Packington Estate


28th February 2022

Sunny and mild after overnight frost.

A Chiffchaff was again seen on the Old Road though again not in song. A juvenile Peregrine was present, a pair of Kestrels were on the tip field and, on the pools, ten Oystercatchers, six Snipe and the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull. A single Redpoll and a Brambling were on the stream line, a Siskin in the back gate copse and two Goosanders joined the ducks on Car Park Pool.

Later in the day, the six Bramblings were either in the crop field or by the feeders and a new Chiffchaff appeared, this one in song, by the back gate.

Last, but not least, an Otter swam across the causeway at about 12.15.

Pussy Willow flowers – near the back gate.  Photograph by Nick Barlow

27th February 2022

Light overnight rain, high cloud in the morning giving rise to rain in the afternoon. Southerly wind.

The first returning Redshank was the colour-ringed bird previously seen over a number of years.

At least four Bramblings were amongst a small group of Chaffinches and Reed Buntings in the crop field. This included two smart males.

A flock of 21 Redpolls flew low over the car park towards the central stream at 8.30 with a further single a little while later and two more in the back gate copse. There was also a single Siskin along the central stream, 15 Goldfinches by the back gate with three Bullfinches and a pair of Greenfinches on the Causeway. It was pleasing to note a female Yellowhammer at the feeders this morning as they had been scarce.

A pair of Ravens flew over, west, at 8 am with a single bird half an hour later.

Other records included 29 Cormorants, 16 Pheasants in the crop field and a singing Stock Dove by the south-west pond.

26th February 2022

Sunny spells all day with an increasing fresh southerly.

Duck numbers continue to drop off as the wintering birds slowly leave the area.  Conversely, Black-headed Gulls are increasing with 560 in the morning, but very few in the afternoon.

Male Brambling – Photograph by Steve Pattison

Eight Brambling were present in the crop field and 108 Fieldfare on the floodplain.  An increase in Stonechats included the long staying male on the former Aero Modellers field, and a male and two females east of the A452.  Ten Lesser Redpolls were feeding in the alders along the concrete road.

Other counts were as follows: Six Mute Swans, 23 Canada Geese, five Greylag Geese, three Shelduck , 93 Gadwall, 27 Shoveler, 209 Wigeon (including four colour ringed birds from the recent colour ringing exercise, three males and a female), seven Mallard, 55 Teal, 25 Tufted, 35 Cormorants, three Little Grebes, four Little Egrets (including a colour ringed bird that was previously seen at the Reserve in September, and was originally ringed as a chick on May 14th last year in Welwyn Garden City), two Moorhens, 48 Coot, eight Oystercatchers, four Snipe, 79 Lapwings, 560 Black-headed Gulls, eight Common Gulls, nine Herring Gulls and five Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

Egyptian Goose – Photograph by Steve Pattison

Common Whitlow-grass on path near Oak Hide – photograph by Nick Barlow


25th February 2022

Sunny start light cool north westerly more cloud later

Probably the bird of the day was a Red Kite which went over, high, to the south at about 2:30pm. There was a female Brambling on the Car Park feeders at 8am and ten to 15 Lesser Redpolls, initially along the Old Road and then later on the Causeway and the streamline.

An Egyptian Goose, four Shelduck and a Little Egret were present on the pool or the pool margins and Lapwings were in display flight.

The male Stonechat remained towards Patrick Farm in the rough ground by the gate and there were at least 50 Fieldfare on the floodplain. 21 Marsh Lane ringed Black-headed Gulls were present among the displaying birds on Railway Pool.

Five Bullfinches were present near the south-west pond later in the day with a mixed flock of 30 Redpoll, Siskin and Goldfinches nearby.

Redpoll near Oak Hide – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

The small copse just north of the cottages is being thinned today. This will remove the poorer stems and hopefully let in some light to encourage the brambles and the thorns that are already appearing. It is hoped to carry out a similar exercise on the westerly copse at some stage in the future.

East Copse by cottages following thinning work – Photograph by Nick Barlow – 28th February 2022

24th February 2022

Sunny intervals and wintery showers, cold westerly

A single adult Mediterranean Gull as again on Railway Pool and there were six Bramblings either in the crop field or around the feeders. The adult Greater Black-back Gull joined four Goosanders, six Shelduck and six Oystercatchers on the pools/islands.

23rd February 2022

Mostly sunny, cool south westerly

Black-headed Gulls had moved from the Car Park islands to Railway Pool this morning with at least 400 present and later in the day, two adult Mediterranean Gulls were amongst them.

In the Back Gate Copse, there were six Siskins and 15 Lesser Redpolls and a pair of Ravens went over there at just after 8am.

Only four Snipe were visible in the Marsh this morning. On the pools there was six Shelduck and again four pairs of Oystercatchers.

The Chaffinch flock on the edge of the Crop Field held at least 35 birds along with ten Reed Buntings and an impressive 13 Brambling. Three Redwings also went over, as did a Raven. An early but unsinging Chaffinch was present in the green by the east park.

22nd February 2022

Brisk south westerly with sunshine and showers

There were five Bramblings in the crop field oaks this afternoon but there were no Chaffinch counts made. A Kestrel was hunting in the banks again by Patrick Farm and there was a male Stonechat in the Aero Modellers field. Two Ravens went over and on the floodplain, there were 50 Fieldfares and 200 Starlings.

21st February 2022

Windy (storm Franklin) periodic heavy showers

No records

20th February 2022

Blustery, south westerly with periodic rain, overcast all day. Heavy rain and strong winds from 1pm onwards.

The adult Peregrine spent some of the morning perched in its favourite dead tree on the east face of Siden Hill Wood, occasionally undertaking forays in search of prey. A bird was caught in the morning but its identity was not established.

Two pairs of Oystercatchers have established territories on each pool with much display flighting when the weather is remotely decent. There were seven Shelduck today as well.

The male Stonechat was still around the Aero Modellers field and the female north of Patrick Farm.

18 Fieldfare and 12 Redwing were on the unflooded parts of the floodplain but there were only six Snipe visible in the Marsh this morning.

Three pairs of Goosanders were still lingering on Car Park Pool into the late morning.

Four Bramblings (two males and two females) were either in the crop field or feeding along the Causeway. Despite the indument weather Reed Buntings were heard singing by the car park and also by the Dragonfly Pond and distant Skylarks could be heard by the A452. A male Kestrel hunted at Patrick Farm, there was six Greenfinches on the feeders and at least 12 Common Gulls and ten Herring Gulls were seen at any one time.

19th February 2022

Overcast, heavy rain in the morning. Strong south westerly, sunny from 12:30 for most of the afternoon.

A Dunlin dropped in briefly on to Car Park Pool in the morning associated with the heavy rain but could not be found later. A Jack Snipe joined a slightly more impressive number of Common Snipe (14) in the Marsh where a Kingfisher paused briefly to feed from the fence posts there. 50 Lesser Redpolls fed in the alders along the central stream and were joined a little later by eight Linnets.

The finch and bunting flock in the crop field included one male and two female Bramblings, 35 Chaffinches and 15 Reed Buntings. 20 Stock Doves fed on the island to the left of Oak Hide and the rest of the counts care of Graham Rowling and Dave Scanlan, Ben Giles and Paul Casey were as follows, four Mute Swans, four Shelduck, 249 Wigeon, 109 Gadwall, 25 Shoveler, 180 Teal, nine Mallard, 33 Tufted, 32 Cormorants, three Little Grebes, one Heron, one Little Egret, seven Moorhen, 46 Coot, five Oystercatcher, 150 Lapwing, 48 Black-headed Gulls, 11 Common Gulls, two Lesser Black-back Gulls, two Herring Gulls, the adult Greater Black-back Gull and two Water Rails (Marsh).

18th February 2022

Increasingly windy, associated with Storm Eunice, periodic showers and sunny intervals.

Most birds were pushed onto Car Park Pool this morning with an impressive 159 Gadwall. There were also 185 Teal, 15 Shoveler, four Shelduck a female Goosander, three Little Grebes, three Oystercatchers and 90 Lapwing. However, there were no Wigeon which were presumably down on the floodplain as the river was spilling over.

Four Common Gulls were amongst approximately 50 Black-headed Gulls and Cormorant numbers reached 44. A male Peregrine put in a brief appearance.

17th February 2022

Sunny intervals and showers. South-westerly.

Two male Bramblings visited the car park feeder this morning whilst on the pools, the adult Greater Black-back Gull roosted as usual and there were two female Goosanders, seven Common Gulls, seven Shelduck and six Oystercatcher.

On the floodplain, 40 Fieldfares, 50 Redwings and a Grey Wagtail were all noted. In the lunch period, 16 Stock Doves were feeding on the islands left of Oak Hide and there was a single Little Egret.

Stock Dove from Oak Hide – Photograph by Stef Fraczek


16th February 2022

Strong south westerly, mostly overcast.

The male Stonechat north of the Aero Modellers (the female appears to have disappeared) and the female Stonechat north of Patricks Farm are both ringed, the former SX and the latter AC. This is part of the West Midlands Ringing Group ongoing project to identify where our wintering Stonechats breed. One of the Stonechats ringed last year has been seen near Cambridgeshire in the last few weeks.

On Railway Pool this morning there were two Oystercatchers and a welcome increase in Lapwing numbers to 156. 15 Stock Doves fed on the islands.

On Car Park Pool, seven Shelduck, three Oystercatcher and 160 Black-headed Gulls were the main counts there whilst on the Car Park feeders there were three Bramblings and three Collared Doves. Four Snipe were seen in the Marsh.

Blue Tit – North Causeway – Photograph by Ray Allen

Treecreeper – Packhorse Bridge – Photograph by Ray Allen

15th February 2022

Heavy rain a.m., brightening later. Moderate SW

Following on from yesterday, thrushes were again in evidence with 40+ Fieldfare and 50+ Redwing feeding on the Flood Plain. Song Thrush, Siskin, Lesser Redpoll and Goldcrest were all found along the Old Road, with a Raven over Siden Hill Wood.

Nine Greenfinches was a good count for the Car Park Feeders, with four Bullfinches also around. The Crop Field continues to prove attractive to the Bramblings, with three noted, along with a 30+ group of Stock Doves.

Records from the pools included a single Goosander (m), three Oystercatchers, seven Shelduck, four Common Gulls, four Lesser Blackbacked Gulls, a single Great Blackbacked Gull and five Snipe, with a further seven in the Marsh.

14th February 2022

Overcast, some bright spells & sharp showers. Moderate SW

Two male Pintails were a good record in the morning, initially on Car Park Pool but then moving to Railway Pool after a short time. It’s not known how long they stayed, but there was no sign of them by late afternoon. Other morning records from around the pools were two Shelduck, six Oystercatchers, 104 Lapwings and a pair of Goosanders. Elsewhere, a pair of Bramblings was around, along with 60 Fieldfare and 40 Redwing.

The Car Park Feeder was busy with a good variety of species: Collared Dove, Stock Dove, Great Spotted Woodpecker (both m + f), Jay, Reed Bunting, Robin, Longtailed Tit, Greenfinch and Chaffinch. Common Whitlow Grass was noted to be in flower by the bridge over the Central Stream.

Finally, counts from late afternoon included 153 Gadwall, eight Shelduck, four Goosander (1m + 3f), three Snipe and, briefly, an adult Great Blackbacked Gull.

13th February 2022

Persistent rain for most of the day. Blustery SW breeze

Unsurprisingly, there were few records in the log from what was a pretty miserable day weatherwise. Bramblings were again in evidence with at least three in the Crop Field Oaks, including two males. On Car Park Pool there were five Oystercatchers, 17 Common Gulls and 11 Herring Gulls, with eight Snipe in the Marsh.

12th February 2022

Bright start but clouding over by the afternoon. Cold & brisk SW breeze

Thanks to Graham Rowling & Dave Scanlan for the following counts:

Seven Mute Swans, eight Canada Geese, seven Greylag Geese, two Shelduck, 27 Shoveler, 83 Gadwall, 307 Wigeon (inc. two colour-ringed), eight Mallard, 173 Teal, 36 Tufted Duck, five Grey Herons, one Little Egret, 34 Cormorants, five Little Grebe, four Moorhen, 64 Coot, 51 Lapwing, seven Oystercatchers, 83 Blackheaded Gulls (inc. yellow 2DXJ seen several times previously at the Reserve), 19 Common Gulls, 22 Herring Gulls and 11 Lesser Blackbacked Gulls. Away from the pools, there was a Cetti’s Warbler along the Causeway, a female Stonechat north of Patrick Farm and four Bramblings (two males + two females) in the Crop Field.

Thanks also to the eight who attended the working party in the afternoon. Various jobs were carried out including strimming in a number of areas, cutting back overhanging brambles along part of the central steam line and clearing vegetation on the Car Park Pool islands. Rowing the boat to & from the islands in the stiff breeze certainly provided plenty of exercise for those involved……!

Dealing with the maintenance & upkeep of the Reserve is a continual challenge and any additional volunteers for the working parties would be very welcome – dates are towards the top of the web page and there are further details in the back of the Annual Report. The next session is Saturday March 12th – meet in the car park at 2pm.

11th February 2022

Bright and sunny start, clouding over later. Light SW

Yesterday’s pair of Stonechats was again present, although now slightly further along the Concrete Road from the Dragonfly Pond. Other records included four Ravens over Siden Hill Wood and two Little Egrets on Car Park Pool.

During the early part of the morning, a cannon-netting session was carried out by the ringing group. As a result, 20 Wigeon were colour-ringed, with three re-traps from a similar exercise in 2020. Others ringed were two Coots and two Mute Swans, one of the latter being a control originally ringed in 2011.

Little Grebe – Photograph by Anthony Burbery

Horse’s Hoof Fungus (Fomes Fomentarius) – Photograph by John Hunt

(These fungi are harvested for use as tinder. When dried it easily takes a spark and is valuable as a firelighter. It is one of the fungi that was found with Otzi the Iceman. It is believed he was using the fungus as a firelighter)

10th February 2022

Bright and sunny with a cold W breeze

Twenty-one Goosanders (10m + 11f) were present on Car Park Pool first thing, having presumably roosted overnight, with four Oystercatchers on Railway Pool.

A single male Brambling was at the Car Park Feeders around 09.15 and later four were seen in the bushes around the Crop Field. The copse by the entrance gate cottages was the location for a Treecreeper, a Kingfisher was on the central stream towards River Hide and a Cetti’s Warbler around the Causeway Hide.

Later additions to the log included a pair of Stonechats near the Dragonfly Pond, three Lesser Redpoll by Oak Hide and a Raven over. Oystercatcher numbers had increased to six and there was a second Treecreeper seen in the copse.

9th February 2022

Mild, cloudy with sunny intervals. Light SW

Yesterday’s Pink-footed Goose made a brief appearance on Car Park Pool around midday, but only for around 10 minutes. Also on the pools were up to four Oystercatchers, five Shelduck, a male Pochard, two Goosanders and a single Little Egret. Gulls included up to 18 Common, three Herring, three Lesser Blackbacked and the regular Great Blackbacked.

There was plenty of activity around the Crop Field with a mixed flock of 15+ Reed Buntings, 20+ Chaffinches and two Bramblings. Three Bullfinches were seen in the hedgerow, a flock of 50+ Siskins was feeding in the Alders along the Central Stream and three Ravens went over.

Pink-footed Goose on grass by Car Park Hide – Photograph by John Coakley

8th February 2022

Generally overcast, mild. Light SW

A Pink-footed Goose found on Car Park Pool was the day’s highlight. After sightings in both 2020 & 2021, this makes three years in a row for what has been an uncommon visitor. Shelduck numbers were down to four, while Oystercatchers stayed at three. Finally, a pair of Stonechats was around the Dragonfly Pond.

7th February 2022

Cloudy with some sunny intervals. Light SW

The few records in the log today included eight Shelduck and five Common Gulls, while Oystercatcher numbers again remained at three.

Rainbow – Photograph taken by Caroline Barlow

Storm over Car Park Pond – Photograph by Caroline Barlow

6th February 2022

Sunny intervals, mild, moderate W

A fly-over Brambling was the day’s most notable sighting – 2021 was a blank year for this relatively scarce visitor and the last record was back in Jan 2019.

The regular Great Blackbacked Gull was joined briefly by a second adult mid-morning but the resident bird was clearly put out by this intrusion and chased off the interloper. Other Gulls noted included up to 20 Herring and eight Common. Oystercatcher numbers remained at three, six Common Snipe were in the Marsh, Shelduck increased to six by midday and 32 Goosanders were present at dusk.

Elsewhere across the site, both Cetti’s Warbler and Water Rail were logged from the North Causeway Hide, the pair of Stonechats was again present along the Old Road by what was the Aeromodellers’ field and at least 10 Siskins were in the Back Gate Copse along with two Bullfinches.

5th February 2022

Overcast with sunny intervals and scattered showers, mild with strengthening SW wind

The results of the regular Saturday count were as follows:

Twelve Mute Swans, 18 Canada Geese, four Greylag Geese, four Shelduck, 15 Shoveler, 41 Gadwall, 315 Wigeon, 18 Mallard, 195 Teal, two Pochard (m), 34 Tufted Duck, three Grey Herons, one Little Egret, 32 Cormorants, two Little Grebe, four Moorhen, 38 Coot, six Lapwing, three Oystercatchers, two Common Snipe, 150 Blackheaded Gulls, four Common Gulls, 15 Herring Gulls, seven Lesser Blackbacked Gulls and a single Great Blackbacked Gull. Beyond the pools, records were of six Ravens over Siden Hill Wood and three Stonechats: a female north of Patrick Farm and a pair in the former Aeromodellers’ field.

Shelduck – Photograph by Steve Pattison

Oystercatchers – Photograph by Steve Pattison

4th February 2022

Heavy overnight rain, clearing quickly from the north.

A small party of four Lesser Redpolls showed very well on the Central Stream crossing around 9am with two further birds flying over the back gate where there was at least one Siskin and a Nuthatch.

11 Rooks flew south-west and there were two Little Egrets on site. The Oystercatcher had also returned.

Additional reports from the logbook were that Oystercatcher numbers increased to two later in the day and there were some significant Gull counts too: 20 Common and 560 Black-headed. Neither is a site record for the month but the Common Gull figure is the highest for February since 2015.

3rd February 2022

Sunny intervals, south westerly.

A bit more on show today, with an increase in Lapwings to at least 60. There were a pair of Goosanders, a Shelduck and three Little Egrets on or around Car Park Pool and at least eight Raven, either flying over the Woods or the flood plains, displaying and calling for much of the morning.

Ten Redwings and 20 Starlings were feeding on the flood plain and a pair of Stonechats were still east of the Old Road on the old Aero Modellers site. Four Herring Gulls, 14 Common Gulls were present amongst at least 50 Black-headed Gulls although there was, as usual, quite a turnover.

Lastly, Pochard numbers remain reasonable with seven today.

Details of a ringed Herring Gull seen at the Reserve – John Coakley

2nd February 2022

Sunny intervals, south westerly.

The quiet period continues with just two Shelduck and a Kestrel recorded today.

1st February 2022

Weather mostly overcast, breezy start and then sunny and mild, up to 15 degrees.

The first Oystercatcher of the year was a welcome arrival but otherwise it was fairly quiet in the remains of the passing storm. Four Little Egrets, a pair of Shelduck, a female Goosander and five Pochard were the only other birds in the log.