Packington Estate

Work Party Dates:

9th March 2019 – 2 pm

6th April 2019 – 2 pm


We send our apologies that our site has been down for almost a week.  Unfortunately this was not of our doing, but the fiber optic cable was damaged and we have only today managed to get an alternative 4G service up and running. 

11th February – photographs added

22nd February – photograph added

13th February  – record updated.

31st January – record updated.

28th February 2019

Sunshine and showers, south-westerly wind.

There were 12 Pied Wagtails and 14 Meadow Pipits on the flood plain north of Car Park Pool with two Redwings and a Mistle Thrush along the Old Road. Due to the mild weather, a lot of the winter Thrushes have already moved through.

Pairs of Great Crested Grebes were present both on Car Park Pool and Railway Pool with four very vocal Oystercatchers on Car Park Pool.

27th February 2019

Hot and sunny. Temperatures of 18°C

Birds on site today included two Redshank, seven Oystercatchers, seven Little Egrets, 34 Cormorants, three Ravens, one female Goosander, three Yellowhammers, and Chiffchaff, Meadow Pipit and Grey Wagtail on the muck heap. There was also a Small Tortoiseshell there.

A Black-headed Gull (2 DXJ, black on yellow), sighted on 20 February at MLNR, was ringed as part of either the North Thames Gull Group or the Southern Colour Ringing Group. Further details will hopefully follow.

And a recent report of a Black-headed Gull in Ireland (Limerick City, 293 miles away) was the 30th of “our” gulls reported in Ireland.

26th February 2019

Warm and sunny

A Cetti’s Warbler showed very well from Railway Hide this morning and was photographed.

The Meganser was visible from Car Park Hide for part of the morning and a Kingfisher from the north causeway screen. At 2pm a third winter Caspian Gull showed well from Car Park Hide on the islands in front of the Hide and represents the 207th bird for the Reserve.

25th February 2019

Cool start, sunny again, warm.

Counts today included 90 Gadwall, ten Pochard, six Oystercatchers, three Little Egrets, seven Yellowhammers in and around the Car Park and crop field, nine Pheasants, four Ravens and the long staying over-wintering Chiffchaff on the Old Road muck heap.

Other bits and pieces included both Mistle and Song Thrush along the Concrete Road with four Meadow Pipits in the grass field there, a drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker in Siden, a Chiffchaff and two Siskins in the back gate copse; and around the Cherry plum in the south west pond area, there were Honey Bees, Red-tailed and Buff-tailed Bumble Bees and a Comma butterfly.

24th February 2019

Foggy start, slowly clearing, clear blue skies and sunny again. Warm.

Despite the fog there were at least 50 Chaffinches and a Yellowhammer in the crop field first thing and as the fog cleared, other birds included seven Oystercatchers, three Goosanders, two Shelducks, a Kingfisher and a now more vocal Cetti’s Warbler.

Three Little Egrets subsequently appeared on Car Park Pool with a further three on the River towards Patrick Farm. Buzzards also showed in the warm temperatures with at least four on or adjacent to the site.

In the late afternoon, 13 Goosanders came into Car Park Pool to roost. A Kestrel was seen as was a Small Tortoiseshell.

23rd February 2019

Misty start, warming up subsequently temperatures over 15 degrees

Both the adult Whooper Swan and the first-winter female Red Breasted Meganser appeared on site today and Black-headed Gulls were back in force with over 650 noisy birds, mostly on Railway Pool.

Other counts included; two Mute Swans, five Greylags, seven Canadas, 341 Wigeon, 42 Gadwall, only 14 Teal and four Mallard, 65 Shoveler, 15 Pochard, 40 Tufted, 38 Cormorants, four Little Egrets, one Heron, four Great Crested Grebes, seven Little Grebes, 17 Moorhen, 31 Coot, 239 Lapwings, eight Oystercatchers, the regular returning colour ringed Redshank, four Snipe, four Common Gulls, three Lesser Black-backs, two Herring Gulls, four Yellowhammers in the crop field, a pair of Grey Wagtails on the Old Road muck heap, two Chiffchaffs, one with the Grey Wagtails and one by the back gate copse, and a Small Tortoiseshell along the Concrete Road.

Lapwing – 23rd February 2019 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

22nd February 2019

Misty start, turning warm and sunny with temperatures again into low double figures.

Oystercatcher numbers reached eight today with the long-staying Chiffchaff still by the Old Road muck heap. Other birds included one Shelduck, 11 Pochard, three Great Crested Grebes, one Water Rail, a pair of Bullfinches by the top gate and a pair of Treecreepers and a Great Spotted Woodpecker along the concrete road.

Starling Roost against the Sunset – Photograph by Nick Barlow

21st February 2019

Cool start, turning warm and sunny.

The first Redshank for the year was the main record for today with one of the birds being a ringed individual and is probably the long-stayer from previous years. There was also a Coal Tit in Siden Hill Wood and a Peacock Butterfly on the wing.

20 February 2019

Mild with sunny intervals

No records

19th February 2019

Mild with sunny intervals

No records

18th February 2019

Sunny, some cloud.

Oystercatchers were very vocal on Car Park Pool this morning and there was plenty of bird song including Song Thrushes by both the cottages and the container.  Later in the day a Peregrine was also seen.

17th February 2019

Mild and sunny.

Today’s miscellany included six Oystercatchers, two Shelducks, six Goosanders, ten Pochard, 51 Gadwall, a Kingfisher, Cetti’s Warbler and two Water Rails in the causeway area, a Mistle Thrush singing by the back gate, a pair of Green Woodpeckers by Railway Hide; and, on the flood plain, 25 Fieldfares, ten Redwings, 13 Pied Wagtails and 11 Meadow Pipits. The Chiffchaff and Grey Wagtail were again around the muck heap and a Skylark was in song by the tip field.

A Treecreeper was also noted along the Old Road.

16th February 2019

Occasional sunny intervals with mostly high cloud.

Today’s counts were as follows: six Mute Swans, 92 Greylags, 26 Canadas, a Shelduck, 380 Wigeon, 45 Gadwall, 36 Teal, two Mallard, 66 Shoveler, 11 Pochard, 36 Tufted, two female Goosanders, 41 Cormorants, two Great Crested Grebe, two Little Grebes, one Little Egret, two Heron, 19 Moorhen, 33 Coot, four Oystercatcher, 193 Lapwing, seven Snipe, 380 Black-headed Gulls, 12 Common Gulls, five Lesser Black-backed Gulls, eight Herring Gulls, a Chiffchaff along the Old Road by the muck heap and six Yellowhammers in the crop field.

On the tip field, 19 Redwing and a Fieldfare fed together and there was also a Skylark.

On the flood plain by the cattle feeder there were two Grey Wagtails and ten Meadow Pipits and also a Rook.

In the later afternoon a flock of 50 Chaffinches came into the Oaks by the causeway and 25o Starlings came in to roost in the Reedbed.

Little Grebe – 16th February 2019 – Photograph by Steven Pattison


15th February 2019

Sunny, southerly wind.

Three pairs of Skylarks were active and vocal east of the A452 this morning and the Chiffchaff remains up by the Aeromodellers. Four Meadow Pipits and ten Pied Wagtails were by the farm gate cattle feeder whilst, over Siden Hill Wood, a Raven was briefly in display flight. There was a drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker audible from there as well. Green Woodpecker and Kestrel were seen around Railway Pool.

Other counts today included 310 Lapwing, five Oystercatcher, eight Snipe, a Water Rail from the causeway where the Cetti’s Warbler was also in song. A pair of Goosanders were also seen later in the morning.

14th February 2019

Mostly sunny, light southerly wind.

A Ringed Plover was today’s new arrival and Oystercatcher numbers have increased to five. There were still two pairs of Goosander.

13th February 2019

Overcast start, turning into another mild, mostly sunny day.

The mild weather encouraged a number of Song Thrushes into song with birds both by Oak Hide and Railway Hide, another on the causeway, one on the edge of the car park by the container and another on the central streamline just near the crossing. A Mistle Thrush was also in song by the south-west pond with another Song Thrush.

A pair of Oystercatchers and a pair of Goosander were on Car Park Pool and a Kingfisher was seen in the north causeway bay.

Other birds today included a flock of 15 Siskins in the back gate copse, nine Snipe in front of Oak Hide, three Goldfinches nearby and a Sparrowhawk through the car park feeder area.

There was another work party today with Marsh Lane volunteers, Ben Dolan of the West Midlands Ringing Group and nine representatives from Laing Murphy, as part of their commitment to conservation through HS2. We are very grateful to everybody who attended which allowed the gravel patch in front of Car Park Hide to be refreshed and extended for the Common Terns.

Further work on the Reedbed was programmed for the afternoon.

12th February 2019

Mostly overcast, but mild.

No records.

11th February 2019

Mild and mostly sunny.

Three Goosander and 12 Pochard were present on Car Park Pool along with a pair of Oystercatchers, whilst a male Kingfisher showed well in the north causeway bay. Visitors to the car park feeder included, amongst other things, three each of Yellowhammer and Reed Bunting, five Chaffinch, three Goldfinch, two Collared Dove, two Greenfinch and a Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Oystercatchers from Car Park Hide – Photograph by Tony Burbery

Reed Bunting from Reed Bed Hide – Photograph by Tony Burbery


10th February 2019

Mostly sunny, mild, south-westerly wind.

In today’s count of 12 Herring Gulls was last week’s colour-ringed bird, T7WT. This was ringed at Pitsea Landfill Site, Essex, as a first-winter on the 19th November 2016. It has subsequently been seen at Shawell, Leicestershire in November 2017 and 2018. This was courtesy of the North Thames Gull Group.

Other counts today included 11 Common Gulls, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, four Shelducks, an Oystercatcher, 20 Meadow Pipits and 13 Stock Doves (the latter two on the wet grass by Car Park Hide), 13 Snipe in front of Oak Hide, a Kestrel over Railway Pool, a Chiffchaff and a Grey Wagtail by the muck heap, six Pochard, three Goosander, all on Car Park Pool, a Kingfisher in the causeway bay and 53 Gadwall.

9th February 2019

Sunny intervals, occasional showers, windy from the south-west.

In today’s counts 540 Lapwing was the best of the winter so far and 21 Reed Buntings in the crop field was also of note. 33 Redwings and a Fieldfare fed in the tip field and a Chiffchaff and a Grey Wagtail were again around the Old Road muck heap.

The Lapwings were fidgety due to the presence of a Peregrine which was seen with prey, probably a Pied Wagtail.

Other counts today were as follows: four Mute Swans, 149 Greylags, 12 Canadas, three Shelduck, 342 Wigeon, 27 Gadwall, 79 Teal, three Mallard, 24 Tufted, 13 Pochard, the first-winter female Red-breasted Merganser, eight Goosanders, 46 Cormorants, one Heron, one Great Crested Grebe, five Moorhen, 71 Coot, 16 Snipe, 180 Black-headed Gulls, at least eight Common Gulls, over 30 Lesser Black-backs and ten Herring Gulls, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, Oystercatcher and Raven.

Six attended the blustery Work Party. The nest boxes on the east side were emptied whilst some reed cutting and reed stalk removal was also undertaken. Thank you to all those who attended.

8th February 2019

Wet and windy.

Between 8 am and 9 am this morning there was a single drake Goosander, briefly, although that flew off towards the river; there was also a pair of Great Crested Grebes, a pair of Shelduck, 50 Cormorants, eight Common Gulls, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull and a Lesser Redpoll over the back gate copse. Song Thrushes were in song in the gorse clump opposite the back gate and along the causeway.

The first-winter female Red-breasted Merganser appeared mid-morning. Nine Meadow Pipits were recorded and, in front of Oak Hide, there were nine Snipe.

7th February 2019

Very windy from the south-west, sunny intervals.

First thing there were 43 Cormorants, four Pochard, two Shelduck, one Great Crested Grebe and an Oystercatcher, all on Car Park Pool but shortly after 9.15 two drake Pintail and a first-winter Red-breasted Merganser appeared with the Pintail only staying for about half an hour.

There was at least one Yellowhammer in the crop field with a handful of Chaffinches and there were two Collared Doves at the car park feeder.

Other birds today included 16 Pochard, three Greater Black-backed Gulls, at least 400 Lapwing and 20 Meadow Pipits along the Old Road.

6th February 2019

Sunny intervals, south-westerly wind.

Yesterday’s Oystercatcher was again on Car Park Pool and the first-winter Red-breasted Merganser also appeared part way through the day, as did the adult Greater Black-backed Gull. A Water Rail and seven Common Snipe were visible in front of Oak Hide and a Peregrine went over at 11 am.

Common Snipe – photograph by Mike Pugh

Other records included at least 60 Shoveler, 200 Lapwing, 100 Starlings (roosted in the Reedbed), a Kingfisher, a male Sparrowhawk and a Whooper Swan.

Shelduck – Photograph by Mike Pugh

5th February 2019

Sharp overnight frost but soon clouding over from the south-west.

The year’s first Oystercatcher arrived on Car Park Pool in the morning. There were also four Snipe visible, a Shelduck and five Goosanders. On Railway Pool, three Common Gulls were in amongst the Black-heads and on the muck heap, along the Old Road, there were at least 14 Meadow Pipits and five Pied Wagtails.

4th February 2019

Milder from the south-west, but mostly cloudy.

In the field to the north of Car Park Pool around the feeder, there were 12 Meadow Pipits, eight Pied Wagtails, a Grey Wagtail and ten Fieldfares this morning with the number of Meadow Pipits increasing to 20 later in the day.

On Car Park Pool in the morning the adult Greater Black-backed Gull joined two Lesser Black-backed Gulls, two Little Egrets and a Little Grebe on the pool and six Goosander arrived to roost in the afternoon.

A Treecreeper showed well in front of River Hide, in the morning and around the car park feeder, birds included at least two Yellowhammers and six Reed Buntings.

Other birds today included one Shelduck on Car Park Pool and two Bullfinches by Oak Hide.

3rd February 2019

Cold, sunny, north-westerly wind.

The pools were gauged as 90% frozen over but there was a large ice free area in front of Car Park Hide early on with 200 Wigeon, 150 Teal, 82 Coot, 43 Shoveler, five Goosanders; and on the islands, an adult Greater Black-backed Gull, a first-winter Common Gull, two Herring Gulls, including a third-winter with an orange ring (T7WT) on the left leg.

A Raven went over Siden Hill and there were Kestrel and Sparrowhawk seen from Railway Hide. A Mistle Thrush was feeding in the horse paddock and the long-staying Chiffchaff was by the Old Road muck heap along with a Grey Wagtail.

At dusk, at least 50 Jackdaws came over from the south-west and 30 Starlings went into the Reedbed to roost.

2nd February 2019

Cold but bright and sunny.

The pools remain principally frozen over but, nevertheless, there was still good counts of wildfowl with the Saturday counts from Graham Rowling and Dave Scanlan as follows: four Mutes, 240 Greylags, 92 Canadas, two Farmyard Geese, 321 Wigeon, a Shelduck, 38 Gadwall, 222 Teal, seven Mallard, 44 Shoveler, nine Tufted, three male and nine female Goosanders, 21 Cormorants, one Little Grebe, one Heron, six Moorhen, 61 Coot, 1! Lapwing, 11 Snipe, 63 Black-headed Gulls, four Common Gulls, four Lesser Black-backed Gulls, one Cetti’s Warbler in the Reedbed and along the central stream, a Mistle Thrush in Lower Siden, four Bullfinches from Railway Hide, three Yellowhammers in the crop field; and by the Old Road muck heap, one Chiffchaff, two Grey Wagtails and six Pied Wagtails.

1st February 2019

High cloud, cold north-westerly wind. No snow.

Little in the book; just a Sparrowhawk over the causeway and two Yellowhammers on the feeders.