Packington Estate

 Covid-19 (Coronavirus) – Updated 31st December 2020

The Reserve remains open.  Members have been helpful and responsible during the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Please continue to co-operate by:

  1. Remembering social distancing – 2m minimum between people.
  2. No more than two people, per hide at any one time, subject to (1) above.
  3. Whilst in Tier 4, please leave two hide flaps open permanently, one on each side, to allow for air flow.
  4. A spray and cloth has been put into the six main hides so that if people wish to, they can wipe down doors, flaps, shelves etc.
  5. A mask is preferred for people using hides. 

Can all visitors please ensure they follow HM Government guidance in respect of hand sanitisation and social distancing, and ensure they avoid the Reserve  if they or any family members (or anyone else you may be in contact with) are showing any symptoms associated with Covid-19.

Work Party Dates

Subject to the Government lifting the lock-down restrictions, the proposed Work Party dates are:

9th January 2021                  2 p.m.

6th February 2021                2 p.m.

6th March 2021                     2 p.m.

10th April 2021                      2 p.m.

Link to bird ringing group –


21st December – sex of the Shelduck  changed from a male to a female.

19th to 21st December – Records added

18th December 2020 – Records updated

17th December 2020 – Photos added

31st December 2020

Sunny intervals, cold, largely remaining at freezing, pools 60% iced over.

East of the A452 again not much of interest with a single male Stonechat in the fenced off area diagonally across from the underpass and a second bird south of the drive to Mercote Farm (this is the drive opposite the entrance to Marsh Lane which is a footpath). There was also a Jack Snipe in the wet ground just beyond the underpass, 40 Linnets on the drier ground and two Redlegged Partridge also on the drier ground.

On the pools, a Great Crested Grebe was a new arrival on Car Park Pool where there were also three Goosanders. 285 Teal were spread across the open water, 20 Snipe were visible in the Marsh, a Cetti’s Warbler called from the causeway and there were two Grey Wagtails, one on the edge of the flood plain and the second east of the A452.


30th December 2020

Sunny intervals, some high cloud, light northerly wind.

The water levels in all of the pools is high and, as a result, the islands are all substantially reduced in size and the Snipe from the Marsh area, probably usually invisible, are now showing well with 28 this morning arranged around the right-hand edge or just below the hide. Railway Pool is clear of ice but some of Car Park Pool and the Reedbed is iced over.

A single Meadow Pipit went over, there was a female Yellowhammer at the feeders, a Green Woodpecker by Railway Hide, a Grey Wagtail over the lorry park, a Nuthatch and two Goldcrests in the back gate area, a pair of Bullfinch on the railway embankment, an additional Goldcrest on the central stream crossing, Cetti’s Warblers in the Marsh and in the causeway (with two Water Rails calling from the last location), three Fieldfares on the railway embankment and one in the car park, along with five Starlings and, lastly, a drake Shelduck on Car Park Pool.

29th December 2020

Cold, periodic snow showers, north-westerly wind.

The only birds making the log today were 33 Snipe arranged around the edge of the increasingly flooded Marsh and the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull.

28th December 2020

Grey, overcast and cold.

Limited fare this morning with just five Snipe, a Little Egret and a drake Goosander recorded.

27th December 2020

Wet and very windy overnight, courtesy of Storm Bella. Sunny and decreasing south-westerly wind during the day.

In the end Storm Bella went through pretty quickly and the 27th dawned sunny and bright with not a cloud in the sky, although more cloud did develop as the day went on.

20 Meadow Pipits, 23 Skylarks, 50 Linnets and a pair of Stonechats were in the fields just east of the A452 whilst the second male Stonechat had relocated to the south of the Mercote Mill drive. 8 Herring Gulls also went over those fields during the morning.

On the main Reserve the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull was present along with ten Common Gulls and 28 Snipe were in the Marsh. A Water Rail was calling by the Dragonfly Pond and as the day wore on, there were 11 Goosanders, a Little Egret, 25 Siskins and three Lesser Redpolls along the stream line and what was presumably a separate pair of Stonechats present by the mobile phone mast.

26th December 2020

Mostly overcast all day with an increasing south-westerly wind.

Counts today came courtesy of Graham Rowling and David Scanlan and were as follows: six Mute Swans, five Greylags, 162 Canadas, 14 Shoveler, 36 Gadwall, 244 Wigeon, 135 Mallard, 145 Teal, ten Pochard, seven Tufted, three male Goosanders, 26 Cormorants, two Herons, one Little Egret, two Little Grebes, nine Moorhen, 59 Coot, 107 Lapwing, 17 Snipe along the flooded edge of the Marsh, a Jack Snipe flushed from east of the A452 (where there were also three Stonechats and 30 Linnets), 50 Blackheaded Gulls, 16 Common Gulls, two Lesser Blackbacked Gulls, the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull, a Cetti’s Warbler in the Marsh, a female calling from the causeway and a Lesser Redpoll from Railway Hide.

25th December 2020

Frosty start, fine and sunny all day.

A Great White Egret was present on Car Park Pool for part of the morning before it flew off, north. Treecreepers were also in evidence with one by the Car Park and another in the back gate copse.

A Great Crested Grebe was a new arrival and five Bullfinches by Railway Hide was a good count for this autumn and winter.

30 Redwings fed on the flood plain, the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull was present and 28 Common Gulls was the most recorded this month.

24th December 2020

Sunny and cold.

103 Linnets east of the A452 was the best of the autumn counts for that species. On the pools there were 17 Pochard and 28 Cormorants, ten Redwings flew over and there was a Fieldfare in the crop field, whilst spread between Car Park Pool and the extensive floods at Patrick Bridge there were at least 12 Common Gulls. There was also a Grey Wagtail on the floods edge near the farm and four Stock Doves in the crop field.

23rd December 2020

Wet and windy all day.

No records.

22nd December 2020

Overnight rain turning to sunny intervals.

The morning’s birds were limited to a pair of Shelducks, two Little Egrets, 18 Snipe in the Marsh, a Water Rail in the causeway along with a Cetti’s Warbler and a further Cetti’s in the Marsh, 16 Pochard, a Collared Dove at the car park feeder and Grey Wagtails in front of Oak Hide and on the flood plain.

In the evening, 19 Goosanders came into Car Park Pool to roost and the Wigeon and Teal, many of which had been down the flood plain, also came back to the pools with over 300 of the former and 165 of the latter counted.


21st December 2020


There was a single Shelduck visible from Oak Hide this morning and at least one Water Rail showed well along with a Little Grebe in the north causeway bay channels.

In the afternoon there was a Grey Wagtail along the muck heap and in the Aeromodeller’s field a Sparrowhawk whilst along the Old Road there was a Nuthatch, Treecreeper and a few Redwings.

Water levels are well up, Teal numbers seem to have dropped away with only 100 counted on Car Park Pool this afternoon.

Goosanders began to arrive from about 15:00 with 12 then and 28 present at dusk of which six were male.  Ten Redwings came into the back gate copse to roost and there was a female Shelduck in front of Railway Pool.  It was almost dark when 20 Rooks came over the back gate copse heading towards Siden Hill Wood, perhaps to roost there.  A Muntjac was present around north causeway area.

20th December 2020

Mostly sunny, remaining mild.

29 Goosanders were present on Car Park Pool at dawn, five males and 24 red heads.

An adult Yellow-legged Gull put in a brief appearance on Car Park Pool and then flew north at 13:30. The adult Greater Black-back flew in at approximately 13:00 and there were also eight Common Gulls.

15 Snipe were present in the marsh despite the increasing water levels whilst in the back gate copse there was a single Nuthatch, Treecreeper and a pair of Bullfinches.

One Lesser Redpoll fed in the Alders along the central streamline and three Cetti’s Warblers were heard (two males and a female), a male Stonechat was present on the west side of the flood plain.

19th December 2020

Fine and sunny, mild brisk south-westerly.

East of the A452 this morning there were a pair of Stonechats (the female at the north end of the wet field and the male at the south), 20 Meadow Pipits, 25 Skylarks and 80 Linnets whilst in the back gate copse there was a Coal Tit and two Nuthatches.

Wildfowl and other counts comprised ten Mute Swans, 88 Greylags, 354 Canadas, 25 Shoveler, 26 Gadwall, 360 Wigeon, 70 Mallard, only 135 Teal, 21 Pochard, 24 Tufted Ducks, 26 Cormorants, six Herons, three Little Grebes, 11 Moorhens, 78 Coot, 200 Lapwing, three Snipe, 200 Black-headed Gulls, nine Common Gulls, five Herring Gulls and four Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

18th December 2020

Overcast with periods of rain, remaining mild.

A Chaffinch flock of at least 20 birds were present in the Oak trees on the edge of the crop field this morning and the female Kestrel was hunting the crop field.  The male was found dead on the Old Road, reasons unknown.

The autumn’s best Snipe count was reached today with 38 in the marsh.  A Kingfisher flew south over Railway Pool towards the causeway mid-morning and there were 18 Pochard and 28 Cormorants on Car Park Pool.  Wildfowl and other counts in the afternoon comprised three Little Grebes, 25 Shoveler, 37 Gadwall, 14 Tufted, 80 Coot, two Little Egrets, 35 Black-headed Gulls, three Herons, an adult Herring Gull, six Common Gulls, 305 Teal but only 35 Wigeon (with the bulk along the flood plain).

17th December 2020

Mostly sunny and mild.

Four Goosanders were present during the morning on Car Park Pool and by 16:00 this number had increased to 21 with five males and 16 females.  There were three Lesser Redpolls between Oak Hide and the South-west Pond, a Grey Wagtail in front of Oak Hide, Water Rail and Little Grebe from the north causeway screen, a Buzzard perched in the Oak Tree opposite Oak Hide and a single Little Egret.

Muntjac – Car Park Hide – Photograph Stef Fraczek

Sparrowhawk – Railway Line – Photograph Stef Fraczek

16th December 2020

Periods of rain.

No records.

15th December 2020

Mostly sunny.

23 Goosanders roosted over night which included ten males and 13 females.  They departed soon after dawn.  Ten Pochard were present on Car Park Pool, a Cetti’s Warbler in the causeway, the colour-ringed Lapwing again in amongst the small Lapwing flock whilst east of the A452 there was a male Stonechat, 60 Linnets and 20 Skylarks.

Other bits and pieces included Kestrel, two Water Rails in the north causeway bay, two Snipe from Oak Hide and a single Little Egret.

Water Rail – North Causeway – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

14th December 2020

Sunny, south-westerly.

An impressive 28 Goosanders were visible at dawn before departing, having presumably roosted on Car Park Pool islands.  This comprised ten males and 18 females.

In addition, three Ravens were chasing each other along the central streamline and then away over the lorry park.  The adult Greater Black-backed Gull was present again and other bit and pieces included a pair of Goldcrests in the back gate compounds and a Bullfinch on the causeway.  Not surprisingly after yesterday’s rain there were floods at Patrick Bridge but the HS2 activity there was not conducive to bird watching.

Records later in the day included a flock of 20 Linnets near to the Aeromodellers together with a Mistle Thrush.  There were five Snipe in the new marsh scrapes.

Little Egret fishing on Car Park Pool and finally catching a Perch – Photographs by Stef Fraczek

13th December 2020

Wet all day with a cold south-easterly.

It was a pretty grim day weather-wise today but still a few birds to be seen with eight Goosander on Car Park Pool this morning (seven females and a male), two Water Rail in the north causeway bay and one below Railway Hide, ten Common Snipe, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull and three Little Egrets.

In the afternoon 24 Redwing, a Song Thrush, two Goldfinch and a Lesser Redpoll were all recorded from Railway Hide and a Sparrowhawk was also seen.

12th December 2020

Sunny intervals.

There were again good counts of Teal and Wigeon and a female Goosander was present for much of the morning at least.

Full counts were as follows:  eight Mute Swans, 43 Greylags, 177 Canadas, 19 Shoveler, 31 Gadwall, 335 Wigeon, 37 Mallard, 230 Teal, five male and two female Pochard, 18 Tufted, a female Goosander, 22 Cormorants, four Herons, three Little Egrets, three Little Grebes, 13 Moorhen, 78 Coot, 72 Lapwing, two Snipe, 55 Black-headed Gulls, nine Common Gulls, four Lesser Black-back Gulls, six Herring Gulls, a Lesser Redpoll along the concrete road, a Cetti’s Warbler in the marsh and east of the A452 a male Stonechat and 25 Linnets.

A Kestrel was also seen on and off throughout the day hunting the banks but the evening Starling roost was probably no more than 100 birds.

11th December 2020

Wet start, clearing with sunny intervals, light south-easterly wind.

There were two drake Pintail present on Car Park Pool this morning for an hour or so before departing south.

Pintail – Car Park Pool – Photograph by John Hunt

In the muddy conditions created by HS2 along the concrete road there were six Pied Wagtails there.  There were three Snipe in the marsh, 27 Fieldfares flew over at dusk and about 400 Starlings came in to roost.  Water Rails were again showy from the north causeway screen, a Kingfisher was seen briefly on Railway Pool, a Raven went over and also at dusk a Muntjac was feeding within the Reedbed.

10th December 2020

Overcast and damp.

Counts on Car Park Pool this morning consisted of 285 Wigeon, 205 Teal, 29 Gadwall, 22 Shoveler, nine Pochard, 11 Tufted, 15 Coot, two Little Grebes, eight Common Gulls, the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull and 120 Lapwing.

A Red Kite flew over, mid-morning, and a male Peregrine was seen as well. Thrush counts included 20 Fieldfare and 20 Redwing, and there was a Yellowhammer and two Reed Buntings around the car park feeder.

Railway Pool was altogether quieter with just a Little Grebe and three Snipe noted in the book and there were two Water Rails present in the causeway channels.

9th December 2020

Cloudy, light south-westerly wind.

No records.

Water Rail – North Causeway – Photographs by Stef Fraczek

The north causeway bay channels are providing good sightings of this species.

Wren from Railway Hide – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

8th December 2020

Morning fog, slowly clearing.

Three Song Thrushes flew in together in the Orchid Field, probably all continental birds with one, seen well, showing characteristics of this northern such species.  There were also five Blackbirds in the same area with more Blackbirds towards Railway Hide.  Grey Wagtail and Pied Wagtail and one Little Egret were all present around the increasing water levels on Railway Pool and a Water Rail showed particularly well from the north causeway bay early on, with two seen there later in the morning and a further bird in the Marsh.

East of the A452 there was a male Stonechat, 60 Linnets and 16 Pheasants whilst, on the pools, the colour-ringed Lapwing was seen again.

Some ringing around the car park produced mainly Great and Blue Tits in the net but there was a Great Spotted Woodpecker which made its feelings known by persistent calling.

Great Spotted Woodpecker from today’s ringing session – Photographs by John Hunt

The Old Road north of the Reserve is very muddy due to HS2 works so it is recommended that anybody that normally comes in from the north should come in from the southern end.

7th December 2020

Foggy most of the day.

There was another small but impressive Starling roost with an estimated 620 birds coming into the north causeway bay at dusk.  Two Water Rails were seen from the Reedbed Hide, one from Oak Hide and one from the causeway.  A male Kestrel was hunting the banks and there were three Little Egrets.

6th December 2020

Wet and cold all day.

There were a similar number of Teal and Wigeon to yesterday, many of the Wigeon feeding on the flood plain.  Snipe numbers were up to 12 (though this number is still poor compared to previous years) and there were five Common Gulls, two Herring Gulls, two Cetti’s Warblers, two Little Egrets and three Stonechats east of the A452.

Two Water Rails in the causeway included one which was upending to catch small fish.  There was also a Grey Wagtail on Railway Pool.

5th December 2020

Sunny, light winds.

A noticeable jump in duck numbers today, perhaps a result of the cooler weather over the last few days.  300 Wigeon and 260 Teal are the best counts so far this winter period and the other wildfowl counts were 14 Mute, 73 Greylags, 95 Canadas, a single Egyptian Goose, 24 Shoveler, 20 Gadwall, 20 Mallard, eight Pochard, 18 Tufteds, two male Goosanders and five female Goosanders.

The other counts included three Herons, a Little Egret, 21 Cormorants, three Little Grebes, 11 Moorhen, 60 Coot, 141 Lapwing, just one Snipe, 102 Black-headed Gulls, three Common Gulls, one Herring Gull, four Lesser Black-backed Gulls, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, a Water Rail on the causeway, a Cetti’s Warbler in the marsh and a Grey Wagtail at the muck heap.

A Red Kite showed over Patrick Bridge at 13:00 when it was joined by a Peregrine which was seen later over Railway Pool.

Two pairs of Stonechats were present east of the A452 along with a flock of 25 Linnets and 25 Skylarks.

Ravens displayed over Siden Hill Wood on more than one occasion during the day, there were 60 Redwings on the railway embankment and a Mistle Thrush was also seen.

Approximately 500 Starlings went to roost.

4th December 2020

Mostly wet.

There was a drake Goosander on Car Park Pool this morning along with 220 Wigeon, 45 Teal, 15 Shoveler, 30 Gadwall and six Pochard.  A further 110 Teal were counted on Railway Pool where a Kingfisher also showed well.  200 Fieldfare and 100 Redwing were both good counts and there was a male Yellowhammer in the field behind Oak Hide.

3rd December 2020

Wet and cold all day.

205 Teal this morning was a good count so far this winter and there were 81 Canadas and a drake Goosander amongst other things.

At least 20 Chaffinches were feeding in the crop field, a Water Rail showed well in the north causeway bay and there were three Little Egrets on site.

An apparent increase in Blackbirds saw four behind Oak Hide and seven by Railway Hide.

20 to 30 Redwings and five to ten Fieldfares were feeding on the berries along the Old Road.

2nd December 2020

High cloud, light winds.

No records.

1st December 2020

Light cool northerly, but sunny all day.

Birds making the log today included a single Shelduck, two Water Rails in the causeway bay, where there was also a singing Cetti’s Warbler, the regular adult Greater Black-backed Gull along 11 Common Gulls and four Little Egrets.

Carrion Crow to the right of Oak Hide – Photograph by Mike Pugh