Packington Estate


Covid-19 (Coronavirus) – Updated 24th March 2020

As going to the Reserve is exercise and as the Reserve is spacious, after much deliberation we have decided to leave the Reserve open to members only, but we will monitor the position daily.  In order to do this, members are asked to please co-operate by:

  1. Remembering social distancing – 2m minimum between people.
  2. No more than two people, per hide at any one time, subject to (1) above.
  3. Please carry cleanser with you for hide doors, flaps and locks and wipe down regularly.

Can members users please ensure they follow HM Government guidance in respect of hand sanitisation and social distancing, and ensure they avoid the Reserve  if they or any family members (or anyone else you may be in contact with) are showing any symptoms associated with Covid-19.

19th March – paragraph added and further final paragraph added on 7th April 2020

8th March – Photographs added

6th to 8 March – Records added

5th March – Record updated

Work Party Dates

7th March 2020                     2 pm


31st March 2020

Sunny start after light frost, light but cold north-easterly wind.

Counts today included 19 Shoveler, six Teal, six Mallard, 20 Coot on Car Park Pool alone, together with a single Shelduck, one Snipe which was probably on the crop field and flew into the north causeway bay, at least two Redwings in the back gate copse where there were three Great Spotted Woodpeckers chasing each other.

A total of five Chiffchaffs comprised two in the back gate copse, one on the railway line, one by the cottages and one on the central stream, two singing Blackcaps with one in the back gate copse and one by the cottages. There was a singing Treecreeper and a Jay around the back gate area, a Cetti’s Warbler in good song on the causeway and following the cutting of the crop field, at least three Lapwings there.

30th March 2020

Frost, mostly cloudy, occasional sunny intervals and showers. Cold, but lighter north-easterly wind.

Little to report today. There was a single Shelduck, four Oystercatchers, one Great Crested Grebe, eight Little Grebes and a female Pochard.

29th March 2020

Frost to begin with, mostly sunny thereafter, cold north-easterly.

No records.

28th March 2020

Sunny intervals, cold and strong north-easterly wind.

Counts today comprised three Mallard, 12 Gadwall, 11 Teal, 15 Shoveler , 44 Tufted Ducks, a female Pochard, 11 Little Grebes (seven on Car Park Pool, three on Railway Pool and one on the Reedbed) together with one Great Crested Grebe on Car Park Pool; 17 Cormorants, 20 Coots, eight Moorhen, 20 Lapwing, six Oystercatcher, one Little Egret, four Lesser Blackbacked Gulls, two Herring Gulls over, five Chiffchaffs, six Starlings, a male Yellowhammer at the car park feeder and a single Shelduck.

27th March 2020

Sunny, but noticeably cooler, with light northerly winds.

No records.

26th March 2020

Frost and a cold start but sunny and warm thereafter, temperatures up to 15 degrees, south-easterly wind.

There were a pair of Little Ringed Plovers seem from Oak Hide this morning and a total of six Oystercatchers on site. A male Yellowhammer and four Reed Buntings came into the car park feeder and there were two Ravens over Siden Hill Wood.

25th March 2020

Sunny, warm, light south-easterly wind.

The first Blackcaps of the year were in song in the back gate copse and on the central stream crossing and there were at least five Chiffchaffs singing across the Reserve. The warm weather was conducive again to butterflies with singles of Small Tortoiseshell and a Peacock, the former on the Old Road and the latter by the back gate.

Two Little Egrets were roosting on the river bank, north of car park pool and there was a single Shelduck on car park pool.

Two Redwings were feeding by the back gate and there were at least ten further birds along the causeway.

24th March 2020

Sunny, cool start, light south-easterly wind.

The first Little Ringed Plovers of the year were three birds seen on Railway Pool where there were also three Shelduck. There was a single Common Snipe recorded.

23rd March 2020

Sunny, cool south-easterly wind.

No records.

22nd March 2020

Sunny, cool north easterly wind, but generally warm out of the wind.

Out of the wind it was really quite nice and warm today and certainly good enough for butterflies with at least three Peacocks and five Tortoiseshells seen on the wing, mostly seeking out the Blackthorn flowers.

Bird wise, the best of the day was three Curlew which arrived on Car Park Pool at 12.40 and left 1 ½ hrs later.

The female Peregrine was perched in Siden Hill Wood before disappearing low over the Aeromodellers at 1.40. It thermalled up high east of the A452 and a male Sparrowhawk doing the same scarpered as a result.

Four Chiffchaffs were again in song, this time at different locations than yesterday with just a single in the back gate copse, one on the central stream, one by the cottages and one by the bale store.

A Redwing was by the back gate and other counts today were as follows: a single Mute Swan, 22 Greylags, four Canadas, 69 Wigeon, nine Shoveler, nine Gadwall, seven Teal, seven Mallard, three female Pochard, 18 Tufted Ducks, two Great Crested Grebes, a Little Egret, one Heron, 16 Cormorants, seven Little Grebes, 11 Moorhen, 39 Coot, six Oystercatcher, 12 Lapwing, two Redshank, a Snipe, 1625 Black-headed Gulls, two Common Gulls, eight Lesser Black-backed Gulls and a first-winter Greater Black-backed Gull.

21st March 2020

Sunny, cool north easterly wind.

In the morning there were a pair of Redshank on Car Park Pool along with a pair of Oystercatchers and two further pairs of the latter species on Railway Pool. At least four singing Chiffchaffs were heard (causeway, central stream and two in the back gate copse). A count of 775 Black-headed Gulls were split 520 on Railway Pool and 255 on Car Park Pool. There were three Common Gulls with the Black-heads on Railway Pool.

There was a single Little Egret on Car Park Pool along with a female Pochard, a Yellowhammer at the Car Park Feeders and, in the evening, a Sand Martin flew through north over the causeway at 4.45, four Goosanders (three males and a female) came in to roost and there were ten Little Grebes across the site.


20 March 2020

Cold easterly wind, drizzly start, slowly clearing to sunshine and showers

It was a quiet start this morning with three Chiffchaffs noted, a singing bird by the back gate, one at the south end of the Orchid field by the lorry park, and a calling bird on the railway embankment.

Wigeon numbers have crept back up again to 42 this morning, the majority feeding on the grass in front of car park hide. Two flyover Buzzards caused the Black-headed Gulls some consternation but the Buzzard soon moved on.

Later in the day there were a pair of Goosanders on the river, north of Car Park Pool and two Egyptian Geese arrived on Car Park Pool itself.

19th March 2020

Light drizzly rain, gentle north-easterly wind.

There was a second-winter Mediterranean Gull on Railway Pool briefly at 9 am before flying off towards Car Park Pool, but it did not land there. A pair of Goosanders flew through, as did a Great Crested Grebe. Wildfowl numbers appear to be particularly low with just a Shelduck on the Reedbed Pool, six Wigeon scattered across the two pools and a handful of Teal and Shoveler. There were two Little Egrets present on Car Park Pool, a Dabchick in the north causeway bay and a further one at the north end of Car Park Pool and a pair on the Reedbed pool. A Water Rail called from the north causeway bay area too.

Waders consisted of eight to ten Lapwing, four Oystercatcher, a Snipe and a Redshank.

Migrants included three singing Chiffchaffs, one on the central stream towards the lorry park and two in the back gate area, one at the south-west pond and one moving along the back gate copse itself; there were also two Redwings in the back gate area.

In the crop field, a minimum of 23 Chaffinches and ten to fifteen Reed Buntings were dropping down from the hedge onto the edge of the crop field to feed.

A Cetti’s Warbler sang at the south end of the Reedbed, there was a singing Goldcrest near the entrance gate cottages in the young firs on the bank to the lorry park, and there was at least one Linnet around the causeway area.

At mid-day there was a Coal Tit on the causeway and at 2.30 in the afternoon, the second-winter Mediterranean Gull reappeared on Railway Pool.

Lastly, in the evening, between at least 5 and 6 pm, the Bittern showed very well on the east side of the Reedbed Pool.

18th March 2020

Light persistent rain all day.

12 Sand Martins were seen this morning, a particularly good count this early on. This consisted of three north at 09.55, with a further nine at 11.55 which were still there at 12.10.

Five Chiffchaff comprised one at the entrance gate car park, one along the causeway, one at Oak Hide and two in the back gate copse.

There were two Shelduck, a Cetti’s Warbler in the Reedbed, eight Snipe in the Marsh, at least eight Oystercatchers (two pairs per pool), 11 Teal, a female Pochard, two Herring Gulls, 15 Lesser Blackbacks and a Peregrine sat in its favourite tree in Siden Hill Wood, as usual.

17th March 2020

Cloudy, dry but breezy from the south-west.

Yellowhammer and Reed Bunting both visited the Car Park feeder and a Little Egret and three Oystercatchers were also noted. A Buzzard flew over as well.

16th March 2020

Early frost then bright, sunny and mild. Light SW

In the bright and sunny conditions, further signs of Spring included Honey Bees on the gorse bushes along the Causeway, a Skylark singing east of the Old Road, Common Toads mating in the Dragonfly Pond and a very early Peacock butterfly, presumably one which had hibernated over the Winter.

Among other records were Cetti’s Warbler (Reedbed), a pair of Goosanders, four Oystercatchers, two Chiffchaffs, six Snipe (Marsh), Treecreeper (Central Stream) and three species of raptor: Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Buzzard.

15th March 2020

Rain through the morning; showers & some brighter intervals p.m. Light SW

Despite the persistent rain during the morning, there was a good variety of records across the Reserve including: Chiffchaff singing in the Back Gate Copse, Peregrine in Siden Hill Wood, Sparrowhawk along the Railway Embankment, six or more Oystercatchers, and both Cetti’s Warbler and Water Rail in the Reedbed.

Later, a Redshank was near Patrick Bridge, with 105 Wigeon feeding in the same area and a male Goosander on the river. Other records included Linnet, Raven over and Kestrel.

14th March 2020

Generally cloudy, occasional sunny intervals. Moderate S/SW

Records from the regular Saturday count were as follows:

Two Mute Swans, 39 Greylag Geese, six Canada Geese, two Egyptian Geese, a single Shelduck, 96 Wigeon, seven Teal, nine Shoveler, seven Mallard, 16 Gadwall, a female Pochard, 23 Tufted Duck, 21 Cormorant, seven Little Grebes, two Grey Herons, two Little Egrets, 13 Moorhen, 54 Coot (up to 60 were noted later in the day), 16 Lapwing, eight Oystercatchers and a Redshank. Blackheaded Gull numbers were up on last week at 710, there were also six Lesser Blackbacked Gulls and two Common Gulls. Five Chiffchaffs were present: Causeway, Back Gate Copse, Central Stream, by the Aeromodellers’ field and at the start of the Concrete Road. Last, but not least, a Smooth Newt was found by Car Park Hide.

Other records included five Goosander (3F+2M), a Peregrine perched in a dead tree in the Flood Plain and, along the Old Road, Collared Dove, Song Thrush and Buzzard.

Finally, the Bittern was logged both during the morning count, at around 10.30, and then later when it showed well from 17.00-18.00 as it preened and prepared to go to roost.

13th March 2020

Overcast with sunny intervals & occasional showers. Light W to SW.

The Bittern was again very active, being seen in the left-hand Reedbed at around 09.30, again at 13.15 when it flew from the same side (see video on Twitter posted by @upstarts1979) and then, finally, at 18.20 when it went to roost, again in the same location.

Chiffchaffs were also in evidence with at least three across the Reserve: in the Reedbed/Causeway area, behind Oak Hide and in the Back Gate Copse. The wet field by the phone mast held five Jack Snipe and three Common Snipe and there were up to six Oystercatchers across the pools. Other records included a singing Cetti’s Warbler along the Causeway with possibly a second too, Kingfisher on Railway Pool, both Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker, Peregrine over Car Park Pool, and Kestrel over the Crop Field.

12th March 2020

Sunny intervals, cooler, with showers later. Blustery SW

No reports

11th March 2020

Bright start, mild, cloudy later with occasional showers. Moderate SW

There was a large mixed group of Fieldfares and Redwings in the fields near the phone mast, around 150 of the former and 200 of the latter. A total of 82 Wigeon was spread across the Reserve, the majority feeding on the Flood Plain. Other records included Chiffchaff, with sightings in both the Reedbed and from the North Causeway Hide, up to three Little Egrets, Muntjac Deer in the Crop Field, Redshank, and Oystercatcher numbers up to eight.

Finally, the Bittern put in another appearance, flying from right to left across the Reedbed around 12.30.

10th March 2020

Cloudy and overcast but mild. Dry morning with showers later. Blustery SW.

Again, a very comprehensive report in the log which included the following across the pools: Lesser Black-backed Gull (2), Common Gull, Oystercatcher (5+), Cormorant (36), female Pochard, Little Grebe (3+), Gadwall (15+) and a pair of Shoveler. Elsewhere, both Chiffchaff and Cetti’s Warbler were heard in song.

9th March 2020

Bright and sunny morning; cloudier with showers later. Light SW.

Several signs of Spring were evident across the site today with both Primrose and Lesser Celandine in flower and Frogs active in the area of the North Causeway.

Highlights of a comprehensive set of log entries were as follows: a pair of Egyptian Geese from Oak Hide at midday was a notable record, as was a female Stonechat around the Dragonfly Pond. A Grey Wagtail was again feeding by the muck heap along the Old Road; two Chiffchaffs and a calling Cetti’s Warbler were around the Reedbed; a pair of Bullfinches and a Muntjac Deer were in the Back Gate Copse and Car Park Pool held two Great Crested Grebes, a pair of Goosander, two Lesser Blackbacked Gulls, plus a female Kestrel over.

As usual, the Car Park feeders attracted the usual wide range of species including a Yellowhammer (male), Reed Bunting, Dunnock, Longtailed Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Pheasant, Stock Dove, Moorhen and, less common, a pair of Mallard.

8th March 2020

Cloudy with scattered showers and sunny intervals. Moderate SW.

For the second day in a row the Bittern gave good views on more than one occasion. It showed well on the left-hand side of the Reedbed around 11.00 before flying across to the other side around 11.10. It was then seen to do almost exactly the same at 18.15 when it flew from the reeds on the left to roost on the right-hand side at about 2 o’clock from the screen.

Other records included up to seven Oystercatchers, Cetti’s Warbler, Curlew (Car Park Pool at 08.30), Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and a Chiffchaff along the Railway Embankment late morning.

Bittern flying out of the Reedbed – 8 March 2020

Bittern flying in front of the Hide – 8 March 2020 – Photographs by Alan Rich

7th March 2020

Milder but cloudy and overcast. Light S/SW.

The Bittern was much in evidence around the Reedbed for the regular Saturday count – it was first seen in the reeds on the left from 11.00-11.20, then in the reed mace around 12.00 before flying across to the right-hand side.

Other records from the count were as follows:

A male Goosander, ten Greylag Geese, eight Canada Geese, 96 Wigeon, 11 Teal, 11 Shoveler, ten Mallard, 33 Gadwall, three Pochard (M+2F), 45 Tufted Duck, 30 Cormorant, seven Little Grebes, two Grey Herons, ten Moorhen, 30 Coot, 12 Lapwing, eight Oystercatchers and four Snipe. At 18.30, Blackheaded Gull numbers were pretty much the same as last week and there were also two Lesser Blackbacked Gulls, three Herring Gulls and two Common Gulls. Two Cetti’s Warblers were logged (north Causeway Bay and Reedbed) and, finally, there were two Grey Wagtails around the muck heap along the Old Road.

Many thanks to the eight who attended the working party in the afternoon – an excellent turnout. Various tasks were undertaken including more coppicing around the Back Gate, cleaning the Car Park feeders, hedge cutting, and pulling saplings along the bank from Oak to River Hide.

A couple of further records: during the working party 29 Snipe were flushed from the Marsh and a Peregrine flew over. The Bittern was seen again, at around 18.00, on the right-hand side of the Reedbed ‘having a flap about’.

6th March 2020

Early frost then bright & sunny for much of the day. Light W.

A Redshank, presumably the one seen earlier in the week, was present on Car Park Pool along with four Oystercatchers, three Lesser Blackbacked Gulls and the same number of Common Gulls. On Railway Pool there were fifteen Snipe, both Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker were logged across the site and, lastly, a flock of 14 Redwings was feeding along the Old Road.

5th March 2020

Dull & cloudy with occasional showers. Light N.

The flash north of Patrick Farm has certainly been a favoured haunt for Green Sandpiper this winter and four were present there. A flock of 35 Redwings was noted and, across the pools, other records included Shelduck, 154 Wigeon, 34 Tufted Duck and four Oystercatchers.

4th March 2020

Bright start; cloudy with showers then brighter late p.m. Light SE.

Oystercatcher numbers across the site were back down to six and Car Park Pool held both Common Gull and Lesser Blackbacked Gull. Up to five Snipe were in the Marsh, four Bullfinches were along the Railway Embankment and two pairs of Great Spotted Woodpecker were also noted.

Last but not least, a Redshank on Car Park Pool was the first record of the year. There is a wide range of first dates for this species at Marsh Lane – Feb 13 to Mar 17 – but Mar 4 is pretty much in line with the long-term average for the site of Mar 1.

3rd March 2020

Cloudy with sunny intervals. Light SW.

No records

Oystercatcher – Oak Hide – March 3rd 2020 – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

2nd March 2020

Early frost then bright and sunny with occasional light wintry showers. Light W.

Via Twitter – four Green Sandpipers present on the Patrick Farm flash at 11.00.

The Bittern put in an appearance, its first for a few days, on the right-hand side of the Reedbed at 11.40. A Cetti’s Warbler was present at the same location and other records included Grey Wagtail around the muck heap on the Old Road, both Treecreeper and Sparrowhawk in the area of Top Gate, a male Yellowhammer at Oak Hide feeder and Green Woodpecker from Railway Hide. As usual, the Car Park Feeder was attracting a wide range of species including a female Great Spotted Woodpecker, Greenfinch and four Pheasants.

1st March 2020

Sunny intervals with scattered wintry showers. Light SW.

Flood levels were down somewhat from yesterday’s levels.

Up to eight Oystercatchers were around the site, there were three Mistle Thrushes in Siden Hill Wood and a pair of Goosander over. Just the one Green Sandpiper at the favoured site north of Patrick Farm was reported in the log, although a later Twitter post noted an increase to five at dusk as well as a calling Chiffchaff.