Packington Estate


Please note that with effect from 20th January 2021 Marsh Lane, Hampton in Arden will be gated just north of the railway bridge which accesses the Marsh Lane Nature Reserve car park, to the west of Siden Hill Wood.  The gate is going to be locked overnight.  Solihull Council have deemed this is has become necessary due to frequent problems of anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping and other forms of environmental crime at Bradnocks Marsh.

The closing/opening times will be as follows:

  • 1st April – 30th September 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.
  • 1st October – 31st March 6 p.m. to 8 a.m.

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) – Updated 5th January 2021

The Reserve remains open.  Members have been helpful and responsible during the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Please continue to co-operate by:

  1. Remembering social distancing – 2m minimum between people.
  2. No more than three people, per hide at any one time, subject to (1) above.
  3. Although lockdown is beginning to be eased, please leave two hide flaps open permanently, one on each side, to allow for air flow.
  4. A spray and cloth has been put into the six main hides so that if people wish to, they can wipe down doors, flaps, shelves etc.
  5. A mask is preferred for people using hides. 
  6. Visitors are now welcome to attend. Those with members can leave the fee in the Record Box (in a sealed envelope noting the member’s name and visiting numbers) those that are coming on their own or not with a member should get their tickets from the Fishery Lodge at Somers Road, Meriden.

Can all visitors please ensure they follow HM Government guidance in respect of hand sanitisation and social distancing, and ensure they avoid the Reserve  if they or any family members (or anyone else you may be in contact with) are showing any symptoms associated with Covid-19.

Work Party Dates

Subject to the Government lifting the lock-down restrictions, the proposed Work Party dates are:

10th April 2021                      2 p.m.

Link to bird ringing group –


31st March 2021 – Record updated.

30th March 2021 – Photographs added.

28th March 2021 – Records added

27th to 28 March 2021 – Records added

26th March 2021 – Records and photos added

25th March 2021 – Records updated

31 March 2021

Some cloud, slowly clearing, sunny, warm, light south-easterly wind.

The earliest Common Tern ever at the Reserve, by one day, arrived this morning, coinciding with the islands preparation and provision of the Tern boxes (by the West Midlands Ringing Group) on Car Park Pool on Monday.

The first two Willow Warblers were also in song, one by the car park and one by the Weeping Willow north of the car park along the Old Road.

A census this morning revealed 11 singing Chiffchaffs and three singing Blackcaps so far, the latter by the cottages near to the Dragonfly Pond and in the back gate area.

Little Ringed Plovers were in display flight over Railway Pool this morning (with a total of four seen) where there was a single Mediterranean Gull and the hybrid Pochard/Tufted which was also seen at the weekend. At least 30 Wigeon are still on site with most further down the flood plain towards Patrick Bridge.  A Green Sandpiper was heard from the River near the bridge.

Other bits and pieces included two Little Egrets, two Ravens, a singing Treecreeper in the back gate area, Water Rail from the causeway and 15 Linnets in the crop field.

30th March 2021

Frosts at dawn, becoming rapidly warm and sunny with temperatures reaching at least 20 degrees centigrade.

It was not surprising that in the warm weather there were a number of butterflies about including the Reserve’s earliest ever Orangetip, which was seen flying across the flood plain just north of the car park. At least one Small Tortoiseshell, six Peacocks and a Brimstone were also noted.

Wildfowl and other counts today care of a returning Graham Rowling, comprised six Mute Swans, 33 Greylags, ten Canadas, two Shelducks, 33 Wigeon, 22 Shoveler, 13 Teal, seven Mallard, 42 Gadwall, 48 Tufted, a pair of Goosanders, eight Little Grebes, one GreatCrested Grebe, one Heron, two Little Egrets, four Cormorants, seven Moorhens, 48 Coot, 20 Lapwing, four Oystercatcher, at least four Little Ringed Plovers, two Redshanks, 410 Black-headed Gulls, five Herring Gulls, eight Lesser Blackbacked Gulls, Water Rails either side of the causeway and two Snipe around the Dragonfly Pond. There were also at least 25 Toads in the Dragonfly Pond.

A pair of Ravens were again in the tip field and a Greater Spotted Woodpecker was drumming in the crop oaks.

Blackbird along the Causeway with Goat Willow flowers – Photograph by Nick Barlow

Photographs by Mike Johnson

Water Rail along the Causeway.

Little Ringed Plover – Railway Pool.

29th March 2021

An overcast start with a strong westerly wind; wind easing as the day went on and becoming sunny and mild.

There were three adult Mediterranean Gulls, three Shelduck and four Oystercatchers on Railway Pool this morning at first light, and a Water Rail showed well from the Reedbed Hide. At 10.25 there were at least three Little Ringed Plovers and 20 Sand Martins on Railway Pool.

As the day warmed up there was a Small Tortoiseshell by Car Park Hide, a Peacock by the back gate, two Toads in the Dragonfly Pond (along with some Frogspawn there), Coltsfoot showing well along the concrete road and four Snipe around the Dragonfly Pond.


28th March 2021

Very blowy over night and throughout the day, south-westerly, overcast with occasional drizzle.

The blowy weather may have been the cause of the arrival of the second Sandwich Tern this week. The bird appeared on Railway Pool about 10:30 but like the one earlier in the week, it did not linger and had gone by 11:00.

The three adult Mediterranean Gulls were present on site again and one group of ten Sand Martins, prior to the Sandwich Tern, included the year’s first Swallow.

As the day unfolded, a presumed Pochard / Tufted hybrid (which looked similar to the bird that was Ladywalk earlier in the year) showed well on Railway Pool. There was a Sparrowhawk, an immature Peregrine, 21 Herring Gulls on Car Park Pool along with 16 Lesser Blackbacks and still 37 Wigeon on the flood plain.

Blackcaps comprised singing birds by the entrance gate and in the back gate.

In the afternoon, five Swallows went through in one group when there was also a minimum of 16 Sand Martins.

27th March 2021

Sunny start, some cloud with occasional sunny breaks from 11:00 onwards, cold north-westerly.

Today’s highlights were two Avocets that were found on Car Park Pool at dawn and stayed until 12:30 before flying off north. They returned at 14:45 and were seen mating.

There were at least three adult Mediterranean Gulls, possibly four today, along with three Little Ringed Plovers, three Redshank, nine Shelduck, at least 20 Sand Martins throughout the day, two Snipe, 16 Wigeon, 16 Linnets in the crop field and 90 east of the A452, seven Skylarks east of the A452, two Meadow Pipits in the tip field, five to six singing Chiffchaffs, three Little Egrets, ten female Goosanders, two Siskins low over the car park at 13:50, a singing Greenfinch in song-flight over the car park and six Herring Gulls and six Lesser Black-backs on Car Park Pool in the mid-afternoon.

All the following photographs were all taken by Steve Pattison

A pair of Redshanks

Mediterranean Gulls

A Shelduck

A Lapwing

A Drake Teal

Avocet in flight

A pair of Avocets

An Oystercatcher in flight

26th March 2021

Brisk south-westerly, mostly wet.

There were three adult Mediterranean Gulls on Railway Pool for some of the morning, one with a colour ring 33HH which has also been seen at Upton Warren.

At least 11 Sand Martins were feeding in the lea off Siden Hill Wood wandering over towards River Hide and there were 25 mixed Herring and Lesser Black-backs coming and going on Car Park Pool. There were probably more than this with numbers being a snapshot. A suspected Caspian Gull, which was active in the  mid- morning period and interacting with the other larger gulls, was finally confirmed care of these excellent photos from John Hunt. Previous suspects have never quite been clinched so it is good at last to add this species to the list, taking the Reserve total to 207.

Caspian Gulls – Photographs taken by John Hunt

Six Snipe were huddled in the marsh and there were a pair of Little Ringed Plovers wandering around Railway Pool. In the crop field there were 25 Linnets and at least 20 Chaffinches.

Additional counts today comprised two pairs of Little Ringed Plovers, 21 Lapwing, eight Oystercatchers, 17 Shoveler, 13 Teal, one Little Egret, one Water Rail (Reedbed), one Great Crested Grebe, 23 Wigeon, 24 Gadwall, 28 Tufted, one Meadow Pipit, one Peregrine, six further Sand Martins, early afternoon and a Small Tortoiseshell behind Car Park Hide.

25th March 2021

Sunny, brisk westerly.

There were plenty of Chiffchaffs in song today with an estimated nine birds: these included three along the Old Road, one on the causeway, two by Oak Hide and two in the back gate copse.  43 Wigeon, ten Teal and 40 Tufteds were counted during the day.

During the day other birds noted in the log a vocal Cetti’s Warbler on the Reedbed area, a single Little Egret on Car Park Pool, an adult Mediterranean Gull with the Black-heads on Railway Pool, one Common Gull, ten Lesser Black-backs and 11 Herring Gulls on Car Park Pool, two Snipe, four Shelduck and at least eight Oystercatchers.

A pair of Bullfinches were much in evidence by the back gate.

The ditch from Oak Hide back to the road by the back gate is being excavated out to help the drainage on Marsh Lane.

24th March 2021

Cloudy overcast, subsequent sunny intervals, light south-westerly.

Today’s highlight, albeit frustratingly brief, was a summer plumage Sandwich Tern which arrived on Railway Pool at 08:20 but although it came and went across the pools briefly it had gone by 08:40. It was the first record since April 2017.  The bird appears to have been ringed.

A decent selection of other birds throughout the day included a Red Kite over at 12:15, an immature Peregrine (in contrast to the regular adult), a pair of Redshank, an adult summer plumage Mediterranean Gull, a pair of Grey Wagtails on Railway Pool, a male Goosander over Car Park Pool, a Little Egret, three Shelduck, five Snipe by Oak Hide and a least two singing Chiffchaffs.

A Brimstone and Small Tortoiseshell were also recorded in the warmer afternoon weather and a Common Toad was spawning to the left of Reedbed Hide.

Lastly in the early evening there were five Linnets in the Oaks by the crop field.

Sandwich Tern from Oak Hide – Photograph by John Hunt

23rd March 2021

Sunny intervals, cool, brisk south-westerly.

There was a single adult Mediterranean Gull present on site along with a pair of Redshanks, a pair of Little Ringed Plovers, at least two Chiffchaffs whilst a pair of Ravens flew over.

22nd March 2021

Some sun early on but mostly cloudy, light north-easterly.

A moulting Black-tailed Godwit was found at just after 08:00 on the gravel bar on Railway Pool, clearly tired as it was asleep for most of the time the bird was present on site until at least 17:00 but not thereafter.

A drake Mandarin was a new record for the year, present on Railway Pool before flying to the river.  A drake Goosander was on Car Park Pool but flew north at just after 08:00. In the crop field there were a few Chaffinches plus a flock of 21 Linnets and six Reed Buntings. There were also six Pheasants there.  A Chiffchaff was singing in the crop field Oaks and a Cetti’s singing along the causeway.

An adult summer and a second-summer Mediterranean Gull were present later in the day along with two Little Ringed Plovers, a Redshank, eight Oystercatchers and four Ravens over Siden Hill Wood.

Following Photographs were taken by Mike Pugh

Redshank feeding along the bank from Car Park Hide

Lichen on Hazelwood along the causeway

21st March 2021

Mostly sunny, light north-easterly.

A pair of Mediterranean Gulls were on Railway Pool for a short time this morning along with two Little Ringed Plovers.

Chiffchaffs were singing as follows: two in the back gate area, two in Siden Hill Wood and one by the mobile phone mast.

A Curlew appeared in the early afternoon on Car Park Pool where there was also a Great Crested Grebe. Shoveler numbers increased to 22 and there were also 21 Gadwall.

Two Water Rails were calling on the Reedbed, a male Kestrel hunted the crop field and seven Meadow Pipits went over.  A single Siskin was present in the Alders on the edge of Siden Hill Wood.

The following Photographs were taken by Martin Baynham

                                          Lapwing from Oak Hide

                  Oystercatcher in flight – taken from River Hide

20th March 2021

Sunny intervals, light north-easterly.

A productive day for birds was slightly qualified by the time of day and as birders were present.  At first light there were six Goosanders and the White Fronted Goose on the pools, the Goosanders, as usual, flying off at dawn and the White Front disappearing over towards Bradnocks Marsh at a similar time. There were also seven Shelduck of which six were males.

The adult Mediterranean Gull was present on and off all day.  At about 10:00 a resting Gull on Railway Pool islands slowly revealed itself as a tired adult Kittiwake which looked like it would be present for much of the morning but sneaked away at about 10:45. There were two Dunlin feeding in the marsh area at a similar time but they also flew off at about 10:45.

Other birds in morning comprised a Redshank on Car Park Pool, a Little Ringed Plover in front of Railway Hide, singing Goldcrests at the screen and by the top gate, ten Reed Buntings in the crop field, a pair of Ravens in the tip field, two Lesser Redpolls on the central stream crossing and finally the regular Peregrine perched in Siden Hill Wood.

19th March 2021

Overcast and drizzly, light north-easterly.

A busy first few hours saw the first Sand Martins drop into feed over the north end of Car Park Pool, in the lee of the cold breeze. One soon became five and although mobile, three were still present at 09:15. These early ones are usually migrants rather than local breeders and move on quickly.

A Jack Snipe was seen in the reeds to the right of Oak hide, briefly before 08:00, but couldn’t be found later though there were at least eight Common Snipe there.

The adult Mediterranean Gull was present, on and off, and there were two Little Ringed Plovers on the island in front of Railway hide.

Counts during the day included 98 Wigeon, 50 Tufted Ducks, 26 Gadwall, 17 Shovelers, 17 Teal, 34 Lapwing, ten Little Grebes, two first-winter Greater Black-backed Gulls and three Ravens over the A452.

There were at least 50 Chaffinches and half a dozen Reed Buntings feeding in the crop field.

18th March 2021

Initially cloudy, some sunny periods later in the day, cool light northerly.

The best bird today was an adult Mediterranean Gull which appeared mid-morning on the Car Park Pool islands and showed well to an appreciative few.

There was 16 Shoveler and a Dabchick on Railway Pool and a Cetti’s Warbler in good song in the Reedbed.

Adult Mediterranean Gull on Car Park Pool – Photograph by John Hunt

Female Reed Bunting – car park – Photograph by Bob Breach

Muntjac Deer – cereal field – Photograph by Bob Breach

17th March 2021

Cloudy and overcast to begin with, cloud slowly breaking to reveal a mild sunny day from late morning through into the evening with temperatures in the region of 10 to 12 degrees C.

A single male Stonechat was present around the Dragonfly Pond again and was subsequently colour-ringed to make this the seventh bird to be colour-ringed in and around the Reserve this winter. A second bird was seen later in the day.

The first-winter Mediterranean Gull put in a brief appearance on Car Park Pool in the morning and there were also seven Common Gulls and a Little Egret together with a Great Crested Grebe.

Great Crested Grebe on Railway Pool – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

16th March 2021

Wet a.m., dry and sunny p.m.

A first-summer Mediterranean Gull was present in the Black-headed colony briefly this morning and the White Front was on Railway Pool before wandering into Lower Siden to graze. There was a male Stonechat around the Dragonfly Pond all day. A Little Ringed Plover was seen on the Railway Pool islands in the morning when there were also five Snipe and 26 Lapwings around Oak Hide and four Goosanders on Car Park Pool.

15th March 2021

Still blustery, north-westerly, occasional sunny intervals.

The second-winter White Fronted Goose was back on the Reserve today showing well on Car Park Pool in the early morning before flying off with Greylags towards Bradnocks Marsh. This was the first visit since the 17th February and it was assumed the bird had long since departed.

A rather static Little Ringed Plover was quite tough to pick out against the gravel on the island in front of Railway Hide this morning. Four pairs of Oystercatchers are now regular on the pools and a few pairs of Lapwings are eyeing up territories both on the main Reserve and with two pairs at least east of the A452.

In the still blustery conditions a minimum of 22 Herring Gulls (all sub-adults) were coming in to wash on Car Park Pool before drifting off.

In the evening a Peregrine was making forays out of Siden Hill Wood and mobbing the Crows on the flood plain calling regularly before going back into the wood. Buzzards, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel were also present and two Snipe were flushed from the wet scrapes on lower Siden where work is proceeding to try and get the pump going to keep the scrapes wet (although that’s not a problem at the moment!). The photo of the clay soil stuck in the digger bucket gives an idea of the ground conditions by Lower Siden Hide. The two other photos are pictures of the Blythe looking towards the pools.

Photographs below taken by Nick Barlow

Condition of soil by Lower Siden Hide

Lower Siden looking over the Blythe towards Car Park Pool

Lower Siden looking across the Blythe towards Railway Pool

Photographs below taken by Martin Baynham from River Hide over Car Park Pool

                                                      Shelduck in flight

                                                        Swan in flight


14th Marsh 2021

Dry a.m., noticeably less windy than yesterday, showers in the afternoon.

23 Goosanders were present at dawn but departed at 06:15 of which seven were redheads. In addition there were two Shelducks, four Oystercatchers, 43 Wigeon, a Little Egret on Car Park Pool, 16 Pheasants, 11 Chaffinches and three Reed Buntings in the crop field and a Muntjac, singing Chiffchaff and a pair of Bullfinches in the back gate copse.

As the day unfolded other birds to appear included a Redshank on Car Park Pool, a Green Sandpiper over Patrick Bridge before heading back towards the Reserve, and a Grey Wagtail and Kingfisher both low over Railway Pool.

A further count of Wigeon in the late morning yielded 151, with 41 still on the pools and 110 on the flood plain. 13 Shoveler were counted on Railway Pool and of the gulls there were 12 Herrings on Car Park Pool, five Common Gulls there too and at least 500 Black-headed Gulls on Railway Pool.

The Chaffinch flock had increased to 20 by lunchtime and there were seven Pied Wagtails on the grass by the car park. The Peregrine reappeared, having perched in Siden Hill Wood before disappearing over to the west.

13th March 2021

Windy, north-westerly, occasional showers.

104 Wigeon, 18 Teal, six Shoveler, 18 Tufted Ducks and three Little Egrets were counted this morning along with 26 Cormorants, three Snipe in the marsh, a singing Chiffchaff in the back gate, one calling by the car park and 40 to 50 Starlings feeding on the islands.

Following photographs taken by Bob Breach

                                   Gadwall from Causeway Hide

                                      Lapwing display from Oak Hide

                          Reed Bunting – Car Park Pool

12th March 2021

Wet and windy overnight, sunshine and showers during the day.

A Little Ringed Plover was this mornings nice, if not entirely unexpected spring sighting, from Railway Hide.  The regular Peregrine was perched on the west side of Siden Hill Wood this morning and around the tip field there were 40 Starlings with 15 Fieldfares and 20 Redwings. There was also a report of a Merlin.

I forgot to mention that on Friday a Red Kite was seen moving towards the Reserve from Meriden during the day.

11th March 2021

Sun and showers decreasing but still windy.

Brief interim update: a Peregrine was present for part of the morning and at just before 14:00 a cream crowned Marsh Harrier came south over Railway Pool and went low over the railway towards Bradnocks Marsh.

The Peregrine was again present around Siden Hill Wood and other counts included nine Oystercatchers, five Shelduck, a single Little Egret, 18 Herring Gulls, nine Common Gulls and three Chiffchaffs.

Last but not least the West Midland Ringing Group have supplied news that a Blackcap that was colour-ringed at Marsh Lane the 28th September 2018, was sighted in a garden at Brockworth, Gloucestshire on the 8th February this year, a distance of 42 miles away. This is particularly pleasing as it was one of only six birds that were colour-ringed that autumn.

10th March 2021

Showery but increasing wind from the west and becoming very windy with squally showers overnight into the 11th.

The Peregrine was again perched on the eastern side of Siden Hill Wood this afternoon. Six Shelduck, two Oystercatchers and two Little Egrets were present on Railway Pool whilst on Car Park Pool there were seven Lesser Black-backed Gulls, three Herring Gulls and a Common Gull.  Along the causeway there was a Song Thrush, three Green Finches, two showy Waters Rails and also a prospecting pair of Long-tailed Tits. Whilst in the back gate copse there were two Siskins in the Alders, a Bullfinch and also a Nuthatch.

20 Chaffinches were feeding around the causeway and are still coming to seed in the crop field.

9th March 2021

Sunny and mild with a slow build-up of cloud in the afternoon.

A Chiffchaff was in good song in the back gate copse and the Cetti’s was in occasional song in the north causeway area.

On the pools there were at least ten Common Gulls, three Shelducks along with three Little Egrets on Railway Pool.  At least seven, previously ringed Black-headed Gulls, were back on the pools with two birds seen offsite elsewhere.

8th March 2021

Mostly sunny and mild.

Not a great deal of difference today. There are four pairs of Oystercatchers, two on each pool, the Black-headed Gulls were back up to 700 after the removal of the banger and it may have to be put back to see if they can be discouraged again. There were two Little Egrets, a Raven and four Buzzards, the latter over Siden Hill Wood whilst Chiffchaff and Cetti’s Warbler were heard and seen in the causeway area.

7th March 2021

Mostly sunny, cool, light north-easterly.

The two Egyptian Geese were back on Car Park Pool this morning along with a pair of Goosanders and at least eight Oystercatchers.

In the sunny weather seven Buzzards were counted from the Reserve and Pied Wagtail passage was underway with 18 on the flood plain.

Chiffchaffs included two along the Concrete Road, one by the car park, one in the back gate copse and two behind Railway Hide on the way to Bradnocks Marsh.

Other bits and pieces included a pair of Red-legged Partridges east of the A452, a Siskin in the back gate copse along with Goldcrest, Bullfinch, Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker. Just 13 Chaffinches and six Reed Buntings came into the crop field.

Now that the banger has been removed the Black-headed Gulls are starting to come back and we may have to try again.

6th March 2021

High cloud, remaining anti-cyclonic.

A pair of Redshank were present on Car Park Pool this morning and there were six Oystercatchers spread across the site. There were two Little Egrets, a Raven and four Common Gulls, six Goosanders in the evening, two Water Rails in the north causeway bay and a Chiffchaff was also there.

Six attended the work party with weeding carried out on the islands on Car Park Pool and fires of the Willows and other trees removed by Railway Hide.  Thanks to those that attended. 25 Snipe were flushed as part of the work party with the sluises lowered on both pools.

The banger that has been present for a week was removed in the hope that it has discouraged the Black-headed Gulls.

5th March 2021

Sunny intervals, cool north-easterly.

Little Grebes are returning now to the breeding territory with a lot of activity, particularly in the north causeway bay, but the birds are also very vocal on Railway Pool where five were counted this morning.  A pair have taken up territory on the Reedbed Pool and there were at least two in the north causeway bay as well.

Ravens are also pretty active, flying over on a regular basis and prospecting Siden Hill Wood. Other counts noted today were four Oystercatchers, three Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 24 Cormorants, at least 200 Wigeon, 42 Coot, only 24 Black-headed Gulls and two Little Egrets. 15 Pheasants were mostly concentrated in the crop field or under the car park feeders.

The Chaffinch flock, of about 40 birds, continues to visit the seed on the edge of the Oaks in the crop field. There were also eight Redwings along the Old Road.

4th March 2021

Drizzly, misty, cool, light north-easterly.

A Chaffinch flock of about 40 birds with six Reed Buntings are still visiting the crop field and there were at least 12 Pheasants present there as well. Eight Oystercatchers were present on site and there was a vocal Dabchick in the north causeway bay. Five Redwings were feeding along the causeway itself.

Other records noted in the log were a single Little Egret and Song Thrush, Goldcrest and Coal Tit in the back gate copse.  A pair of Egyptian Geese were late arrivals on Car Park Pool.

3rd March 2021

Misty all day with occasional showers, light north-easterly.

A Redshank was on the island opposite Car Park Hide this morning and there were also four Oystercatchers and a Snipe with further Oystercatchers on Railway Pool.

Wildfowl included 150 Wigeon and a Shelduck.

A Great White Egret flew over due north in the early afternoon.

Along the causeway there were two Lesser Redpolls and a Goldcrest, a Chiffchaff singing by the car park and there were two Bullfinches there.  A Fox showed well on the way to Oak Hide.

A Fox on the path to Oak Hide – Photograph by John Coakley

2nd March 2021

Misty all day, cool.

Despite the weather there was a Chiffchaff singing in the back gate copse, the first one in that location so far this year.

The banger has worked in discouraging the Black-headed Gulls on Railway Pool although there are still plenty on Car Park Pool along with seven Common Gulls and four Lesser Black-backs. Two Ravens and a Sparrowhawk were seen over Siden Hill Wood.

1st March 2021

Cold, misty and a light frost slowly clearing to some sunny intervals.

The only records in the book today comprised four Oystercatchers, a Redpoll, three Bullfinches, 25 Lapwing and four Little Grebes.