Packington Estate

 Work Party Dates:

18th March 2017 – 2 p.m.

15th April 2017 – 2 p.m.

9th May 2017 – 6 p.m.

6th June 2017 – 6 p.m.


See Stonechat photograph added under 7th January 2017.

28 February 2017

Sunny start with frost, after overnight rain, quickly clouding over and turning showery.

The first Redshank of the year called briefly and lingered just for a short time on Car Park Pool this morning whilst the Cetti’s Warbler sang briefly from the Reedbed, south of the causeway. In the north causeway bay there was at least one Kingfisher and three Water Rails. A pair of Oystercatchers were mating in front of Oak Hide and there were at least 24 Snipe in the Marsh.

Female Mallard from north causeway hide – Photograph taken 28th February 2017

Photograph by Nick Barlow

27th February 2017

Mostly overcast and showery

The Ringed Plover was on Railway Pool for a greater part of today and there were also up to eight Goosanders present along with two Little Egret, two Shelducks and six Great Crested Grebes.

A male Peregrine shot over the causeway going south, mid-afternoon, and there were at least 150 Starlings on site. The male Cetti’s Warbler sang briefly from the north causeway bay where there was also Water Rail and a singing Goldcrest. Around the car park feeders were at least two Yellowhammers, four Greenfinch and ten each of Goldfinch and Reed Bunting.

26th February 2017

Showery, blustery south-westerly wind.

A Ringed Plover spent a bit longer on the pools today and was joined by a Curlew, seen from Oak Hide at about 11.50. Unfortunately that did not linger. There were five Little Egrets, five Great Crested Grebes, seven Oystercatchers, two Common Gulls, a pair of Water Rails in flight in the causeway bay, a pair of Goosanders, at least three Herring Gulls and three pairs of Great Crested Grebes, 28 Shoveler and seven Rooks on the flood plain.

Ringed Plover – 26th February 2017

Photograph by Jeff Rankin

Other species noted today included 20 Redwings, six Linnets, a pair of Great Spotted Woodpeckers by the back gate again, along with a Green Woodpecker, 41 Gadwall, 105 Starling and 15 Reed Buntings at the feeders, of which only two were females. The total species count this afternoon, out of interest, was 52.

Curlew – 26th February 2017

Photograph by Dave Shakespeare

25th February 2017

Grey, cool, blustery south-westerly wind.

The Cetti’s Warbler sang briefly along the causeway this morning and there were a pair of very active Great Spotted Woodpeckers around the south-west pond. Long-tailed Tits are beginning to pair up and, over the last few days, at least five pairs have been noted.

A Red Kite flew over to the south-west at 10.30 and there was also a Peregrine on the prowl. A Kingfisher was again in the causeway bay and Little Egret numbers were up to four. General duck numbers are varying hugely, but there were still good numbers of Wigeon but Teal are now down to below 100.

With thanks to Graham and Dave, the following counts were made this morning: two Mute Swans, 51 Greylags, 11 Canadas, two Shelducks, 250 Wigeon, 43 Gadwall, 93 Teal, eight Mallard, 27 Shoveler, 10 Pochard (including Blue F6T), 31 Tufted, 33 Cormorants, five each of Little and Great Crested Grebes, eight Moorhen, 43 Coot, four Oystercatcher, 540 Lapwing, 12 Snipe, 490 Black-headed Gulls, four Common Gulls, two first-winter Herring Gulls and ten Lesser Black-backs.

In the afternoon, a Jack Snipe appeared in the Marsh and the Snipe numbers increased to 35. Seven Goosanders came in to roost (three males and four females) and a Water Rail showed well in the causeway bay at dusk.

24th February 2017

Sunny, cool, slowly clouding over.

A pair of Stonechats were in the rough field north of Siden Hill Wood again this morning whilst, on the pools, there were at least two pairs of Great Crested Grebes, five Dabchicks, three Shelducks, four Oystercatchers, three Little Egrets, 14 Snipe, six Goosanders (four male and two females) and, in the causeway bay, both Kingfisher and Water Rail were seen.

23 February 2017

Very windy from the south west, occasional blustery showers

Despite the wind there was plenty of activity from the Black-headed Gull colony with pairs beginning to form although most of the flock was on Railway Pool.

Otherwise, less usual birds were the same as the last few days with three each of Shelduck and Oystercatcher, pairs of Great Crested and Little Grebe on Car Park Pool and a Little Egret along the river which then flew over towards Bradnocks Marsh.

22 February 2017

Showers, occasional sunny intervals, increasing south-westerly wind.

At 8 a.m. there were three Little Egrets on Car Park Pool together with two Shelducks and a pair of Great Crested Grebes. Only eight Snipe could be found in the Marsh, however.

In the crop field there were 22 Chaffinches and six each of Yellowhammer and Reed Bunting and at least ten Stock Doves were flying around the area at the same time. Later in the morning there was further aggression between the Oystercatcher pairs

21 February 2017

Bright and sunny start, soon clouding over with drizzle.

Oystercatchers were very vocal today with at least five and probably seven on site, whilst there were ten Snipe in the Marsh.

Warring Oystercatchers – 21st February 20 17

Photograph by Jeff Rankin

First-winter Common Gull – 21st February 2017

Photograph by Mike Pugh

20th February 2017

Mostly cloudy, strong westerly wind.

Oystercatchers had again increased in number, with seven today, and there were still three Little Egrets on site. The Cetti’s Warbler sang from the south causeway area and a Kingfisher was seen in the north causeway bay, along with a Water Rail. On the pools there were three Shelducks and three Goosanders together with the Pochard with the blue bill saddle.

A male Stonechat showed from Railway Hide and looks likely to be a new bird. There was a Lesser Redpoll at Oak Hide along with two females and a male Bullfinch. Around the car park feeder there were Green Woodpecker, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Reed Bunting, Chaffinch and a Long-tailed Tit and a Peregrine went over.

A Ringed Plover put in a brief appearance in the afternoon.


19th February 2017

Generally mild, sunny intervals.

On Car Park Pool today there were six Goosanders (two males and four females), three Great Crested Grebes, three Little Egrets and three Shelducks whilst, on Railway Pool, Oystercatcher numbers had increased to five and there were 36 Gadwall and a Common Gull. The pair of Kingfishers were again showing well in the north causeway bay and a Water Rail was seen there with the Cetti’s Warbler occasionally in song. A Coal Tit was around the back gate area and there was a singing Skylark on the tip field.

18th February 2017

Overcast, misty, light south-westerly wind.

A flock of 20 Golden Plover flew over Car Park Pool at 8.30 and probably a further three over at 10.45. A pair of Kingfishers showed well in the north causeway bay along with Water Rail and the singing Cetti’s Warbler.

East of the A452 there were 37 Lapwings, six Stock Doves, two Skylarks and about 40 Linnets. The counts on the pools were as follows: four Mute Swans, one Black Swan, one Greylag, five Canadas, 294 Wigeon, 28 Gadwall, only 67 Teal, 12 Mallard, 12 Shoveler, 15 Pochard (including blue F6T), 28 Tufteds, a male Goosander (over), four Shelduck, 41 Cormorants, two Great Crested Grebes, three Little Grebes, one Little Egret, one Heron, 14 Moorhen, 33 Coot, three Oystercatchers, 26 Snipe, 670 Lapwing, 485 Black-headed Gulls, six Common Gulls, five Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 20 Herring Gulls whilst, in the crop field, there were 20 Reed Buntings and four Yellowhammers.

Eight attended the Work Party in the afternoon and work undertaken included a litter pick down the Old Road, some strimming, the clearance of the nest boxes in Siden Hill Wood and continued Alder and Willow clearance.

17th February 2017

Mostly grey, cool and overcast.

A flock of at least 20 Linnets were feeding east of the A452 this morning and the first Ringed Plover of the year joined two Oystercatchers, a female Goosander and a pair of Great Crested Grebes on Car Park Pool. A single Kingfisher was again in the north causeway bay and a Redpoll was in the crop field.

Kingfisher from right hand side of Causeway Hide – February 17th 2017

Photograph by Dave Shakespeare

16th February 2017

Sunny after light frost.  Light south-westerly wind.

In the north causeway bay there was a Kingfisher feeding from the Reedmace in front of the hide and the male Cetti’s Warbler sang in the same area occasionally.   There were 28 Snipe visible from Railway Hide and a Treecreeper sang from the central stream crossing.

Shoveler from right hand side of Causeway Hide – February 16th 2017

Photograph by Dave Shakespeare

The elusive Black-tailed Godwit appeared again mid-morning and was last seen roosting on the Car Park Pool islands. A possibility of a second bird, seen on Railway Pool, is more likely to have been due to the movement of a single bird.

As the day progressed, a pair of Stonechats were found between Siden Hill Wood and the mobile phone mast and a Raven was perched and calling behind Tower Hide. 40 Redwings were feeding on the woodland path at the south end and a Peregrine went over Car Park Pool.

An impressive record flock of 13 Goosander (six drakes and seven red-heads) appeared on Railway Pool in the afternoon along with five Golden Plover. There was also a single Oystercatcher and a Little Egret.

15th February 2017

Grey and mostly wet.

Yesterday’s Black-tailed Godwit appeared on Railway Pool at 5 p.m. and possibly as a result of the wet weather there were more Snipe visible today with 111 in total, of which 64 were seen on Railway Pool.   There was again a Jack Snipe in the Marsh and a single female Goosander on site.

14 February 2017

Frosty and sunny start.

The Marsh held 13 Common Snipe, one Jack Snipe and ten Teal this morning and around the car park a small mixed flock of Finches and Buntings comprised nine Linnets, six each of Reed Bunting and Yellowhammer and a dozen Chaffinches. There were three Shelducks on the pools but duck numbers do seem to be dropping as we move into the spring.

At 11 am a Black-tailed Godwit appeared briefly on Railway Pool but was chased off by Lapwings.

In the afternoon, a Jack Snipe showed well in the Marsh and a pair of Goosanders joined the long-staying Great Crested Grebe on Car Park Pool.

13th February 2017

Cold and grey start, northerly wind, turning much milder as the wind swung to the east.  Temperatures up to 11 degrees centigrade.

What was initially thought to be the long-staying female Stonechat was today joined by a male in the area north of Siden Hill Wood.  Subsequently photographs (see below) showed this to be a different bird.   There were also a pair of Ravens over the wood mid-morning, with another bird flying south down the dual carriageway at 7.30 am.

Left picture: First-winter female Stonechat – Right picture : male Stonechat

Photographs by Jeff Rankin

An Oystercatcher on the pools this morning was subsequently chased by a juvenile Peregrine, but survived!  Other birds included two pairs of Shelduck and Little Egret, whilst in the crop field there were 19 Yellowhammers and ten each of Reed Bunting and Chaffinch.

In the sunny afternoon weather, Goldfinches were in song with two pairs by the cottages and two pairs either side of the car park. A Greenfinch was also in song along the Old Road by the car park gates.

Finally Pussy Willow flowers are beginning to appear with ones in flower by Railway Hide and around the car park.

12th February 2017

Cold, easterly wind, light snow showers.

Three separate flocks of Siskins in the back-gate copse area totalled at least 50 birds this morning but there was no sign of yesterday’s Lesser Redpolls. The crop field flock from yesterday was still present, as were the Redwings on the flood plain, with numbers having increased to at least 80.   There were also a pair of Mistle Thrushes and four Fieldfares amongst them..

In the cold easterly wind, there was a steady trickle of large Gulls overhead with at least 30 Lesser Black-backs and 15 Herring Gulls through in the morning.

There were two Little Egrets and four Shelduck on the pools along with three Common Gulls and 14 Stock Doves amongst a 50 strong Jackdaw flock in the crop field.

11th February 2017

Cold, easterly wind, light snow showers.

In the early morning, two Jack Snipe were visible in the Marsh but they soon went into cover and were not seen again. There were 20 Common Snipe with them initially, other birds emerging onto the islands later in the morning to produce a total of 45.

In the crop field, there were 40 to 50 mixed Finches and Buntings – approximately 15 Reed Buntings, ten Yellowhammers and the rest were Chaffinches.

Other counts today were as follows: seven Mute Swans, just a single Black Swan, four Greylags, 47 Canadas, four Shelduck, only 73 Wigeon (with more probably down river on the flood plain), 16 Gadwall, 148 Teal, 19 Mallard, 37 Shoveler, 35 Pochard (including Blue F6T), 18 Tufted Ducks, two Little Egrets, one Little Grebe, three Great Crested Grebes, 36 Cormorants, 675 Lapwing, 15 Moorhen, 39 Coot, 175 Black-headed Gulls, three Common Gulls, three Lesser Black-backed Gulls, two Herring Gulls, three Lesser Redpolls around Railway Hide and 38 Redwing on the flood plain.

10th February 2017

Cold, easterly wind, light snow showers.

No records.

9th February 2017

Overcast, easterly wind.

Nine Common Gulls today was the best count of the year so far in what has been a poor winter for this species. As spring advances numbers should increase.

There were two Little Egrets as well, along with four Shelduck, 19 Pochard, 46 Cormorant, 17 Snipe and three Siskins.

8 February 2017

Grey and overcast, light easterly.

At first light, there were three pairs of Goosanders on Car Park Pool, with one pair leaving at dawn and flying off to the south with the other two still on site at 8am. There was a Little Egret on Railway Pool and in the Marsh an extremely showy Jack Snipe amongst nine Commons before it hunkered down and became harder to see.

The Starling roost had moved into the reeds and rushes in the North causeway bay and between 600-700 left the roost at 8.50am.

Also on site were pairs of Little and Great-Crested Grebe on Car Park Pool and four Shelduck whilst increasing amounts of song are now apparent at dawn with Song Thrushes in good voice by the Car Park and at either end of the causeway.

7 February 2017

Overnight rain, clearing quickly. Relatively mild and mostly sunny. Light west, north-westerly wind.

A Jack Snipe was visible in the Marsh for much of the day, showing well, whilst on the pools there were 569 Lapwings, 300 Black-headed Gulls and a Common Gull, one Shelduck and 25 Gadwall.

12 Stock Doves were feeding east of the A452, a pair of Treecreepers showed well along the concrete road, a Redpoll went over and there were 20 Linnets in the crop field. The Cetti’s Warbler was singing rather sporadically and half-heartedly either side of the causeway. A Little Egret appeared in the afternoon and there were eight Bullfinches together to the rear of Oak Hide.

6th February 2017

Rain at either end of the day. Sunny periods in the middle. Southerly

A Jack Snipe showed really well in the Marsh this morning between 10.30am and 12.30pm and an excellent count of Common Snipe totalling 60 in all with these spread across the Pool margins.

Other birds today were as follows: Three Shelduck, a drake Goosander, one Little Egret, seven Siskins (back gate copse), five Bullfinches,  both Woodpeckers and both Grebes.

5 February 2017

Sunny periods, some cloud, light westerly wind.

A few things on the move but as is so often the case at this time of year, change is slow. There was an extra Great Crested Grebe today, with one on each pool, a noticeable increase in Shoveler numbers, reaching 61, and two Skylarks flew east with a third singing just east of the Reserve. At 1 p.m., a female Pintail arrived and was still present half an hour later.

There was an Oystercatcher on Car Park Pool along with 22 Pochard and three Common Gulls and there were five Siskins in the back gate copse.

4 February 2017

Sunny all day after light frost.

A slow but perceptible change in wildfowl numbers saw a slow reduction in Wigeon and Teal numbers to 300 and 298 respectively, whilst Mallard have all but departed to breeding areas with only three on site. Pochard and Tufted numbers, 34 and 23 respectively, were a significant increase on last week as were Lapwing numbers at over 700. Black-headed Gulls are also reappearing in preparation for breeding with 240 this morning, again a significant increase on the previous few weeks. Five Lesser Black-backs and ten Herring Gulls went over or paused briefly on the pools, there were 20 Yellowhammers and 15 Linnets in the crop field and the elusive female Stonechat had moved up towards the mobile phone mast where there was also a Grey Wagtail. Coal Tits were recorded in the back gate copse and in Siden Hill Wood and there were at least five House Sparrows at Patrick Farm.

At dusk, at least 300 Jackdaws moved into Siden Hill Wood to roost. A Kingfisher was in the north causeway bay along with the Cetti’s Warbler and four counts today comprised nine Mutes, two Black Swans, 48 Greylags, 47 Canadas, a Greylag / Canada cross, 19 Gadwall, 44 Shoveler, singles of Little and Great Crested Grebe, 41 Cormorants, one Little Egret, two Herons, 14 Moorhen, 42 Coot, 38 Snipe, two Common Gulls, five Lesser Black-backs, ten Herring Gulls, six Buzzards, 20 Yellowhammers and 15 Linnets.

3 February 2017

Sunny, clouding over to rain on a south-easterly wind.

Less usual birds this morning included Little Egret, Goosander, Kingfisher, Cetti’s Warbler, Goldcrest and Bullfinch, the latter around the back gate copse and the Kingfisher and Cetti’s Warbler in the north causeway bay.


2nd February 2017

Windy and wet to begin with, slowly clearly to the south-west.

Records from Car Park Pool this morning were limited to 20 Pochard, singles of Little and Great Crested Grebe and 12 Snipe, the latter on the islands.  There were a further 43 Snipe on Railway Pool and, later in the morning, additional birds noted included three Shelduck, a pair of Goosander, a Yellow-legged Gull and a Water Rail.

1st February 2017

Grey and drizzly.

A Green Sandpiper was a new addition to the year list when one appeared briefly on the car park pool islands mid-day but was hassled by Lapwings and moved on quickly. The male Cetti’s Warbler was calling from the main Reedbed today.