Packington Estate


Updates made to December 2017 records and female Brambling photograph added to 30th December 2017

Work Party Dates:

February 10th – 2pm

March 10th – 2 pm

April 14th – 2 pm

May 15th – 6 pm

June 13th – 6 pm


7th January – More details about the Polish Ringed Mediterranean Gull – Red PTU7 added.


31st January 2018

Overcast with sunny intervals, some showers later in the day and colder overnight. Sharp westerly breeze.

The only records in the log were from Car Park Pool: Common Gull, three Greater Blackbacked Gulls and Peregrine over.

30th January 2018

Cold start with some early showers then generally cloudy with sunny intervals. Light SW

Car Park Pool again held good numbers of gulls, with 35 Lesser Black-back, eight Herring and two Common, as well as up to four Goosanders. The high counts of Mute Swans on Railway Pool continued with 35 present. Other records from the pools included two Great Crested Grebes, Little Grebe and up to 11 Snipe in the Marsh.

Both the Crop Field and the Car Park feeders were busy, with a flock of 30 Linnets and two Bramblings on the former, as well as a Kestrel hunting over, while Starlings have clearly taken a liking to the feeders with up to 14 around late morning.

A count of 13 Meadow Pipits, along the Concrete Road, was a good record for January, as was a Curlew which was heard calling around 16:30. Finally, two Cetti’s Warblers were seen from the North Causeway screen around 11:00.

Two Cetti’s Warblers from North Causeway Hide – 30th January 2018 – Photographs by Max Silverman

29th January 2018

Strong winds overnight, rain in the morning, brighter later. Light NW.

The Car Park feeder was a hive of activity with Jackdaw, Reed Bunting, Starling, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Dunnock, Stock Dove, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Chaffinch and Robin, together with both Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers, present at various times.

There were half a dozen Fieldfare along the Concrete Road, a party of six Longtailed Tits and a Goldcrest feeding in the Back-Gate Copse and a Kestrel hunting over the Crop Field. Records from Car Park Pool included the long-staying adult Greater Blackbacked Gull, also Common and Herring Gull, the latter an immature bird.

28th January 2018

Mild, generally overcast with some sunny intervals. Light SW.

After the higher counts from Saturday, Gulls were again much in evidence with some 500 Blackheaded, 37 Herring, c40 Lesser Blackbacked, nine Common and four Greater Blackbacked (adult, 3rd winter and two 1st winter). Mute Swan numbers were still high at 35, there were three pairs of Goosander present, also Little Egret and two Great Crested Grebe.

Elsewhere, five Bramblings (2M+3F) were around the Causeway, there was a flock of 30 Linnets, a Skylark singing over the Tip Field, Cetti’s Warbler also heard and raptors were accounted for by a Kestrel and a male Peregrine which flew over.

27th January 2018

Chilly start, overcast with showers and longer periods of rain, drier & milder during the afternoon. Light SW.

The Saturday count produced the following this week:

27 Mute Swans, 186 Greylag Geese, a Farmyard Goose, the Greylag x Canada Goose hybrid, 19 Canada Geese, 295 Wigeon, 24 Gadwall, 88 Teal, 13 Mallard, 35 Shoveler, 11 Pochard, 19 Tufted Duck, female Goosander, two Grey Herons, Little Egret, 37 Cormorant, Great Crested Grebe, Little Grebe, 23 Moorhen, 64 Coot, 276 Lapwing and 29 Snipe. Gull numbers were 900 Blackheaded, nine Common, 12 Lesser Blackbacked, four Herring Gull and the regular adult Greater Blackbacked. In the Crop Field there were four Brambling, 65+ Linnet and singles of both Yellowhammer and Lesser Redpoll.

Brambling – photographs by Jeff Rankin – Weekend 27th / 28th January 2018

Yellowhammer – Weekend 27th / 28th January 2018 – Photograph by Jeff Rankin


26th January 2018

Mainly overcast with some showers & sunny intervals. Light NW.

An Oystercatcher seen from Oak Hide was, from a quick check of the log sheets, the first record for the reserve this year. Car Park Pool held the usual selection: 300-350 Blackheaded Gulls, 20 Lesser Blackbacked Gulls, two Herring Gulls and a handful of Common Gulls.

Away from the pools, there were five Bramblings (M+4F) in the Crop Field, six Bullfinches (2M+4F) along the Railway Embankment, male Siskin from Oak Hide, Raven over the car park and, finally, a Muntjac Deer in the wood alongside the Railway.

25th January 2018

Overcast and cloudy with showery rain. Light SW.

Today’s highlight was another appearance by a Great White Egret, which was present for around an hour, from 1030-1130, but then flew off to the south. This was the eighth record for the site and continues a run of three sightings within the past fortnight.

Other records from the pools included 38 Mute Swans, another high count for this species, eight Goosanders (M+7F), the long-staying Greater Blackbacked Gull, 230 Blackheaded Gulls, up to six Common Gulls, two Little Egrets, Water Rail and Shelduck. Elsewhere, a Cetti’s Warbler was heard along the Causeway.

24th January 2018

Overcast and continuing mild. Heavy rain in the morning followed by showers. Light SW.

The Greater Blackbacked Gull was again around on Car Park Pool along with three Herring Gulls and two Common Gulls. Goosander numbers were up to five with other records including 12 Pochard, seven Snipe in the Marsh and a Little Egret. A mixed flock of some 20 Fieldfares and Redwings was feeding around the Reserve and there were also five Bramblings present.

23rd January 2018

Overcast and mild with some showers; sunny intervals in the afternoon. Light SW.

With less than a fortnight since the last record, another Great White Egret was present on site from 1400-1500, seen from Oak Hide. Judging by other recent reports, two or three have been seen fairly regularly further north along the Tame valley so it’s most likely that to be one or other of these birds which has visited Marsh Lane.

Other records from Railway Pool included 90 Lapwing, 22 Pochard, six Mute Swans and up to nine Snipe visible in the Marsh. Car Park Pool had at least 200 Wigeon, the regular Great Blackbacked Gull, Lesser Blackbacked Gull, up to three Goosander and a Great Crested Grebe. Finally, there were six Bramblings in the Crop Field.


22nd January 2018

Sunny morning then overcast later; dry & much milder. Light W.

After all the rain/sleet/snow over the weekend, the Blythe has risen significantly and overflowed into the Flood Plain up towards and around Patrick Bridge.

The Car Park feeder was busy during the morning with Yellowhammer (M+F), Brambling (M), two Great Spotted Woodpeckers (M), Goldfinch, Reed Bunting, Starling, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Dunnock, Robin, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Jackdaw and Pheasant all noted.

There was again a large group of Mute Swans, 25 in total, on Railway Pool and four Common Gulls, Herring Gull and Pied Wagtail on Car Park Pool. Other records included Water Rail from the North Causeway Hide, Bullfinch both along the Old Road and on the Railway Embankment and a mixed group, comprising three Siskins, four Longtailed Tits, Goldcrest and Treecreeper, feeding in the Back Gate Copse.

21st January 2018

Overcast and cold start with persistent snow turning to rain during the afternoon and becoming milder. Light SE turning SW.

The mixed Thrush flock was still around feeding on the flood plain and included two Mistle Thrushes. Bramblings were again in evidence in the Crop Field, with four in total, three being males. Records from the pools included the Greater Blackbacked Gull, four Herring Gulls, five Goosanders (2M+ 3F), two Little Egrets and 27 Snipe in the Marsh. A Lesser Redpoll flew over and there were two Ravens noted over Siden Hill Wood.

20th January 2018

A cold and wet day with persistent rain/sleet/snow for much of the time. Light NW.

The regular Saturday count produced the following:

Four Mute Swans, six Greylag Geese, a Farmyard Goose, the Greylag x Canada Goose hybrid, 288 Wigeon, 27 Gadwall, 192 Teal, 19 Mallard, 23 Shoveler, 10 Pochard, 14 Tufted Duck, one Shelduck, one Grey Heron, one Little Egret, 40 Cormorant, 21 Moorhen, 73 Coot, 62 Lapwing and 31 Snipe. Gull numbers were 65 Blackheaded, one Common, three Lesser Blackbacked, one Herring Gull and the regular adult Greater Blackbacked. There were also two Cetti’s Warblers around River Hide, three Brambling and a single Yellowhammer.

Other records from earlier on a very wet and cold morning included up to five Bramblings, two of which were brightly-plumaged males, and, around the Car Park Feeders, up to 30 Goldfinches and two Greenfinches. There was again a good-sized group of mixed thrushes feeding on the Flood Plain – approx. 100 Fieldfare, 40 Redwing, two Mistle Thrushes and a single Song Thrush.

19th January 2018

Frosty start followed by a mainly cloudy day with sunny intervals. Light SW.

Twenty Linnets, ten Chaffinches and up to three Brambling were around in the Crop Field, so hopefully the grain spinner, which was set up at the start of the week, is having the desired effect. There was also a Kestrel hunting in the same area.

Across the pools, there was a Little Egret, a Goosander, the regular Greater Black-backed Gull and a Common Gull on Car Park Pool, while Railway Pool had a gathering of 25 Mute Swans plus 25 Common Snipe and a single Jack Snipe in the Marsh. Elsewhere, there was a mixed group of some 40 Fieldfares and Redwings feeding on the Flood Plain along with a Mistle Thrush.

18th January 2018

Very strong winds overnight easing by morning. Light showers but bright with sunny intervals. Light SW.

Yesterday’s Egyptian Goose had been joined by a second this morning, a Cetti’s Warbler was singing near the Causeway and there was a male Brambling on the Car Park feeders. On the pools, both the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull and a Lesser Blackbacked Gull were present, along with 43 Cormorants.

Later in the day, a Little Egret, the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull, a Herring Gull and five Common Gulls were around on the pools. The number of Bramblings was up to three and a Yellowhammer was also noted.

17th January 2018

Bright with sunny intervals after a cold and icy start. Light W

Again, there were few entries in the log, but an Egyptian Goose on Car Park Pool was notable, possibly the individual which was around for several days at the end of December. Other records were Goosander (M), singles of Cetti’s Warbler and Brambling (F), and also the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull.

16th January 2018

Generally overcast with a few sunny intervals. Moderate W.

The only records were of the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull and a Herring Gull, both of which were on Car Park Pool, and four Bramblings.


15th January 2018

Light rain a.m. with some sunny intervals later. Light SW.

There was plenty of activity around the Car Park feeders with the following noted: seven Goldfinches, eight Greenfinches, eight Starlings, six Reed Buntings, five Blue Tits, four Great Tits, six Chaffinch (3F + 3M), three Long-tailed Tits and singles of Robin, Yellowhammer (M) and Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Fieldfare were again feeding on the Flood Plain with a flock of 20 being seen, while Car Park Pool records included Goosander (1F + 2M), the regular adult Greater Black-backed Gull, four Common Gulls, one being an immature, an immature Herring Gull and a total of ten Snipe, all bar one of which were in the Marsh.

As yesterday, Bullfinches were noted, this time five (3M + 2F) along the Railway Embankment where a Green Woodpecker was also seen.

Finally, Saturday’s Great White Egret was the sixth record for the Reserve. There have been fairly regular sightings at RSPB Middleton recently, with up to three in the roost, and it’s therefore likely that this was a ‘local wanderer’. With the species currently being seen more often in the locality, there has to be a good chance of further Marsh Lane records.

14th January 2018

Dull and cloudy but dry; light SE breeze

As yesterday, there was again a Raven over and the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull was present on Car Park Pool, with two Common Gulls also. Pochard and Shoveler numbers were slightly up on yesterday’s counts at 28 and 41 respectively and both the Greylag x Canada Goose and Greylag x Barnacle Goose hybrids were noted in the log.

There was a large mixed flock of c150 Redwings & Fieldfares, equally split, on the Flood Plain where there were also two Mistle Thrushes. Other records included six Bullfinches by the Top Gate, Lesser Redpoll and five Siskin by the Back Gate, and a female Brambling in the Crop Field.

13th January 2018

Dull start followed by sunny intervals. Light SE breeze.

The regular Saturday count produced the following:

Six Mute Swans, 75 Greylag Geese, 37 Canada Geese, 295 Wigeon, 21 Gadwall, 158 Teal, 10 Mallard, 33 Shoveler, 21 Pochard, 23 Tufted Duck, one Shelduck, 3 Grey Heron, one Little Egret, 44 Cormorant, 18 Moorhen, 78 Coot, 410 Lapwing and eight Snipe. Gull numbers were 136 Blackheaded, 31 Common, two Lesser Blackbacked and the regular adult Greater Blackbacked. There was a Raven over, two Lesser Redpoll along the central stream, 25 Siskin, five Brambling in the Crop Field and just a single Yellowhammer.

Particularly notable was a Great White Egret which was seen on Railway Pool from 12:15 until 12:40 when it flew off south.

Great White Egret – 13th January 2018 – Photograph by Jeff Rankin


12th January 2018

Dull, misty and overcast all day. Light SE breeze

The Great Black-backed Gull was again present on Car Park Pool in the morning, along with a Common Gull, five Goosanders and 28 Pochard. Other records included seven Snipe in the Marsh, a mixed flock of some 20 Fieldfares & five Redwings, and three Bramblings.

Later in the afternoon, most of the above were still present, along with c.200 Wigeon, c150 Lapwings, 20 Starlings and a single Shelduck. There was a Buzzard around and a Sparrowhawk flew through.

11th January 2018

Misty start, cloudy but with sunny intervals during the day. Light NW breeze.

Morning records from the pools included Greater Black-backed Gull, presumably the regular individual, singles of Herring and Common Gull, plus 210 Black-headed Gulls. There was a Raven over, 15 Siskins and a mixed group of 50+ Fieldfares and Redwings.

Later in the day, there were up to eight Bramblings (2m + 5/6f) in the Crop Field, along with a large mixed flock of Linnets and Chaffinches, ten Greenfinches and two Yellowhammers.

10th January 2018

Misty start with sunny intervals later and mist returning late afternoon. Light NW breeze.

Bramblings were again in evidence in the crop field flock with four females recorded. Gull numbers on Car Park Pool were down on some of the higher counts seen recently, with five Lesser Black-backed, two Common and 35 Black-headed, but Lapwings were present in large numbers with some 250 counted.

Other sightings included four Goosanders (4f + 1m), also on Car Park Pool, 22 Stock Doves over Siden Hill wood, 20+ Pochard and a single Shelduck.

9th January 2018

Cold, drizzly, light north-easterly wind.

There were 17 Redwings in the Old Road trees this morning and at least six Greenfinches on the car park feeder.

Later in the day there were 14 Goosanders on Car Park Pool along with three Herring Gulls and at least one Brambling (a female) was in the crop field. Just four Snipe were visible in the Marsh.

8th January 2018

Cold, periods of drizzle, light north-easterly wind.

The Bewick’s Swan appeared to have departed overnight with no sign today, but the adult Mediterranean Gull was again on Car Park Pool and the drake Mandarin reappeared. There were still two Bramblings in the crop field and the adult Greater Black-backed Gull was again on Car Park Pool. A pair of Goosanders dropped into Car Park Pool at 3pm and other miscellany included seven Common Gulls, a Kestrel, seven Snipe and 11 Pochard whilst at the car park feeder, there was a Yellowhammer, seven Goldfinches, five Greenfinches, six Reed Buntings and seven Starlings amongst the other commoner birds.

7th January 2018

Sunny, cool, light east, north-easterly wind.

Today’s highlight was undoubtedly an adult Bewick’s Swan which was first found around 10 am this morning and was present until mid-afternoon at least. In addition there was an adult Mediterranean Gull on Car Park Pool from late morning which was colour-ringed PTU7 has been confirmed as ringed in Poland.  It was ringed as a chick at Pryzykona Reservoir, Radyczyny, Poland on the 10th June 2015.  This is in central Poland about 100 miles west of Warsaw and 40 miles north west of Lodz.  It was seen in Cork Harbour, Ireland on the 14th October 2015 and now at Marsh Lane today.

There was also a colour-ringed Black-headed Gull, yellow DXJ. This was a bird seen previously at Marsh Lane, having been ringed by the North Thames Gull Group on the 8th March 2014 at Pitsea Landfill Site, Essex. Aside from today it was previously seen at Marsh Lane on the 12th February 2016 and there have been no other reported sightings.

Bewick’s Swan – 7th January 2018 – Photograph by Jeff Rankin


There were also plenty of other Gulls with the highest Black-headed Gull count of the winter so far, 450, the same for Common Gulls at 14, an extraordinary 100 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and eight Herring Gulls.

Common Gull – 7th January 2018 – Photograph by Dave Shakespeare

The supporting cast came from 16 Pochards, the Cetti’s Warbler in the causeway area, Little Egret on Railway Pool, Water Rail also in the causeway area, a Kestrel hunting Railway Pool and three male Bramblings in the crop field.

Reed Bunting – 7th January 2018 – Photograph by Dave Shakespeare


6th January 2018

East, north-easterly wind.

Cloudy, showers and sunny intervals.

There were again five Bramblings in the crop field this morning (three males and two females) along with at least 40 Chaffinches and 100 Linnets. A notable number of Great Crested Grebes (five) joined a female Goosander on site and a Shelduck. There were at least four Common Gulls amongst the Black-headed Gulls and a Cetti’s Warbler was singing occasionally along the causeway.

Other counts today included: six Mutes, 320 Greylags, 26 Canadas, one Farmyard Goose, the Greylag / Canada cross and the Barnacle / Greylag cross, drake Mandarin, 307 Wigeon, 13 Gadwall, 161 Teal, 26 Mallard, 46 Shoveler, 12 Pochard, 15 Tufted, 35 Cormorants, 23 Moorhens, 73 Coots, 28 Lapwing, 21 Snipe, one Heron and, on the flood plain, a mixed flock of 60 Fieldfare, 20 Redwing and, adjacent, eight Rooks with the Jackdaws.

In the afternoon, the successful work party comprising eight people opened up the causeway where the snow had flattened the gorse across the path. Also, a number of regenerating Alders were dug up around the Reedbed. Thank you to all those who attended.

5th January 2018

Windy with rain west, north-westerly.

Despite the weather there was a reasonable cross-section of birds including five Goosanders (four females and a male), a Brambling with the Chaffinches in the crop field, the regular adult Greater Black-backed Gull, at least 50 Linnets and a pair of Bullfinches on the causeway.

4th January 2018

Windy, sunny intervals and showers.

There were again three Brambling in the crop field oaks, dropping down onto the edge of the field by the trees. Five Goosanders spent part of the morning on Car Park Pool along with a Little Egret and the adult Greater Black-backed Gull put in its daily appearance.

The Green Sandpiper was on the floods at Patrick Farm and at 1 pm was roosting on the side of the river, best viewed from the gate below the farmhouse, looking west. It also favours the flash opposite the drive to the barns.

3rd January 2018

Wet and windy.

No records.

2nd January 2018

Wet all day, cold south-westerly wind.

The only birds noted in the log were ten Goosanders and six Common Snipe.

1st January 2018

Rain in the morning, clearing to be sunny but with a cold south-westerly wind.

A good collection of birds in the crop field included at least 120 Linnets, 60 Chaffinches and now five Bramblings, three males and two females. A significant mixed flock of Finches by the south west pond, briefly, included 90 Siskins, 40 Goldfinches and at least six Lesser Redpolls.

On the pools or the islands, there was the regular adult Greater Black-backed Gull, one Little Egret, one Great Crested Grebe, one Little Grebe, two male and four female Goosanders, a Water Rail by River Hide, a pair of displaying Cetti’s Warblers along the causeway with probably a third bird at River Hide, five Snipe in the Marsh and a further four east of the A452 with ten Meadow Pipits. There were a further ten Chaffinches along the concrete road.