Packington Estate

31st December – Records Added

30th December – Records Updated

All members should now have received the 2018 Annual Report which has been re-designed.  It is packed with information and many photographs and aside from being very grateful to the writers and photographers, much credit should go to Mike Hearn for all his work in re-designing the new format.

Work Party Dates

11th January 2020                2 pm

8th February 2020               2 pm (Note:  this date has been amended from 28th February 2020 that was printed in the latest newsletter)

7th March 2020                     2 pm

31st December 2019


The Bittern showed again in its favoured area in the north-east corner of the Reed bed. Less usual species for this time of year include a Black-tailed Godwit and an early Oystercatcher. The former may have been a bird that was seen up at Kingsbury earlier in the day.

37 Snipe were counted in the Marsh. 14 Pochard, six Meadow Pipits, six Herring Gulls, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, a flock of 42 Goldfinches by the orchid field and six Bullfinches in total made up the other counts today.

30th December 2019

Overcast start, clearing slowly to sunny conditions, light south-westerly breeze.

After no sightings yesterday, John Hunt’s perseverance led to the re-finding of the Bittern this morning, close to the South Causeway Hide.  It was on the east side of Reed bed (left-hand side as looking out) roughly in a line with the most northerly of the lifebuoys.  It was only approximately two foot back in the reeds but was often extremely difficult to see, moving only occasionally and then slowly.  It was in this location that it was first found, it seems to favour this left-hand corner close to the hide.

Other birds of note today included an adult Whooper Swan, a Lesser Redpoll by the feeders, which then flew off south, at least six Meadow Pipits around the car park area and an adult Yellow-legged Gull on Car Park Pool with four Herring Gulls and two Lesser Black-backs.  Most of the gulls flew over to feed on the flood plain after 10:30.  The adult Greater Black-backed Gull appeared mid morning but has become slightly less predictable than last year.  38 Snipe were counted on the left-hand side of the marsh channel at the end, a Cetti’s Warbler called in the causeway area, there were five Siskins in the back-gate copse and by Railway Hide there were a pair of Green Woodpeckers and a Bullfinch.  A Peregrine also went over.

29th December 2019

Mostly overcast, light cool south-westerly breeze.

There was no immediate sign of either the Bittern or the Pintail by 09:30. Miscellaneous counts comprised two Dabchicks, eight Pochard, four Heron, 14 Snipe (marsh), along with a calling female Cetti’s Warbler, 40 Goldfinches (which flew along the central streamline), a Treecreeper by the South-west Pond, four Redwings in the back-gate copse and ten Magpies upon Railway Pool.

Treecreeper down the Old Road – 22nd December 2019

Photograph by David Shakespeare

A Kestrel hunted the crop field and there were three Yellowhammers at the car park feeder.  Song Thrushes were in good voice both along the central streamline and in the back-gate copse near the South-west Pond.

There were approximately 16 Siskins in Alders at the back-gate copse along with four Bullfinches and a Chiffchaff.  Seven Meadow Pipits came in to feed on the area cattle trampled grass by Car Park Hide.

28th December 2019

Mostly overcast, cool Southerly breeze.

The Bittern was seen well on at least two occasions at dusk, again on the left hand side of the reed bed. It appeared to go to roost somewhere on the junction between the reed mace at the front and the reeds at the back, in line with the far lifebuoy.

A female Cetti’s Warbler was heard calling in the reed bed and five Lesser Redpolls in the back-gate copse was noteworthy as this species along with Siskins have been scarce this Autumn. There was a Grey Wagtail on the Old Road muck heap and 39 Redwing and 14 Fieldfares on the flood plain. A male Yellowhammer came in to the car park feeder.

Other counts today were four Mute Swans, 318 Greylags, a Greylag Canada Cross, 54 Canadas, 278 Wigeon, a drake Pintail, 84 Teal, 26 Shoveler, 15 Mallard, 32 Gadwall, eight Pochard, 28 Tufted, a pair of Goosanders, one Little Egret, four Heron, 36 Cormorants, three Little Grebes, 11 Moorhen, 69 Coot, 130 Lapwing, 17 Snipe, 17 Black-headed Gulls, five Common Gulls, seven Herring Gulls, four Lesser Black-backed Gulls and the adult Greater Black-back Gull.

27th December 2019

Mostly overcast.

Today’s highlight was a Bittern found by John Hunt in the Reed bed this morning. It was the first since 2014. It showed fairly well late morning on the left hand side of the Reed bed. There was also a Water Rail heard calling there.














Bittern in the Reedbed – 27th December 2019 – Photograph by John Hunt

Viewers who came down in the evening were not successful in relocating it but were rewarded with a Barn Owl that was hunting over the crop field and perched on one of the lifebuoys.

A good supporting cast comprised six Goosander (three males and three females), seven Bullfinches in the area between the South-west Pond and Railway Hide, three Cetti’s Warblers (causeway, River Hide and Dragonfly Pond), three Green Sandpipers on the flashes north of Patrick Farm, a least 20 Snipe in the marsh, a Nuthatch on the Oak Hide feeders, 11 Common Gulls on Car Park Pool and also the adult Greater Black-backed Gull.

26th December 2019

Mostly wet.

An influx of Shovelers saw the total reach 120 today, a significant jump on previous weeks. There were also 150 Wigeon, 70 Teal, 350 Canadas and 400 Greylags counted along the with the adult Greater Black-backed Gull and two Ravens.

25th December 2019

Sunny and reasonably mild.

Happy Christmas to all members and visitors.

Two Whooper Swans flew over Car Park Pool this morning at 08:15 heading south and there was a drake Pintail on Car Park Pool. Other counts comprised 38 Shoveler, 41 Cormorants, nine Herons, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, 33 Snipe in the marsh along with a Water Rail, 17 Fieldfare on the flood plain along with 24 Redwing, a little further north by the Patrick Farm flash. There was also a single Green Sandpiper on the flash and a Grey Wagtail by Patrick Farm.

24th December 2019

Mostly cloudy, light westerly breeze.

No records.

23rd December 2019

Mostly sunny.

Two male and a female Pintail were present on Car Park Pool this morning but were often hiding the juncus on the far bank.

Other birds today comprised three males and a female Bullfinch along the Old Road, seven Snipe on Car Park Pool, a male Yellowhammer and two Collared Doves amongst the regulars of the car park feeder and a Kestrel hovering over the crop field.

22nd December 2019

Mostly dry and sunny until the evening.

The five Pintail were again present but this time on the Reserve along with two female Goldeneye and a pair of Goosander. Mid morning a Red-breasted Merganser was seen and photographed on the Blythe / floods by Patrick Bridge, presumably with the same pair of Goosander but it did not seem to actually come on to the Reserve itself. There were also ten Pochard, 30 Common Snipe, seven Common Gulls, 33 Shoveler, a Coal Tit in the back gate copse, a male Cetti’s in the Causeway and a female in the marsh.

21st December 2019

Mixture of sun showers and overcast conditions, mild.

With the floods still prominent down at Patrick Bridge it was good to at last to see some less usual birds attracted in there which included three males and two female Pintail. Wildfowl number were variable with commoner ducks dispersed but record quantities of geese. The total counts today were as follows: four Mute Swans, 638 Greylags, 514 Canadas, a Greylag Canada Cross, one Farmyard Goose, 188 Wigeon, 101 Teal, eight Shoveler, 24 Gadwall, 22 Mallard, 11 Pochard, 50 Tufteds, 30 Cormorants, seven Herons, seven Moorhens, 48 Coot, 123 Lapwing, 22 Snipe, 50 Black-headed Gulls, one Common Gull, 11 Herring Gulls, three Lesser Black-backed Gulls, two Green Sandpipers (at Patrick Farm flash, north of the road) and two Ravens over.

In the afternoon the two Jack Snipe were seen with eight Common Snipe near the mobile phone mast.

20th December 2019


It is no surprise to find that the Blythe has again breached its banks. Many of the wildfowl from the Reserve were feeding on the floods by Patrick Farm. There were three Green Sandpipers on the westerly flash, north of the farm and at least 80 Redwings and five Fieldfares in the fields there.  A Bullfinch fed on the car park feeder, a rare site!

Later in the day the Snipe count increased to 35 as the rain intensified and a male Pintail arrived.

19th December 2019

Periodic rain, milder.

The adult Greater Black-backed Gull joined ten Common Gulls and two Herring Gulls on the Car Park Pool islands. There were eight Common Snipe on the shore in front of Car Park Pool and a male Cetti’s Warbler was vocal on the causeway.

18th December 2019

Mostly overcast, some rain.

No records.

17th December 2019

Misty beginning and end of the day, some sun in-between, still.

Despite the weather two Shelduck were present on Car Park Pool with six Snipe on the shoreline in front. Three Meadow Pipits and two Pied Wagtails fed in front of the hide and there were 71 Lapwing on the islands.

An immaculate Vixen showed well by Oak Hide as well.

16th December 2091

Mostly overcast, some mist, light south-easterly breeze.

The adult Greater Black-backed Gull was on the Car Park Pool islands this morning and 61 Redwing, five Fieldfare and two Song Thrush were noted in the field just north of the Reserve. There were three Meadow Pipits in front of Car Park Hide and other bits and pieces included a Great Spotted Woodpecker on the Old Road, ten Long-tailed Tits a Nuthatch and a Coal Tit at the Oak Hide feeder and a male Bullfinch along the central stream line.

15th December 2019

Sun and showers, cool south-westerly breeze.

An Egyptian Goose new in today, drawn in by the large goose flock, comprising amongst other things 417 Canadas.  Other species noted in the log today were 37 Shoveler, just two Pochard, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, four Common Gulls, a Treecreeper on the central stream line, a Grey Wagtail and a Lesser Redpoll along the Old Road, three Green Sandpipers on the flash, north of Patrick Barns, along with 50 Redwing and a Fieldfare in the fields there. There were also two female Goosanders on Car Park Pool.

Later in the day three Lesser Redpolls were seen along the concrete road and at least 1,000 Starlings came in to roost. The West Midland Ringing Group found 20 Skylarks and ten Snipe in the tip field after dark.

14th December 2019

Sunshine and heavy showers, cold westerly breeze.

A pair of Whooper Swans are noted in the log for some time during the day but unfortunately there was no signature.  Goosander numbers reached nine (five males and four females). Other counts today were two Mute Swans, 420 Greylags, 458 Canadas, a Greylag Canada Cross, 254 Wigeon, 199 Teal, two Shelduck, 35 Shoveler, 23 Mallard, 30 Gadwall, nine Pochard, 26 Tufted Ducks, 28 Cormorants, four Herons, one Little Grebe, 16 Moorhens, 66 Coot, 182 Lapwing, 16 Snipe, 115 Black-headed Gulls, five Common Gulls, four Herring Gulls, four Lesser Black-backed Gulls and the adult Greater Black-backed Gull.

13th December 2019

Drizzly overcast start, clearing from the north-west, sunny intervals

After yesterday’s rain it was no surprise that the Blythe was flooded over the flood plain and the water levels in the two pools were high. Bailey’s Brook (AKA the central stream) was both coloured and very full.

Clearly many of the wildfowl were elsewhere with some on the floods.  On the Reserve there were 340 Canadas and 26 Cormorants (birds coming and going all the time), whilst a Grey Wagtail went over the back gate copse at first light.

There was at least one Bullfinch on the central stream, otherwise, like the wildfowl it was relatively quiet.

Later in the day there was a single Goosander and a pair of Shelduck on the pools together with six Pochard; four Common Gulls, two Lesser Black-backed Gulls and two Herring joined the Black-headed Gulls on Car Park Pool. Overhead two Ravens flew south over Siden Hill Wood and there were three Bullfinches on the Old Road.

12th December 2019

Wet all day.

No records.

11th December 2019

Periodic rain, south-westerly breeze.

This morning there was a pair of Shelduck, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, two Herring Gulls and a Raven went over.  After a decent number of common Gulls over the last few days, there were only two counted today.

Afternoon counts of wildfowl were generally poor with no more than 18 Shoveler, four Pochard, 40 Teal, 60 Wigeon and a handful of others.

10th December 2019

Sunshine and patchy rain, southerly breeze.

No records.

9th December 2019

Sunny and windy from the west.

The adult Greater Black-backed Gull put in an appearance on the Car Park Pool islands in the afternoon when there were also 14 Goosanders, about 140 Lapwing, 200 Canadas, a Little Grebe, three Pochard but only 80 Wigeon. The latter species has been lower in number this winter, possibly because of the extensive floods elsewhere.

8th December 2019

Sunny a.m., showery p.m.

The Wigeon count had improved slightly to 180 birds but numbers are well down on normal for this time of year, possible because of the extent of flood water around the area. There was a Kingfisher seen along the central streamline and two Bullfinches by the back gate with other birds noted limited to a Greater Black-backed Gull, eight Common Gulls, 29 Shoveler and 12 Pochard.

7th December 2019

Mostly sunny and noticeably milder than of late.

A slightly more varied collection of birds today with a Peregrine about again together with a drake Goosander, at least 18 Common Gulls, 18 Snipe, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull and a total of 27 Meadow Pipits split with nine in front of Oak Hide and 18 east of the A.452.

Other counts today were four Mute Swans, 375 Greylags, 379 Canadas, one Greylag Canada Cross, 107 Wigeon, 161 Teal, 26 Shoveler, 18 Gadwall, 23 Mallard, six Pochard, 12 Tufted, 28 Cormorants, five Herons, one Little Grebe, 16 Moorhen, 71 Coot, 194 Lapwing, 68 Black-headed Gulls, three Herring Gulls, three Lesser Black-backed Gulls and a Sparrowhawk.

Nine attended the afternoon work party and the distinctly dilapidated tern rafts that had marooned themselves on the gravel bar were taken apart and taken to shore to be removed later.  Some more weeding was carried out on the island in front of Railway Hide, the paths to all the hides were strimmed and mown where necessary, the drain under Car Park Hide was rodded and cleared, the record book was repaired and the spinner feeder was put out. Thanks to all those who attended.

At dusk 14 Rooks went over to the south with further 35 going east.

6 December 2019

Noticeably milder, north-westerly wind. Mostly cloudy with some rain.

All the birds were twitchy this morning as a result of the presence of a Peregrine and two Buzzards which, in particular, kept the Lapwings on the move. A single Meadow Pipit fed with a Pied Wagtail in front of Car Park Hide and there was a Little Egret at first light but this departed to the south.

A Cetti’s Warbler sang occasionally from the north causeway bay and there was a Treecreeper working it way up the Old Road from the car park gates.

5th December 2019

Cold start but increasing cloud and light rain in the afternoon and evening.

15 Goosanders roosted on Car Park Pool up until about 9.30 (11 females and four males), but there was little else besides.

4th December 2019

Cold, frosty but sunny.

The adult Greater Black-backed Gull appeared for the first time for a few days and there was impressive 34 Common Gulls with four Herring Gulls.

Three Bullfinches were recorded around the back gate.

3rd December 2019

Cold, still anticyclonic, sunny.

Six Goosanders flew over the back gate at 07:45 this morning, presumably having roosted on one of the pools over night. In the back-gate area there was a Jay, two female Bullfinches and at least five Redwings and a further five Redwings and seven Fieldfares just north of Car Park Pool along the hedge-line there.

A male Goosander came in during the mid-morning period and was seemingly displaying to itself! Gull counts comprised seven Herring Gulls, 12 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 20 Common Gulls. The Cetti’s Warbler showed well in the north causeway bay.

2nd December 2019

With the anticyclonic conditions continuing it was cold and sunny and 90% of the pools were frozen over. This was probably the reason why there was no sign of the of the Goldeneye this morning. Bits and pieces included six Snipe, two Meadow Pipits and three Pied Wagtails in front of Car Park Hide and a Yellowhammer at the car park feeder.

Water Rails were seen both in front of Oak Hide and in one of the channels north of the causeway where the Cetti’s Warbler was also vocal.

1st December 2019

Sunny, cold northerly breeze.

The long staying female Goldeneye was on Car Park Pool today and there was a steady flow of gulls in and out, particularly Common Gulls with a maximum of 11 at any one time but clearly more than this with a continual turnover.

There were three Green Sandpipers on the right-hand flash, north of Patrick Barn and there was also a Yellowhammer there.

Duck counts comprised 15 Pochard, 27 Shoveler and 226 Wigeon.

Other bits and pieces included a Nuthatch by Oak Hide, 11 Long-tailed Tits and a Green Woodpecker on the central streamline, ten Chaffinches, three Reed Buntings in the crop field, a Rook on the flood plain, a Meadow Pipit and a Skylark over, a Cetti’s Warbler singing in the north causeway bay and a Bullfinch on the railway embankment.