Packington Estate

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) – Updated 24th March 2020

As going to the Reserve is exercise and as the Reserve is spacious, after much deliberation we have decided to leave the Reserve open to members only, but we will monitor the position daily.  In order to do this, members are asked to please co-operate by:

  1. Remembering social distancing – 2m minimum between people.
  2. No more than two people, per hide at any one time, subject to (1) above.
  3. Please carry cleanser with you for hide doors, flaps and locks and wipe down regularly.

Can members users please ensure they follow HM Government guidance in respect of hand sanitisation and social distancing, and ensure they avoid the Reserve  if they or any family members (or anyone else you may be in contact with) are showing any symptoms associated with Covid-19.

Work Party Dates

Subject to the Government lifting the lockdown restrictions, the proposed Work Party dates are:

15th July – 6 pm

11th August – 6 pm

15th September – 6 pm


29th June to 30th June – Records updated

26th June to 28th June – Records added

25th June – Records updated

18th June – Photographs added

30th June 2020

Less windy, south-westerly, mostly overcast.

A Spotted Flycatcher was seen briefly along the concrete road this morning before flying towards Hampton. This is rather ‘out of context’; it is seemingly too late for an arriving bird and seems more likely to be either an early departing bird (there was one at Portland on the 28th) or a relocating breeder. Other records today include two Little Egrets on Car Park Pool together with a Common Sandpiper, four Little Ringed Plovers (two on each pool) and two Purple Hairstreaks in the oaks on the Old Road.

29th June 2020

Windy, mostly overcast, occasional sunny intervals, south-westerly.

Hirundines today in the windy conditions included counts of six Swifts, seven Sand Martins and ten House Martins.

The car park feeder was visited by five Greenfinches (including what I think is a family party), three Goldfinches and an adult and juvenile Robin.

On the muck heap along the Old Road there were a pair of Pied Wagtails with a fledged youngster and other bits and pieces included Little Egret and Kestrel.

28th June 2020

Windy, mostly overcast, occasional sunny intervals, south-westerly.

A further trickle of Swifts moved south this morning with a least ten in 15 minutes in the late morning along with two Sand Martins which were clearly also on the move.

The Lesser Whitethroat was in song, this time towards the cottages and is presumably the same bird roaming up and down.

At Patrick Farm there was a Mistle Thrush and a fledged Pied Wagtail whilst on the flood plain there were at least 50 Jackdaws, 20 Crows, two Rooks and 37 Lapwings.

Towards the top gate by the Dragonfly Pond there was a Reed Warbler singing in the Blackthorn near the Weeping Willow.

Later in the day additional birds included Ringed Plover, Redshank (2) and Hobby together with a Little Grebe plus chick in the causeway bay.

Seven Gadwall broods were counted, five on Railway Pool and the first Tufted brood of the year (3) also on the pool. There five Little Ringed Plovers counted and three Lapwing broods, at least one more mature chick in the rushes in front of Car Park Hide and two smaller broods on the car park islands. Three Shoveler, four Teal and a female Pochard were also counted. A family of Goldcrests showed in the Back Gate Copse and finally a Kestrel went over.

On the insect front Five-spot Burnet Moth, Small and Large White, plenty of Ringlets and Marbled Whites were also counted plus a Peacock.

27th June 2020

Overnight rain, strong south south-westerly wind with showers, increasing sunny intervals as the day progressed.

The hot weather was replaced today with overnight rain and cooler conditions.  A female Pochard was new in on Car Park Pool where there was still four drake Teal.  A pair of Shoveler and the pair of Mute Swans with eight cygnets were on Railway Pool with eight more Mute Swans on Car Park Pool.  There were three visible Gadwall broods on Railway Pool (four, five and seven) and there was also a Mallard with a single youngster there.  Two fledged Dabchicks (from elsewhere) were present one on either pool.

It is thought that the four pairs of Oystercatchers have raised just three young between them, one on Railway Pool and two singles on Car Park Pool.  The two growing Lapwings are still present on the shore in front of Car Park Hide and at least one on the car park islands.  There were 30 further adult Lapwings feeding on the flood plain. Four adult Little Ringed Plovers are still on site and a Green Sandpiper flew up stream along the river.

22 Swifts moved quickly south at 11:20 in front of some rain, with at least 15 before that.  20 Sand Martins were coming and going over the pools in the blustery conditions.

In the back gate copse there was a male Blackcap with at least one fledged young at the railway end and family parties of Wrens there, plus a Green Woodpecker with a fledged young.

Despite the inclement conditions it was warm enough for there to be a few butterflies out and this included ten Marbled Whites and ten Ringlets between Oak Hide and railway.

26th June 2020

Very hot, south-westerly, temperatures up to 32 degrees centigrade.

There was a single Redshank on Railway Pool this morning and four new Tern chicks were counted on the right-hand island on Car Park Pool. There were also four male Teal there.  At least two White-letter Hairstreaks were seen again today with a single Purple Hairstreak as yesterday.

25th June 2020

Hot and sunny.

Unfortunately a members car was stolen today from by the entrance gate cottages. The member concerned had unlocked the gate on exiting but left the car running whilst he re-locked the gate and a young man nipped in and drove it away.  The advice is never leave the car running when locking and re-locking gates and to secure the key on ones person.

The brood of two Lapwing chicks was still present  in front of Car Park Hide with a new brood of two on the islands.  At least 12 Common Tern chicks were counted this morning but there was no sign of the Little Ringed Plover youngsters.  The adults were still displaying and seemed likely to attempt relay.

Two drake Teal were present on Car Park Pool and the family party of Mute Swans including their eight cygnets was also present on Railway Pool.

As the morning progressed there was a Redshank on Car Park Pool and 21 Marbled White Butterflies were counted between the car park and railway.  A Brown Hawker was seen along the Old Road with a Southern Hawker along the causeway and two White-letter Hairstreaks on the Wych Elms by the Aeromodellers.  Finally the first Purple Hairstreaks of the year (two) were on top of the third Oak north from the car park gate.

24th June 2020

Hot and sunny.

Red Kites have been seen more regularly this year than ever before but three together over the Aeromodellers was a particularly good find.  These were seen whilst the observer was watching two White-letter Hairstreaks on the Wych Elm.  A pair of Pied Wagtails were collecting food from the Old Road muck heap and then flying towards the farm.

On Car Park Pool there were two Redshanks and least one Lapwing chick was visible to the right of the hide on shore.

Plenty of butterflies included a count of 28 Marbled Whites, well spread around the Reserve including six on the track down to Car Park Hide, at least 30 Meadow Browns, nine Ringlets and a Large Skipper, the latter between Car Park Hide and Railway Hide.

23rd June 2020

Increasingly warm and sunny.

A Hobby flew over at 0945 and there were again plenty of Marbled Whites around though no counts today.  At least four adult Little Ringed Plovers were seen and a Lapwing and two small chicks were on the shoreline in front of Car Park Hide.

Cuckoo – North Causeway – 23rd June 2020 – Photograph Alan Rich

22nd June 2020

Sunny, brisk south-westerly.

The Lesser Whitethroat was singing almost continuously this morning between 0800 and 0900 near the Dragonfly Pond and there was a Whitethroat and a Blackcap in song on the bend in the concrete road.  Also along the concrete road there was a family party of Wrens and Jackdaws, a young Dunnock, a young Goldcrest and also a family party of Treecreepers.  At least five Swifts were feeding over the Old Road prior to 0900 and there was plenty of other Warbler song, including Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler and Blackcap along the Old Road.

As the day unfolded a Cuckoo was seen on a number of occasions, particularly around the north causeway area in the bushes to the left.  An adult Little Grebe and one youngster was seen from the South Causeway Hide and a Sedge Warbler showed well in front of River Hide on the Railway Pool shoreline.  A Mediterranean Gull put in a brief appearance on Railway Pool.

Butterflies included at least 20 Small Tortoiseshell, a Marbled White and a Cinnabar Moth in the Old Road crop field and a further dozen Marbled Whites along the bank towards Railway Pool.

21st June 2020

Heavy overnight rain between the 20th and the 21st slowly cleared but mostly overcast a.m., sunny intervals p.m.

The first Marbled White and Ringlet Butterflies were on the wing today with a least five of the former and 15 of the latter. Three Small Skippers were also seen.

Marbled White – bank near Railway Hide – 21 June 2020 – Photograph by Nick Barlow

Five broods of Gadwall were counted this morning and additional wildfowl comprised five Teal, a Shoveler, 14 Mute Swans with eight Cygnets and a separate pair with a single Cygnet by Patrick Bridge.

85 Lapwing were also counted and there were three chicks in the rushes below Car Park Hide, with one apparently having been seen yesterday morning.

Other birds seen either on the pools or on the flood plain (where there have been floods from the rain) were two Little Egrets, a Second-summer Mediterranean Gull (Railway Pool), one Redshank and two Little Ringed Plovers.  At least 30 Swallows were feeding over the flood plain at Patrick Farm.

On the passerines front, there was a family party of at least two young Whitethroats by Oak Hide, a juvenile Goldcrest opposite the back gate, Garden Warblers in song along the causeway where there were Reed Warblers feeding young.  A recently fledged Blackcap showed well along the streamline and a least two Swifts fed over the central stream.  Approximately eight Tern chicks were seen although with the vegetation on the island now being quite long, it is difficult to be precise.

20th June 2020

Mostly overcast, occasional sunny intervals with light showers, south-westerly.

No records.

19th June 2020

Overcast with periods of rain, sunny evening, south-westerly.

Two Terns that were ringed in 2018 have now returned to breed on Car Park Pool, C17 and C35 with the latter found today.  There were 16 Lesser Black-backs on the flood plain in the morning and a Hobby flew over the Aeromodellers.  Seven Swifts and ten Sand Martins were feeding over the pools and other counts included forty Starling, 80 Lapwing,  four Oystercatcher, a Little Ringed Plover, ten Mute Swans, six Stock Dove, two Herons; whilst on the flood plain there were a pair of Teal and a Little Egret.

Lapwing Railway Pool 17th June 2020 – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

18th June 2020

Wet all day as a result of deep low pressure. North-easterly.

No records.

Black-headed Gull presence is causing the Little Ringed Plover to undertake a distraction display

Photograph by Stef Fraczek – 17th June 2020

17th June 2020

Regular heavy showers, light easterly.

Birds on the pools today included four adult Little Ringed Plovers and a juvenile, one Little Egret, three Teal, one Redshank, a Second-summer Mediterranean Gull (on Railway Pool) and a drake Shoveler.

A Green Sandpiper was on the river by Patrick Bridge, a Red Kite went over and along the Old Road there was Cetti’s Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat and a single Garden Warbler with a second in song by the back gate.

A fledged Little Grebe, presumably from elsewhere was on Car Park Pool.

A Cuckoo was heard on and off during the day and in the evening ten Swifts, four Sand Martins and two House Martins came to feed over the central streamline. There was a Mallard family party of five nearly full grown ducklings on Railway Pool and a Gadwall party of four half grown ducklings there.  Six Oystercatchers were counted along with about 200 young Black-headed Gulls on Railway Pool and 30 Car Park Pool.

A work party of two in the morning cleared around the paths, vegetation was cut back in front of both Causeway Hides, the Hide flaps were tightened up and the Bee Orchid was protected.  A similar work party of two in the evening cut back a fallen Blackthorn Bush on the Old Road, filled in the potholes on the way into the car park and swept all the hides.  Thanks for all those who attended.

16th June 2020

Regular heavy showers, mostly overcast, east north-easterly.

The Lesser Whitethroat continues to sing well along the Old Road near to the Dragonfly Pond although it wanders up to the car park and back. The Cetti’s was again singing along the north hedge to Car Park Pool and other birds along the Old Road included Song Thrush, Great Spotted Woodpecker, at least two singing Chiffchaffs, Willow Warbler, Blackcap and Chaffinch.

At Patrick Farm there were three pairs of Swallows, four Ravens went over, there was a Whitethroat opposite the farm and a Jay and Buzzard were both seen there.

Two Little Ringed Plovers and a Redshank were present on Car Park Pool.

The West Midlands Ringing Group paid a brief visit to the largest island on Railway Pool to ring some Black-headed Gull young and in so doing found another mass kill as was discovered on the Car Park Pool islands last year.  There were at least 150 dead Black-headed Gulls so clearly some mammal is reaching the islands.

Two nests included a toy eel and four stones, pictures of the young gulls are also attached.

15th June 2020

Dry, sunny intervals, light easterly.

No records.

14th June 2020

Warm and sunny, lots of cumulus cloud, light east east-south easterly.

The day started off well with a Barn Owl hunting the fields by Patrick Bridge at 08:30 this morning.

On Car Park Pool the first returning Green Sandpiper was present for much of the day, frequenting the islands in front of the hide and a Bar-headed Goose was also on the pool, possibly the bird from Earlswood.

Green Sandpiper on Car Park Pool 14th June 2020 – Photograph by Nick Barlow

Bar-headed Goose – 14th June 2020 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

The Lesser Whitethroat was in good song along the Old Road showing periodically, very well, and the Garden Warbler by the top gate adjacent to the Dragonfly Pond was also in song.

By the Aeromodellers car park on the Wych Elm there were at least two White-letter Hairstreaks present, the first record of the year. Many butterflies are early this year because of the fine spring. At least three Small Tortoiseshells four Meadow Browns and a Red Admiral were seen along the Old Road along with two Speckled Woods.

Speckled Wood along the Old Road – 14th June 2020 – Photograph by Nick Barlow

Tufted Duck in flight – 14th June 2020 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

Whilst standing at the Wych Elm, Nuthatch and Tree Creeper were seen or heard and a Mistle Thrush flew over.

A Hobby put all the birds up from Car Park Pool about 13:50 and then proceeded to catch dragonflies high over the pool.  A Raven went over the 14:10 and there were at least six Swifts high up over Siden Hill Wood along with two House Martins.  At least one Sand Martin was heard around the cottages.

Little Ringer Plover – 14th June 2020 – Photographs by Steven Pattison

Little Ringed Plovers chasing each other – 14th June 2020

The Whitethroat pair by River Hide have young as do the pair opposite Patrick Farm, the latter holding up hedge removal by HS2.  It is unbelievable that this allowed at this time of year.

Despite many attempts to persuade HS2 not to proceed with vegetation removal at this time of year, I seemed to have failed. I also made overtures about the preservation of the Wych Elms by the Aeromodelers (re. the Hairstreaks) but so far to no obvious avail, so any members who can support this by writing to the Chairman of HS2 in London, that would be appreciated.

Bee Orchid by Car Park Pond – 14th June 2020 – Photograph by Nick Barlow

In the late afternoon and early evening a Hobby appeared again along with a Kestrel.  There were four Gadwall broods including one of 15 on Car Park Pool; and a total of 12 Mute Swans with eight Cygnets.  Shovelers totalled four.

13th June 2020

Sunny intervals with occasional showers leading into more prolonged thundery rain overnight into the 14th, south-easterly.

Five adult Little Ringed Plovers and two chicks were present on Railway Pool and Garden Warblers were in song by the back gate and along the Old Road.  The Cetti’s Warbler was also in song along the top stream. Both Reed and Sedge Warblers showed well in front of the North Causeway Hide.

12th June 2020

Mostly overcast, occasional sunny intervals, south-easterly, periodic drizzle.

The only records in the log today were the two Second-summer Mediterranean Gulls which were amongst the many Black-heads on Railway Pool.

11th June 2020

Cool north-easterly, overcast with periodic drizzly rain.

Two Second-summer Mediterranean Gulls were present on Railway Pool this morning but were the only records in the log in cool conditions.

10th June 2020

Overcast, south-easterly.

One Second-summer Mediterranean Gull was present on Railway Pool and amongst the Common Terns was a colour-ringed individual C17 that was ringed as a chick at Marsh Lane in 2018. It is very pleasing to see it returning to breed.

There was still plenty of Warblers song and both Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler and Cetti’s Warbler were all in heard in the section of Old Road between the cottages and the Dragonfly Pool.

9th June 2020

Cloudy, light south-easterly.

Car Park Pool was again disturbed this evening by five teenagers who had brought their own inflatable boat but also chose to use the one for island maintenance. One of the members kindly called the Police and they arrived quickly, warned the teenagers off and no further action will follow. Many thanks to Mitch Johnson and to Community Officers 31570 Alli and 31727 Harriet for their prompt attention. On the bird front the two Oystercatchers with two chicks were present in front of Oak hide this morning and House Martin and Swifts were recorded high over Railway Pool early on. Garden Warblers were in song along the Old Road and by the back gate with a Lesser Whitethroat at the former location along with both Willow Warblers.

Many Blue Tit families were recorded around the Reserve.  On the feeders or nearby were a number of Greenfinches. Green Woodpeckers were seen both by the car park and by Oak Hide.

Single drake Teal were present on Car Park Pool and Railway Pool and pair of Shovelers were seen at the former location.

A pair of Egyptian Geese were present for part of the morning on Car Park.

The pair of Little Ringed Plovers on Tern Island still have two chicks this morning and there were a pair of Teal and both Second-summer Mediterranean Gulls on Railway Pool.

8th June 2020

Cool, light northerly, occasional sunny intervals.

The single juvenile Little Ringed Plover, on the island in front of Railway Hide, seems to have disappeared but two new young were counted on the far side of Tern Island, that is the largest island on the pool nearest to the river.

The Oystercatcher with two coloured ringed chicks was feeding close to Oak Hide, one chick noticeably bigger than the other.  The other pair with a single young also reported that it was frequently difficult to see.  At least one pair with one young are still being seen in front of Car Park Hide.

Other birds seen during the morning included five Swifts and a House Martin over the central streamline, a singing Goldcrest by the car park, the Garden Warbler again by the top gate, a pair of Bullfinches along the central streamline, the pair of Egyptian Geese briefly, a Green Woodpecker on the far bank of Car Park Pool, the Mute Swan pair and eight cygnets (Railway Pool) and finally the drake Shoveler, drake Teal and a family party of Canadas with five goslings on Car Park Pool.  Lastly, four Little Grebe chicks were seen on the Reedbed Pool and in the evening the first Gadwall brood with five young were in front of Railway Hide; a Willow Warbler was in song by the back gate along with a Whitethroat by Railway Hide.

Drake Tufted Duck – 28th May 2020 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

7th June 2020

Mostly overcast, showery, light northerly.

The pair of Egyptian Geese seen two days ago were back on Car Park Pool this morning with other wildlife counts including 65 Gadwall, a Shelduck, a drake Teal and a drake Shoveler.

Egyptian Goose – 30th May 2020 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

A Hobby flew over Car Park Pool mid morning and the Cetti’s Warbler was again in song at the north end of Car Park Pool with Lesser Whitethroat and Garden Warbler between the cottages and the top gate and Willow Warblers at either end.  A Sparrowhawk was also noted and in addition nine Swifts and 13 House Martins were counted.  Lots of Froglets were seen on the causeway as well.

Hobby 28th May 2020 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

6th June 2020

Cool north-westerly, showery with occasional sunny intervals.

No Records

5th June 2020

Cool north-westerly, showery with occasional sunny intervals, 9 degrees.

At least 14 sitting Terns were counted on Car Park Pool this morning with new layers spread on the islands running north from the one with the Tern boxes on.  At least six Swallows and two House Martins were feeding in the lea of the hedges at the north end of Car Park Pool.

Common Tern – 28th May 2020 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

The first family parties of Great Tits comprised at least three on the Old Road and there was a family party of Treecreepers along the concrete road.  The Garden Warbler was singing well near the Dragonfly Pond with a female there carrying food.  A Mistle Thrush was collecting food on the tip field and then flew north up the Old Road.  It is amazing how elusive this species can be even when feeding young.  Lastly, the Garden Warbler was in song on the causeway again.

Later in the day two Egyptian Geese flew in and were present on the far side of Car Park Pool.  In the unsettled conditions 10 to 12 Swifts and a similar number of Sand Martins were feeding over the Reedbed in the lea of the streamline.  At least three Buzzards were seen as well.

Buzzard with a Vole in his talons – 30th May 2020 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

4th June 2020

Showery, cool north-westerly.

The Whooper Swan was on Railway Pool in front of Oak Hide this morning and there were a pair of Redshanks there as well.  The first Kingfisher for some weeks was seen from the Causeway Hide and there were 25 Swifts over the crop field in the evening.

Oystercatcher – 28th May 2020 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

Reed Warbler – 30th May 2020 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

3rd June 2020

Overcast, showers, cold northerly.

With a noticeable change in the weather and a drop in temperatures the Terns were busy brooding young and at least nine were counted this morning.  The Little Ringed Plover chick was still present on Railway Pool.  Six Swifts, 12 Sand Martins and two House Martins were feeding over the pools in the cool blustery weather.

Lapwing – 28th May 2020 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

At least three Oystercatcher chicks are still present on the Reserve, two singles on Railway Pool and a single on Car Park Pool.  Two male Teal were present on the far shore of Car Park Pool and Mallard families comprised four half grown youngsters on Railway Pool and seven half grown youngsters on Car Park Pool.  A Cuckoo sang and showed well on the central streamline and a number of parties of young birds included Long-tailed Tits on the causeway and at least two parties of young Blue Tits between Oak Hide and the South-west Pond.  Magpies appeared to be feeding young by the South-west Pond as well.

2nd June 2020

Sunny and warm.

No records

Stock Dove – 28th May 2020 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

Juvenile Starling – 30th May 2020 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

1st June 2020

Warm and sunny light north-easterly.

Five drake Shovelers were new in on Car Park Pool this morning and there is still a pair on Railway Pool. There was a drake Teal and a Whooper Swan on Car Park Pool as well and a Mallard and four half grown ducklings in front of Oak Hide. Of the Oystercatcher pairs, both of those on Railway Pool have still got at least one young each (one of which was colour-ringed at the weekend) and at least one pair on Car Park Pool with a single young which was also colour-ringed yesterday.

Oystercatcher with Chick 30th May 2020 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

A Whitethroat was in good song to the rear of Railway Hide, a Cuckoo was heard and the Lesser Whitethroat was singing for much of the early morning period on the Old Road.  A pair of Redshanks appeared briefly on Car Park Pool and a male Yellowhammer visited the car park feeder.

Redshank 28th May 2020 – Photograph by Steven Pattison

Six adult Little Ringed Plovers were recorded as well as a chick on the island in front of Railway Pool.  The pair must have nested there unobserved.  There were also first Common Tern chicks of the year on Car Park Pool and birds that were disturbed by the cattle have started to relay.

In the continuing beautiful weather, a new hatch of Small Tortoiseshells saw at least ten recorded today along with the following moths:  Latticed Heath, Straw Dot and Burnet Companion.  Odonata comprised six Beautiful Demoiselles, three Banded Demoiselles and the first Emperor Dragonfly of the year.

Birds on the feeder, aside from the male Yellowhammer included five Greenfinches and a Great Spotted Woodpecker along with three GoldfinchesSedge Warblers continued to show well in front of River Hide and there was a Little Egret on the river by Patrick Farm.