Packington Estate

Work party

15 June 2016 – 6 p.m.

Members notice

Scott Hackett and Glen Giles are running a month night on the 11th June 2016. This event will go ahead, whatever the weather and members and their guests are welcome to attend (members free – guest charge £3 ). Scott will run traps in the spinney area and Glen the causeway and hopefully the car park. 

Scott says that they probably have enough space on their generators for a few members to bring traps, if they wish, but those interested do not have to bring a trap. They welcome all to attend to see what they are doing and will be there until about 8 a.m. to show those interested the interesting moths they have trapped.

Scott’s contact number is : 07795 952196.

30 June 2016

– Sunshine and showers.

No records.

29 June 2016

– Wet all day.

Three Mediterranean Gulls visited Railway Pool to join the myriad of Black-headed. There were two adults and a second summer.

Five Gadwall broods are now present on site (six, five, four, two, one). There was a Tuftedbrood of two and also three male and four female Teal. A Water Rail showed on the causeway and there were five adult Oystercatchers and a fledged juvenile, at least five adult Little Grebes and a juvenile from off site and finally, three Green Woodpeckers on the Old Road, one of which appeared to be a fledged juvenile.

28 June 2016

– Sunny, south-westerly wind, rain from 2.30 p.m. onwards.

The Old Road was lively with adults and juveniles of various species, including BlackbirdRobinWrenDunnock and Blackcap. There were Nuthatches at both ends of the Old Road, a Great Spotted Woodpecker fed on the dead tree by the entrance gate cottages and including one bird singing a little way along the concrete road, there were six Chiffchaffs in song from top to bottom of the Old Road.

At least two Mistle Thrushes, some Blackbirds and a Song Thrush were feeding on some cherries just north of the Aeromodellers and at the farm there appeared to be six pairs of Swallows with three Swifts over.

A pair of Muntjac crept down the hedgeline south of the car park before shooting off towards the lorry park.

27 June 2016

A second-summer Mediterranean Gull was amongst the Black-heads on Car Park Pool this afternoon along with 11 Oystercatchers and two Redshanks. Four Swifts and mixed hirundines were over the pools and there was a Garden Warbler by the car park gate.

In the evening, the Barn Owl again hunted the horse paddock and was seen to catch a Vole at 8.50 p.m.

26 June 2016

– Sunny, warm morning, clouding over and rain mid-afternoon and into the evening.

As the margins of the pools have grown substantially in the last few days and weeks from the warm and wet conditions, birds have become increasingly difficult to see and to count and so some attention has turned to insects.  Marbled White butterflies continue to be seen between Railway Hide and the south-west pond with another around the car park.  Common Blues were in both locations and the first Ringlets were recorded today although they may have been seen earlier in the week. Both Black-tailed Skimmer and Four-spotted Chaser dragonflies were recorded.

Cuckoo flew low south-west across the Car Park at 11.25 a.m., and a Little Egret flew into Railway Pool about mid-day. Over 60 Sand Martins and three Swifts were feeding high over the pools in the late morning and there was a juvenile Little Grebe on Railway Pool which had arrived from off site.

Two fledged juvenile Oystercatchers were on Car Park Pool with an adult and also a Little Ringed Plover.

25 June 2016

– Sunny periods, dry.

The first four Marbled White butterflies were showing well on the bank to Railway Pool between the large gorse clump opposite the back gate and Railway Hide. A Hobby hunted both pools for quarter of an hour in the early afternoon and other counts today were as follows: five Cormorants, three Herons, eight Little Grebes, three adult Great Crested Grebes and the nearly fully fledged youngster, five Mute Swans, five Greylags, 44 Gadwall and five broods totalling 27 young, 18 Mallard, three Teal, 34 Tufted and one youngster, 11 Moorhen, 49 Coot, ten Oystercatchers, 52 Lapwing, four Redshank, 182 Black-headed Gulls and 254 juveniles, a first-summer Mediterranean Gull, one Lesser Black-backed Gull and seven Common Terns with four chicks. Aside from the Hobby there were four Buzzards over, a Kestrel hunting the north end of Car Park Pool, a Ringed Plover on Railway Pool in the afternoon and both of the usual Woodpeckers.

24 June 2016

The first Tufted duckling was noted today, just a single, on Railway Pool. A Little Egretdropped in to feed and a Hobby was hunting over the site. A Water Rail showed well from the causeway hide and there were a pair of Teal on Railway Pool.

23 June 2016

The Barn Owl again showed well hunting the horse paddock at 8.40 p.m., but otherwise birds were similar to the preceding days. Gadwall broods are up to five.

22 June 2016

– Sunny intervals, occasional showers.

Not a great deal new to report with two drake and a female Teal and a female Pochard on the pools, a Water Rail from the causeway and seven Redshank on the margins of the pools. The Barn Owl again showed well this evening around the horse paddock area at 9.25 p.m.

21 June 2016

– Sunny intervals.

Four Ravens flew east along the railway line this morning, probably a locally reared family party. On the pools there were three Gadwall broods of which one was new, two Mallardbroods and the six Mute Swans. A Water Rail again showed from the causeway screen.

20 June 2016

– Wet a.m.,clearing slowly, sunny intervals p.m.

On the pools there were two female Pochard, a drake Teal and at least 425 juvenile Black-headed Gulls whilst, overhead, a Hobby flew across the Reedbed at 1.45 and the Barn Owl was hunting the horse paddock at 8.40 p.m.

19 June 2016

– Mostly overcast, rain in the evening, south-westerly wind.

Relatively quiet today with not a great deal new.  Teal numbers have increased to four, all males and all on Car Park Pool where there was also a female Shoveler. Breeding birds were indicated by a juvenile Green Woodpecker on Railway Pool, a young Treecreeper on the Old Road and young Swallows at Patrick Farm. A female Kestrel was hunting the orchid field by Oak Hide and three male and a female Bullfinch were also in the same area.

18 June 2016

– Overcast a.m., occasional sunny intervals p.m., cool. Light northerly wind.

The undoubted highlight today was a hunting Barn Owl over the horse paddock from 12.30 to 12.45, with a lucky few connecting with this wonderful bird.

East of the A452, 37 Swifts and eight Sand Martins moved south-east just after 9 a.m. Whether they were genuinely on the move or feeding up is not clear, but they were certainly moving purposefully in one direction. 76 Lapwings were in the field east of the road, that total included quite a lot of young birds but the exact split was not possible to ascertain before the birds were spooked and flew.

Three Common Spotted Orchids are visible along the concrete road, by the turning circle near the underpass and the bird ringers located a small clump of six to eight Bee Orchids on the shore line in front of Oak Hide, visible against the largest clump of Yellow Flag on the shore in front of Car Park Hide.

Six to eight Greenfinches were calling in the hedgerow around the first cottage by the entrance gate and appeared to include some young. There were also a mating pair of Pied Wagtails there with the female looking decidedly like a female White Wagtail. There were juvenile Bullfinch and Goldcrest by the cottages and near the top gate respectively, and other counts today included three Great Crested Grebes and a juvenile on Railway Pool, six Little Grebes, six Mute Swans and six cygnets (two to three weeks old and reared off site), 34 Greylags and 28 goslings, one Canada, 43 Gadwalls and four broods totalling 20 young, 11 Mallard and six juveniles, 41 Tufteds, six Moorhen, 59 Coot, four Oystercatcher, 36 Lapwings west of the road, five Redshanks, one Little Ringed Plover, 350 Black-headsand 220 juveniles, an adult and a second-summer Mediterranean Gull, ten Lesser Black-backs and eight Common Terns with at least five chicks, although the total number is difficult to ascertain because of the increasing height of the vegetation.

17 June 2016

– Sunny intervals, occasional showers

Young birds seen today included a fledged Treecreeper along the Concrete Road where an adult Chiffchaff was feeding two newly fledged youngsters, a family party of Goldcrest by the Horse Paddock gate on the Old Road and at least three family parties of Tits between the top gate and the Car Park. In the warmer weather there was a male Banded Demoiselle on the Old Road just north of the Car Park and small froglets were seen crossing the Concrete Road earlier in the day.

16 June 2016

– Periodic heavy showers

There was an additional Gadwall brood today with four new ducklings on Railway Pool and three Fox cubs showed well at the bottom of the embankment to the left of Railway Hide this morning. There were still two juvenile Oystercatchers on site along with 45 Greylag goslings whilst the Water Rail was again seen well in the causeway bay.

15 June 2016

– Low pressure, remaining unsettled with heavy showers.

Reed Warblers are showing well at the moment, including three juveniles along the causeway. Jay appear to have bred successfully in the back gate area with six present today. On the pools there was a pair of TealShelduck and two broods of Gadwall (ten and one), nine un-ringed Common Tern chicks giving a current total of 22 chicks, ten Little Grebes and a Water Railon the causeway.

In the evening, six Swifts, two House Martins and two Sand Martins dropped in to feed over the central streamline and 15 Starlings came in to roost in the Reedbed area, although they seem to be favouring the thorns at the west end rather than the reeds themselves. There was a new brood of nine relatively young Mallard ducklings on Car Park Pool and seven Oystercatchers were in display flight over the pools at about 9.30. There was no sound of the Grasshopper Warbler by then.

Only five attended the Work Party, but achieved a lot. With all the paths strimmed, particularly to River Hide with the hedge also cut back there. Views out of Oak, Railway and Reedbed Hides were all improved. Thanks to all those who attended.

14 June 2016

– Low pressure, remaining unsettled with heavy showers.

No records.

13 June 2016

– Unsettled, sunny intervals and showers. Light north-westerly wind.

The orchids behind Oak Hide and the odd Bee Orchid on the causeway are showing well at the moment and definitely worth a look.

A pair of Shoveler and three Little Egrets were new arrivals today and still plenty of song with Goldcrest and Whitethroat singing at the south-west pond, a Blackcap between there and Oak Hide and another by Railway Hide, where at least one of the three Willow Warblersin the area were still in good song in the evening. A Chiffchaff was also singing by the back gate.

Hobby flew over the car park at 2 p.m., a Skylark in song and a hunting Kestrel over the tip field and Kingfisher and Brewer’s Duck were seen on Railway Pool.

A brood of eight well-grown Mallard ducklings were seen today as well, along with a single Little Ringed Plover and two Ringed Plovers.

12 June 2016

– Mostly wet, remaining slightly humid, light easterly wind.

New arrivals today included an additional Teal to join the male from the last few days, a pair of Pochard on Railway Pool, whilst there were still two Ringed Plover and two Little Ringed Plover coming and going on the site.

At least 300 Black-headed Gull juveniles / chicks were counted today, together with six Common Tern chicks. A Water Rail was seen in the north causeway bay.

11 June 2016

– Dry a.m., wet p.m., light southerly wind.

A pair of Mediterranean Gulls were on site this morning, presumably the regular pair from earlier in the year. There were 40 Sand Martins feeding over the pools first thing, with other birds of note today including a Cuckoo heard from initially the central streamline before moving to Siden Hill Wood, a single Red-legged Partridge east of the A452 and the drake Teal.

Other counts today were three Herons, four Cormorants, nine Little Grebes, five Great Crested Grebes and a single chick on Railway Pool, one Shelduck, four Mute Swans, 24 Greylags and five broods, two Canadas, 12 Mallard, 42 Gadwalls and a single brood of ten, 74 Tufted, seven Moorhen, 36 Coots, six Oystercatchers and three chicks (Car Park; one and two), 24 Lapwing with a further 17 adults and 18 chicks east of the A452, seven Redshank including the colour ringed bird, three Ringed Plover, 11 Common Terns and three chicks, 395 Black-headed Gulls and 180 chicks several now free flying, six Lesser Black-backed Gulls and one Herring Gull.

A successful moth trapping night into the morning of the 12th was a great success, with eight people attending, over 112 species trapped, of which a number were new for the site. There were six traps run during the evening with highlights being three Elephant Hawk Moths, a Poplar Hawk MothPeach BlossomBuff ArchesDusty BrocadeOrange Footman and Blood Vein. Thanks to Scott Hackett and Glen Giles for running a good evening.

10 June 2016

– Generally wet.

No records.

9 June 2016

– Fair, light easterly wind.

Firstly, thanks to Mike Hearn for keeping the web-site going over the last few days.

Today’s slightly less usual birds were a drake Teal and a Little Egret.

On the breeding front, there were two broods of Gadwall today, a singleton on Car Park Pool and a brood of ten on Railway Pool. The two Oystercatcher broods were two on Car Park Pool and a single on Railway Pool, whilst the pair of Great Crested Grebes on Railway Pool are down to a single chick.

An Emperor Dragonfly and I think the first Meadow Brown of the year were seen around the Dragonfly Pool.

8 June 2016

– Sunny intervals, warm with showers later; light E breeze.

Both Ringed Plover and Little Ringed Plover, two of each, were present and there were two Oystercatcher broods on Railway Pool, both with a single chick. Two Gadwall broods were recorded, a single on Railway Pool and ten on Car Park Pool. The Grasshopper Warbler was again located, on the Causeway as previously.

Other records included three Beautiful Demoiselle, a Large Red Damselfly and four + Fourspotted Chasers. Moth records were: Silverground CarpetShaded BroadbarBurnet Companion and Common White Wave.

7 June 2016

– Overcast and& warm with sunny intervals; light NW breeze.

The Grasshopper Warbler continued its stay on site, being noted again along the Causeway. Other records included two Little Ringed PloverTeal (male), Water Rail (North Causeway) and both Great Spotted and Green Woodpecker. Brood counts were: Gadwall – 10 on Railway Pool; Oystercatcher – two on Car Park Pool and two broods of a single chick on Car Park Pool; Common Tern – six chicks; Blackheaded Gull – 225 chicks; Coot – four on Dragonfly Pond.

There was also a notable record of a Tawny Owl which sat on a post at the far side of the orchid field (near the transport yard) for over two hours.

Butterfly records were two Painted Lady and a Speckled Wood, as well as a CloudedBorder moth in the back gate copse.

6 June 2016

– Sunny and very warm; light ESE breeze.

Saturday’s Grasshopper Warbler was relocated around 10pm yesterday evening and was reeling along the Causeway near the Car Park. It was caught and ringed and was then calling until midnight and again from 3.30am.

A report on the ringing session will follow in due course but, to avoid confusion when reporting ringed birds, would members note that a number of the Reserve’s Blackheaded Gull chicks have been ringed. Back Darvic rings with white characters have been used.

There were few other records: Stock Dove on the flood plain and House Martin over, plus male Shoveler and Teal on Car Park Pool with a Shelduck on Railway Pool.

Following on from the first record last year, Bee Orchid has again flowered on site with three specimens being found on the south side of the Causeway between the Car Park and the hide. Markers have been placed and visitors are asked to take care not to damage the plants when viewing.

5 June 2016

– Cloudy start but quickly becoming sunny and& then v. warm; light ENE breeze.

A male Teal on Railway Pool was notable for the time of year and also present there were two Little Egrets, tw Ringed Plovers, six Herons and two Oystercatcher chicks. There were also still three Oystercatcher chicks present just below the Car Park hide and two LittleRinged Plovers were seen mating on one of the islands. A Kingfisher put in an appearance, being seen briefly early in the morning and then slightly later from the Causeway hide along with a Water Rail from the same location.

The railway embankment yielded BlackcapWhitethroat plus Willow Warbler and, in terms of raptors, there were distant views of a Hobby and four Buzzards. The sole butterfly record was of a Red Admiral.

4 June 2016

– Cool start then sunny and warm; light easterly breeze.

Bird of the day was undoubtedly a Grasshopper Warbler, found just north of the Causeway, which was both reeling and showing occasionally. As noted last year when there was a similar one-off June record, this is slightly unusual for the time of year and suggests either a failed or relocating breeder.

Other counts today were: 40+ Swifts, a juvenile Pied Wagtail (Railway embankment), three Herons, four Great Crested Grebes plus a single chick, two Little Grebes, three Cormorants, four Mute Swans, 25 Greylags and 14 goslings, 11 Canadas, 50 Gadwall, 12 Mallard and a brood of nine on Car Park Pool, the drake Brewer’s Duck, 110 Tufted, seven Moorhen, 37 Coot, six Oystercatchers and three chicks, 39 Lapwing and just a single youngster on Car Park Pool, four Ringed Plovers, five Redshanks, 12 Common Terns and& a single chick (Car Park Pool), 500 Black-headed Gulls with 180 chicks and four Lesser Black-backs.

Finally, a female Broad-bodied Chaser was seen along the Concrete Road.

3 June 2016

– Cool and overcast initially, sunny later; light northerly breeze.

Three new Lapwing broods were noted – two on Car Park Pool and three on Railway Pool. Singles of Little Ringed Plover and Ringed Plover were present together with seven Redshank, including a colour-ringed individual. Other records included a male Shoveler, a pair of Shelduck and both Reed Bunting and Whitethroat.

Probably helped by the improvement in the weather, there were several butterfly records: two Small Copper in the Horse Paddock, a Large Skipper in the Car Park and also both Greenveined White and& Orange Tip.

2 June 2016

– Cool and overcast initially, brightening later; northerly wind.

Up to 80 Sand Martins and 30 Swifts were again in evidence feeding over the pools. The number of Oystercatcher chicks on Car Park Pool is now up to three and a single CommonTern chick was noted on Railway Pool. Geese were recorded in significant numbers: 61 Canada Geese and 87 Greylags, the latter with 21 goslings.

Blacktailed Skimmer was seen on the Dragonfly Pond and along the Old Road there both a Painted Lady and a Red Admiral were present.

1 June 2016

– Overcast, drizzly, cool northerly wind.

At least 150 Sand Martins and 25 Swifts were feeding over the pools this morning in the drizzly, cool conditions and there were two Ringed Plovers and three Little Ringed Plovers also present.

In terms of breeding records, the two Oystercatcher chicks were still present in front of Car Park Hide and both a Moorhen brood and a Great Crested Grebe chick were recorded on Railway Pool. Several Coot broods were noted, with two on Car Park Pool, three on Railway Pool, two in the Reedbed and one on the Causeway. Across the Reserve, the number of Black-Headed Gull chicks is now 200+.