Packington Estate



28th June – Photograph added and record updated.

26th June – Photograph added and record updated.

20th June – Record updated.

12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th Updated

11th amended

6th June – Photograph added

4th, 5th and 6th June – Records updated

30th June 2019

Sunny intervals, cooler with blustery westerly wind.

Some interesting records today, started with a pair of Teal and five young on Railway Pool first thing (courtesy of Brian Harris).  This is the first breeding for the reserve and it remains a scarce breeder in the West Midlands with probably no more than five to six pairs in the four counties in any one year.  Initially the pair of Teal were thought to have bred, having been seen with five young, but the recorder of this subsequently thinks that those may have been in amongst a brood of Gadwall and has withdrawn the record.

A Curlew flew into Railway Pool in the morning as well on to the gravel bar but did not linger. Two pairs of Shovelers were new in as well.

Dave Hutton’s hunch of rarer dragonflies on the Dragonfly Pool proved correct when he found two Red-veined Darters late morning and in the afternoon there was a probable sighting of Vagrant Emperor but it was not clinched.

At the Aeromodellers there was a least one White-letter Hairstreak on the Wych Elms but as is often the case with this species patience is required to see them fluttering briefly before landing often high up on the leaves.  There were also two Commas and a Red Admiral there with a small Tortoiseshell and four Painted Ladies around the concrete road, Old Road area.

Other birds today included a female Gadwall and five young on the Dragonfly Pool, a Lesser Whitethroat behind Railway Hide, a Mistle Thrush over Siden Hill Wood and two Little Ringed Plovers also on Railway Pool.

The bird ringers went across to the Car Park Pool islands to put Darvic rings on Terns and Black-headed Gulls today. Whilst 15 Black-headed Gulls were ringed, a mammal, probably an Otter, had obviously been on the islands and killed over 20 Black-headed Gull chicks and five Common Tern chicks.

29th June 2019

Sunny, hot 30 degrees.

Seven Black-tailed Godwits appeared on Car Park Pool first thing this morning but it is possible that these were birds that were initially seen on the 26th.  Although there were eight initially at Patrick Bridge there was only one left in the evening and the other seven had departed somewhere else.

28 Marbled Whites was a fantastic count and by far and away the best count made on the reserve as this species gains a stronger and stronger foothold. It still prefers the banks around Railway Pool but is spreading to Car Park Pool as well.  There were two Painted Ladies seen amongst many Meadow Browns and Ringlets.  A Bee Orchid was in flower on the edge of the crop field and odonata included one Seven Hawker and two Brown Hawkers.

Other bird counts comprised seven Mute Swans, 39 Greylags, 29 Gadwall and four broods, two on each pool, a drake Teal, 13 Mallard, 42 Tufted and two broods, one each pool, one Great Crested Grebe, three Little Grebes, five Cormorants, six Herons, one Little Egret, eight Moorhen, 45 Coot, 68 Lapwing, three Oystercatchers, 410 Black-headed Gulls and 280 juveniles; two Mediterranean Gulls (an adult and a second summer), three Lesser Black-backed Gulls, five Common Terns and five juveniles.  Finally, the male Cetti’s Warbler continues to sing along the Old Road.

28 June 2019

Cloudy start, cool easterly wind, cloud mostly clearing by 9.30 am, warm and sunny.

A Red Kite was circling to the north of the reserve this morning, around 9 am, before it drifted off west and in the cooler conditions first thing, there were at least a dozen Swifts feeding over the pools with six House Martins and two Sand Martins.

Of an estimated 17 Common Terns that hatched, we think 11 have probably fledged including one from the two pairs on Railway Pool.

Butterflies were beginning to emerge around 9 am and these included two Painted Ladies, four Ringlets and five Meadow Browns.  One Red Admiral and two White-letter Hairstreaks showed around the Aeromodellers and both Marble White and Holly Blue were recorded as the warm weather took hold.

More butterflies are on the wing in the warm weather – Marbled White – Path to Car Park Hide – Photograph by John Hunt

27th June 2019

Cool and cloudy start, north-easterly wind, clearing to sunny and warm.

An adult Mediterranean Gull was in amongst the Black-heads on Railway Pool this morning and there were two Little Ringed Plovers and a Redshank on site. Two White-letter Hairstreak butterflies were present by the Wych Elm by the Aeromodellers.


26th June 2019

Overcast, drizzly start, light north-easterly wind, increasingly humid.

On the pools this morning there were two second-summer Mediterranean Gulls, a single Little Ringed Plover, one Little Egret and, amongst a few butterflies on the wing, a Painted Lady.

With the River Blythe still flooded by Patrick Bridge, it was no surprise that eight Blacktailed Godwits dropped in this morning and were still present in the early afternoon, along with many Gulls, the Whooper Swan, a few breeding waders, Ducks and a Little Egret.

Black-tailed Godwit – Floodplain – Photograph by John Hunt

Additional records from the evening comprised two Little Ringed Plovers, three adult Oystercatchers and two fledged juveniles on Car Park Pool, the over summering Wigeon pair of drake Teal, a Mute Swan with five cygnets at Patrick Bridge, one brood of seven Tufteds on Car Park Pool and at least 240 Black-headed Gull juveniles. There was only one Black-tailed Godwit present in the evening which commuted between the flood meadows and Car Park Pool.

25th June 2019

Wet all day.

No records.

24th June 2019

Overcast, rain later afternoon.

The Whooper Swan was on the flood plain along with a few hirundines, mostly Swallows from Patrick Farm. Garden Warbler, Cetti’s Warbler, Blackcap and Skylark were all recorded along the Old Road or the concrete road whilst, on the pools, there was the long-staying drake Wigeon, three Oystercatchers, six Common Terns, a Little Ringed Plover and a Redshank. Two Collared Doves fed under the Oak Hide feeder whilst a Great Spotted Woodpecker and four Goldfinches were amongst the visitors to the car park feeder.

23rd June 2019

Mostly overcast, odd light showers but warm.

A Green Sandpiper fed along the River Blythe towards Patrick Farm this morning and there were three Little Ringed Plovers on site, together with the long-staying pair of Wigeon. Two Little Egrets were the first since one on the 2nd of the month.

At least one juvenile Cetti’s Warbler was seen in the hedge to the Old Road, by the Dragonfly Pond, whilst a large Tit flock near the muck heap, north of the top gate, included several Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps, together with Treecreeper. The Garden Warbler showed well towards the south-west pond whilst, in the crop field, Mistle Thrushes were alarm calling in response to a Crow.

Despite the lack of sun, the warm conditions were good enough for some butterflies, which included one Marbled White, one Painted Lady and one Small Tortoiseshell.

22nd June 2019


A productive early morning walk along the Old Road, between the cottages and the top gate yielded a Cetti’s Warbler with two fledged young towards the top gate. The ringed male was nevertheless still in song. There was Garden Warbler and Blackcap singing there as well and between the top gate and the car park gates a family party of Blackcaps included at least three fledged young. In this area there was also a fledged Chiffchaf with another one between the car park gates and the cottages, probably from the successful brood by the cottages itself.

The Willow Warbler that has taken up territory around the car park area was also in song whilst a Coal Tit called persistently around the cottages for well over an hour.

Young Blue Tits and Great Tits were present along the Old Road, reflecting a good breeding season for both species.

Graham Rowling and Dave Scanlan recorded the following bird, butterfly and odonata counts: seven Mute Swans, 44 Greylags and 19 juveniles, a male Wigeon, nine Mallard and new brood of two on Car Park Pool, 51 Gadwall, 77 Tufteds and a brood seven on Car Park Pool, six Cormorants, one Great Crested Grebe, six Little Grebes and a well grown chick on Railway Pool by River Hide, seven Moorhens and two juveniles in front of Oak Hide, 52 Coots and a fledged juvenile, 58 Lapwings, four Oystercatchers and the well grown juvenile on Railway Pool plus the half grown youngster on Car Park Pool, 425 Black Headed Gulls and 160 chicks (many of these now fledged or fledging), one Herring Gull, two Lesser Black-backed Gulls, nine Common Terns and six juveniles (two of these are colour ringed, two are only metal ringed and two are un-ringed), a drake Teal on Railway Pool, one adult Little Ringed Plover, a juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker at the Oak Hide feeders and at least two juvenile Robins by the entrance gate cottages.

Butterflies comprised one Marbled White, one Painted Lady near Railway Hide, at least 20 Meadow Browns, seven Ringlets, one Peacock, two Small Tortoiseshells, one Red Admiral, one female Common Blue, one Large Skipper and four Speckled Woods.

Odonata included one female Beautiful Demoiselle along the concrete road, three male and two female Banded Demoiselles, six Emperors, one Black-tailed Skimmer, one Fourspotted Chaser, one Common Darter, whilst damselflies comprised Azure Blue-tailed, Red-eyed and Common Blue. A Bloodvein Moth was noted and there were two Bee Orchids in flower, one on the side of the path to Car Park Hide and one on the foreshore in front of Car Park Hide.

Meanwhile, Tufted Vetch is coming into flower on the banks, there was a large patch of Scarlet Pimpernel near the stone pile in the car park. Thanks to Russel Tonks for the information.

21st June 2019

Cloudy, north westerly wind.

It was warm enough this morning for the first Marbled White to be seen towards Railway Hide. There were also two Brown Argus, three Common Blues, a least 15 Meadow Browns and two Large Skippers recorded.

On the bird front there were five Little Ringed Plovers on Railway Pool, a Garden Warbler seen and heard by the south west pond and two Redshanks on site.

On Car Park Pool there were at least 15 adult Common Terns and five juvenile with a pair of Oystercatchers and the well grown juvenile there as well.

Two Sedge Warblers were in song between Oak Hide and River Hide and a flock of about 400 Starlings gathered in the causeway bushes at 8 p.m., probably prior to roosting in the Reedbed. The birds were mostly juveniles.


20th June 2019

Sunny intervals with showers.

Willow Warblers were in song by the back gate and around the Car Park pond area with a Blackcap also seen there. A Linnet was singing along the causeway gorse, the first recorded there for some time. At least two Little Ringed Plovers were visible from Oak Hide this morning.

The first Ringlet of the year was flying around the back gate bench this morning at 9 am with Meadow Brown, Small Tortoiseshell and Large Skipper along the path from there to Oak Hide.  Two Chimney Sweeper Moths were also recorded.

Later in the day there were 30 Sand Martins, two Redshank, an adult and a juvenile Whitethroat in front of Railway Hide and a Nuthatch and young in the back gate copse.

Birdsfoot Trefoil and Oxeye Dasies on the path between the car park and Car Park Hide.

Photograph by Nick Barlow

19th June 2019

Sunny intervals, high cloud, south-westerly wind.

The second-summer Mediterranean Gull was again present among the Black-heads on Railway Pool along with four Little Ringed Plovers. Garden Warblers were seen by Railway Hide and there were three Fox cubs seen there. Other birds were as follows: a pair of Wigeon, three half grown Mallard ducklings on Railway Pool, six Little Grebes but no sign of any young, 125 Black-headed Gull chicks including a number that are now flying, ten Common Terns and one well grown chick on Car Park Pool, 450 Starlings around the causeway area and a Cuckoo which flew between Oak and Railway Hides.

Courtesy of Graham Rowling, there were 840 Southern Marsh Orchids and 185 Common Spotted Orchids in the field behind Oak Hide.

18th June 2019

Overnight rain, extending into the 18th, south-westerly wind.

There were five Little Ringed Plovers and 32 adult Lapwing on Railway Pool this morning, along with a fledged juvenile, probably from elsewhere. As the weather improved in the afternoon, there were two Meadow Browns, two Speckled Woods and a Common Blue noted.

Plants included Marsh-bedstraw and Branched Bur-reed around the car park Perforate St John’s-wort between the car park gates and the Dragonfly Pond on the right hand side of the Old Road.

17th June 2019

17th June – Mostly overcast, south westerly wind.

The first broods of Tufted and Gadwall were present on Car Park Pool this morning; the former with three and the latter with five young. There were also three drake Pochards.

The heavy rain has resulted in lots of regrowth on both of the islands which is making the visibility of birds difficult.

There will still five Little Ringed Plovers on Railway Pool with a Redshank and a male Teal on Car Park Pool.

16th June 2019

Sunny intervals and heavy showers, south westerly wind.

The best bird by far today was an Osprey which flew south at 10:50 just east of the Lorry Park.

A supporting cast came in the shape of three Green Sandpipers which were seen flying into Railway Pool but could not relocated later. The Whooper Swan was still associating with the flock of Mute Swans (ten on this occasion) and there were still two Little Ringed Plovers on Railway Pool.

Two Mistle Thrushes flew over Siden Hill Wood, there were two Bullfinches by the car park gates and 30 Lapwings on the flood plain which included one fledged juvenile. Lastly there was a Grey Wagtail back on the much heap.

15th June 2019

Dry and sunny start, periodic rain showers thereafter, south westerly wind.

Today’s counts were as follows: the adult Whooper Swan, nine Mute Swans, ten Graylags, female Wigeon, 16 Mallard, 51 Gadwall, 116 Tufteds, eight Cormorants, two Great Crested Grebes, seven Little Grebes, ten Moorhens, 14 Coots and three broods of two on Car Park and one on the Reed Bed, 23 Lapwing, 4 Oystercatchers, and two chicks (one on Car Park Pool, one on Railway Pool), 800 adult Black Headed Gulls and 124 chicks, two second summer Mediterranean Gulls, 18 Lesser Black Backed Gulls, 4 adult Common Terns and four chicks, Cetti’s Warbler singing along the Old Road and one Heron.

The heavy rain has floated the tern raft down towards River Hide.

14th June 2019

More rain.

It was not surprising to find, this morning, that the river has apparently over-flowed onto Railway Pool and the islands are slowly disappearing under the increasing water level. The gravel bar has also disappeared as has the Tern raft!

13th June 2019

Heavy rain for much of the day, north-westerly wind, remaining cool.

With the river having flooded extensively around Patrick Bridge over the last few days, it was not surprising that the water level was up on Railway Pool. So far, the worse of the flooding has been avoided but with the quantity of rainfall, it seems only a matter of time before the islands on Railway Pool begin to disappear under the deluge.

Railway Pool – Photograph by Nick Barlow – 13th June 2019

A Garden Warbler showed well, calling, on the edge of the back gate copse by the compounds and another bird with Whitethroats was present in the field behind Oak Hide.

Willow Warblers were in song both in the back gate and on the railway embankment and there were young juveniles of Dunnock and Robin also in the back gate copse. A Stock Dove was singing from the south-west pond and both Reed Warbler and Sedge Warbler were feeding vigorously around and about Oak Hide.

Three Swifts and six House Martins were feeding over the central streamline with a few Sand Martins over Car Park Pool.

12th June 2019

Wet all day.

12th June – There was a Redshank briefly this morning and the pair of now over summering Wigeon were still present. Six adult Little Ringed Plovers and six adult Oystercatchers were counted and there was an unfledged chick on Car Park Pool with second one there now flying.  There was also still one Lapwing chick present. The older chicks may conceivably have made it to the shoreline as an adult was getting very excited over the presence of a fox.

11th June 2019

Periods of heavy rain, cool, north, north-easterly wind.

An early returning Green Sandpiper on the short line in front of Oak Hide was perhaps the main surprise of the day with returning birds not normally appearing until the end of the month. The adult Whooper Swan was on Car Park Pool whilst around the back gate area there was at least three juvenile Goldcrests being fed by adults. A Willow Warbler was singing in the back gate copse and overhead, in the inclement weather, 12 Swifts were feeding low over the trees. There was a single House Martin and 20 Sand Martins feeding over Car Park Pool and still plenty of song.

The second summer Mediterranean Gull put in one of its sporadic appearances and there was again a Cuckoo along the stream line.

10th June 2019

Increasingly heavy rain from mid morning, north-easterly wind and cool.

The adult Whooper Swan was again present on Car Park Pool this morning and there were four Little Ringed Plovers on Railway Pool, but no sign of any sitting birds, possibly as a consequence of the weather. Before the weather deteriorated, a Painted Lady was seen along the path to Railway Hide. It is likely that this follows the increasing numbers that have been coming in off the sea, particularly on the east coast.

9th June 2019

Sunny intervals, south-westerly wind.

The Whooper Swan reappeared on Car Park Pool this morning where it joined two Wigeon. There was also a Redshank on site plus four Little Ringed Plovers, a Nuthatch along the Old Road and a Cuckoo seen in various places. A Bee Orchid is in flower along the concrete road.

8th June 2019

Mostly wet, south-westerly wind.

Today’s counts comprise five Mute Swans, 44 Greylags and 22 goslings, two Canadas and two goslings, the pair of Wigeon, 11 Mallard and a brood of half grown youngsters (three) on Car Park Pool, 57 Gadwalls, a drake Pochard which was new in, 81 Tufted Ducks, eight Cormorants, five Little Grebes and still the young one on Railway Pool, one Great Crested Grebe, eight Moorhen with a brood of four on Railway Pool, 42 Coots and a brood of two on Car Park Pool, 18 Lapwing with four young on Railway Pool, four Little Ringed Plovers, six Oystercatchers still with two chicks, 575 adult Blackheaded Gulls and 207 chicks, five Lesser Black-backed Gulls, one Herring Gull, one second-summer Mediterranean Gull, eight Common Terns and 17 chicks, 35 Sand Martins and three House Martins.

Some more plants identified today, this time by the side of Dragonfly Pool, included Marsh-bedstraw, Pink Water-speedwell, Tufted Forget-Me-Not, Water-plantain and Compact Rush.

7th June 2019

Mostly cloudy am, rain pm.

The pair of Garganey were on site again along with eight Little Ringed Plovers, a Redshank and a Common Snipe.


6 June 2019

Sunny intervals and light showers.

The pair of Garganey were again present in front of Railway Hide today where the Whitethroats were busy carrying food.

Common Whitethroat (female) collecting food in front of Railway Hide – Photograph by John Hunt

There was a Cuckoo around Railway Pool today and the Lesser Whitethroat was singing and showing behind Railway Hide. The Garden Warbler was again on the Old Road near the cottages where there was also a Coal Tit.

Insects included one Brown Argus, six Common Blues, a Small Copper, three Red Admirals, two Emperor Dragonflies, six Four-spotted Chasers, four Black-tailed Skimmers, one Banded Demoiselle and a few Red-eyed Damselflies. A Redshank was also seen.


5th June 2019

Occasional sunny intervals, cloudy, south-westerly wind.

The Garganey pair remained on site today but were often seen apart with, for example, the female appearing from the bay to the west of Railway Hide in mid-afternoon and feeding in front of that hide whereas the male was not visible at all. Earlier in the day a Snipe was seen on the shoreline in front of Railway Pool.

Male Garganey – Photograph by John Hunt – 5th June 2019

There was also a second-summer Mediterranean Gull on site.

An evening count yielded 148 Black-headed Gull chicks, 15 Common Tern chicks and still one young Dabchick on Railway Pool.

Care of Russell Tonks, Smooth Tare was in flower on the bank behind Car Park Pool and Cat’s Ear is there as well. There are four Sedge species in the shallow ditch near the picnic bench by the back gate, False Fox, Remote, Glaucous and Oval.


4th June 2019

Showers, southerly wind.

A pair of Garganey were new arrivals on Railway Pool this morning and continues the regularity of late spring records for this species. Whether these are relocating British birds or late migrants heading north is unknown.

The first Oystercatcher chick that was hatched on Railway Pool appears to have nearly fledged with a second one growing well. There were at least six Common Tern young on Railway Pool, there were also six adult Little Ringed Plovers there.

A Kingfisher flew over Railway Pool in the afternoon.

3rd June 2019

Cloudy, south westerly wind.

Over Patrick Farm this morning there were two Swifts, four Swallows, one House Martin and five Sand Martins whilst a male Yellowhammer again visited the car park feeder. Two Speckled Wood butterflies and two Peacocks were also seen around the car park.

An interesting note in the log mentions that it appears to be a good year for Common Sorrell, favoured by Small Coppers (there were 20 along he concrete road, 30 in front of River Hide and hundreds at the Aeromodellers).

2nd June 2019

Unsettled, mostly cloudy with periods of rain on a south-westerly wind.

A Red Kite was circling over the Aeromodellers at mid-day before flying off north and in the afternoon, a male Peregrine was in pursuit of about 40 Wood Pigeons over Siden Hill Wood.

There was still three Oystercatcher juveniles and two young Lapwings and at least four Little Ringed Plovers.

12 Stock Doves were feeding on the crop field and there was a bird perched on the pole box in the adjacent woodland.

15 Lesser Black-backed Gulls were counted in the afternoon and, in the unsettled conditions, at least 35 Sand Martins and three Swifts were present. There was also a Little Egret and Shelduck.

The Mallard drakes are beginning to move into eclipse but there is still plenty of bird song, particularly from Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs. The only singing Whitethroats today were on the railway embankment by Oak Hide and along the concrete road. Willow Warblers were in song or seen in the back gate copse and along the causeway.

The banks of the Reserve are now covered in Common Vetch and Hairy Tare. In the Orchid field a number of Orchid spikes are now coming into flower as is Ragged Robin.

1st June 2019

Warm, sunny intervals, light south-westerly wind.

Today’s counts were as follows: three Mute Swans, 33 Greylags, nine Canadas and two goslings, 52 Gadwall, seven Mallard, 135 Tufted Ducks, seven Cormorants, one Great Crested Grebe, six Little Grebe and two broods on Railway Pool, both of singles, eight Moorhens, 30 Coot and a brood of two on Car Park Pool, eight adult Oystercatchers and three juveniles, 22 Lapwings and two young on Railway Pool, eight Little Ringed Plover, two Redshank, 25 Common Terns and 12 chicks, 625 Black-headed Gulls and 112 chicks, ten Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a surprisingly late Snipe in the Marsh, two Herons including one freshly flying juvenile, two singing Cetti’s Warblers, a Whitethroat with food in front of Railway Hide and Jackdaws with food for young in the entrance gate cottages.

The weather was sufficiently good for a good range of both butterflies and odonata to be seen, as follows: four Common Blues, two Green-veined Whites, two Speckled Woods, two Small Coppers, two Peacocks, one Small Tortoiseshell, two male Orange-tips; one Emperor Dragonfly, a female Beautiful Demoiselle, 15 Four-spotted Chasers, ten Black-tailed Skimmers and Damselflies comprised Large-red, Azure Blue-tailed and Red-eyed.