Packington Estate


Please note that with effect from 20th January 2021 Marsh Lane, Hampton in Arden will be gated just north of the railway bridge which accesses the Marsh Lane Nature Reserve car park, to the west of Siden Hill Wood.  The gate is going to be locked overnight.  Solihull Council have deemed this has become necessary due to frequent problems of anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping and other forms of environmental crime at Bradnocks Marsh.

The closing/opening times will be as follows:

  • 1st April – 30th September 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.
  • 1st October – 31st March 6 p.m. to 8 a.m.

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) – Updated 15th April 2021

The Reserve remains open.  Members have been helpful and responsible during the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Please continue to co-operate by:

  1. Remembering social distancing – 2m minimum between people. Please reflect this in the number of people per hide.
  2. For the time being, please leave two hide flaps open permanently, one on each side, to allow for air flow.
  3. A mask is preferred for people using hides. 

Can all visitors please ensure they follow HM Government guidance in respect of hand sanitisation and social distancing, and ensure they avoid the Reserve  if they or any family members (or anyone else you may be in contact with) are showing any symptoms associated with Covid-19.

Work Party Dates

March 12th – 2pm

April 9th – 2pm

May 4th –  6pm

June 7th –  6pm

July  13th – 6pm

August 9th – 6pm

Link to West Midland Bird Ringing Group:


11th March – record updated.

Photographs added : 5th and 10th March.

Photographs added 17th, 25th, 26th and 28th February 2022

Records for the 27th and 28th February 2022 added under “February 2022”.

31st March 2022

Cold northerly sunny intervals

The only record making the log today was a Swallow which flew around Railway Pool, briefly around 12:45

30th March 2022

Overcast and fresh northerly

Two Red Legged Partridges were back in the crop field this morning and a female Brambling fed at the cark feeders. 14 Snipe showed in the marsh and there were a pair of Grey Wagtails at Patrick bridge. There were still three male colour ringed Wigeon on site

Four Ravens interacted over Siden Hill Wood in the afternoon and the regular pair of Redshank were favouring the area around Oak Hide.

Herring Gull – Unhelpfully removing the poles – Photograph by David Appleton

29th March 2022

Overcast and misty until late afternoon when there was brief sunshine.

Brambling numbers were back into double figures this morning with 13 , either in the field or by the feeders. Two Little Ringed Plovers, four Oystercatchers, Redshank and 10 Snipe were the only other birds making the log first thing

28th March 2022

Misty start. Slowly clearing to sunny pm

Yesterday’s Red-legged Partridges were back in the crop field this morning and three pairs of Bramblings visited either the field or the feeders.

A pair of Goosanders joined a still commendable 123 Wigeon on the pools as did three Little Ringed Plovers and two Redshanks .

A Red Kite flew over the Old Road and definitely one , probably two Blackcaps were in song. Butterflies seen in the warmer afternoon were three Commas, and singles of Green-veined White and Small Tortoiseshell.

27th March 2022

Sunny and warm after another cool start .

The first Blackcap of the year , always an early Spring songster , sang from the scrub around the South-west pond this morning. A pair of Red-legged Partridge, a rare sight on the Reserve , spent most of the day wandering about, being seen at Oak hide and later in the Crop Field.

Fieldfares continue to pass through with 20 on the Flood Plain . This species arrives a bit later than Redwing and usually hangs on later too.

A scan of the River yielded a Kingfisher by the bridge and a partially leucistitic Wood Pigeon was feeding on the grass nearby

Two Little Ringed Plovers were present today along with a female Goosander , seven Bramblings, a male Yellowhammer, 10 Snipe and two Ravens.

26th March 2022

Sunny and warm . Light easterly

A Little Ringed Plover put in a number of appearances again today, a Red Kite circled over Patrick Farm at midday and at least five Bramblings continued to visit the feeders or Crop field. 15 Snipe , two Redshanks, seven Oystercatchers and 16 Lapwings were other waders making the log.

Other counts today were as follows, 15 Mute Swans, 21 Greylags, 28 Canadas, 92 Gadwall, 11 Shoveler, 80 Wigeon, nine Mallard, 19 Teal, a drake Pochard, 58 Tufted Ducks, 16 Cormorants, four Little Grebes, two Little Egrets, 12 Moorhens, 29 Coot, 2075 Black-headed Gulls, and adult Mediterranean Gull, 12 Herring Gulls and 11 Lesser Black-back Gulls. A Grey Wagtail fed in the Marsh early on

A Mink was seen up a tree along Bailey’s Brook , not a good sign . Butterflies today comprised two each of Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock and a single Comma.

25th March 2022

Sunny and warm after cool night. Light NE

Three pairs of Ravens were seen today, either flying over the reserve or over Siden Hill Wood.

The year’s fourth Mediterranean Gull, another adult , appeared amongst the Black-heads on Railway Pool. This bird was ringed. Three Egyptian Geese flew into Car Park Pool early on and later departed for Bradnock’s Marsh whilst a Kingfisher showed briefly as it flew up Bailey’s Brook( aka the Central Stream).

At least four Bramblings joined the throng at the Car Park feeders , along with a male Yellowhammer.

A pair of Redshanks fed on the margins of both pools , a Little Ringed Plover appeared at least twice and in the early afternoon a Green Sandpiper showed well below Railway hide. 13 Snipe was no doubt a minimum figure.

Other counts today, all from Car Park Pool, included two Little Grebes, two Little Egrets( also on the Flood Plain), 119 Gadwall, 10 Shoveler, 11 Teal 90 Widgeon, and a drake Shelduck .

The warm weather continued to suit butterflies with at least five Peacocks and three Small Tortoiseshells on the wing.

24th March 2022

Sunny and warm, cool easterly.

The Reserve’s second Little Ringed Plover appeared briefly on the Car Park Pool Islands from midday and three Egyptian Geese were also new arrivals. Only five Bramblings were recorded this morning and other counts included a drake Goosander, 12 Snipe, and two Redshanks.

Egyptian Geese – Photograph by David Appleton

Kestrel – Gate between Oak and River Hides – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

Reed Bunting – North Causeway – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

23rd March 2022

Temperatures continue to rise during the day and reached upper teens by late morning. Surprisingly, there were fewer butterfly records today with three Small Tortoiseshells and singles of Peacock and Brimstone.

An adult Mediterranean Gull appeared again , amongst the Black-headed , on Railway Pool and a Water Rail and 13 Snipe were present in the Marsh. 19. Bramblings continues the excellent numbers this spring.

22nd March 2022

A second- summer Mediterranean Gull , briefly this morning, was at least the third record of this species so far this year. Five Ravens over Siden Hill Wood is a further indication of territory rivalry there.

The Dunlin remained for its fifth day and lingering Fieldfare on the Flood Plain totalled 16.
A Red Kite that flew over at 1pm is the fifth record of the year. Its pity we don’t know the actual number of birds involved.

Goosanders continue to visit, with two males and three females. Brambling numbers reach 17 today and there was a single Yellowhammer amongst them.

The warm temperatures during the day led to multiple butterfly sightings with nine Peacocks, five Small Tortoiseshells, four Commas and a Brimstone.

Other bird records comprised three Little Egrets, two Green Woodpeckers, drake Pochard, Common Gull, 10 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, Herring Gull and Sparrowhawk.

21st March 2022

Overcast fresh south easterly sunny later

The Jack Snipe was present in the marsh for much of today, along with 11 Snipe and an adult Mediterranean Gull put in a brief appearance on the Railway Pool Islands in the early afternoon. Today’s Brambling count reach 36 and there were further Chiffchaff arrivals with numbers up to 13.

Winter thrushes , overlapping with the arriving summer visitors, continue to favour the Flood Plain with 37 Fieldfare and five Redwings there , together with eight Pied Wagtails and a pair of Grey. A pair of Mistle Thrushes , by the Dragonfly Pond, clearly have a territory in the area but no song has been recorded.

Other counts or records today included a pair of Goosanders, a drake Pochard and a Shelduck, 11 Oystercatchers, two Redshanks, a Dunlin, three Cetti’s Warblers, seven Buzzards, three Ravens and 14 Linnets by the old muck heap.

20th March 2022

Sunny all day, after a frost, light but cool easterly.

The Dunlin was present for it’s third day and a new arrival was a Curlew which was found in the morning, in front of Railway Hide, but later in the day had moved to the Marsh area where it spent much of the time asleep. It departed to the southeast at 5:40, calling.

The Brambling flock made a big leap in numbers today with 35 in the morning and a minimum of 55 in the afternoon along with 20-30 Chaffinches, 15 Reed Buntings and at least one Yellowhammer.

A Red-legged Partridge was seen by the A452 bypass. Seven Chiffchaffs were in song and also three Cetti’s Warblers with birds heard by River Hide, in the Reedbed and north of Car Park Pool. Two Ravens, three Redshank, eight Oystercatchers, ten Snipe, two Pochard and both Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker were other birds of note. One of the Great Spots was drumming in the crop field oaks.

19th March 2022

Sunny though with a fresh easterly.

Yesterday’s Dunlin was still present this morning and there were at least four Redshank on site. Only nine Bramblings were seen in the crop field and Chiffchaff numbers had increased to at least seven.

Other counts today were as follows, four Mute Swans, 13 Canadas, 15 Greylags, 25 Shoveler, 81 Gadwall, 87 Wigeon, 90 Mallard, 22 Teal, a drake Pochard, 49 Tufted, one male and four female Goosanders, 19 Cormorants, two Little Egrets, a Heron, five Little Grebes, nine Moorhen, 34 Coot, nine Oystercatchers, 32 Lapwing, a single Snipe, 650 Black-headed Gulls, three Common Gulls, 22 Herring Gulls, six Lesser Black-back Gulls and two Raven. A small Tortoiseshell was seen along the Old Road.

18th March 2022

Sunny after early morning fog, light south easterly.

Brambling numbers continue to increase, presumably as further birds move north. During this late winter and early spring period, when natural food sources have depleted, feeding can be very important to bridge what is called ‘the hungry gap’. So, to help we have been scattering seed in the crop field on the other side from the car park area and this is leading to an increase in finch numbers. Today, the Brambling flock had risen to at least 20 birds, with a similar number of Chaffinches and 10-15 Reed Buntings.

An adult Mediterranean Gull flew over the Kenilworth Road first thing. In the morning period, counts comprised of a single Shelduck, two Little Egrets, ten Snipe, a Water Rail in the Marsh, a pair of Goosanders on the floodplain where yesterday’s rain has caused some flooding, a Grey Wagtail by the A452 underpass and a Comma Butterfly in the crop field.

Later counts that supplemented those of the morning included, a Great Crested Grebe, six Little Grebes, 20 Shoveler, 99 Gadwall, 90 Wigeon, 46 Tufted Ducks, eight Goosander, 36 Lapwing, five Redshank, five Stock Dove and last but not least, a Dunlin.

17th March 2022

Overcast with some showers.

The Brambling count had increased to at least ten this morning. Chiffchaff numbers remain the same as yesterday whilst an immature Peregrine put in a brief appearance. Two Goosanders and two Redshanks were counted in the morning whilst in the afternoon, a flock of between 20-30 Redpolls were feeding in the alders by the central stream crossing. A male Bullfinch was present in the Back Gate area and a Kestrel was also seen.

16th March 2022

Overcast with increasing heavy rain, particularly in the afternoon, light southerly.

Chiffchaff numbers had increased to six in song today with new birds along the Causeway, along the Railway Embankment and at the north end of the Old Road by the farm.

A Mistle Thrush was collecting nest material near the entrance gate cottages and a Great Crested Grebe was present on Car Park Pool. At least five Bramblings and five Linnets were amongst a small flock of finches in the crop field.

15th March 2022

Sunny spells, light southerly.

A pair of Grey Wagtails were feeding along the margins of the Blythe just by Patrick Bridge this morning. A different adult Mediterranean Gull appeared with the Black-heads on Car Park Pool. This bird, unlike the one last week, had much reduced black on the head.

A Red Kite flew over at 1:10pm and there was a minimum of 11 Bramblings in the Crop Field. Other records making the log were two Lesser Redpolls along the central stream together with three Siskins; eight Little Grebes, four Little Egrets, 98 Wigeon and a drake Goosander were on or around the pools. A Red Admiral was the butterfly of the day, seen along the Concrete Road.

14th March 2022

Sunny fresh south westerly.

An early morning visitor heard a female Tawny Owl calling by the Car Park at 4:50 this morning with six Goosanders (two males and four females) present at dawn.

As the weather warmed up, two male Brimstones were found one by the Causeway and one by the Car Park gates. Three Chiffchaffs sang from the Car park gates, the top gate and in the back gate copse. 11 Oystercatchers were particularly vocal around the pools, two Ravens went over, at least eight Bramblings were present either in the Crop Field or under the feeders, nine Snipe were visible in the Marsh and three Little Egrets fed around the margins of the pools.

Three Siskins were seen in the alders along the Concrete Road and in the afternoon, two Redshanks appeared on Car Park Pool. Two Comma Butterflies tended to favour the waning Cherry Plum Flowers in the Back Gate Copse.

Common Gull – Photograph by Andy Ambrose

13th March 2022

Records to follow

12th March 2022

Sunny spells, brisk southerly wind, mild.

The Crop Field area was busy again with Finches and Buntings with at least 20 Bramblings during the early morning and six Siskin and four Redpoll in the Back Gate Copse. There was a singing Chiffchaff along the Old Road by the Dragonfly Pond, a Grey Wagtail on the Flood Plain and still good counts of Wigeon, although other duck numbers are beginning to drop.

Male Brambling under the feeders – Photograph by Steven Pattison

The main counts were as follows: two Mute Swans, 14 Canadas, seven Greylags, two Shelducks, 113 Gadwall, 30 Shoveler, 243 Wigeon, nine Mallard, 29 Teal, 41 Tufted, five Moorhen, 38 Coot, 39 Lapwing, nine Oystercatchers, a Redshank, eight Snipe, three Little Grebe, a Great Crested Grebe, two Herons, three Little Egrets, 38 Cormorants, at least 900 Black-headed Gulls, nine Common Gulls, the adult Mediterranean Gull, six Lesser Black-backed Gulls, nine Herring Gulls and the adult Greater Black-backed Gull. A Raven also went over.

Frogs from Causeway Screen – Photograph by Alan Butler

Little Grebe from Causeway Screen – Photograph by Alan Butler

Female Gadwall – Car Park Hide – Photograph by Bob Breaches

Heron – North Causeway Hide – Photograph by Bob Breaches

Eight attended the Work Party in the afternoon, undertaking further maintenance work on the islands including topping up the gravel for the Terns and putting out the boxes there. Some strimming was undertaken and further sapling removal along the bank between Oak and Railway Hide was completed, this to try and maintain wild flowers etc., for the benefit of butterflies. Thanks to all those who attended.

11th March 2022

Sunny start, clouding over, brisk southerly.

A pair of Goosanders lingered into the early morning on Car Park Pool where there were also four Oystercatchers and five Common Gulls. At least 12 Bramblings joined approximately 20 Chaffinches and 12 Reed Buntings in the Crop Field, with 11 Greenfinches at the car park feeder.  The adult Mediterranean Gull appeared amongst the Black-headed Gulls on Railway Pool, tending to prefer the island in front of Railway Hide.

Duck counts included 185 Wigeon (but only ten Teal), 144 Gadwall and 18 Tufted; 60 Redwing, 75 Fieldfare and 50 Starlings were amongst the birds on the floodplain. Plenty of frogspawn was evident in the south-west pond and the cherry plum, particularly by Railway Hide is in full blossom with leaves so emerging.

10th March 2022

Mostly sunny

The adult Mediterranean Gull was again present amongst the Black-headed Gulls. In addition, there were 13 Common Gulls, six Lesser Black-back Gulls, three Herring Gulls and the adult Greater Black-back. 13 Stock Doves fed on the Railway Pool islands again and the ringed Redshank moved between the pools.

Along the Causeway, there was a singing Cetti’s Warbler and two Chiffchaffs, one of which was in song.

A Kestrel hunted the old Aero Modellers field and there was three Skylarks present there with a Goldcrest in the adjoining Old Road hedge. 70 Redwings and 50 Fieldfares together with two Little Egrets and nine Pied Wagtails were present on the floodplain and a Red Kite flew south in the early afternoon when 14 Bramblings were present in the Crop Field.

Mediterranean Gull from Oak Hide – Photograph by Anthony Burbery

Frog from North Causeway Screen – Photograph by Paul Casey

9th March 2022

Sunny spells, blustery south easterly.

The adult Mediterranean Gull was in and out this morning and there were ten Snipe visible in the Marsh. 11 Oystercatchers and three Shelducks were counted across the pools, there were 50 Fieldfares on the floodplain, two Ravens went over and five Bramblings fed in the Crop Field.

8th March 2022

Sunny, fresh south easterly.

A Jack Snipe was visible in the Marsh this morning, the adult Mediterranean Gull was briefly on the Railway Pool islands and two Ravens were again cavorting over Siden Hill Wood. Three Shelduck, 12 Snipe in the Marsh and House Sparrows on the entrance gate cottage and at Patrick Farm were also of note. Coltsfoot were in flower by the Reed Bed Hide and along the Concrete Road.

7th March 2022

Overcast, fresh easterly.

A record count of 29 Bramblings in the Crop Field was a minimum and there might have been further birds present. The adult Mediterranean Gull showed from Railway Hide, a Raven went over and there was an un-ringed Redshank on site.

Other counts today comprised, 157 Wigeon, the Greater Black-back Gull, seven Common Gulls, a Herring Gull, five Lesser Black-back Gulls and a Chiffchaff along the Old Road.

6th March 2022

21 Bramblings either in the Crop Field or under the feeders was the highest record so far. A Red Kite went south and there was a pair of Grey Wagtails in the Marsh in front of Oak Hide.

A Green Sandpiper was still feeding on the flash in front of Patrick Farm, there was a Redshank on the floodplain, ten Snipe in the Marsh, a Water Rail calling from the Reed bed and a male Goosander on the river.

5th March 2022

Overcast, fresh northerly, brightening with sunny intervals from lunchtime.

A good selection of birds today included a healthy count, still, of Wigeon (275), a female Goosander, ten Oystercatchers, a Green Sandpiper on the flash north of Patrick Farm, seven Bramblings and the Yellowhammer in the crop field, and another non-singing Chiffchaff this time along the Old Road. A Redshank was also heard on and off and there were 80 Fieldfare and 45 Redwing together with six Pied Wagtails on the floodplain and two female Stonechats in the Tip Field.

Bramblings – Marsh Lane Car Park – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

Other counts comprised, four Mute Swans, 15 Canadas, eight Greylags, two Shelducks, 67 Gadwall, 14 Shoveler, nine Mallard, 45 Teal, 44 Tufted, 33 Cormorants, three Herons, three Little Egrets, two Little Grebes, seven Moorhen, 48 Coot, 72 Lapwing, six Snipe, 330 Black-headed Gulls, three Common Gulls, 16 Herring Gulls, four Lesser Black-back Gulls, the adult Greater Black-back Gull and two Ravens.

Later in the day, 21 Stock Doves were again feeding on the central island on Railway Pool together with 10-15 Linnets and a Buck and two female Roe Deer were seen in the field north of Patrick Farm.

Ravens in the Oak Tree along the Old Road (taken from the car park) – photograph by Paul Casey


4th March 2022

Drizzly damp start, slowly clearing, sunny intervals, fresh north, north-westerly wind

Up to four Bramblings were seen around the feeders in the crop field today and up to 45 Redpoll and a male Siskin were present around the car park for part of the day. 15 Chaffinches, 15 Greenfinch, eight Goldfinch and up to 31 Linnets were also present in and around the Reserve. 12 Reed Buntings and at least one Yellowhammer were added to the counts.

Wildfowl and waders on the pools comprised three Little Grebes, a drake Goosander, three Shelduck, 26 Teal, 70 Wigeon, 17 Shoveler, 121 Gadwall, 28 Tufted, seven Snipe, 120 Lapwing, eight Oystercatchers, a Redshank, seven Common Gulls and the adult Greater Black-backed  Gull. At least two Ravens, two Buzzards, a Green Woodpecker, three Cetti’s (Reedbed, River Hide, north shore of Car Park Pool) were the other bird counts of note.

A Mole was seen out in broad daylight, crossing the path to River Hide and there was Frogspawn in the South-west Pond.

3rd March 2022

Four Black-tailed Godwits were brief visitors to Railway Pool this morning, an always welcome and hoped for early migrating species.

Other records to follow.

2nd March 2022

Drizzly most of the day.

There was a female Goosander on Car Park Pool first thing and a pair of Bramblings and a Yellowhammer by the car park feeder. At least six Greenfinches joined other birds on the nuts and seed there. 16 each of Goldfinch and Siskin were present in and around the back gate.

Other records to follow.

1st March 2022

Sunny spells, fresh north-easterly wind.

Another Chiffchaff was seen this morning, this one at Patrick Bridge. It was also an un-singing bird. Six Shelduck and a pair of Goosanders were on the pools and 70 Fieldfare and 30 Redwings on the flood plain. 18 Siskin and six Redpoll, together with a pair of Stonechats were present along the Concrete Road, two Skylarks and 16 Linnets around the Aeromodellers field, six Bramblings in the crop field, a pair of Bullfinches on the causeway and, later on, two pairs of Goosanders on Car Park Pool. Lastly, a Grey Wagtail fed along the edge of the river on the flood plain.