Packington Estate


Please note that with effect from 20th January 2021 Marsh Lane, Hampton in Arden will be gated just north of the railway bridge which accesses the Marsh Lane Nature Reserve car park, to the west of Siden Hill Wood.  The gate is going to be locked overnight.  Solihull Council have deemed this is has become necessary due to frequent problems of anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping and other forms of environmental crime at Bradnocks Marsh.

The closing/opening times will be as follows:

  • 1st April – 30th September 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.
  • 1st October – 31st March 6 p.m. to 8 a.m.

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) – Updated 5th January 2021

The Reserve remains open.  Members have been helpful and responsible during the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Please continue to co-operate by:

  1. Remembering social distancing – 2m minimum between people.
  2. No more than two people, per hide at any one time, subject to (1) above.
  3. Whilst in Lockdown, please leave two hide flaps open permanently, one on each side, to allow for air flow.
  4. A spray and cloth has been put into the six main hides so that if people wish to, they can wipe down doors, flaps, shelves etc.
  5. A mask is preferred for people using hides. 
  6. Only visitors accompanied by a Member are permitted in the Reserve and the fee for Visitors should be left in the record box (in a sealed envelope noting the members name and visitor numbers).

Can all visitors please ensure they follow HM Government guidance in respect of hand sanitisation and social distancing, and ensure they avoid the Reserve  if they or any family members (or anyone else you may be in contact with) are showing any symptoms associated with Covid-19.

Work Party Dates

Subject to the Government lifting the lock-down restrictions, the proposed Work Party dates are:

6th March 2021                     2 p.m.

10th April 2021                      2 p.m.

Link to bird ringing group –


26th February 2021 – Photographs added

28th February 2021

Frost, sunny all day after the early morning mist had burnt off, 11 to 12 degrees.

Chiffchaffs were up to six today with one by River Hide, two along the causeway, one on the Old Road and two along concrete road.

Two Ravens over Railway Pool attacked a Buzzard and there was a Sparrowhawk patrolling the margins of Car Park Pool. Nine Oystercatchers included five on Railway Pool and four on Car Park Pool. Two Cetti’s Warblers were heard and there was a single Little Egret.

Along the side of the path from the car park to Car Park Hide Common Whitlowgrass is now showing well (it is a member of the mustard family).

Common Whitlowgrass – Photograph by Nick Barlow

27th February 2021

Frost, sunny all day, 11 to 12 degrees centigrade.

An unsinging Chiffchaff showed well along the causeway in the early afternoon, fly catching from Hawthorn to Hawthorn. It had a small pollen horn above its bill suggesting a migrant rather than an over-wintering bird and with birds now on consecutive days, and others being seen elsewhere, it would appear that migrants have arrived early.

The first Redshank of the year was also present on Car Park Pool, a Raven circled over the Reserve calling and barrel rolling before heading off and there were at least 25 Chaffinches in the crop field.

Wildfowl counts comprised 52 Teal, 123 Wigeon, 51 Gadwall, 13 Shoveler, 44 Tufted Ducks and no Mallard. There was a single Great Crested Grebe on Car Park Pool, one Dabchick on the Reedbed and four very vocal birds on Railway Pool. 35 Coot, seven Moorhen, 19 Cormorants, 71 Lapwing, two Snipe, ten each of Greylag and Canada and four Oystercatchers made up the other numbers.

A Cetti’s Warbler and two Water Rails were seen from the causeway screen and there was a single Little Egret.

In an effort to try and discourage the Black-headed Gulls and give the breeding waders a bit more space, a banger has been put on one of the Railway Pool islands for a short period of time. Apologies for the disturbance but hopefully it will be beneficial.

26th February 2021

Frost, mostly sunny, mild, light westerly.

There were two singing Chiffchaffs along with two singing Cetti’s Warblers along the causeway today and two Skylarks were in song over the crop field. Two Ravens and four Buzzards were also noted. Later in the day a first-summer Mediterranean Gull was seen and photographed amongst the Black-heads on Car Park Pool.

First-summer Mediterranean Gull – Photographs by Steve Taylor

Both Water Rail and Cetti’s Warbler were seen from the causeway screen and Sparrowhawk and Buzzard were also noted.

Photographs by Stef Fraczek

Water Rail – North Causeway Bay

Coot – North Causeway Bay

25th February 2021

Sunny, mild westerly as an anticyclone develops.

The estimated Black-headed Gull numbers today were 3,000 by far and away the largest count at the Reserve!

A pair of Ravens flew into Siden Hill Wood in the morning and there were two pairs over the wood later on.

35 Chaffinches and five Reed Buntings were feeding in the crop field and there were four Redwings and six Fieldfares on the flood plain. A single Little Egret was seen on both of the pools, there were seven Greenfinches at the car park feeder and last but definitely not least an early singing Chiffchaff was present along the causeway area.

24th February 2021

Overcast, blustery southerly force 4.

The blustery conditions today proved attractive to the big gulls with a minimum of 32 Herrings, 15 Lesser Black-backs, eight Common Gulls and first-winter Greater Black-backed Gull present about 08:30 but birds were coming and going all morning. The juvenile Greater Black-backed Gull, shown in the attached photograph, proved a little testing to identify with Yellow-legged Gull having to be excluded.

A juvenile Greater Black-backed Gull – Photographs by John Hunt and

helped with identification by Jamie Partridge

An estimate of the Black-headed Gulls numbers yielded 650 on Railway Pool and at least 300 on Car Park Pool.

Five Goosanders, including two males were present on Car Park Pool and other counts included four Oystercatchers, two pairs of Bullfinches (one pair by Railway Hide feeding on the Cherry Plum buds) and the second pair along the streamline. Five Snipe were visible from Oak Hide and there were ten Redwings in the back gate copse.

In the mid-morning period a Curlew flew into the far bank of Car Park Pool and fed well for a number of hours before falling asleep. There were at least 40 Chaffinches in the crop field around lunch time.

Photographs by Paul Casey


Green Woodpecker


23rd February 2021

Overcast, blustery, southerly force 5.

Oystercatchers were back up to eight today with two pairs prospecting each pool. On Car Park Pool there six Goosanders (two males and four females) with eight Common Gulls in amongst the many Black-headed Gulls.

On the flood plain there were two Grey and six Pied Wagtails.

22nd February 2021

Wet start but drying up as the day progressed with sunny intervals, remaining very mild.

The spring influx of Tufted Duck saw numbers jump to 54 this morning.  There were four Oystercatchers and a female Goosander present at 08:00.

Later in the day the first wader passage of the year (other than the returning Oystercatchers) manifested itself in the shape of two Black-tailed Godwits.

Photographs by Paul Casey

Black-tailed Godwit

Song Thrush



Little Grebe

21st February 2021

Mild with temperatures up to 12 degrees, sunny intervals.

Again there was limited fair with five Oystercatchers, one Snipe, two Shelduck, a female Goosander, one Little Egret, six Common Gulls and a male Cetti’s Warbler singing in the causeway area.

20th February 2021

Mild, overcast, periodic rain.

The only birds making the log book today were two Snipe, a Water Rail and a Goosander.

19th February 2021

Windy with showers.

The evening Goosander roost totalled 26 by 17:30 comprising ten full adult males, two first-winter males and 14 females. There were still four Oystercatchers present during the day with just one roosting in the evening.

The adult Greater Black-backed Gull was again on site along with a least two Lesser Black-backs and two Common Gulls.  A Water Rail was seen in the north causeway bay.

In the evening, in addition to the 26 Goosanders, 270 Black-headed Gulls roosted.  There was a single Little Egret feeding on the Dragonfly Pool but that headed off north towards dusk.

Other bits and pieces consisted of a single Dabchick on Railway Pool, four Linnets along the causeway, a singing Goldcrest along the Old Road along with five Redwings there as well, a single Shelduck and 71 Greylags.

18th February 2021

Wet and windy overnight with showers continuing with some sunny intervals throughout the day.

There was limited news today with birds limited to the following: three Oystercatchers, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, four Lesser Black-backed Gulls, four Common Gulls, four Ravens, a female Goosander, a Little Egret and a singing Cetti’s Warbler around the causeway area.

17th February 2021

Mild south-westerly, sunny intervals, increasing rain showers in the late afternoon.

The White Fronted Goose flew over Railway Pool, with Greylags, heading north at 07:45 this morning. Having studied the moult pattern of White Fronted Geese generally it appears that this is probably a second-winter rather than a first-winter as originally thought. The white blaze around the bill develops more quickly than the black barring which tends not to develop to any great extend until the second winter period. The combination of incomplete white blaze and the slowly developing black barring seems to suggest therefore a second-winter.

Other birds today were three Common Snipe, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, three Lesser Black-backed Gulls, two Common Gulls, two drake Pochard, singles of Little Egret, Shelduck, Kestrel and Water Rail (the latter on the Reedbed), two Oystercatchers and three Ravens.

16th February 2021

Overnight wind and rain, calming down during the day with sunny intervals, south-westerly.

With Black-headed Gulls on the move and some already appearing territorial, it was probably no surprise that there were at least three colour-ringed birds on site today: EJ2J from the Netherlands which was ringed on the 4th May 2018 at Griend and 2DXJ black on yellow a British bird – details awaited.  Also one of the previously ringed birds from Marsh Lane was present 2AXN.

Bird sightings comprised three pairs of Goosanders and two pairs of Shelduck, two Oystercatchers, a Little Egret and at least one Cetti’s Warbler with other counts being as follows: 246 Wigeon, 50 Teal, 36 Gadwall, 38 Greylags, 93 Canadas and one Canada Greylag Hybrid, 235 Lapwings, 38 Cormorants and two Herring Gulls.

A mixed flock of Goldfinches, Chaffinches and Siskins around the back gate area included at least 12 Siskins. There was a female Bullfinch nearby.

15th February 2021

Mild, mostly sunny, south-westerly.

The first-winter White Fronted Goose was on Railway Pool early morning with Canadas but flew off at 07:44 in the early morning fog.  At least three pairs of Stonechats were present on the periphery of the Reserve today, one by Marsh Farm, another pair east of the A452 and the third north of Patrick Farm.

Four Ravens flew over the bridle way, towards Mercott Farm and there were 50 Linnets there as well.  On the Reserve itself a male Brimstone was probably the earliest record we have ever had. There were also three Goosanders, two Oystercatchers, eight Common Gulls, 20 Siskins in the back gate copse, 30 Fieldfares and 40 Redwings on the flood plain.  Treecreeper, Grey Wagtail, Little Egret, Cetti’s Warbler and two Snipe were also in the log along with a Water Rail from the Reedbed screen.

14th February 2021

Cold southerly wind with light rain showers in the morning becoming heavier during the afternoon.

Records were fairly limited as a result with five Goosanders, at least 20 Redwing and Fieldfare by Car Park Hide, a Water Rail on the Reedbed and three Buzzards around the Railway Pool area.

13th February 2021

Icy cold south-easterly, pools mostly frozen, sunny start, some cloud by 13:00.

On Car Park Pool this lunch time there was a pair of Goosanders and the adult Greater Black-back Gull.  A male Bullfinch was feeding on its own by the South-west Pond.

In the tip field or just to the north of Car Park Pool there were combined numbers of 30 Starlings, 25 Redwings and four Fieldfares.  Some additional counts included 233 Wigeon and 23 Shoveler.

The hedge along the Old Road is being laid at the moment with 100 metres planned.

12th February 2021

Icy cold easterly, mostly sunny.

An impressive 24 Goosanders were counted on Car Park Pool this morning with two Oystercatchers and two Shelduck.  There were five Bullfinches on the Guelder Rose bushes by Railway Hide.

A selection of photographs taken by Stef Fraczek

Goosander – Car Park Pool

Redwing near Car Park Hide

Brown Rat near Oak Hide

Fieldfare near Car Park Hide

Goosanders – Car Park Pool

Mute Swans – ready, steady go – Car Park Pool

11th February 2021

Cold, easterly wind but mostly sunny.

The first-winter White Fronted Goose was back on Car Park Pool this morning after an away day Earlswood. It flew off at 08:10 with that departure time becoming quite a regular feature over the last few days. There were also 17 Goosanders, five Oystercatchers and two Shelduck.

North of Patrick Farm a pair of Stonechats showed well near the HS2 compound.

10th February 2021

Cold north easterly, sunny intervals.

Some late news from Thursday 28 January is of a flock of 40 Waxwings seen well along the Old Road by Lee Quick.  The birds were up-ending on berries along the Old Road before flying off south-east.  There have been very few Waxwings about this winter and so it is an unusual record but may reflect cold weather movements which are bringing in birds such as Woodcocks to the East coast.

The cold north easterly had eased a bit this morning but the wind has at least kept most of the Pools unfrozen.

The morning sun was highlighting the white undersides of the Greylags as they were up-ending in the shallows on the west side of Railway Pool where some water is still overflowing back into the river. There was no sign of the first winter White-fronted Goose this morning as it appears to have moved to Earlswood.

Despite the cold weather, there was still plenty of bird song and pussy willows are now coming into bud.

The paths remain icy in the frozen weather and the water levels on the central stream have eroded some of the bank on either side of the track where protective fencing is being put. Care needs to be taken.

Other birds this morning included at least 60 Cormorants (with birds coming and going all morning), two Shelducks, a pair of Oystercatchers, an Egyptian Goose, a pair of Bullfinches by the back gate with a very vocal Green Woodpecker there, a Great Spotted Woodpecker on the Old Road, four Snipe in the Marsh, a Meadow Pipit over the Car Park, Song Thrushes along the Causeway and the path to River Hide and 30 Chaffinches in the crop field.

Later in the morning the number of Oystercatchers had increased to six, there was a single Egyptian Goose, one Pochard, three Goosanders, a Little Egret, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, three Common Gulls and eight Fieldfares.

Pussy Willow in the back gate copse

The Reedbed Pool this morning – Photographs by Nick Barlow

9th February 2021

Cold north easterly, mostly sunny

The first winter White Fronted Goose was on Railway Pool at dawn but flew off just before 8am with Greylags.  Six Oystercatchers were present on Car Park Pool along with an Egyptian Goose.

Also, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull put in an appearance; there were three Shelducks, 155 Lapwings, a Kestrel hunting the crop field, a Buzzard over Patrick Farm and pairs of Bullfinches along the central stream and by the back gate.

8th February 2021

Wintery showers, cold north easterly

Counts today comprised 62 Cormorants, 21  Lesser Black-backed Gulls, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, five Common Gulls, over 100 Black-headed Gulls, four Shelducks, 195 Lapwings and four Oystercatchers.

Needless to say in the cold weather, the Car Park feeders were busy with five Goldfinches, six Greenfinches, eight Reed Buntings, three Dunnocks, four Chaffinches, two Magpies, five Pheasants, two Jackdaws and a Robin.

7th February 2021

After wind and some rain overnight, cold north easterly throughout the day, overcast, mostly dry.

No records.

6th February 2021

After overnight rain, relatively mild and still. Sunny intervals.

The only record today was of a Green Sandpiper on the flash north of Patricks Farm which was also seen yesterday along with a Grey Wagtail nearby.

There were also five Oystercatchers flying about in the afternoon when a small and suitably socially distanced work party repaired mess boxes and undertook more weeding of the islands. A planned fire of the saplings by Railway Hide was thwarted by the wind direction blowing smoke on to the railway.

5th February 2021

High cloud, some mist, occasional sunny intervals, variable light winds.

The White Fronted Goose showed well below Railway Hide this morning feeding in the marginal vegetation before flying with the other geese to the riverside where it became more elusive.  The photograph from Martin Durkin, taken on the 26th January, confirms that the bird is not in fact an adult as previously reported but is a first-winter.  The white blaze at the front of the bill is less marked and there are fewer black bars on the breast.

The Oystercatcher count had increased to five this morning with birds increasingly vocal and moving about between the pools and the flood plain.  There was a drake Goosander on Car Park Pool but only two Snipe were visible in the marsh and disturbance from a presumed predator a few days ago seems to have reduced the numbers.  The Cetti’s Warbler was in song in the Reedbed, there were two Redwings by River Hide, a Great Spotted Woodpecker on the Oak Hide feeder, a vocal and visible Water Rail in the north causeway bay feeding under the thorn bush on the left-hand bank and 25 Chaffinches and eight Reed Buntings in the crop field.

4th February 2021

Overcast all day, dry a.m. and west p.m.

The White Fronted Goose was present on Railway Pool until just after 08:00 when it flew off.  There were three Oystercatchers on site along with a drake Goosander on Car Park Pool, 47 Cormorants, 380 Black-headed Gulls, five Common Gulls, a singing Cetti’s Warbler and seven Snipe again at the far end of the Reedbed Pool.

A walk south of the drive to Mercott Farm (i.e. the bridle way opposite Marsh Lane) revealed at least one Stonechat to the south of the track and then further south again, through Berkswell Estate, a least one more male.

3rd February 2021

Overnight rain slowly clearing, occasional sunny intervals, some cloud.

There was an Oystercatcher and a pair of Shelduck on the pools, a Grey Wagtail on the muck heap down the Old Road and a Green Sandpiper on the flash north of Patrick Farm.

2nd February 2021

Drizzly and misty start, slowly clearing with occasional sunny intervals, light south-westerly.

There were nine Goosanders on Car Park Pool at dawn (six males, three females) but they quickly departed.  32 Snipe included 23 in the marsh and nine at the far end of the Reedbed perched out on some vegetation.

A Snipe from Oak Hide – Photograph by Mike Johnson

The crop field held about 40 Chaffinches and a Yellowhammer.  There were two pairs of Stonechats east of the underpass under the A452, still four south of that by Marsh Farm and also a pair on the north-west side of Patrick Bridge.  There were definitely ten yesterday but no immediate sign of the male by the mobile phone mast nor the one by the Dragonfly Pond; so there could be as many as 12 birds.

The milder weather no doubt prompted a least six Song Thrushes to sing.

Later in the day there were 14 Common Gulls, a single Oystercatcher, a Peregrine which flew over Reedbed Pool and a pair of Bullfinches by the top gate.

1st February 2021

Mostly sunny and reasonably mild.

The White-fronted Goose was on Railway Pool at 08:15 and then flew off.  There was an Oystercatcher on Car Park Pool together with two Shelduck and seven Goosanders.