Packington Estate


25th to 29th February – Records added

24th  February 2020 – Record updated

Work Party Dates

7th March 2020                     2 pm

29th February 2020

Mild and wet start turning drier but colder later with sunny intervals. Moderate SW

Flood levels very high across the Reserve.

The first record of the day was a Barn Owl which was sitting on the roof of the south Causeway Hide at 08.15.

Later in the morning, the regular Saturday count produced the following:

Two Goosander (M+F), 47 Greylag Geese, 23 Canada Geese, 160 Wigeon, 29 Teal, 35 Shoveler, 14 Mallard, two Gadwall, two Pochard (M+F), 31 Tufted Duck, 24 Cormorant, eight Little Grebe, two Grey Heron, six Moorhen, 58 Coot, two Lapwing and nine Oystercatchers. The 650 Blackheaded Gulls included ten which had been colour-ringed at Marsh Lane and there were also three Lesser Blackbacked Gulls. Finally, a Cetti’s Warbler was in the Reedbed and up to five Green Sandpipers were present on the flash to the north of Patrick Farm.

28th February 2020

Persistent & heavy rain through the morning, easing off later. Light SW to SE

No records

27th February 2020

Sunny intervals & scattered clouds. Light/moderate NW

No records

26th February 2020

Cold start then cloudy with sunny intervals. Light WNW

Oystercatcher numbers were up to five, with four on Car Park Pool and a single on Railway Pool. A Goldcrest was noted singing by the cottages. Lastly, the Bittern was again seen roosting, this time at 17.50 on the right-hand side of the Reedbed.

25th February 2020

Cloudy with sunny intervals & showers p.m. Light W

Up to 150 Wigeon were feeding on the Flood Plain during the morning and a single Oystercatcher was in the same area. At Patrick Farm there were two pairs of Collared Doves, a mixed flock of Fieldfares (five) and Redwings (min 20) in the trees, and two Green Sandpipers on the flash to the north. Finally, a Mistle Thrush was heard singing, albeit distantly, in Siden Hill Wood.

24th February 2020

Very wet start, slowly clearing on a blustery south-westerly to sunny intervals.

There were two pairs of Goosanders on Car Park Pool until 07:15 when they flew off south. Five Snipe showed well on the edge of the marsh and there were 28 Shoveler on Car Park Pool.

The Bittern was again seen at the end of the day, this time at 5.35 pm.

A female Stonechat was on the Car Park fence by the hide.

23rd February 2020

Blustery north-westerly wind, initially showery with sunny intervals thereafter.

The adult female Peregrine was again perched in the front of Siden Hill Wood but moved off to hunt later and put up all the Gulls.  The adult Greater Black-backed Gull was roosting on Car Park Pool where the northern islands are still obscured by the high water levels.  There were two pairs of Oystercatchers, one on each pool, and eight Fieldfare and three Redwing flew in to Siden Hill Wood from the north.  There was a Greenfinch on the car park feeders.

Later in the morning the Oystercatcher numbers increased to six, there was a single Shelduck, a pair of Goosanders flew over to the south, Water Rail and Cetti’s Warbler were heard in the Reedbed and there were four Green Sandpipers on the right-hand flash north of Patrick Barns.

Flowers reported today include those that were noted before namely Common Whitlowgrass, particularly on the side of path to car park, Danish Scurvy Grass which is around the car park, more Coltsfoot, particularly on the causeway, Dog’s Mercury on the Old Road, Sweet Violets also there along with Common Field-speedwell.

Last but definitely not least the Bittern moved into its roost at 17:35 and a Barn Owl came in from the east to hunt over the crop field at 18:30.

Marsh Lane – view from Oak hide.

High water levels have covered much of the Marsh and river inflows have brought in brown coloured water

Photograph by Nick Barlow

22nd February 2020

Mostly dry, mostly overcast, strong south-westerly wind.

Two Egyptian Geese were present early on along with eight Common Gulls, a pair of Goosanders and the Peregrine in its usual perch in Siden Hill Wood.

Graham and Dave’s subsequent counts were as follows: four Mute Swans, four Canadas, 182 Greylags, two Shelduck, 182 Wigeon, 19 Shoveler, 31 Mallard, 35 Teal, 13 Gadwall, a pair of Pochard, 38 Tufteds, 33 Cormorants, one Heron, three Little Grebes, three Moorhen, 33 Coot, six Oystercatcher, 140 Lapwing, 245 Black-headed Gulls, one Herring Gull, one Lesser Black-backed Gull, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull and a Cetti’s Warbler in the Reedbed.  In the afternoon there was a Grey Wagtail and four Pied Wagtails on the flood plain, a pair of Bullfinches and a Goldcrest along the Old Road, three Stock Doves by Oak Hide; and the Bittern appeared in its usual roost site on the right-hand side of the screen (at an angle of 2 o’clock) at 17:40.  Three hundred Starlings came in to roost with a male Sparrowhawk in attendance.  The Common Gull count increased to 12.  There were two Green Sandpipers still present on the right-hand flash north of Patrick Farm this afternoon.

The colour ringed Black-headed Gull 2DXJ was back at Marsh Lane today.  It was ringed by the North Thames Gull Group as an adult at Pitsea Landfill Site Essex on the 8th March 2014.  All subsequent reports since then have been from Marsh Lane as follows: 12th February 2016, 7th January 2018, 20th and 25th February and 2nd March 2019 and then 22nd February 2020.

21st February 2020

Overcast, south-westerly, occasional heavy showers.

The adult female Peregrine was again perched in its favoured tree on the front edge of Siden Hill Wood this morning.  There were two female Goosanders on Car Park Pool, three Oystercatchers spread between the pools and a mixed flock of 150 Thrushes on the flood plain.  Other counts included a single Shelduck, a Cetti’s Warbler, three Bullfinch on the railway embankment and a Curlew flew over calling.  There was just a single Snipe in the ditch by Oak Hide.

20th February 2020

Dry start but strong south-westerly wind and periodic heavy showers throughout the day.

There was a male Goosander on Car Park Pool until 8.30 when it flew off south. Three Skylarks flew low, west, and there was a fourth bird singing over the tip field.

The water levels in all of the pools are still very high, including the Reedbed. It is probably for this reason that the Bittern has become more elusive as it has been pushed back further into the shallows.

Black-headed Gulls are beginning to move back onto territory with over 100 on Railway Pool and 40 on Car Park Pool this morning.

The Bittern was seen flying in to roost on the right-hand side of the Reedbed at 17:30 when a murmuration of Starlings, totalling approximately 300 also came in to roost. Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Buzzard were all recorded and there were 20 Linnets in the oak tree on the edge of the crop field before roosting.

19th February 2020

Overcast, periods of light rain, south-westerly wind.

A Green Sandpiper was on one of the flashes north of Patrick Farm this morning and a mobile flock of approximately 150 mixed Thrushes were feeding around the northern part of the flood plain.  These were mostly Redwings, with a few Fieldfares.

In the wet field near the mobile phone mast there were at least six Jack Snipe and seven Common Snipe and west of Siden Hill Wood a mixed flock of about 100 Finches appeared to comprise mostly of Chaffinches and Goldfinches but they were both flighty and elusive.

Other records today comprised pairs of Oystercatchers on Car Park Pool and Railway Pool, a female Goosander on Car Park Pool, two Common Gulls with the Black-headed Gulls on Car Park Pool and a pair of hunting Pigeons in front of Siden Hill Wood.

18th February 2020

Mostly sunny a.m., showers p.m.

A single Green Sandpiper was present on the flash north of Patrick Farm this morning and a least 150 Wigeon on the slowly receding floods by Patrick Bridge.

Slowly receding floods at Patrick Bridge on the 15th in the evening, the tide line from the flood can be seen in the foreground.  Previous floods have gone higher than that – Photograph by Nick Barlow.

There were 14 pairs of Shoveler from Railway Hide along with 150 Lapwing and two Shelduck in the afternoon.

17th February 2020

South-westerly, mild sunny and continuing windy with periodic showers.

The floods at Patrick Bridge had receded slightly this morning although there were still plenty of Wigeon, Lapwing and a few geese there.  A pair of Goosanders were less expected.  There was also an Oystercatcher present.

In the meantime two Shelduck and a Little Grebe were present on Car Park Pool with a further two Oystercatchers on Railway Pool.  There was a male Yellowhammer at the car park feeder but only low numbers of the usual species.  Two Buzzards, a Kestrel and a Great Spotted Woodpecker were also noted on site.

Both blue and white forms of Sweet Violets were in flower by the Aeromodellers and Common Whitlow Grass are in flower on the paths from the Car Park Pool.

In the evening, the Bittern showed at dusk (5.30 pm) on the right hand side of the Reedbed. 14 Goosanders roosted on Car Park Pool from 4.45 pm when there were four Little Grebes in front of the north causeway screen. A female Kestrel was hunting around Railway Pool, a Siskin flew over and there were four Oystercatchers and two Shelducks.

16th February 2020

Mostly wet and still windy from the north-west.

It was no surprise with the heavy rain yesterday on already saturated ground that the Blythe was flooded at Patrick Bridge and was overflowing into Railway Pool.

A rather forlorn looking Peregrine flew over Siden Hill Wood this morning and there were 250 Wigeon on the flood plain along with 47 Lapwing and 100 Greylags.  Forty Canadas and 200 Black-headed Gulls were spread between the pools and the flood plain and other counts included two Oystercatchers, 25 Teal, a single Redwing on the Old Road and 20 Goldfinches there as well.

15th February 2020

Storm Denis came in with a vengeance, strong westerly winds with periodic heavy rain.

Counts were generally low today with birds elsewhere, only a few down by Patrick Bridge.

Six Greylags, two Canadas, 70 Wigeon, 45 Gadwall, eight Mallard, 17 Teal, 29 Shoveler, 44 Tufted Ducks, a pair of Goosanders, 43 Cormorants, two Little Grebes, two Herons, four Moorhens, 47 Coot, 48 Black-headed Gulls, three Common Gulls, ten Herring Gulls, six Lesser Black-backed Gulls, two male and 12 female Pheasants around the Oak Hide feeder or into the crop field, two Snipe, 11 Lapwing and two mating Oystercatchers.

The first Coltsfoot were in flower by Reedbed Hide.

14th February 2020

Sunny intervals and showers, increasing westerly.

An adult Peregrine was again perched in the dead tree in Siden Hill Wood this afternoon and there was a Kestrel and Sparrowhawk hunting the edges of Railway Pool.  Other bits and pieces included one Shelduck, one Little Egret, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, four Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 12 Common Gulls and two Oystercatchers.

13th February 2020

Heavy overnight rain, slowly clearing, cold north-westerly wind.

The Bittern was visible only with the thermal imager before dawn to the right-hand side of the Reedbed viewed from the Causeway Hide.  The adult Greater Black-backed Gull flew in and then subsequently flew out later in the morning and there were a handful of Redwings around the back-gate area.  A calling Siskin and a singing Skylark flew over, both too high to see, at about 11:30.

The HS2 contractors were due to be on site this morning to undertake conservation work but were unable to attend leaving three volunteers to undertake some coppicing and pollarding in the back-gate copse, clear up some of the fallen trees that had come down in the back-gate copse itself and to remove shrubs in front of the South West Pond.  Thanks to those that attended and helped.

Other birds noted today were a single Little Egret, a Grey Wagtail by the back-gate, a Cetti’s Warbler calling by Pack Horse Bridge next to the railway and at least four Oystercatchers.

12th February 2020

Sunny, occasional wintry showers, cold north-westerly wind.

A male Peregrine was perched in Siden Hill Wood being mobbed by Crows.  A Green Woodpecker, a pair of Bullfinches and least five Redwings were around the back-gate / Railway Hide area.  There were at least two Oystercatchers on Railway Pool.

Later in the morning the Peregrine was mobbing a Buzzard over the Reserve and the dual put up the 200 strong flock of Lapwings. There were two further Bullfinches along the Old Road, a Grey Wagtail on the flood plain, 150 Wigeon on the floods at Patrick Farm and three Buzzards high over Patrick Farm itself.

11th February 2020

Sunny, occasional wintry showers, cold north-westerly wind.

No Records.

10th February 2020

Less windy with wintry showers, mostly overcast, north-westerly wind.

There was a Peregrine around Siden Hill Wood again and a Kestrel over the crop field and the margins of Railway Pool. Four Bullfinches were feeding on the railway embankment and amongst the gulls there was just a single Common Gull along with the adult Greater Black-backed and four Lesser Black-backs.

9th February 2020

Storm Ciara blew through today with extremely strong winds and periodic bursts of intense rain. It was perhaps not surprising therefore that there were no records in the log.

8th February 2020

Mostly sunny but increasingly windy as the day progressed.

This mornings counts were as follows: 130 Greylags, two Canadas, two Egyptian Geese, 235 Wigeon, 30 Teal, 20 Gadwall, six Mallard, 30 Shoveler, a female Pochard, 38 Tufted Ducks, one Great Crested Grebe, three Little Grebes, three Herons, 23 Cormorants, 12 Moorhen, 63 Coot, four Oystercatchers, 178 Lapwing, eight Snipe, 140 Black-headed Gulls, five Common Gulls, one Herring Gull, four Lesser Black-backed Gulls, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull and a single male Yellowhammer on the car park feeder.

In the afternoon a male Peregrine flew over Car Park Pool and at 17:20 the Bittern showed on the right-hand side of the Reedbed, the first sighting for about five days.  A Muntjac Deer called at dusk as a male Sparrowhawk hunted a small group of roosting Starlings in the Reedbed. No more than 200 to 300 were seen this evening.

Nine attended the work party and many thanks to those that attended.  The dismantled Tern rafts were moved, some strimming and willow clearance was undertaken and a number of nest boxes were repaired.

7th February 2020

Mostly sunny after a frosty start, light south-easterly.

There were six Pied Wagtails along the Old Road this morning, two males on the muck heap and four on the Aeromodellers field with a female Grey Wagtail by the cattle feeder.

Two Peregrines were again present on site, generally chasing Oystercatchers or sitting the dead tree tops in Siden Hill Wood.

Other bits and pieces included: one Little Egret, 23 Cormorants, both Green and Greater Spotted Woodpeckers, at least 240 Wigeon and a single Great Crested Grebe.

A pair of Stonechats were recorded east of the A.452, around the large Oak tree with a blue ‘M’ on it. There were also at least three singing Skylarks there.

Sometimes you have to stop whatever you are doing and have a good scratch!

Little Grebe – 7 February 2020 – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

6th February 2020

Cool but sunny.

No records.

5th February 2020

Initially overcast, some winter sun towards the end of the day, westerly.

There was no report of the Bittern today but a reasonable cross-section of other birds comprised: drake Goosander, two Shelduck, a single Egyptian Goose, three Oystercatchers, one Little Egret, five Common Gulls, a Green Woodpecker, one Cetti’s Warbler and four Bullfinches.

At dusk 22 Linnets were present in the crop field Oaks, four Goosanders came in to roost and there was a Peregrine on the prowl.

Tufted Duck – North Cause Way Hide – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

4th February 2020

Overcast, cool and stronger north-westerly.

No records.

 Pied Wagtail by Oak Hide – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

3rd February 2020

Mostly overcast westerly, force 3.

The Bittern appeared on the right-hand side of the Reedbed Pool in the late afternoon (17:15), at roost. There was also a Little Egret on site, two Oystercatchers and a Starling roost was quantified from a photograph at precisely 1246 birds.

Earlier in the day there was a Grey Wagtail along the Old Road, three Pied Wagtails at the cattle feeder, six Goldfinches and a Stock Dove along the concrete road and ten further Goldfinches, eight Reed Buntings, eight Pheasants and a pair of Yellowhammers along with the usual array of tits, at the car park feeder.

2nd February 2020

Heavy overnight rain, overcast but with a watery sun.

The West Midland Ringing Group undertook a cannon netting session to the right of Car Park Hide aiming to catch some Wigeon for ringing. It was partially successful with nine Wigeon, nine Coot and a Greylag being caught.  The handling Wigeon gave a brilliant opportunity to assess the beauty of their plumage and some of the photos are attached.

Head of female Wigeon

Fore-wing of female Wigeon

Fore-wing of male Wigeon

Under-wing of female Wigeon – Photographs by Nick Barlow

After no sightings of the Bittern first thing, it subsequently showed well around midday from bathing and preening on the left-hand side below the nearest lifebuoy. Oystercatcher numbers had increased to four, all on Car Park Pool where there were also eight Common GullsKestrel and Sparrowhawk were seen along with a single Little Egret, three Yellowhammers at the car park feeder and a Green Woodpecker in front of Railway Hide.  The Mistle Thrush was again in good song from Siden Hill Wood.

       Green Woodpecker in front of Railway Hide

                       Photograph by Stef Fraczek

In the late afternoon two Egyptian Geese came into Railway Pool and the Bittern roosted high in the reeds to the right of the screen.  400 Starlings attempted to roost pursued by a Sparrowhawk.

                                         Egyptian Geese on Railway Pool                                                                Photographs by Paul Casey


Lastly a sighting of a ringed Mediterranean Gull has rather slipped through the net.  The colour ringed bird was sighted at Marsh Lane on the 6th October last year.  It had been ringed as a pullus on the 27th May 2008 in Belgium (Oost-Blaanderen).   It was seen almost exactly a year later at Antwerp before the October sighting at Marsh Lane.  Thanks to Stewart Hares for that record.

1st February 2020

Overcast, quite windy from the west south-west..

The best bird today was a Red Kite which flew over towards Hampton in Arden at 11:30.  The Wigeon flock finally surpassed 300 with 308 and this morning.  There were five Jack Snipe in the wet field near the mobile phone mast along with seven Common Snipe, three Green Sandpipers in the flash north of Patrick Farm, a Peregrine over, a Grey Wagtail feeding on the Old Road muck heap, a Mistle Thrush and 25 Redwings around the south car park at Siden Hill Wood, ten Fieldfares by the sewage works and further 60 Fieldfares, ten Redwings and two Rooks on the flood plain.


Other counts today comprised nine Mute Swans, 226 Greylags, 64 Canadas, two Egyptian Geese, a Greylag Canada Cross, three Shelduck, 79 Teal, 26 Shoveler, 12 Mallard, 26 Gadwall, ten Pochard, 44 Tufteds, three male and two female Goosanders, 35 Cormorants, four Little Grebes, three Herons, one Little Egret, five Moorhen, 75 Coot, two Oystercatcher, only 50 Lapwing, nine Snipe (seven in the marsh by Siden, one in front of Oak Hide and one on the Dragonfly Pond), 140 Black-headed Gulls, ten Common Gulls, seven Lesser Black-backed Gulls, eight Herring Gulls and a Raven, the latter flying over Siden Hill Wood.

The Bittern which had been illusive all day was picked up by the bird ringers with their thermal imaging telescope at 17:00 on the right-hand side of the Reedbed.

           Gadwall on the pond left-hand side of the Causeway 1st February 2020

             Tufted on the pond left-hand side of the causeway – 1st February 2020

          Wigeon on the pond left-hand side of the causeway – 1st February 2020

      Redwings in the back-gate copse – 1st February 2020

                     Photographs by David Shakespeare