Packington Estate


Please note that with effect from 20th January 2021 Marsh Lane, Hampton in Arden will be gated just north of the railway bridge which accesses the Marsh Lane Nature Reserve car park, to the west of Siden Hill Wood.  The gate is going to be locked overnight.  Solihull Council have deemed this is has become necessary due to frequent problems of anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping and other forms of environmental crime at Bradnocks Marsh.

The closing/opening times will be as follows:

  • 1st April – 30th September 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.
  • 1st October – 31st March 6 p.m. to 8 a.m.

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) – Updated 5th January 2021

The Reserve remains open.  Members have been helpful and responsible during the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Please continue to co-operate by:

  1. Remembering social distancing – 2m minimum between people.
  2. No more than two people, per hide at any one time, subject to (1) above.
  3. Whilst in Lockdown, please leave two hide flaps open permanently, one on each side, to allow for air flow.
  4. A spray and cloth has been put into the six main hides so that if people wish to, they can wipe down doors, flaps, shelves etc.
  5. A mask is preferred for people using hides. 
  6. Only visitors accompanied by a Member are permitted in the Reserve and the fee for Visitors should be left in the record box (in a sealed envelope noting the members name and visitor numbers).

Can all visitors please ensure they follow HM Government guidance in respect of hand sanitisation and social distancing, and ensure they avoid the Reserve  if they or any family members (or anyone else you may be in contact with) are showing any symptoms associated with Covid-19.

Work Party Dates

Subject to the Government lifting the lock-down restrictions, the proposed Work Party dates are:

6th February 2021                2 p.m.

6th March 2021                     2 p.m.

10th April 2021                      2 p.m.

Link to bird ringing group –


31st January 2021 – Records added

30th January 2021 – Records added

31st January 2021

Cold with sharp frost, sunny intervals thereafter.

The White-fronted Goose was with Greylags from the field gate just north of Car Park Pool mid-morning and a juvenile Peregrine flew over and landed in a large tree on Siden Hill Wood near the railway.  There were two Mistle Thrushes and a Nuthatch at Patrick Farm, a Lesser Redpoll in the crop field, a drake Goosander on Car Park Pool, six Snipe to the right of Car Park Hide and four visible on Railway Pool.

30th January 2021

Rain, sleet or snow most of the day on a cold easterly.

The Oystercatcher was again present moving between the pools and there were a pair of Goosanders on Car Park Pool for much of the day.

A minimum of 27 Snipe were counted either in the reeds to the right of Oak Hide or on the shore between there and the hide.  A Green Sandpiper flew low north over Patrick Farm calling at midday and there were approximately 30 each of Redwing and Fieldfare flying low down the flood plain at a similar time.

The crop field held 50 to 60 Chaffinches, 12 Reed Buntings and a Lesser Redpoll, at least 12 Pheasants, 60 Jackdaws and three Stock Doves.

29th January 2021

Sunny and mild start, slowly clouding over on a light north-westerly.

There was a male Stonechat on the double-fenced ditch, east of the mobile phone mast this morning, a pair north-west of Patrick Bridge and a pair east of the underpass today.  With at least four birds seen down at Marsh Farm and a male by the Dragonfly Pond over the last few days, it would appear that there are at least ten Stonechats either on or around the edge of the Reserve at the moment.

The Oystercatcher was again on site, landing on what was left of one of the islands on Railway Pool as the river continued to flood into that pool.  There were still extensive floods down at Patrick Bridge and plenty of the wildfowl normally on the Reserve were there.

At  least 45 Canadas and 15 Tufteds were present on Railway Pool with 17 Snipe in the marsh this morning.  Both Water Rail and a ringed and vocal Cetti’s Warbler were present in the north causeway bay.

At least three Sparrowhawks were seen, a pair towards Siden Hill Wood and a young male in front of Railway Hide.  A female Bullfinch was feeding on the Guelder-rose berries behind the hide and there was a Great Spotted Woodpecker in the back gate copse.

A least 50 Chaffinches were again present in the crop field with three Lesser Redpolls nearby and a single Skylark went over.

In the late morning the adult White-fronted Goose was found in amongst the Greylags and Canadas on the flood plain.  It is often illusive, either out of sight or asleep.

Further quality came in the shape of a Woodcock which was flushed from the back gate copse and there were 12 Lesser Redpolls feeding in the Alders nearby.

Additional birds of note included three male Goosanders and a single female, four Pochard (which had been scarce recently), a Great Crested Grebe and a Shelduck.

Little Grebe from the Reedbed – Photograph by Martin Baynham

Reedbed Pool this morning – Photographs by Nick Barlow

Railway Pool from Railway Hide this morning

28th January 2021

Heavy and persistent rain overnight from the 27th continued into the early morning of today.  Brightening later, with temperatures over 11 degrees centigrade, south south-westerly.

It was not surprising that with a combination of heavy rain and snowfall that the flood plain was extensively underwater.

The Oystercatcher was again on Railway Pool this morning before flying to Car Park Pool.  18 Common Snipe were visible in the marsh and there were two Buzzards over the Orchid Field.  Six Linnets flew into the islands on Car Park Pool to feed for a short while and the Water Rail was again visible in the north causeway bay.  28 Cormorants were also counted.

Both a male and a female Stonechat were again east of A452 with a second male by the Dragonfly Pond.

Stonechat – Photograph by Ben Dolan

27th January 2021

High cloud, milder, south south-westerly

The milder conditions and the drizzle had combined this morning to melt most of the snow but the ice was taking longer to disappear.

An Oystercatcher on Railway pool was the first of the year, no doubt viewing the flooded pools and reduced islands with some cause for concern.

17 Snipe were visible in the marsh, a Water Rail scurried across the north causeway bay, there was a drake Goosander on car park pool and 40 Chaffinches and a Lesser Redpoll in the crop field.

A male Stonechat was seen around the Dragonfly Pond and two further males and a female were see east of the A452 towards Marsh Farm.  Two of the males birds were ringed.

In the early afternoon, along the Old Road, there were 40 Fieldfares, 100 Redwings, one Grey Wagtail, a pair of Bullfinches, three Goldcrests and a Kestrel.  Three Skylarks also went over.

26th January 2021

Overcast with drizzle from midday.

There were no records in the book and anecdotally the White Fronted Goose was seen again.

25th January 2021

Lying snow, minus 5 degrees at dawn, temperatures thereafter slowly creeping above freezing with a slow melt taking place.

Most of the pools were, unsurprisingly, frozen over with, as usual, clear patches around the islands on Railway Pool and between Car Park Hide and the islands on Car Park Pool.

Two female Goosanders were present on each pool with a few Wigeon and Teal, Shoveler and Mallard on Car Park Pool and about 50 Lapwings on the islands there.  Whilst there were few wildfowl on Railway Pool, aside from the two female Goosanders there were eight Tufted, two Dabchicks, a few Coots and 120 Lapwings on the islands.

A Cetti’s Warbler was singing regularly in the Marsh and there were 20 Chaffinches and eight Reed Buntings commuting between the car park feeders and the crop field.

The majority of the Geese were in Lower Siden and the Whitefronted Goose was not instantly visible.

In the afternoon a Peregrine was seen around Siden Hill Wood and pairs of Bullfinches were seen on the railway embankment and along the central stream.

Marsh Lane today – Photographs by Nick Barlow

24th January 2021

Prolonged snow.

No records.

23rd January 2021

Cold and frosty start, Reedbed and north causeway bay iced over.

The Whitefronted Goose was again feeding on the flood plain with the Canadas and Greylags, having been found in the early afternoon from Tower Hide.

On the pools or the main part of the Reserve there were 120 Lapwing, 11 Snipe (Marsh), 40 to 50 Chaffinches and eight Reed Buntings in the crop field; whilst along the concrete road there were four each of Lesser Redpoll, Siskin and Goldfinch feeding in the Alders. On the north edge of the horse paddock, where HS2 have disturbed the ground, yesterday’s Thrush flock were again present along with three Pied Wagtails.

All the following photographs were taken by Martin Baynham

Shoveler from first pool on River Hide

Kestrel with prey over path between Dragonfly Pone and the A45

Black-headed Gull from River Hide first pool

Wigeon from River Hide first pool

Stonechat from path between Dragonfly Pond and the A45

22 January 2021

Cold and sunny.

News provided to me today consisted of a flock of 30 Linnets in the old Aeromodellers field and a mixed flock of 150 Redwings and Fieldfares just to the south of that. The male Stonechat was again by the Dragonfly Pond and a Grey Wagtail on the muck heap.

21st January 2021

Some rain, clearing from the north west. Flood plain still flooded and the pools at top level.

Two adult Greater Blackbacked Gulls were present this morning (an adult and what was probably a fourth year bird). The drake Goosander was again present, along with the male Stonechat by the Dragonfly Pond and a Sparrowhawk was terrifying the feeders.

20th January 2021

Wet all day with the flood plain under water.

There was a male Goosander on Car Park Pool this afternoon, ten Pied Wagtails and a Grey Wagtail plus one Meadow Pipit on the flood plain, 20 Redwings and six Fieldfares along the Old Road and five Snipe in the Marsh.

19th January 2021

Weather was – Blustery, south-westerly wind with rain showers overnight but mostly clear with occasional sunny spells during the day.

An adult Whitefronted Goose was found on Car Park Pool mid-morning today, in amongst the Greylags, and thereafter moved to the fields west of the river from early afternoon onwards.  This was the first record for nearly ten years (a first-winter from January 12th to the 16th and again March 10th to the 13th 2011) and the sites 5th record. .

Supplementary wildfowl and other counts today were as follows 207 Greylags, 160 Canadas, 268 Wigeon, 114 Teal, a drake Pochard, 20 Tufted Duck, 14 Shoveler, 30 Gadwall, 18 Mallard, 160 Lapwing, ten Common Snipe in the marsh, nine Common Gulls, four Herring Gulls, 20 Fieldfare, five Redwings,30 Chaffinches (in the crop field) and 25 Linnets on the causeway.

There were three Lesser Redpolls feeding on the Willowherb seeds by the cottages all afternoon.

18th January 2021

High cloud, light westerly, mild, no records.

17th January 2021

Sunny intervals, some cloud, mild, light westerly.

The male Stonechat was back along the concrete road this morning with a Shelduck on the pools and two Snipe in the marsh.  The adult Greater Black-backed Gull, 20 Herring Gulls and eight Common Gulls were either on the pools or flying over.

Teal on the north causeway – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

Little Grebe on the north causeway – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

16th January 2021

Blowy and wet start, clearing to sun by midday and then more cloud from 14:00.

There were 84 Black-headed Gulls on the pools and a steady trickle of larger gulls flying over in the windy weather with at least 25 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and ten Herring Gulls.  There were 20 Cormorants roosting on the islands at any one time but birds were coming and going regularly.

In the crop field there were 40 Chaffinches, two Lesser Redpolls and a Yellowhammer whilst the walk around Siden Hill Wood yielded the usual suspects in the wood – Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Coal Tit and Goldcrest – whilst on the field to the west there was a Mistle Thrush on the flood plain with six Rooks.

15th January 2021

Overcast, misty, cold but relatively still.

Yesterday’s pair of Pintail remained on Car Park Pool today, spending much of the time asleep. The crop field held 50-60 Chaffinches, ten Reed Buntings and a Lesser Redpoll and along the concrete road, after HS2 contractors had departed, there was a male Stonechat and a flock of 25 Siskins. Further, on the tip field, there were 30 Redwings and up to ten Fieldfares.

14th January 2021

Wet overnight and continuing into today.

There were 12 Goosanders at dawn, four males and eight females but they had all left by 08:00.  In the meantime, a small Starling roost of about 300 birds left the Reedbed at 08:20.

At dawn there were few birds in the crop field but by 09:00 there were at least 50 Chaffinches, one Yellowhammer and Reed Bunting with a further five Reed Buntings alongside eight Green Finches at the car park feeder.

A Water Rail showed well swimming across the channels in the north causeway bay and 14 Snipe were visible to the right of Oak Hide in the marsh.

After little song from the Cetti’s Warblers during the cold snap there was one singing in the north causeway bay this morning and there was a male Linnet, part of a pair, singing briefly on the causeway.  Three Song Thrushes were in song at dawn, one at the cottages and two by the back gate.

Later in the day a pair of Pintail were new arrivals on Car Park Pool and a Peregrine was watched on a kill from the same hide. There were two Lesser Redpolls in the crop field and a male Kestrel hunting along the side of the A452.

13th January 2021

Mostly Drizzly and wet all day, no records.

12th January 2021

Sunny intervals, significantly milder than of late.

More Goosanders must have arrived at dusk or into the night as 35 were present this morning 25 females and ten males.  This is site record.

In the afternoon there were 21 Linnets in the crop field along with ten Chaffinches and a Yellowhammer.  A Water Rail called from the causeway bay and five Snipe were visible in the Reedbed.  Singing Greenfinch and Goldfinch were heard at the back gate and by 15:45 six Goosanders had come into roost.  Approximately 100 Starlings came in to roost.

11th January 2021

Occasional sunny intervals, westerly.

The milder conditions this morning together with a brisk westerly wind began to clear some of the ice off the pools.  The quantity of wildfowl had kept two areas open, around the islands on both pools, and as birds have been flighting in and out their action together with the wind is driving back the ice.

Mowing of some of the banks was taking place this morning and the proximity of the mower to the marsh flushed about 15 Common Snipe and two Jacks from there.

Amongst the duck on Car Park Pool there were four Goosanders with birds coming and going during the morning.

The crop field held at least 25 Chaffinches, 12 Reed Buntings, a Yellowhammer and a Lesser Redpoll and there were four further Lesser Redpolls along the concrete road.

239 Canadas were counted on the flood plain and other bits and pieces included a Treecreeper along the Old Road, two Mistle Thrushes over the Old Road and in the milder weather some Great Tit song.

A noticeable decrease in ice levels by the end of the day had opened up the water and was significantly enticing to bring in more Goosanders with 26 arriving before dusk this evening.  A Peregrine was also active but there was no Starling roost.

10th January 2021

Cold, overcast and calm, still ice on the pools.

The pools remain partly iced up with the Reedbed completely so and just areas of open water around the islands on both Car Park and Railway Pool.

Highlights today included a female Merlin, seen briefly, hunting along the edge of the railway embankment and a female Peregrine which came over Railway Pool.  There was also a Buzzard and a Sparrowhawk seen.  Eight Goosanders were present on Car Park Pool in the morning and four in the afternoon.  Within the crop field there were again at least 30 Chaffinches, six Reed Buntings, two Yellowhammers and three Lesser Redpolls.

Around Railway Hide, principally feeding on the Guelder Rose berries, were 15 Redwings, ten Fieldfares and a Song Thrush.  A pair of Green Woodpeckers showed well on the disturbed ground below Railway Hide and a Chiffchaff was heard calling this afternoon, though not seen.  There were also a pair of Bullfinches present.

Other bits and pieces included two Snipe, four Common Gulls, five Herons, one Little Egret, a Water Rail and a Cetti’s Warbler.

9th January 2021

Cold, misty and still, lockdown is reducing coverage and there were few sightings today within the log.

Nevertheless, a Chiffchaff was a surprise on the railway embankment (although birds have been seen in this area before in previous winters), together with a pair of Bullfinches (picture that Mike Johnson sent) and Green Woodpecker.

The supplementary feeding in the crop field had increased the number of Chaffinches to between 50 and 60 this afternoon as well as 40 Jackdaws.

Bullfinch outside Railway Hide – 9th January 2021 – Photograph by Mike Johnson

8th January 2021

Grey, misty, cold, light snow covering.

The main action was again centred around the crop field Oaks with birds commuting between there and the Old Road hedge. Approximate totals included 30 Chaffinches, three Yellowhammers, two Reed Buntings, 20 Jack Daws, 15 Pheasants and four Stock Doves.

7th January 2021

Cold, foggy and frosty. – 2 degrees.

There were definitely more Finches and Buntings in the crop field this morning with at least 40 Chaffinches, two Reed Buntings, Greenfinch and Yellowhammer along with 20 Pheasants, 13 Stock Doves and 20 Jackdaws. One male and four female Goosanders were present on Car Park Pool.

6th January 2021

Overcast start with snow showers, cold north-easterly wind, sunny but remaining cold in the afternoon.

Following the breaking up of some of the ice in the strong north-easterly wind on the 4th, the pools have largely re-frozen with relatively small open areas lingering around the islands on both pools.

The adult Greater Blackbacked Gull was back on Car Park Pool with two Lesser Blackbacks and four Common Gulls. There was also a female Goosander briefly.

The crop field held at least 20 Chaffinches and Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk were all seen there.

In the back gate copse there was Nuthatch, Treecreeper and a singing Bullfinch.

With much of the Marsh now frozen, there were only seven Snipe visible today.

Other bits and pieces included Fieldfare, two Redwings and a Song Thrush on the railway embankment with a further two Redwings and a Song Thrush along the causeway, with the Song Thrushes favouring the unfrozen areas under the gorse bushes. A single Meadow Pipit, two Collared Doves and a Green Woodpecker were all noted in the log.

Meadow Pipit – 6th January 2021 – Photograph by Paul Casey

5th January 2021

Mostly sunny and frosty, with a cold but less severe north-easterly wind.

A drake Pintail was a new arrival today sharing Car Park Pool with a reasonable number of other duck including a female Goosander. 15 Snipe were visible in the Marsh (which later increased to 23) and a Cetti’s Warbler showed well in the north causeway bay where Water Rails were again vocal.

The supplementary feeding in the crop field seems to be slowly pulling in more Chaffinches with over 30 today. A Lesser Redpoll was feeding on the Willowherb seeds by the crop field willows and there was a Bullfinch calling nearby.

There were only single figure counts of winter Thrushes today with most berries having been consumed.

Around the back gate area there were six Siskins, two Greenfinch, a pair of Bullfinch and three Nuthatches.

4th January 2021

Grey, overcast with a brisk north-easterly wind.

No records.

3rd January 2021

Cold and grey.

Seven Goosanders were present in the patch of open water on Car Park Pool for some of this morning and the crop field was quite lively with at least 20 Chaffinches, ten Reed Buntings, a Greenfinch and a pair of Bullfinches, most frequenting the hedge on the east side of the field. Some seed has been spread on this side and around the crop field Oaks to try and attract in finches and the buntings.

There were three more Bullfinches in the back gate and at least two Fieldfares there were feeding on the Guelder Rose berries both in the compounds and behind Railway Hide.

A Cetti’s Warbler showed well below River Hide on the Railway Pool side and another was heard in the vegetation around the south-west pond. At least 30 Redwings and two Fieldfares were feeding in the tip field, there were 18 Snipe visible in the Marsh and at least two Buzzards were seen.

Both Grey and Pied Wagtail were present around the old dung heap on the Old Road.

2nd January 2021

Sunny intervals with snow showers.

Today’s undoubted highlight was a male Merlin which came in over the crop field and disappeared to the north west over Car Park Pool at 11.25.

Other counts comprised three Mute Swans, 275 Greylags, 120 Canadas, 27 Mallard, 215 Teal, 340 Wigeon, 15 Shoveler, 25 Gadwall, a single drake Pochard, nine Tufted Ducks, four Goosanders, 16 Cormorants, two Herons, five Moorhens, 25 Coot, 50 Lapwing including the colour-ringed individual, 21 Snipe in the Marsh, 55 Black-headed Gulls, two Common Gulls, 45 Lesser Blackbacks and ten Herring Gulls most of which were flying over; whilst in the back gate copse there were 30 Siskins and five Bullfinches. A Grey Wagtail was again present on the muck heap, nine Linnets were feeding in the crop field and on the flash north of Patrick Farm, there was a Green Sandpiper and two Yellowhammers.

As usual, east of the A452, there was a male Stonechat, 25 Skylarks and 30 Linnets.

1st January 2021

Grey and damp start, icy, sunny intervals mid morning, before light rain from 2 pm.

A commendable 68 species were recorded today with principle counts comprising as follows. 260 Greylags, 180 Canadas, both male and female Goosander, five Little Grebes including four together on Car Park Pool and one on Railway Pool, 18 Snipe, both male and female Sparrowhawk opposite Car Park Hide with the male sitting out on top of one of the river side bushes for some minutes, a Grey Wagtail by the muck heap, ten Siskins along the concrete road and at least 13 in the back gate where there were also two Lesser Redpolls. A further two Lesser Redpolls were at the south end of Side Hill Wood.

Many Redwings included 100 on the tip field, at least ten around Oak Hide, 20 to 30 on the flood plain, but far fewer Fieldfares with probably no more than 15 across the Reserve.

It was pleasing to still find House Sparrows at Patrick Farm despite the vegetation removal with at least four there.

Two male and a female Stonechat were east of the A452 along with 21 Skylarks.

In Siden Hill Wood, there were the usual birds with Coal Tit, Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Goldcrest and Jay, whilst Mistle Thrushes which can be difficult to see at any time of year included one in the fields near Packhorse Bridge and the other east of the A452.

Lastly, there were three Bullfinches on the railway embankment at the south end of Siden Hill Wood, a further pair by the mobile phone mast and another pair at the back gate copse. At least 20 Linnets were present in the crop field Oaks and there was a Yellowhammer briefly there.