Packington Estate

Work Party Dates:

August 9th – 6 pm

September 6th – 6pm


I have omitted to mention that a brood of nine Shoveler ducklings were seen with a female in the north causeway bay on the 12th July but there have been no subsequent sightings since. This is the second successful breeding of Shoveler but, like the first, the young vanished quickly whether to predation or to cover, is not known. However, the fact that they have not been seen at all suggests the former.

Update made to the 25th.

Additional paragraph added to the 23rd.

Updates to 20th July and photographs added to the 19th, 21st and 22nd July.

Further updates made to 17th July.  The moth recording that was undertaken on the1 7th  has, it turns out, added 25 new macro species to the site list and Bordered Beauty, Brown-tail and Least Carpet are all new for the old Vice-county SP28.

Updated 17th July.

Three photographs added on the 16th July 2017.

Additional record added for the 9th July.

7th July – updated.

3rd July – updated.

Ringing Recoveries

A Black-headed Gull ringed at Marsh Lane Nature Reserve on the 7th June 2016 (Ring No. EZ64060) was recovered on the 18th July 2017 at Roscommon, Ireland, some 455km away.  Unfortunately this bird was founded “destroyed”, being noted as “road casualty”.

A Sand Martin ringed at Marsh Lane Nature Reserve on the 11th August 2016 (Ring No. S362107) has been recovered at Vernatt’s Drain, Lincolnshire on the 4th July 2017, some 115km away.


31st July 2017

Cool, south-westerly wind, sunshine and showers

There were three each of Little Egret and Little Ringed Plover today and 12 Common Terns was the best count that could be made on Car Park Pool. A Kestrel was again hunting around the tip field and a small number of House Martins and Swifts (five of each) were noted passing through.

In the warmer weather of the afternoon, a Water Rail was seen in the causeway bay where Reed Warblers were feeding two fledglings and butterflies around the causeway included Comma, three Peacock, two Red Admiral and two Large Whites. There were a further four Commas on the path to River Hide.

30th July 2017

Heavy rain clearing from early morning, sunny periods, warm, south-westerly wind. At 06.00 a Marsh Harrier flew south through the Reserve and was apparently photographed but there was no sing of the Whinchat. On the pool margins there were four Little Egrets, a juvenile Little Ringed Plover on Car Park Pool, an adult on Railway Pool and at least two Common Sandpipers, two Oystercatchers, 16 Common Terns (three of which were fledged juveniles) on Car Park Pool. A Hobby was seen on a number of occasions.

The Old Road area was lively for small birds which, with some patience, showed well. The following were noted:

by the cottages; two Willow Warblers, four Chiffchaffs, a Treecreeper, two Greenfinches and a Blackcap;

by the car park; three juvenile Greenfinches with parents, at least two Chiffchaffs, a smart juvenile Lesser Whitethroat;

between the car park and the top gate; at least three Reed Warblers including one fledged juvenile, two more Chiffchaffs and a Willow Warbler; and

Old Road game crop; at least two Chiffchaffs, a Willow Warbler, juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker, two juvenile Goldfinches, a Lesser Whitethroat, a family party of Song Thurshes all tending to favour the hedge line between the game cover and the horse paddock, particularly the oak tree on that boundary.

There were lots of Gatekeepers and a Common Blue on the concrete road and another Common Blue with Red Admiral around the Old Road game crop. One Comma was seen along the Old Road with two other Red Admirals and plenty more Gatekeepers.

Swifts and hirundines were again on the move, though in no great numbers. There were five Swifts, three House Martins and five Sand Martins feeding over the Old Road by the top gate at 09.47, but they moved on quite quickly with further House Martins and Sand Martins feeding over the central streamline a little later on. At least one more Swift went south at 10.30 and five more at 5.30 pm but this is understandably an under-estimation of the numbers moving through.

In the afternoon, Little Egret numbers increased to six, Common Sands to three whilst there were two Green Sandpipers and a Water Rail. Seven Red Admirals were counted between Car Park Hide and Railway Hide and there was a single Banded Demoiselle.

In the evening, with help from Chris Heyworth and Ian Clarke, the two cygnets on Dragonfly Pool, that had been abandoned by the Pen, were rescued, taken to Car Park Pool where they instantly reunited with each other. The Cob appeared to have been predated some time ago and the Pen had, on at least two known occasions, taken the two cygnets to the gate in the field opposite the car park gates but finding them shut had not been able to move them to Car Park Pool as was clearly her wish.

Chris Heyworth and Ian Clarke with rescued cygnets – 30th July 2017 – Photograph by Nick Barlow

Eventually she had abandoned the two cygnets (only about two days ago) and relocated to Car Park Pool. Why she would do this is unclear but presumably she either felt that the pool was insufficient to support her and the two young or she felt that she was at risk and decided to preserve herself. Either way, hopefully the outcome will be better than if they had been separated. Certainly the Dragonfly Pool seems insufficient on its own to support a pair of Swans and two cygnets and probably insufficient for the two cygnets alone. Waders were donned to rescue them and all I can say is that the pool is deeper than you think!

Swifts were continuing to move through in ones and twos in the evening, along with Sand Martins and the occasional House Martin.

29th July 2017

Mostly overcast, south-westerly wind. Rain from early evening which got heavier and more prolonged overnight.

There was a steady trickle of Swifts, Sand Martins and the occasional House Martin moving through today. Whilst the maximum number of Swifts and Sand Martins at any one time was six and 30 respectively, birds could be seen arriving from the north, feeding up and then moving south. Swallows were feeding over the flood plain and moving backwards and forwards from Patrick Farm.

There were a few Goldfinches, Greenfinches and Linnets around the flood plain and the pumping station with a Lesser Whitethroat calling in the hedge there. 230 Jackdaws and seven Rooks fed on the grass along with many of the Geese and a Nuthatch was calling from the trees on the west side. 28 House Martins fed over the pumping station, part of the breeding colony in Hampton itself.

On the pools, waders were limited to two Oystercatchers, 110 Lapwings, two Common Sandpipers and a Green Sandpiper with Common Terns totalling 13 (ten adults and three fledged juveniles).

Other counts today comprised two Mute Swans, with two cygnets now abandoned on the Dragonfly Pool, 223 Greylags, 62 Canadas, 34 Mallard, 15 Teal, 45 Gadwall and four broods (12 ducklings), two Shovelers, 18 Tufted and 12 broods totalling 30 ducklings, four Great Crested Grebes and a new brood of two in front of Railway Hide, 14 Little Grebes (11 adults and three juveniles) plus five broods (Car Park Pool, two new ones at the north end of the pool and one nearly fledged one to south; Railway Pool broods of two, two and one), one Heron, three Little Egrets, 14 Cormorants, 14 Moorhen, 59 Coot, a Water Rail in the north causeway bay, only 17 Black-headed Gulls, six Lesser Black-backed Gulls, two Collared Doves over Railway Pool and three by the pumping station car park, two Green Woodpeckers on the railway embankment and, amongst the birds at the car park feeders, were two Reed Buntings.

Later in the afternoon a flock of ten Long-tailed Tits fed together on the Old Road by the top gate, there were 27 Starlings and between 6 pm and 7.30 pm, in the rain, a female Whinchat showed well, feeding on the barbed wire fence between Car Park Pool and the causeway.

28th July 2017

There was a Black-tailed Godwit on Car Park Pool this morning, which arrived at about 8.30 am, with two subsequent birds arriving just before mid-day.

The Grasshopper Warbler reeled behind Oak Hide between 19.25 and 19.40. There were two Common Sandpipers, three Little Egrets and an increase in Teal to 13. Two Swifts, singles of House Martin and Swallow and at least ten Sand Martins were feeding either over the pools or over the central streamline.

27th  July 2017

Overcast, sunny intervals, increasing south-westerly wind. Heavy showers late afternoon.

It felt quiet at about 7.30 but as the weather improved, particularly the smaller birds started to appear. Chiffchaffs were to the fore with at least eight in the back gate copse, two around the car park and two on the causeway. There was a singing Chiffchaff and a singing Willow Warbler in the back gate area as well. Sedge Warblers were visible around the central stream crossing and by River Hide, with Blackcaps by Railway Hide and along the central stream. A Whitethroat joined another Blackcap behind Oak Hide where the Grasshopper Warblers showed well, albeit briefly. Again, please keep clear of this area and just watch from the path.

On the pool margins, there were five Teal, a Shoveler, at least one Little Egret, two Common Sandpipers, a juvenile Little Ringed Plover and at least one Oystercatcher. Nine Common Terns were coming and going, calling regularly. Of this seven were adults and two were juveniles. There are very few Black-headed Gulls left on site now. There was at least one young Dabchick being fed in the north causeway bay and two in front of River Hide and there were at least three Great Crested Grebes on site.

Over the pools three Swifts, three House Martins and at least 30 Sand Martins were feeding up.

Last, but not least, there was a female Yellow Wagtail on the Car Park Pool islands, best watched from River Hide.

In the late afternoon, Common Tern numbers rose to 14 and a new brood of two young Little Grebes was found at the north end of Car Park Pool. There was a single Little Ringed Plover on Car Park Pool along with an Oystercatcher, 12 House Martins fed over Siden Hill Wood, two Water Rail were seen in the north causeway bay and, on the butterfly front, there were at least two Commas near Railway Hide and three Red Admirals seen between the car park and railway. There were also two Common Sandpipers and a Green Sandpiper.

26th July 2017

Overcast start with some light rain, clearing as the day progressed with sunny intervals. South-westerly wind.

In the morning there were two Little Egrets, three Oystercatchers, at least seven Common Terns and a Common Sandpiper spread around the pool margins, whilst a Sparrowhawk was hunting in front of Car Park Hide.

In the evening, the following counts were made: one Mallard brood of five on Railway Pool, six Gadwall broods with 28 ducklings, 13 Tufted broods with 68 ducklings, seven Teal, three Shoveler, three Little Egrets, nine Little Grebes (seven adults, two juveniles and a chick on Railway Pool), one Great Crested Grebe, four Oystercatchers, one Common Sandpiper, 14 Common Terns (ten adults and four juveniles), a Kingfisher in the causeway bay along with a Water Rail, whilst the Cetti’s Warbler was again singing in the causeway area.


25th July 2017

Overcast, light north-easterly wind.

There was a distinctly quiet feel to the Reserve this morning, with two Teal, a single Little Egret and four adult and one fledged juvenile Common Tern being the main interest on the pools. A female Gadwall and six small ducklings appeared to be an additional brood from the weekend whilst, overhead, four Swifts and a Sand Martin moved south.

There was a singing Bullfinch by the cottages and a family party of five Green Finches at the car park feeder.

Later in the day, Little Egret numbers increased to three and there were also five Oystercatchers on site.

In front of Oak Hide there was a party of four Sedge Warblers, whilst there were still Reed Warbler song in front of Railway Hide and occasionally around the Reedbed.

Both Red-eyed and Small Red-eyed Damselflies were showing well on Dragonfly Pool where there was also a Green Sandpiper. A Raven flew over.

24th July 2017

Overcast, light north-westerly wind.

There were two Little Egrets on Car Park Pool this morning and a pair of Water Rail were seen in the north causeway bay where the Cetti’s Warbler was also calling. There were at least three Chiffchaffs along the Old Road between the car park and the top gate, whilst the feeding station by the car park was again lively, with six Great Tits, four Blue Tits, four Goldfinch and a Reed Bunting. A flock of 20 Starlings flew over, most of which were then subsequently feeding on the islands.


23rd July 2017

South-westerly wind, turning to south-easterly. Sunshine and showers.

Clearly birds were on the move today with a male Yellow Wagtail and two juveniles, initially on Car Park Pool before moving to below Railway Hide, at least seven Little Ringed Plovers (four adults and three juveniles all on Car Park Pool), at least four, probably five Common Sandpipers, at least two Green Sandpipers, five Swifts south with a number of Sand Martins and two Swallows with up to 20 Sand Martins over the pools at any one time, still six adult Common Terns; whilst small birds were plentiful with a family party of Whitethroats (two adults and three juveniles) along the concrete road and a Sedge Warbler feeding young in front of Oak Hide, Reed Warbler, Blackcap and Chiffchaff along the causeway and a party of Tits with Chiffchaff and Blackcap by the back gate. A Water Rail flew across the causeway bay.

In the afternoon, there were still six Little Ringed Plovers present, along with Hobby, two Ravens over Siden Hill Wood, two Little Egrets and ten Rooks on the flood plain.

22nd July 2017

Mostly cloudy with periods of rain, south,  south-westerly wind.

Today’s highlight was a very showy and accommodating Grasshopper Warbler which reeled from the rush patch by the Oak Hide feeder from at least 8.30 to 9.10 am, after which it became elusive. There was also a second bird and as there is a possibility of breeding, please do not enter this area.

Grasshopper Warbler – Photograph by Max Silverman – 22nd July 2017


Other birds of note included two Little Egrets, at least five Common Sandpipers, a Kingfisher, 125 Swift (which I think is the highest count ever), a Raven, two Green Sandpipers on Dragonfly Pond and an increase in Cormorants to 22.

Other counts comprised five Mute Swans and seven cygnets, 125 Greylags, three Canadas, two Shoveler, four Teal, 27 Gadwall and six broods comprising 24 ducklings, 23 Mallard, 28 Tufted and 20 broods of 72 ducklings, three Herons, 12 Little Grebes (seven adults, five juveniles and one brood near River Hide), two Great Crested Grebes, 17 Moorhens, 49 Coots, three Oystercatchers, 150 Lapwing, seven adult Common Terns and a juvenile, 25 Black-headed Gulls, three Lesser Black-backs, a Hobby, nine Buzzards over Railway Pool; and on the Dragonfly Pond one male Ruddy Darter, and 20 Small Red-eyed Damselflies plus a Small Copper, all coming out as the weather improved towards mid-day.

21st July 2017

Showers, south-easterly wind.

A Hobby hunted over the pools this morning whilst, on the margins, there were four Common Sandpipers, a Green Sandpiper, one Little Ringed Plover and three Little Egrets, with the Cetti’s Warbler being heard along the causeway.

In the afternoon, two Herring Gulls flew over, there were 160 Greylags and 18 Canadas on the flood plain, and the steady drift of Swifts south saw three move through. An adult and a young Greenfinch were by the horse paddock and there was still an Oystercatcher on Car Park Pool.

Common Shrew outside Railway Hide – 21st July 2017 – Photograph by John Hunt

20th July 2017

Wet and cool (breath visible at 8 am), light north-westerly wind. Also, overnight rain.

Not surprisingly in the overcast conditions there were 35 to 40 Sand Martins, one Swallows and two House Martins feeding over the pools whilst on Car Park Pool there were two adult Little Ringed Plovers best visible from River Hide. There were at least nine Common Terns still on Car Park Pool, but there were very few Black-headed Gulls left on site.

Nine Lesser Black-backs flew over together, to the north-west, and there were ten Cormorants roosting on Railway Pool.

The causeway was again lively with at least two Cetti’s Warblers, a Whitethroat, a Chiffchaff and a number of Reed Warblers with Linnets present most of the time.

A late sighting of a Marbled White was around the Car Park.

In the afternoon, when it became sunny, but windy, there were 120 Lapwings and 40 Starlings recorded, a Painted Lady showed well by River Hide along with plenty of Gatekeepers. There were a few Speckled Woods on site.

19th July 2017

Overcast and increasingly thundery clouds, north-westerly wind.

There were single Common Sandpipers on both Car Park Pool and Railway Pool today and two Little Egrets on Railway Pool. Sparrowhawk was seen in flight over Siden Hill Wood and a third Little Egret fed on the Reedbed Pool.

A number of Emerald Damselflies showed well around Dragonfly Pool and there was a Small Copper on the concrete road.

Emerald Damselfy – 19th July – Photograph by John Hunt

In the evening, other waders included a Ringed Plover and two Oystercatchers whilst ducks comprised four Teal, two Shoveler, seven Gadwall broods of 41 ducklings, 21 Tufted broods of 97 ducklings, six Little Grebes and three juveniles and two Great Crested Grebes.

18th July 2017

Hazy sun, light north, north-easterly wind.

The Old Road between the cottage and the car park was lively this morning with at least three Treecreepers present, including a recently fledged juvenile. There was also a male Greenfinch, two Whitethroats, Song Thrush and Blackcap whilst a Skylark was in song high to the east.

In the car park a Reed Warbler was sitting on top of the grey willow near the car park feeder where there is again plenty of activity.

Around the pools there was a lot of Common Tern activity with at least four fledged young and six adults, whilst another adult was brooding at least one chick. Waders comprised one Ringed Plover and three Common Sandpipers and, along the causeway, there were young Robins, together with adult Linnets, Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Reed Warblers. Cetti’s uttered a brief burst of song from the Reedbed. Surprisingly there were no hirundines or Swifts on site at all.

In the evening, ten Gadwall broods and 20 Tufted broods were counted and there were two Little Egrets. The Common Tern count had increased to 13 adults with two juveniles and there were five Rooks on the flood plane.

17th July 2017

Warm and sunny, light northerly wind.

A ringing session in the back gate copse early this morning yielded 51 new birds and three re-traps and suggests that most of our resident breeders have moved on. The totals today were: Robin 4, Blackcap 25, Chiffchaff 9, Garden Warbler 2, Blue Tit 3, Reed Warbler 1, Blackbird 4, Wren 1, Great Tit 1, Bullfinch 1. The re-traps were all Blackbirds. All the birds were juvenile, except the re-traps and the Bullfinch.

Also seen in the area this morning or heard were Green Woodpecker, female Sparrowhawk, Buzzard and Tawny Owl.

An Osprey flew over the pools at about 11.15 and drifted off west.  On the pool margins there were two Common Sandpipers and three Little Egrets with a Kingfisher seen flying over Railway Pool. Three Swifts flew over and there were six Swallows and four Sand Martins feeding over the pools and possibly moved off south, thereafter.

The car park feeder was again lively with, amongst other birds, a juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker, three Greenfinches, plenty of Tits, a Starling, three Goldfinches, two Reed Buntings and two Linnets.

A Black-tailed Skimmer, Brown Hawker and Southern Hawker with butterflies including Speckled Wood, Red Admiral and Small Copper were also seen.

A female Brown Argus was on the wing by the start to Car Park Hide this morning and possibly another one by the bench, by the back gate in the early afternoon.

A Hummingbird Hawk Moth was hovering and feeding on plants near Car Park Hide today, which is only the third record for the Reserve.

Female Brown Argus – start of path to Car Park Hide 17th July 2017

Photograph by Jeff Rankin

The moth recording that was undertaken  added 25 new macro species to the site list and Bordered Beauty, Brown-tail and Least Carpet are all new for the old Vice-county SP28.


16th July 2017

Overcast and showery, humid, west, south-westerly slowly clearing and sunny evening.

Two to three Cetti’s Warblers were calling in the North Causeway bay this morning with one of them uttering a brief snatch of song.

On the pool margins or in the water there were two Little Egrets, two Common Sandpipers, a Little Ringed Plover, nine Teal, at least 20 Tufted broods and eight Gadwall broods.  The latter one of these comprised 12 almost fully fledged youngsters on Railway Pool and as I have remarked before, they seem to be better parents than Mallards with the young staying much closer to the female.

There was a Treecreeper calling on the central stream and at Patrick bridge at about 1.00pm a Hobby scattered the Swallows. There was also a singing Sedge Warbler along the river just north of Patrick bridge. Seven Swifts went over in small parties and within Siden Hill Wood (which was relatively quiet) there was a family party of Goldcrest and the odd snatch of song from a Blackcap.

By the Railway Car Park, Whitethroats were feeding young and on the flood plain there was a Greenfinch in song on the dead ash near the river bridge. There was at least one young Stock Dove amongst some adults on the flood plain and in the Old Road game crop there were at least four Banded Demoiselles.

At least eight Red Admirals were seen on a circuit from the south end of the Reserve up to Patrick bridge and back and there were probably more once the weather improved. Gatekeepers and Meadow Browns were also noticeable.

On Saturday night and into Sunday morning, John Hunt and Glen Giles did some moth trapping in the back gate copse. The evening and night were warm with temperatures remaining at about 17° and at least 500 moths of 84 species were trapped. Only two traps were used so the catch was felt to be pretty good.

The pick of the bunch was a Least Carpet which is quite scarce this far west and north and is mostly a south-eastern occurring moth. Also worthy of mention were Bordered Beauty, Brown Tail and Ear Moth. A number of Mother of Pearl moths were also caught. This is a micro moth which was very much in evidence with a least 50 seen.

A moth which is also associated with Marsh Lane is Blue-bordered Carpet, of which at least 10 were photographed. The full list is as follows:

DrinkerOak Hook-tip
Pebble Hook-tip
Peach Blossom
Buff Arches
Small Blood-vein
Least Carpet
Small Fan-footed Wave
Single-dotted Wave
Riband Wave
Shaded Broad-bar
Common Carpet
Yellow Shell
Small Phoenix
Blue-bordered Carpet
July Highflyer
Dark Umber
Small Rivulet
Sandy Carpet
Common Pug
Grey Pug
Double-striped Pug
Clouded Border
Brimstone Moth
Bordered Beauty
Lilac Beauty
Canary-shouldered Thorn
Dusky Thorn
Early Thorn
Scalloped Oak
Peppered Moth
Willow Beauty
Common White Wave
Common Wave
Light Emerald
Poplar Hawk-moth
Elephant Hawk-moth
Pebble Prominent
Pale Prominent
Dingy Footman
Scarce Footman
Buff Footman
Common Footman
Muslin Moth
Ruby Tiger
Heart and Dart
Shuttle-shaped Dart
Flame Shoulder
Large Yellow Underwing
Lesser Yellow Underwing
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Least Yellow Underwing
Small Square-spot
Double Square-spot
Bright-line Brown-eye
Brown-line Bright Eye
Smoky Wainscot
Common Wainscot
Shoulder-striped Wainscot
Dark Arches
Double Lobed
Ear Moth
Rosy Rustic
Pale Mottled Willow
Burnished Brass
Silver Y
Straw Dot
Marbled Minor agg.
Common Rustic agg.

A Tawny Owl was also heard around the back gate copse area.

Many thanks to John and Glen for the information.

Photographs by Dave Shakespeare – 16th July 2017

Dunnock by Oak Hide

Young Robin by Oak Hide

Goldfinch on car park feeders



15th July 2017

Overcast, morning showers, west, north-westerly.

The back gate copse and compound were surprisingly lively in the middle of the day with still at least two singing Chiffchaffs and the occasional snatch of song from a Blackcap. A Whitethroat was in song on the railway embankment with two further birds in the compounds where a Blackcap was inspecting the ripening buckthorn berries. Nuthatch and Treecreeper also called from there and there were two juvenile Bullfinches with adults.

Waders are still in short supply, other than a flock of 175 Lapwings and these were confined to just a single Little Ringed Plover and three Common Sandpipers. A Cetti’s Warbler was calling along the central streamline and there were up to 60 Sand Martins feeding over the pools, at any one time, with three Swifts over.

Other counts today were as follows: four Mute Swans and seven cygnets, 56 Greylag Geese, five Canada Geese, five Shoveler, six Teal, 47 Mallard, 48 Gadwall and seven broods comprising 37 ducklings, 20 Tufted and at least 18 broods comprising 83 ducklings, four Great Crested Grebes, seven Little Grebes (four adults and three juveniles) two Herons, a single Little Egret, 10 Cormorants, 13 Moorhens, 57 Coots, six adult Common Terns and at least one fledged juvenile, 25 adult and 18 juvenile Black-headed Gulls (this species is rapidly dropping off in numbers), four Lesser Black-backed Gulls (which continue to cruise, trying to pick off young ducks), a Water Rail from the north causeway bay and a pair of Greenfinches with a fledged juvenile on the car park feeders with a fourth bird along the Old Road.

In the early evening a Fox was seen carrying a dead Coot along the Causeway.

14th July 2017

Sunny intervals, breezy from the north-west.

Records today comprised both Ringed and Little Ringed Plovers plus two Common Sandpipers, two Little Egrets, two Ravens, three Swifts and Oystercatchers coming and going.


13th July 2017

Warm, mostly bright but cloudy, light south-westerly wind.

Morning records were of a Kingfisher that flew from the stream by the Lorry Park over towards the Reserve and one White Letter Hairstreak on the Wych Elm between the Aeromodellers’ caravan and their pedestrian gate.  This one was perched towards the top on the north side.   For those wishing to look, please ask consent if there are people on site.

In the evening, there was a Ringed Plover and two Common Sandpipers on the pool margins, along with one Little Egret, five Oystercatchers, 60 juvenile Black-headed Gulls and 110 Lapwings. There were also 19 Common Terns, including three juveniles.

Over the pools there were 22 Sand Martins and a Swift. A Kestrel was hunting the crop field and a Water Rail showed from the north causeway screen.

12th July 2017

Sunny and warm with scattered clouds, less humid; light northerly breeze.

There were just three records, these being Common Sandpiper, Little Ringed Plover and Little Egret. In addition, there were 6 Red Admirals around the reserve and a White Letter Hairstreak was again seen by the Wych Elm in the Aeromodellers’ field.

11th July 2017

Mainly overcast with showers, some heavy; cooler with light south – south westerly breeze.

No records.

10th July 2017

Largely sunny and bright with scattered clouds, humid and warm; light westerly / north-westerly breeze.

During the morning both Common Sandpiper and Green Sandpiper were noted on Car Park Pool, along with four Goosanders, the latter putting in an unseasonal appearance. Hirundine sightings were 20 Sand Martins and a group of 15 House Martins high over Siden Hill Wood, while, in terms of raptors, both Hobby and Buzzard were seen.

Other records from the pools included 11 Common Terns, two Oystercatchers, two Great Crested Grebes, up to four Little Egrets, three Teal and a single Lesser Blackbacked Gull. Sedge Warbler was seen from River Hide and, in the Reed Bed, both Reed Bunting and Reed Warbler (three juveniles). As usual, there was a lot of activity around the Car Park feeders, mostly the regular species, but three male House Sparrows was an exceptional record with this species having declined to become only a scarce visitor to the Reserve in recent years.

9th July 2017

Sunny, warm and humid. Light north-westerly breeze.

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the two very vocal juvenile Cetti’s Warblers found along the Causeway, suggesting a welcome return to breeding status on the Reserve for this species.

As noted on the 8th, there are multiple broods of both Gadwall and Tufted Duck on site, the former having at least eight broods split across the two main pools, whereas the Tufted Ducks, with 18 broods and including a large ‘creche’ of some 32 young, seem to favour Car Park Pool, 14 of the groups being there. Other records included four juvenile Common Terns plus a further four chicks, four Great Crested Grebes, one of these sitting on a nest on Railway Pool, 20+ Sand Martins, Common Sandpiper on Car Park Pool and Sparrowhawk over.

There was a Broadbodied Chaser between Oak and Railway Hides and, finally, the rather unusual record of a Common Shrew seen crossing the Old Road.

Green Sandpiper on Dragonfly Pond early evening.

8th July 2017

Sunny, warm and humid. Light north-westerly breeze.

In terms of butterfly records, White Letter Hairstreak was again in evidence, this time four in a Wych Elm in the Aeromodellers’ field and there were also two Purple Hairstreak in the second oak along the Old Road. Marbled White was seen around Railway Hide and Emerald Damselfly at the Dragonfly Pond.

A combination of the regular weekly count and other records from the pools was as follows: four Mute Swans with seven cygnets, 12 Greylag Geese and four young, seven Canada Geese, four male Teal, a female Shoveler, 40 Mallard, 28 Gadwall with eight broods (48 Gadwall young plus three Tufted Ducklings), 27 Tufted Ducks and 17 broods (116 ducklings), three Pochard, three Great Crested Grebes, six Little Grebes with two juveniles and one chick, ten Cormorants, four Grey Herons, a Little Egret,  nine Moorhen, 63 Coot, 96 Lapwing, three Oystercatchers with one juvenile, 15 Common Terns with four juveniles, 80 Blackheaded Gulls and 192 young, Common Sandpiper and, finally, two Lesser Blackbacked Gulls.

7th July 2017

Sunny, some cloud later in the day, warm, light westerly breeze.

There was just the one record in the logbook: two White Letter Hairstreaks were seen in the Ash tree to the right of the gate by the Aeromodellers’ field.

White Letter Hairstreak – 7th July 2017 – Photograph by John Hunt


6th July 2017

Sunny and very warm. Light westerly breeze.

The only records were of Common Sandpiper and two Little Ringed Plovers on Car Park Pool.

5th July 2017

Sunny and very warm. Light south-westerly breeze.

Records from the pools included the following:

Three Mute Swans with five cygnets, 18 Greylag Geese and 37 young, three Canada Geese plus four young, four Teal, a female Shoveler, 10 Gadwall broods (55 young), 15 Tufted Duck broods (98 young), three Mallard broods (including one of 12), two Great Crested Grebes, six Little Grebes, Common Sandpiper (Railway Pool), up to six Oystercatchers, Little Egret, twelve Common Terns with five chicks, 180 Blackheaded Gull chicks and, finally, six Lesser Blackbacked Gulls over.

A number of species were heard in song, these including Whitethroat, Reed Warbler, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Reed Bunting, Goldfinch and Greenfinch. There was a juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker on the Car Park feeders and a Green Woodpecker was heard. Raptors noted were two Buzzards over and a Hobby hawking around the Dragonfly Pond.

Dragonflies were much in evidence, with both Brown Hawker and Southern Hawker identified, and butterfly records were of Marbled White, Large White, Small White, Hedge Brown, Meadow Brown, Red Admiral and Small Tortoiseshell.

Finally, a Stoat was seen hunting along the Concrete Road.


4th July 2017

Sunny intervals, warm and dry, light south-westerly breeze.

No records

Narrow-bordered five-spot Burnet – 4th July 2017 – Path to Railway Hide – Photograph by John Hunt

3rd July 2017

Sunny intervals, warm and dry, light south-westerly breeze.

As usual, there was a lot of activity around the Car Park Feeders and sightings there included Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Reed Bunting, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Robin and Stock Dove.

Railway Hide records were Green Woodpecker, Sparrowhawk and Whitethroat, while there were two Little Egrets on Car Park Pool and Kestrel, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Skylark along the Concrete Road.

There was a ringing session today with 41 birds of 13 species caught, along with three re-traps. The list is as follows:

Blackcap – 14
Wren –  1
Chiffchaff  – 5
Robin – 3
Garden Warbler – 2
Great Tit – 3
Willow Warbler – 1
Dunnock – 2
Reed Warbler – 4
Blue Tit  – 1
Blackbird -2
Song Thrush – 1

and the re-traps were Blackcaps and Blackbirds from last year.

All the birds were caught from the back gate with the exception of the Reed Warbler which were young ringed in the nest.

Song Thrush – 3rd July 2017 – Photograph by Ben Dolan (Breewood Ringers)

2nd July 2017

A slightly overcast start but then sunny and warm for the remainder of the day, light westerly breeze.

Raptors were again in evidence with a Hobby over the central stream, a male Kestrel seen with prey over the railway embankment and a Buzzard overhead.

Records from the pools included four Little Egrets, three of these being juveniles, Little Ringed Plover and Green Sandpiper on Car Park Pool where there was also a flock of 142 Lapwings, and singles of Teal (m) and Shoveler (m). There were also four Great Crested Grebes across the Reserve, including one on a nest at the southern end of Railway Pool.

Other records were Treecreeper along the Old Road, five Rooks on the flood plain, four Green Woodpeckers – one from Railway Hide and three around the Dragonfly Pond. The sole butterfly record was of four Marbled Whites.

1st July 2017

Sunny intervals and warm after an overcast start, light westerly breeze.

A flock of around 50 Starlings, all adults, was seen around the west bank of Car Park Pool during the morning. A Ringed Plover was heard calling, but not seen, as it came into Railway Pool, a Yellow Wagtail flew over calling early afternoon and a Raven was also seen overhead. Raptor sightings included a Hobby and a family party of Kestrels which was seen over the Car Park heading west, this suggesting possible breeding success in the locality.

Additional records, both from the regular Saturday count and other observers, included: four Mute Swans with seven cygnets, 14 Greylag Geese and 31 young, three Canada Geese plus four young, two male Teal, a male Shoveler, 27 Mallard, 52 Gadwall with eight broods (two of which also contained young Tufted Ducks), 43 Tufted Ducks and seven broods, three Pochard (2m and 1f), three Great Crested Grebes, ten Little Grebes and two young, eight Cormorants, a single Grey Heron, 16 Moorhen, 75 Coot, 76 Lapwing, a single Little Ringed Plover, 100+ Sand Martins, 20 Swifts, four Oystercatchers with one juvenile, eight Common Terns with four chicks, 150 Blackheaded Gulls and c250 chicks and, finally, six Lesser Blackbacked Gulls.