two Speckled Woods.

Four Swallows, six House Martins, ten Sand Martins and singles of Grey and Pied Wagtail went south by 9.45. 50 Starlings were using the Car Park Pools islands to preen and wash. Four Greenfinches (two adults and two juveniles) were present at the car park feeders.

Other counts this morning were as follows: 46 Canadas, 393 Greylags, a Canada / Greylag cross, 20 Mute Swans, 33 Gadwall, 19 Shoveler a pair of Wigeon, 19 Teal, 126 Mallard, 39 Tufted Ducks, 17 Cormorants, four Little Egrets, two b, 14 Little Grebes (seven adults and seven juveniles) and a new brood of two in the north causeway bay, 25 Moorhen, 89 Coot, 130 Lapwings, three juvenile Little Ringed Plovers, 79 Blackheaded Gulls, nine Lesser Black-backed Gulls and a Water Rail in the Marsh.

30th August 2019

Overcast, mild, with a fresh south-westerly wind.

Two juvenile and an adult Little Ringed Plover were present this morning along with three Little Egrets, at least seven Chiffchaffs, ten Sand Martins, five House Martins and a Green Sandpiper.

29th August 2019

Sunny after overnight rain, cool southerly wind.

It was a lovely morning with gossamer threads and cobwebs covered in rain. A Greenshank was present on Railway Pool first thing but departed at about 7.30 am.  The railway embankment was very lively with, initially, three Chiffchaffs, two Blackcaps and singles of Reed Warbler, Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat. By 9 am two Spotted Flycatchers were found there. It was also lively between the south-west pond and Oak Hide with two Blackcaps, two Chiffchaffs, a Whitethroat and a Willow Warbler and at least five other Chiffchaffs were heard or seen between the back gate and the car park gate.

Prior to 8.30 am, ten House Martins, five Swallows and two Sand Martins went south.  There were also two Little Egrets on Railway Pool.

As the day wore on, further hirundines went through with at least 30 Sand Martins, two Swallows and a Swift present late morning. There were a pair of Bullfinches near the Oak Hide feeder and then, in the afternoon, a Green Sandpiper, two juvenile Little Ringed Plovers and three Snipe were present on Car Park Pool. There were also three Wigeon and a drake Pochard there.

28th August 2019

Sunny and warm.

A Hobby over the Aeromodellers and a late Swift south amongst a steady trickle of hirundines were the morning highlights.

Evening counts included the adult and juvenile Little Ringed Plover again, a pair of Wigeon, 38 Teal, ten Shoveler, one Little Egret and 13 Little Grebes.

The colour-ringed young Oystercatcher that was ringed on the 13th June this year on Car Park Pool has been seen on the 28th August at Crynlyn Burrows Beach, Swansea, Wales, some 108 miles away.

27th August 2019

Mostly sunny.

Counts today included two Little Ringed Plovers, 78 Lapwing, 57 Blackheaded Gulls, three Blackbacked Gulls, 190 Greylags, 150 Canadas, one Wigeon, ten Shoveler, three Heron, five Little Egrets, 13 Cormorants, one Great Crested Grebe, ten Little Grebes, two Buzzard and a Whitethroat.

26th August 2019

Hot and sunny.

A drake Pochard was new in, as was an additional juvenile Little Ringed Plover, which joined the adult and single juvenile from previous days.  A Green Sandpiper commuted between the pools and the river and the Great Crested Grebe remained.  There were three Little Egrets, five adult Little Grebes, a fledged juvenile and at least four chicks, which seemed to be favouring the bay in front of River Hide.

Juvenile Little Ringed Plovers – on Car Park Pool                                                                                                       Whitethroat in front of Railway Hide

Photographs by Steve Pattison


In the evening, there were at least ten Swallows and 12 House Martins feeding around the pumping station, with the former, seemingly Patrick Farm birds, and the latter breeders from Hampton in Arden. However, 14 Swallows went south through Car Park Pool at 7:27 with at least another six at 7:40.  There were at least 40 Starlings perching in the oaks prior to roosting in the reedbed. Meantime, other birds on the flood plain included three Chiffchaffs, Nuthatch, Jay, Rook, Blackcap and an adult and a juvenile Green Finch.

Two Sparrowhawks were seen over Siden Hill Wood and there was still a juvenile Buzzard calling from around the wood flood plain area.

25th August 2019

Hot and Sunny.

The Wheatear spent all day around the Car Park Pool although again proved elusive from time to time. Meantime, the arrival of six Pintail on Car Park Pool was an unexpected and rather unseasonal record.  The flock would appear to have been parents with four juveniles.  The adult and juvenile Little Ringed Plover from yesterday remained, and there was a fly through Ringed Plover. Two Wigeon and a Great Crested Grebe were on the pools, whilst a juvenile Water Rail showed in the channel in front of Oak Hide.

                                      Wheatear on fence post near Oak Hide                                                                                                                        Juvenile Water Rail – north causeway channels

Photographs by Steve Pattison

A Spotted Flycatcher in the back gate copse, with a Willow Warbler and three Bullfinch added to today’s interest, with a Spotted Flycatcher lingering into the evening and using the silver birch by the bench as a fly catching post.

24th August 2019

Hot and sunny, light south-easterly.

The female Wheatear was again present this morning, though was frequently elusive, disappearing for long periods before reappearing around Car Park Hide. There was an adult and juvenile Little Ringed Plover on Car Park Pool, and in trying to unblock the sluice on Railway Pool, a Snipe was flushed from the shoreline.  Two House Martins and four Swallows went south and a good collection of Warblers and other birds included the following: by the cottages or along the Old Road between the cottages and the car park, one Chiffchaff, a pair of Blackcaps, a family party of Dunnocks, a Goldcrest and at least four Migrant Hawkers, on Car Park Pond a Chiffchaff and Reed Warbler, the causeway at least two Reed Warblers and four Linnets; the Reedbed one Sedge Warbler and a Red Admiral at the south end; central streamline, a Goldcrest, a pair of Blackcaps, at least four Migrant Hawkers, a Speckled Wood, Brown Hawker and a singing Stock Dove by the box; the car park area a Painted Lady.

The wildfowl and other counts today were as follows: 21 Mute Swans, 463 Greylags, 186 Canadas, one Farmyard Goose, a female Wigeon, 68 Mallard, 38 Gadwall and four juveniles, 19 Teal, five Shoveler, 15 Tufteds and 27 juveniles, a female Goosander, which was somewhat unexpected, two Little Egrets, four Herons, 11 Cormorants, ten Little Grebes (seven adults, three juveniles and three chicks on Railway Pool) a Water Rail in the marsh, 18 Moorhens, 84 Coot, 85 Lapwing, 39 Black-headed Gulls, 21 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, two Herring Gulls and a Willow Warbler.

Graham Rowling’s odonata count as the heat of the day increased, was as follows: 25 Migrant Hawkers, five Southern Hawkers, eight Brown Hawkers, 75 Common Darters and ten Ruddy Darters.

                                            Wheatear – Photograph by Paul Casey

23rd August 2019

Misty and cloudy start

Yesterday’s Wheatear was still feeding around the car park and perching up on the fence posts near Oak Hide the bird was watched feeding on grasshoppers.

Meantime, with nets in the back gate copse, one on the causeway and one across the stream, there was another good ringing session with 86 birds ringed with a composition as follows: – one Sparrowhawk, one Blackbird, one Robin, 68 Blackcaps, four Garden Warblers, three Chiffchaffs, two Reed Warblers, one Common Whitethroat, one Lesser Whitethroat, one Great Tit, one Blue Tit and one Wren.

Of these 86 birds, 80 were caught in the four nets at the back gate.  Only two of the 86 birds caught were adults, being a female Blackcap and a Robin.

The Wheatear was still present in the late afternoon and there was a juvenile Ringed Plover on Car Park Pool.  The Old Road game crop, along the Old Road, north of the top gate by the wind sock, was again full of butterflies this evening with at least four Common Blues, five Small Coppers, two Peacocks, three Small Tortoiseshells and two Brown Argus.  A possible Brown Hairstreak was opposite the second oak, between the horse paddock and the bale store.

                                             Sparrowhawk – Photograph by Nick Barlow

22nd August 2019

A Wheatear showed briefly around the car park this morning but was re-found in the afternoon.  A Spotted Flycatcher was using the dead tree on the flood plain, just north of Car Park Pool as a sallying point for food sorties.  There were three Little Egrets and 16 Lesser Black-backs on Car Park Pool and a Water Rail was again seen from the North Causeway Hide.

A Wheatear on the car park fence – Photograph by John Hunt

A juvenile Water Rail strutting his stuff to the right of Oak Hide.  Photographs by Robert Baker.

21st August 2019

Sunny intervals, south-westerly.

In the morning there were two Little Ringed Plovers on Car Park Pool, an adult and a juvenile and a Green Sandpiper on the river.  Three Common Whitethroats were seen around Railway Hide and three Grey Wagtails flew over there.  Singles of Raven and Swift also went through.

In the evening eight Little Grebes were counted (six adults and two juveniles) and the three broods on Railway Pool of two, two, and one are all well grown.  At least 35 juvenile Tufted Ducks were counted as well.

20th August 2019

Sunny intervals, light south-westerly.

An Osprey flew due south over the Reserve at 10:05 this morning, seen by a number of people from the causeway.

Other than lots of geese there were just three Little Egrets on Car Park Pool.  By Railway Hide there was Whitethroat, Blackcap, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff with two further Chiffchaffs moving along the river side vegetation opposite Car Park Hide.  Both Blackcap and Chiffchaff were calling around the car park.

A juvenile Water Rail was seen in the marsh with another in front of Oak Hide.  A Hobby showed well over Railway Pool at midday and a Peregrine went through.  Five Swifts and five House Martins went south.  The final Chiffchaff total for today exceeded ten birds.

Hobby this morning at Railway Pool.  Photograph by Stef Fraczek.

19th August 2019

Sunny intervals, light south-westerly.

There were two Chiffchaffs, two Blackcaps, two Common Whitethroats, four Blue Tits, a Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Bullfinch all by the mobile phone mast, whilst 21 House Martins flew south across that field at 9 a.m..

A little later there were six Swifts feeding over the Dragonfly Pool, a Green Woodpecker around the car park and in the vegetation by the car park feeder, a Whitethroat, a Chiffchaff, two Reed Buntings, three Goldfinches, two Greenfinches and a Stock Dove.

18th August 2019

Cloudy and drizzly to 8:30 a.m. clearing to be sunny on a brisk south-westerly, with temperatures up to 20°.

A Water Rail was heard in the south causeway bay and a Raven and three Swifts went over.

On the pools in the morning were 270 Canada Geese, 18 Cormorants, 18 Mute Swans, 13 Shoveler, two Little Egrets and one Great Crested Grebe whilst in the back gate copse Coal Tit and Nuthatch were recorded.

At 2:30 there were 13 Lesser Black-backed Gulls on Car Park Pool and at least 20 Sand Martins feeding over the pools.  A female Sparrowhawk went over from the east to the west and put everything up from the pools and then proceeded to hunt around the Siden Hill Wood.  There was a juvenile Buzzard calling from the wood as well.

17th August 2019

Overcast start and drizzly, clearing quickly to be sunny all day with a brisk south-westerly.

Today’s counts were as follows: 18 Mute Swans, 263 Greylags, 250 Canadas, 29 Mallard, a pair of Wigeon, 48 Gadwall, 13 Teal, seven Shoveler, 13 Tufteds and 43 ducklings, seven Cormorants, two Herons, two Little Egrets, ten Little Grebes (nine adults, one juvenile and three broods of part grown juveniles on Railway Pool: two, two, one), 17 Moorhen, 97 Coot, a juvenile Water Rail in the marsh, 42 Lapwing, 82 Black-headed Gulls, 48 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Pheasant and four juveniles on Dragonfly Pond and another sighting of the Red-eared Slider Terrapin on Car Park Pool.

16th August 2019

Turning wet from 9:30 a.m. and rain all day.

Prior to the rain a Greenshank went through to the south along with two Swifts, 40 Sand Martins and 15 to 20 House Martins but nobody stuck it out in the wet weather thereafter.

15th August 2019

Breezy from the north-west, mostly sunny.

There was a Common Sandpiper on Car Park Pool this morning along with 49 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (five adults, the rest juveniles).  Two Swifts, ten Sand Martins and six House Martins went through by 9 a.m. whilst along the Old Road there were Goldcrests and Chiffchaff by the cottages, and a further Chiffchaff by the car park gates.

A Green Sandpiper on the river, north of the Reserve and later in the morning two Little Egrets, a juvenile Little Ringed Plover and the Red-eared Slider Terrapin were all on Car Park Pool.

An impromptu work party of four spent most of the time controlling the vegetation on the Railway Pool islands, which considering the re-gravelling this winter, has become very dense.

Thanks to those who attended.

In the afternoon and early evening there were three Little Egrets on site and a Whitethroat in front of Railway Hide whilst there was a constant flow Sand Martins south. Two Buzzards soared over Siden Hill Wood and there were two Kestrels over the car park.

14th August 2019

Mostly dry until about 9 a.m. when the rain set in. Light south-easterly.

An early morning ringing session in the back gate copse was particularly productive with 54 birds ringed, all bar one adult Garden Warbler being juveniles. The tally was as follows: 26 Blackcaps, four Garden Warblers, four Willow Warblers, nine Reed Warblers, four Common Whitethroats, one Lesser Whitethroat, one Sedge Warbler, one Chiffchaff, two Robins one Song Thrush and one Wren.

Ringing session in the back gate copse – Photographs by Ben Dolan

Lesser Whitethroat


Willow Warbler

Garden Warbler

Just as the rain was about to arrive birds on or over Car Park Pool included 31 Lesser Black-backs (all bar three were juveniles, the rest were adults), presumably yesterday’s juvenile Common Gull, eight Shoveler, 15 Sand Martins, four Swallows and five House Martins (all the hirundines through by 9:15). A Greenshank moved through by 10 a.m. and around the car park green, a Great Spotted Woodpecker and two Stock Doves were also present.

Final totals for Lesser Black-backed Gulls by 12:30 were 50 including 36 juveniles, six Herring Gulls, of which 5 were adults, 35 Sand Martins, six Swallows and five House Martins.

Late afternoon and early evening counts of wildfowl and other birds, included 23 Teal, 16 Shoveler, 32 Mute Swans, one Little Egret, one Great Crested Grebe, five adult and four fledged juvenile Little Grebes and three broods totalling six on Railway Pool, a juvenile Little Ringed Plover, five further Swifts and a Peregrine.

13th August 2019

Sunny and warm.

The only birds noted today were two Green Sandpipers and an early juvenile Common Gull.

Green Sandpipers – Photographs by Steve Pattison

12th August 2019

Progressively sunnier and warm.

An unseasonably early Meadow Pipit went over this morning between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and four Swallows also moved south.

There were four Little Egrets on Car Park Pool, a Goldcrest in the causeway bushes, along with two Linnets and some Reed Warblers. 15 Sand Martins were feeding over Railway Pool and there were at least three Green Woodpeckers on the fence line towards the South-west pond.

The viewing from the Railway Hide has been improved since some of the Guelder Rose bushes were cut down and Blackcap, Whitethroat and Chiffchaff all showed well from there.

In the warm weather, butterflies were plentiful with those recorded including: Common Blue, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Peacock, Small and Large and Green-veined Whites with odonata extending to Common Darter, Common Blue Damselfly, Banded Demoiselle and a Migrant Hawker.

11th August 2019

Sunshine and showers.

Today’s star bird was a juvenile Spotted Redshank which arrived at Car Park Pool about 11:40 and stayed for about 40 minutes before it flew off to the north. Pulses of Sand Martins were coming through in the showers, with at least 50 noted, along with a few House Martins and 12 Swifts. 50 Lesser Black-backs went over and there were a further 12 on the pools, plus three Herring Gulls.

In the sunny intervals there were a lot of butterflies in the Old Road game crop, including at least two Brown Argus’, five Common Blues, five Small Coppers, Gatekeepers, Meadow Browns and a Small Tortoiseshell, a Painted Lady was nectaring along the concrete road and the first Migrant Hawker was seen along the causeway. A Brown Hawker and a Southern Hawker were patrolling the edges of the Old Road just opposite the horse paddock.

Other counts or birds of note from today were as follows: 19 Mute Swans, 166 Greylag, 142 Canadas, a Greylag Canada Cross, 32 Mallards, eight Shoveler, 51 Gadwall and two well grown broods of two and seven, five Teal, 14 Tufted and 74 ducklings from at least 20 broods, three Herons, one Little Egret, 11 Cormorants, 10 Little Grebes (six adults, four fledged juveniles and still three broods on Railway Pool, of three, one and two), 19 Moorhen, 91 Coot, 84 Lapwing and 32 Black-headed Gulls.

10th August 2019

Heavy rain, clearing as the afternoon progressed.

The river had flooded at Patrick Bridge this morning and as the wind increased, and the rain lashed down, there were at least 150 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and five Herring Gulls on the floods, along with 50 Black-headed Gulls, 140 Canadas, 115 Greylags and a Green Sandpiper.

Five Shoveler and 15 Teal were noted on the pools.

A seeming influx of Chiffchaffs, with at least 16 counted today, ten in a tit flock on the central streamline, four on the Old Road and singles by the back gate and the entrance gate cottages. There was a Reed Warbler in the same tit flock, a Blackcap in the game crop, a Nuthatch along the Old Road, a Little Egret on Railway Pool and at least two Swifts, 30 Sand Martins and two House Martins went through.

In the afternoon a juvenile Curlew dropped into Railway Pool briefly but was spooked by a Peregrine and flew off north with the Lapwings. A female Yellowhammer was at the car park feeders and as the weather improved, a few Gatekeepers and Speckled Woods were noted. Ten Sand Martins and two House Martins were feeding over the pools.

9th August 2019

Windy with heavy showers.

No records.

8th August 2019

Sunny intervals.

The record of two juvenile Grey Partridges on the grass bank leading to car park hide would be an exceptional record. The species has not been recorded for over two years and it seems more likely that these were juvenile Pheasants, with adults having been seen in the same area.

Reed Warblers were active in the north causeway bay and there was a Whitethroat showing well in front of Railway Hide. In the sunny intervals there were nine Common Blues, two Peacocks and a Comma were all noted.

In the evening there was a single Little Egret and a Common Sandpiper on the pool margins, three Buzzards and a Sparrow Hawk on the thermals, Water Rail in the causeway channel and eight Sand Martins through.

7th August 2019

Sunny intervals.

Waders today comprised singles of Black-tailed Godwit, Common Sandpiper, adult Little Ringer Plover and two Common Snipes, whilst on the pools at 9 a.m., there were 83 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (78 juveniles and five adults) plus four Little Egrets. Two Ravens went over.

On the pools there was a single Shoveler, eight Teal, two Gadwall broods of five and two on Car Park Pool, a total of 25 Tufted broods of 100 ducklings, eight Little Grebes (seven adults and a juvenile) plus three broods of five, one and two on Railway Pool, a juvenile Water Rail in a newly cleared causeway channel and finally a Swift and 20 Sand Martins went through.

Plants noted today included perennial Sow Thistle growing tall in the crop field, Unbranched Bur-reed (a Warwickshire notable) and Golden Dock on the Dragonfly Pool shoreline, Red Bartsia now in flower on the path edges, Weld outside Railway Hide, Spindle in the hedgerow to Railway Hide and in the back gate copse.

Least Duckweed in the causeway channels, Hemp Agrimony in flower in the car park between the feeding station and the record box and all the Buck Lawn in fruit along the Old Road between the car park and cottages.

6th August 2019

Mostly sunny, occasional heavy showers, south-westerly wind.

There was at least one Little Ringed Plover still on the pools this morning, along with a single Little Egret whilst, in the evening, a Whitethroat and at least three Willow / Chiffs were in the back gate area. A Peregrine flew south over the crop field at 6pm, there were 90 Lapwings on Car Park Pool and 16 Swallows at Patrick Farm. At dusk (at 9pm) against the darkening sky, four Swifts and a Sand Martin came in very late to feed over the streamline and at least 100 Jackdaws went to roost in Siden Hill Wood.

Ten attended the work party and undertook some weeding on car park pool together with the clearance of some of the vegetation around Railway Hide and the back gate copse. Many thanks to those that attended.

5th August 2019

Sunny, brisk south-westerly wind.

A Hobby was hunting over the flood plain this morning whilst on the pool margins there were three Little Egrets and one Common Sandpiper. 40 Sand Martins and ten House Martins were feeding over the pools.


4th August 2019

Sunny start clouding over by 9 a.m., still.

The male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker appeared again this morning at around 10 a.m. when it called and showed well to four people on the central streamline before flying to the causeway and then back to the streamline again where it called for a second time and promptly disappeared. It was moving towards the lorry park and was being harassed by a Great Spotted Woodpecker.

There were plenty of warblers again with a least four Reed Warblers, a Whitethroat and Blackcap around Railway Hide, two Chiffchaffs and two Reed Warblers along the causeway and Blackcap, Chiffchaff, a juvenile Chaffinch and a family party of Wrens between the Old Road and the car park.

The pools were generally quiet with two Green Sandpipers, a pair of adult Little Ringed Plovers and presumably the juvenile, although that was not actually seen by about 11 a.m.

3rd August 2019

High cloud, bright light south easterly wind, light evening rain.

There was no sign of the Spoonbill this morning, clearly departed overnight.

Graham and Dave’s counts today were as follows: 12 Mute Swans (seven adults and five juveniles), 71 Greylags, 12 Canadas, a Greylag Canada, 41 Mallard, 6 Teal, a female Wigeon, 47 Gadwall and three broods of 15 ducklings, 28 Tufteds and 27 broods of 125 ducklings, three Little Egrets, three Heron, seven Cormorants, 11 Little Grebes (eight adults, three juveniles presumed from elsewhere, plus three broods of three, five and three), 11 Moorhen and three broods with one of three on Car Park Pool and two on Railway Pool of three and two, 68 Coot, 22 Lapwing, one Snipe, 11 Black-headed Gulls, four Lesser Black-backed Gulls and one Herring Gull.

Aside from the usual warblers a Lesser Whitethroat was seen by the car park.

2nd August 2019

Sunny, warm, some cloud beginning to build, light northerly wind.

Whilst the pools were relatively quiet, aside from wildfowl, three Snipe, one Common Sandpiper and at least one Little Ringed Plover, the bushes and scrub were lively with small birds, the highlight of which was a male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker which was part of a roving tit flock along the central streamline near Oak Hide, at 9 am. It called very briefly a few minutes before near Oak Hide.

There were three Blackcaps calling by the cottages along with a family party of Goldcrests, both Cetti’s Warbler and Chiffchaff around the car park and a singing Willow Warbler at the central stream crossing.

At least six Reed Warblers were showing very well in the north causeway bay or just along from the Hide with two separate adults feeding two different lots of young. A Water Rail called from the north causeway bay as well.

Around Oak Hide there was further Reed Warbler activity with at least two separate birds and there was also a Great Spotted Woodpecker coming to the feeder.

In the section of scrub around the south west pond Reed Warbler, Cetti’s Warbler and Blackcap all showed or called whilst, in front of Railway Hide, there were two further Reed Warblers in the shore line vegetation along with a Whitethroat.

In the crop field Oaks a Nuthatch and family party of Chaffinches were present along with a singing Stock Dove. Bullfinches were heard around both the car park and back gate copse and prior to 9 am one Swift and three House Martins went south.

A Lesser Whitethroat showed later in the morning in the back gate compound near Railway Hide and then at midday a juvenile Spoonbill flew in to Car Park Pool where it showed well amongst the islands until at least 2 pm.

Other wildlife of note included a Stoat by car Park Hide at 8.30 am and a Painted Lady nearby at 9 a.m.

Spoonbill on Car Park Pool – 2nd August 2019 – Photograph by Nick Barlow.

The Spoonbill was present until at least 8:10 in the evening and other birds present included a Greenshank, which was heard calling from the river, two Green Sandpipers and four Little Egrets.

1st August 2019

The pair of Little Ringed Plovers plus the growing chick remains on Railway Pool. A Green Sandpiper was feeding along the river by Patrick Bridge whilst on the Reserve there four Little Egrets, two Common Sandpipers, two further Green Sandpipers, one Snipe and one Common Tern. Seven Swifts drifted south over Siden Hill Wood at mid-day with a further 50 in the late afternoon.

Green Sandpiper numbers had increased to five in the evening and there was also a Sparrowhawk and a Buzzard recorded.