Work Party Dates:
17th December 2016 – 2 p.m.
21st January 2017 – 2 p.m.
18th February 2017 – 2 p.m.
Late news for the 4th, two Water Pipits were seen and photographed by Car Park Hide – see the 4th.
30 November 2016
Cold, frosty and sunny.
After temperatures below minus 5 overnight, it was no surprise to find that most of the pools were frozen over. The top picture of those below shows the small patch of remaining open water on Car Park Pool with attendant wildfowl; the second photograph shows a pair of Mute Swans in the only piece of remaining open water on the Reedbed and the final picture shows part of a larger area of open water on Railway Pool that is simply being kept open by the quantity of wildfowl, mostly Teal and Wigeon. The open water is wrapped around Tern Island and the island straight out from Oak Hide, with a further small patch by the gravel bar. There was nothing particularly out of the ordinary on a quick glance from any of the hides, early on.
Photographs by Nick Barlow – 30th November 2016
29th November 2016
Cold, frosty and sunny.
Yesterday’s Stonechat was again visible, distantly, in Lower Siden, in front of Siden Hill Wood and there were two Red-headed Goosanders on Car Park Pool. 12 Snipe were in the Marsh and there were at least 30 Fieldfares and ten Redwings in the Old Road hedges. At least five Finches were counted around the car park, along with a Treecreeper and a Mink was seen from the north causeway screen.
28th November 2016
Sunny and cold.
A Stonechat was seen today on the flood plain opposite Railway Pool, particularly favouring the fence in front of Tower Hide. The Goldeneye remained on Car Park Pool and a Kingfisher was seen along the river. 20 to 30 Thrushes were present along the Old Road and ten Chaffinch and six Siskin were in the Old Road game crop.
27th November 2016
Mostly overcast with a brighter afternoon, light north-easterly wind.
The star bird today was a female Hen Harrier which flew north at approximately 10.15, along the front of Siden Hill Wood, before continuing north along the flood plain. This is the fifth record. The Cetti’s Warbler, after silence for a week, was heard and seen from the north causeway screen and the first three returning Shelduck of the winter appeared in front of Railway Hide. The female Goldeneye was still present along with 32 Pochard, 36 Shoveler, a Little Egret on the Dragonfly Pond, two Kestrels and a Peregrine.
26th November 2016
Mostly overcast with a brighter afternoon, light north-easterly wind.
Less usual birds today included two pairs of Goosanders, the long-staying Goldeneye, Water Rails at the north end of Car Park Pool and from River Hide, 75 Redwings that flew over, 30 Chaffinches in the Old Road game crop and five Greenfinches, five Yellowhammers and 20 Reed Buntings in the crop field.
Other counts today comprised 12 Mute Swans, 31 Greylags, one Canada, 340 Wigeon, 53 Gadwall, 330 Teal (which I am sure is a record count), 32 Mallard, nine Shoveler, 32 Pochard, six Tufted, 31 Cormorants, a Heron, two Little Grebes, 11 Moorhen, 37 Coot, 120 Lapwing, 12 Snipe, ten Black-headed Gulls and two Lesser Black-backed Gulls.
25th November 2016
Sunny, clear, light north-easterly wind.
27 Fieldfare and 14 Redwing flew north down the Old Road and there were other Thrushes around the flood plain as viewed distantly from Car Park Hide. At least a dozen Yellowhammers were in the Old Road hedges by the game crop and a female Goldeneye remains on Car Park Pool.
Later in the day, a Jack Snipe showed well in the Marsh, on the right hand side about a quarter of the way down from the hide. It did not move position in the three hours of watching.
Jack Snipe in the Marsh – Photograph by Jeff Rankin
24th November 2016
Grey, overcast, north-easterly wind.
At 8 am., four Song Thrushes flew over the back gate copse and there were at least two others still ticking there; other birds there included a Treecreeper, ten Long-tailed Tits, two Siskin and five Redwings. On the pools, some good counts included 335 Wigeon, 285 Teal, 35 Pochard, 12 Tufted, 45 Shoveler, 50 Gadwall and a female Goldeneye. There were also two Snipe, 250 Lapwing, two Meadow Pipits, two Common Gulls, a Little Egret and four Skylark which went east.
23 November 2016
Misty and drizzly, north easterly wind.
The section of the Old Road by the game crop was lively this morning with at least 40 Redwings, 40 Chaffinches, ten Goldfinches, four Linnets, three Greenfinches, a pair of Mistle Thrushes and a couple of Goldcrests. There were at least ten further Redwings and two Fieldfares by the car park.
A Dunlin that was in with the Lapwings this morning appeared slightly bigger than the norm and was particularly long billed and was presumably one of the northern races. There were also over 100 Starlings on the Car Park Pool islands, though all the birds remained flighty.
A second Dunlin joined the first, later in the morning, when there was a Little Egret and two Common Gulls.
Dunlin with the Lapwings
Photograph by Nick Barlow
22 November 2016
Overcast, periodic rain, westerly wind.
It was predictable that the Blythe had burst its banks overnight and the flood plain was substantially flooded as was Lower Siden. The gravel bar on Railway Pool is under water as are the margins to the islands.
Four female Goosanders flew up stream at 7.50 am and the long staying female Goldeneye remains on Car Park Pool.
At least 100 Jackdaws left their roost in Siden Hill Wood and flew south at dawn and a similar number of Starlings came out of the Reedbed at the same time, although there were probably far more than that. At least a dozen Redwings were roosting in the scrub in the back gate compounds where a pair of Lesser Redpolls were feeding in the Silver Birches. A Green Woodpecker showed well in the tall Poplar there – whether simply under recorded or less visible this is only the second record in the log this month for this species.
In the north causeway bay, a Water Rail was calling, Kingfisher showed well and there were three Dabchicks again.
21st November 2016
Very wet all day.
It was surprising there were any records in the log book today at all, following today’s deluge, but there were one or two interesting birds seen including a Jack Snipe in the Marsh and a Peregrine over. There was both Water Rail and Kingfisher, as usual, in front of the north causeway screen and nine Common Snipe spread between the Car Park Pool islands and the Marsh.
20th November 2016
Overcast, cool, west north-westerly wind.
Heavy overnight rain and a blustery wind saw to it that the stream entering Railway Pool under Car Park Hide had at last begun to flow and there was a decent quantity of water in the Marsh. Yesterday’s work party re-attached the collars to the sluices and so water levels should slowly begin to rise.
There were spots of rain on and off during the day, though as the day progressed the weather slightly improved. Highlights included a female Goosander and Goldeneye on Car Park Pool, a Peregrine over late morning, the best Lapwing count of the autumn, 341, at least 20 Yellowhammers and ten Reed Buntings on the edge of the crop field and a noteworthy 45 Chaffinches and four Linnets in the Old Road game crop. There was, as usual, a scattering of winter Thrushes along the Old Road, about 20 Redwings and five Fieldfares. Both Kingfisher and Water Rail showed well from the north causeway screen, with at least two more Water Rails calling in front of River Hide on the Railway Pool side. There was a Grey Wagtail at Patrick Farm, a couple of Treecreepers on the Old Road and a few large Gulls went over to the north-west, namely five Herring Gulls and 13 Lesser Black-backs.
19th November 2016
Light frost, sunny for most of the day, slowly clouding over late afternoon, westerly wind.
The long staying female Goldeneye was joined on Car Park Pool by a female Goosander whilst along the Old Road there were 12 Chaffinches, 25 Redwing and six Fieldfare. A single Redpoll flew over Railway Pool mid-morning and there were two Siskins by the back gate.
A work party in the afternoon disturbed a Pipit from the dense vegetation on one of Railway Pool’s islands; it was probably a Water Pipit. It did not call but performed like a classic Water Pipit and flew off high into the distance to the east.
The work party opened up the views from Railway Hide whilst the remainder of the vegetation was strimmed back on the Railway Pool islands. The paths around the back gate area were cut back and the track from Railway to Oak Hide and from the causeway to River Hide have been mown with the latter being re-stoned. The causeway track has also been re-stoned. All the hides have been swept and the Reserve is slowly returning to normal after the rampant growth of the summer and autumn. Many thanks to the nine that attended.
The full day’s wildfowl and other counts were as follows: eight Mute Swans, a Black Swan, 137 Greylags, two Greylag / Canada cross, one Canada, 321 Wigeon (the best count so far this autumn), 34 Gadwall, 219 Teal, nine Mallard, 36 Shoveler, 25 Pochard, nine Tufted, 27 Cormorants, three Little Grebe, one Heron 12 Moorhen, 37 Coot, 204 Lapwing, six Snipe, 86 Black-headed Gulls, two Common Gulls and a Lesser Black-back.
18 November 2016
Light frost, mostly sunny, north-westerly wind.
The wildfowl and Lapwings on Car Park Pool were very fidgety this morning with no apparent cause visible. The female Goldeneye was still present but no immediate sign of the juvenile male Pintail. There were again at least 14 Yellowhammers around the car park together with a similar number of Reed Buntings whilst, along the Old Road, there was a scattering of winter Thrushes feeding on the hawthorn berries – probably no more than about 10 Fieldfares, 20 Redwings and a couple of Song Thrushes.
A Kestrel was perched on the barns at Patrick Farm and there were two Meadow Pipits around the Aeromodellers.
Later in the day a Stonechat appeared on the fence line at the top of the causeway and the Kingfisher showed well again perched on the reed stems in front of the north causeway hide. There were at least four Little Grebes there, four Stock Doves dropped into the crop field and then in a slightly wetter marsh, there were four Snipe feeding on the margins. A Fox ambled along the causeway.
17 November 2016
Mostly sunny, cool westerly wind.
The only birds reported today were a Dunlin on Railway Pool and the female Goldeneye on Car Park Pool.
16 November 2016
Sunny intervals, brisk westerly wind.
The male Cetti’s Warbler was again giving intermittent and slightly understated song from the north causeway bay. The northern edge of the crop field was busy with Buntings with at least 13 Yellowhammers and 12 Reed Buntings whilst on Car Park Pool, the juvenile drake Pintail and the female type Goldeneye were both present.
There were at least 150 Jackdaws perched in the trees at the southern end of Siden Hill Wood and thin passage overhead included five Redwings, two Siskins and two Meadow Pipits and singles of Skylark and Pied Wagtail.
15 November 2016
Mostly overcast with showers, mild up to 15 degrees, light westerly wind.
There were seven Lesser Redpolls seen today though although, unfortunately, with no location and Bullfinch, Goldfinch and two Goldcrests were on the Old Road. There were also two Common Gulls amongst the Black-headed Gulls on Railway Pool.
14 November 2016
Mostly overcast with showers, south, south-westerly wind.
There was an immature Stonechat in front of Car Park Hide this morning, probably a male, but it does not appear to have lingered. The immature male Pintail remained on Car Park Pool and there were 46 Shoveler spread between the two pools. Both Kingfisher and Water Rail showed from the north causeway hide and there was a Grey Wagtail with four Pied Wagtails on the wires by the kennels on Marsh Lane.
13th November 2016
Fine and sunny, light north westerly
The male Cetti’s Warbler performed sufficiently well along the causeway this morning for photographs to be taken. (See below)
Cetti’s Warbler – Taken by Jeff Rankin
Cetti’s Warbler – Taken by Terry Southgate
Also on site was a single Little Egret, at least four Water Rails, 28 Pochard, 30 Shoveler, a Kingfisher again, a single Common Gull amongst the Black-headed Gulls, the immature drake Pintail and a female Goldeneye whilst ten Skylarks flew over to the west.
In the evening a female Goosander came in to roost and there were up to 500 Starlings roosting in the Reedbed.
12th November 2016
Mostly wet.
Today’s highlight was a singing Cetti’s Warbler around the causeway area, the first male since 2010. Last winter’s birds were all females and departed before a male appeared.
The other less usual birds today included two Pintails, a juvenile drake and a female, a female Goldeneye, the best of the Lapwing counts this autumn, 312, a Kingfisher which flew past Car Park Hide and a slow increase in Bunting numbers in the crop field with six Yellowhammers (at least) and 12 Reed Buntings.
Other counts were six Mute Swans, the Black Swan, 65 Greylags, a Canada / Greylag cross, one Canada, 189 Wigeon, 191 Teal, 53 Gadwall, 26 Mallard, 11 Shoveler, 22 Pochard, nine Tufted, seven Moorhen, 20 Coot, two Water Rail (north causeway bay and north end of Car Park Pool), five Snipe, 35 Black-headed Gulls, a single Common Gull, two Herring Gulls, a Lesser Black-back Gull, two Little Grebes, 30 Cormorants, three Herons and 40 Fieldfares over to the south. There were also 11 Pheasants in the crop field.
11th November 2016
Sunny intervals, light frost, light southerly, cool.
The Old Road was lively this morning with at least a dozen Fieldfare, 30 Redwing, a Mistle Thrush, 10 Goldfinches, a handful of Siskin, Treecreeper and Goldcrest. There was a further pair of Treecreepers by the back gate and three pairs of Bullfinches spread across the Reserve. Nine Yellowhammers came out of the crop field which is the best count so far this autumn. Forty Starlings went east and were possibly part of an arrival that has been taking place on the east coast.
Other birds of note were 17 Snipe on the edge of the Dragonfly Pool, a pair of Greenfinches near Oak Hide and plenty of song from Robins, Wrens and Dunnocks today.
Treecreeper in Car Park hedge – Taken by Nick Barlow
10th November 2016
Sunny intervals with showers, south-easterly moving to north-easterly.
The only record in the log was of a Water Rail viewable from the north causeway screen.
9th November 2016
Prolonged overnight rain lingering into the morning. As it cleared, occasional sunny intervals but regular showers, cold northerly.
Yesterday’s two Dunlin were still on Car Park Pool this morning and the usual ducks (juvenile drake Pintail, two female Goldeneyes and a female Goosander) all reappeared. There were two Common Gulls amongst the Black-heads, two Yellowhammers in the crop field and 21 Pochard, mostly on Car Park Pool.
8th November 2016
Frost, high cloud.
The sharp frost last night meant that there were areas of ice across the pools and a big leaf fall was underway which meant the movement of small birds was heavily disguised amongst the swirling leaves.
There were at least 14 Pochard on Car Park Pool and a single Little Egret on Railway Pool but no immediate sign of the Goosanders, Goldeneyes or a Pintail.
Overhead three groups of Starlings moved south-west, totalling 75 altogether, along with three Goldfinches, a single Yellowhammer and four Siskins. The latter dropped into the central stream area. Three Skylarks went east. There was a Jay and at least six Chaffinches in the crop field oaks and a single Snipe flew between the pools. A Song Thrush called from the causeway area but the numbers that were seen only a few days ago seem to have dispersed now.
Later in the morning two Dunlin appeared on Railway Pool and were still present at the end of the day.
7th November 2016
Frosty and then mostly sunny, light north-westerly wind.
Similar to the previous few days with the two Goldeneys, one Goosander, the juvenile male Pintail, two Little Egrets and a significant 36 Mute Swans, 21 of which flew north at 10.30.
There were also six Fieldfares, six Redwing and a single Yellowhammer.
6th November 2016
Remaining cold after another frost, sunny intervals and periods of rain.
There was no sign of the Goosander today but both the Goldeneyes and the juvenile male Pintail were still on Car Park Pool along with 19 Pochard and 15 Mute Swans. There was a single Common Gull and 15 Lesser Black-backed Gulls with the Black-headed Gulls on Railway Pool and 180 Jackdaws on the flood plain. Ten Meadow Pipits were feeding in the tip field.
5th November 2016
Cold, frosty, with a strong wind from the north.
East of the A452 this morning there was a flock of at least 60 Skylark and a few Thrushes including a pair of Mistle Thrushes, three Redwing, four Fieldfare and also two Yellowhammers. On the pools, the following counts were made: six Mute Swans, one Black Swan, 210 Greylags, one Farmyard Goose, 214 Wigeon, 51 Gadwall, 107 Teal, 20 Mallard, 14 Shoveler, 14 Pochard, 17 Tufted, the juvenile male Pintail, one female Goosander, two female Goldeneye, 22 Cormorants, three Little Grebes, one Little Egret, one Heron, 13 Moorhen, 36 Coot, 66 Lapwing, 30 Black-headed Gulls, four Common Gulls and one Lesser Black-backed Gull.
There were also four Yellowhammers in the crop field together with a handful of Reed Buntings.
4th November 2016
Overnight rain giving way to sunny periods on a cool south, westerly wind.
Birds today were much the same as yesterday with a Pintail, the two female type Goosanders, two female type Goldeneyes all present on car park pool at 3.15 along with five Dabchicks and 11 Pochard.
At 12.45, two birds flew from the far side of Car Park Pool to land out of site near the hide. Shortly after, the two birds appeared in the grass by the hide and fed briefly before disappearing after 5 minutes. Fortunately Jeff Rankin, the finder, photographed them and retrospectively they have been identified as Water Pipits, the first since 8th October 2005.
Water Pipits – Photographs by Jeff Rankin.
3rd November 2016
Light frost, sunny, light south, south-easterly wind, cloud developing mid-morning.
The Pintail, Goosander and two Goldeneys from yesterday were all on Car Park Pool this morning. Whilst, overhead, there was a bit of passage with 229 Wood Pigeon, 30 Fieldfare, 13 Redwings, six Skylarks, one Pied Wagtail, two Goldfinch and two Reed Buntings through between 8 am and 9 am.
There was at least one Siskin in the back gate copse, along with a pair of Bullfinch and a very late male Blackcap and a further pair of Bullfinches behind Oak Hide. A Grey Wagtail dropped in to the central stream and a great deal of mobbing by 15 or 20 birds was taking place near the Owl box and there was presumably a Tawny Owl hiding away in the scrub.
Later in the day, the juvenile male Goosander was replaced by two female types and there was also a single Little Egret.
2nd November 2016
Misty start, cooler with wind from the north-east, early morning frost, becoming sunny and noticeably cooler.
A wild variety of wildfowl today with the juvenile male Pintail being joined by a juvenile male Goosander and two female type Goldeneyes. The former two on Car Park Pool, the latter two on Railway Pool.
female type Goldeneye on Railway Pool – 2nd November 2016
Photograph by Jeff Rankin
1st November 2016
Overcast, light north-easterly wind.
A visit from an adult Black-tailed Godwit, briefly at 1.20 pm was a surprise today and was in fact the only record in the log.