Packington Estate

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) – Updated 9th November 2020

The Reserve remains open.  Members have been helpful and responsible during the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Please continue to co-operate by:

  1. Remembering social distancing – 2m minimum between people.
  2. No more than two people, per hide at any one time, subject to (1) above.
  3. A spray and cloth has been put into the six main hides so that if people wish to, they can wipe down doors, flaps, shelves etc.
  4. A mask is preferred for people using hides. 

Can all visitors please ensure they follow HM Government guidance in respect of hand sanitisation and social distancing, and ensure they avoid the Reserve  if they or any family members (or anyone else you may be in contact with) are showing any symptoms associated with Covid-19.

Notice Update – 20th  November 2020

There will be some digger work taking place tomorrow morning (21st November) on Railway Pool as time ran out this evening, but then no work Sunday, Monday and Tuesday morning, before we hope to finish the works on Railway Pool by the end of Tuesday or possibly lunchtime on Wednesday next week, when work on the Reedbed will commence.

Notice – 12th November 2020

Some re-profiling of the pool edges is planned to start on Monday 16th November and over the forthcoming 7 to 14 days will take place on all the pools, but will be consecutive rather than concurrent to avoid disturbance on all the pools at the same time. There will therefore be some pumping to lower the levels to ease access.

Apologies for the disturbance in the meantime.

Work Party Dates

Subject to the Government lifting the lock-down restrictions, the proposed Work Party dates are:

12th December – 2 p.m.

Link to bird ringing group –


28th to 30th November – Records added

27th November 2020 – Records updated

25th and 26th November 2020 – Records added

30th November 2020

Misty, light southerly.

The small Chaffinch flock taking advantage of spread seed below the crop field Oaks had built up to 30 this morning and there were at least 18 Pheasants and a few Jackdaws there.

A male Goosander was present in the afternoon along with the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, two Lesser Black-backs, four Herrings and nine Common Gulls.  Five Snipe, three Little Egrets, 17 Redwings, four Fieldfare a pair of Great Spotted Woodpeckers (at the Oak Hide feeder) made up the other records in the log.

29th November 2020

Misty all day.

A female Goosander roosted overnight and early morning there were two Shelduck, nine Pochard, five Common Gulls, four Herring Gulls, four Little Egrets and a flock of 60 Siskins in the Alders by Oak Hide.

In the early afternoon two Dunlin appeared, initially on Railway Pool before moving to Car Park Pool in the mid-afternoon period.  At that time a Peregrine attacked but failed to catch a Moorhen on Car Park Pool.  Water Rails showed both in the north causeway bay and on the mud in the Reedbed.

A minimum of 900 Starlings produced a good murmuration before roosting in the reeds in the north causeway bay in the late afternoon.  A Song Thrush was also in song by the Dragonfly Pool.

28th November 2020

Misty all day with some rain.

There was a Great White Egret as the north end of the Reedbed at 07:50 this morning before moving briefly to Car Park Pool and then disappearing.  There were also at least three Little Egrets, four Snipe, two Shelducks and male Kestrel and male Sparrowhawk with Water Rail and Grey Wagtail seen on the Reedbed and about 20 Chaffinches using the crop field Oaks to drop on to the feed that has been spread on the north side of those trees.

Other counts today were 11 Mute Swans, nine Greylags, 106 Canadas, 187 Wigeon, 24 Gadwall, 13 Shoveler, 27 Mallard, 102 Teal, eight male Pochard, nine Tufteds, 20 Cormorants, three Herons, two Little Grebes, 80 Moorhen, 59 Coot, 42 Lapwing, 70 Black-headed Gulls, three Common Gulls, five Lesser Black-back Gulls, a Treecreeper along the causeway, a Coal Tit at the Oak Hide feeders, probably the same bird along the central stream a little later, Cetti’s Warblers in the marsh and below River Hide, four Lesser Red Polls in flight north over the Old Road, at least 50 Fieldfares and 25 Redwings feeding on the berries along the Old Road and a male Stonechat, 60 to 70 Linnets and 12 Meadow Pipits on the land east of the A452.

26th November 2020

Sunny after frost and fog.

The only birds in the log today were a female Goosander which had clearly roosted overnight and 17 Common Gulls, all on Car Park Pool.

25th November 2020

Mostly sunny.

A first-winter Mediterranean Gull was on Railway Pool mid-morning and on Car Park Pool there were ten Pochards, six Snipe and 17 Common Gulls.

Along the Old Road in the afternoon there was a Goldcrest and a flock of nine Long-tailed Tits together with 15 Redwings and 17 Fieldfares.  The regular Kestrel was hunting the verges there.

On the flood plain there were 104 Greylags, 91 Canadas, 15 Mallard, 60 Jackdaw and 170 Wigeon and 134 Lapwing on Car Park Pool.

27th November 2020

Cold and sunny.

The works on Railway Pool were completed today and a small amount achieved on the Reedbed but a combination of shortage of time and poor ground conditions meant that less was achieved than had been hoped and the digger is going off site tomorrow morning.

Big thanks to John Farmer for all the works completed and to John Belsey, Pete Sofley and John Hunt for their input into the final outcome.

On the Reedbed today, at various times, there were three Grey Wagtails feeding together on the disturbed ground, 15 Redwings and ten Fieldfare were spread between Oak Hide and the car park and a Water Rail feeding on the open ground at the far end.  At least ten Reed Buntings roosted in the Reedbed and a minimum of 300 Starlings performed an excellent murmuration against the stunning sunset.

A female Cetti’s Warbler showed really well in front of River Hide where some of the recent works have taken place.  A Water Rail called regularly from the marsh where there were five Pied Wagtails enjoying the newly disturbed ground.

A Kestrel hunted the Reserve for most of the day, a Sparrowhawk was seen at dawn and a female Goosander roosted on Car Park Pool at least 300 Starlings came in to roost in the north causeway bay.

Photographs by Nick Barlow

View from River Hide following works on Railway Pool – 27th November 2020

Sunset from the car park with Starlings coming into roost – 27th November 2020

25th and 26th November

Records to follow.

 Photographs by Nick Barlow

Gadwall on the Reedbed at dawn – 26th November 2020

View of the Marsh from Oak hide, following recent works – 26th November 2020

24th November 2020

Mostly sunny.

Today’s counts comprised 20 Common Gulls, two Lesser Black-backed Gulls, five Herring Gulls, three Little Egrets, two Cetti’s Warblers (a male in the marsh and a female on the causeway), a Raven over Siden Hill Wood; whilst on the railway embankment there were at least 50 Fieldfares and 25 Redwings.  East of the A452 good flocks of birds included 50 Linnets, 35 Meadow Pipits and four Skylarks.

23rd November 2020

Frosty and foggy start.

There were Bullfinches again in the back gate, heard but not seen, and 10 to 15 each of Fieldfares and Redwings could be heard more than seen in the gloom, spread along the path from Railway Hide to the car park, with a majority around the car park itself.  13 Pheasants were seen in the crop field and a Kestrel was hunting through the gloom over the Railway Pool embankments.

As the light slowly improved throughout the day other bits and pieces included the count of nine Snipe on the front edge of Car Park Pool below the hide and two further birds visible on the now lowered Reedbed Pool; five Long-tailed Tits, seven Goldfinches and five Greenfinches amongst other birds on the car park feeder and a Great Crested Grebe on Railway Pool.

In the afternoon the Snipe total increased to 12, 25 Cormorants were counted and in the evening several hundred Starlings provided a nice murmuration before roosting in the north causeway bay.

A big thanks to John Hunt for removing over 150 self-set Alders on his own and other items of voluntary work around the Reserve. Ditto to Brian Harris who daily keeps the feeders topped up.

22nd November 2020

Remaining mild and sunny most of the day.

The Egyptian Geese were briefly on Car Park Pool this morning before flying to the flood plain and seven Common Gulls joined a small group of Black-headed Gulls on the same pool.

Four Water Rails included two on the causeway, one at Oak Hide and one in front of Railway whilst three Cetti’s Warblers included males in the marsh and the causeway and a female in the Reedbed.  There were also three Common Snipe on Railway Pool.

A walk through the ground by the Aeromodellers yielded at least 20 Skylarks and 100 mixed Fieldfares and Redwings.

A Bullfinch was again heard in the back gate copse along with a Jay, there was a Grey Wagtail on the manure heap, two Treecreepers along the path to Railway Hide, a Raven went over and Green Woodpeckers were seen by the Car Park and Oak Hide.

21st November 2020

Mild, occasional sunny intervals and light drizzle.

This morning’s counts comprised 14 Mute Swans, 58 Greylags, 67 Canadas, 21 Shoveler, 32 Gadwall, 124 Wigeon, 26 Mallard, 70 Teal, 14 Pochards, ten Tufteds, 24 Cormorants, three Herons, four Little Egrets, 19 Moorhen, 57 Coot, 133 Lapwings, one Snipe, 115 Black-headed Gulls, 11 Common Gulls, two Herring Gulls, four Lesser Black-backed Gulls and a pair of Muntjac around the margins of Railway Pool.

The concrete road held two Mistle Thrushes and over 40 Redwings and 30 Fieldfares, whilst later in the day a Grey Wagtail and two Pied Wagtails were feeding in front of Railway Hide. The adult Greater Black-backed Gull also put in an appearance.

At dusk at least 600 Starlings formed a murmuration before roosting in the Reedbed and there were a similar number of Jackdaws on the flood plain.

20 November 2020

Drizzly all day.

Due to work on Railway Pool and the trees along the central stream, it was not surprising that records were rather few and far between. That said, at least two Grey Wagtails and a Kingfisher were enjoying the lowered margins on Railway Pool and at least four Little Egrets were feeding around the margins before going over the railway to roost. At least 1500 Starlings performed an excellent murmuration before appearing to roost in the north causeway bay and two or three Water Rails and two Cetti’s Warblers were vocal around Railway Pool in the evening. Half a dozen Snipe could be heard leaving Railway Pool to feed in the adjoining fields, at dusk, when a pair of Tawny Owls were calling by the back gate.

19th November 2020

Cool and wet start, mostly cloudy, light north-westerly, becoming milder again towards the end of the day.

The first returning Shelduck, a female, was on Car Park Pool briefly from 13:30 to 13:45.

14 Pheasants were in the crop field or around the car park feeders and there were 30 to 40 each of Fieldfare and Redwing by Patrick Farm.  A Water Rail called below Railway Hide and other bits and pieces comprised 32 Cormorants, 14 Pochard, six Snipe (on the Dragonfly Pond) and two Siskin in the back gate copse.

18th November 2020

Overcast, rain on and off for most of the day, turning cooler by mid-afternoon.

There was a drake Goosander on Car Park Pool until about 07:35 when it departed and 18 Redwings flew over Railway Pool.

Between 11:30 and 11:40 a Peregrine showed particularly well over Car Park Pool as it chased and harassed the Gulls, the flock of which included ten Common Gulls and three Herring Gulls. There was also a ringed Lapwing with details hopefully to follows.

17th November 2020

Mostly overcast, light south-westerly.

The Great White Egret must be roosting either on the Reserve or nearby as it flew south down river in the direction of Bradnock’s Marsh at just after 08:00.  Little Egrets also seem to be roosting nearby as up to six have been seen at dawn, possibly coming from Bradnock’s Marsh.

Inspecting the re-profiling of the shoreline on the islands in front of Railway Pool this morning, there was again a Jack Snipe on the shoreline along with two Water Rails.  Just after 13:00 a female type Merlin shot across the pools towards the crop field chasing a finch.

At least 11 Redwing, Redpoll and Siskin were present on the railway embankment and Grey and Pied Wagtail flew over.

Counts today were as follows: 22 Mute Swans, 50 Canadas, 39 Greylags, 28 Shoveler, 26 Gadwall, 186 Wigeon, 25 Mallard, 66 Teal, 16 Pochard, 12 Tufteds, 23 Cormorants, four Little Egrets, three Herons, two Little Grebes, ten Moorhen, 71 Coot, 106 Lapwing, 51 Black-headed Gulls, 18 Common Gulls, four Lesser Black-backed Gulls and one Herring Gull.

East of the A452 there was a male Stonechat, 24 Meadow Pipits and least 50 Linnets and a Peregrine went over at 13:15.

A quick inspection of the work on the islands in the late afternoon produced what was presumably the same female Merlin again, performing similarly to earlier.  It came over the railway line from Bradnock’s Marsh and shot over the edge of Railway Pool towards the crop field.  There was a small roost of about 200 Starlings and five Little Egrets flew upstream, presumably to roost.

16th November 2020

Mostly overcast, occasional drizzle, light south-westerly, remaining mild.

The works commencing on Railway Pool this morning involved the removal of some of the scrub that had developed between Railway Hide and the river which amongst other things, is impacting on the land for breeding waders. In addition, an additional pool is going to be formed in front of Railway Hide, on the mainland. The shore in front of Railway Hide and on the island opposite are going to be sculpted to make more bays which we intend to plant up with Yellow Flag to provide additional cover for young waders.

Work after this will hopefully see the improvement of the marsh before moving on to some reed removal in the Reedbed Pool and the north causeway bay.

Whilst meeting the contractor this morning three Jack Snipe were flushed from the area in front of Railway Hide, a Water Rail scurried away along the bank towards the river and two more Rails were heard by Oak Hide.  An adult Whooper Swan arrived briefly on Car Park Pool about 08:10 and stayed for about half an hour before departing.  What appears to be the same Whooper Swan (from the earlier today) turned up later in the day at Ripple Pits in south Worcestershire.

400 Starlings came out of the reedbed at first light and flew off south-west.

A Great White Egret flew over from the south mid-morning but didn’t land.  Seven Common Gulls joined the adult Great Black-backed on Car Park.

There was a Grey Wagtail and two Pied Wagtails on the muck heap.

Last but not least, a Woodcock flushed from the side of the railway in Siden Hill Wood.

15th November 2020

Sunshine and showers, blustery south-westerly early on, easing throughout the day.

Today was one of those days where it appeared to be relatively quiet on the pools with the more noteworthy records to the north.  40 Pied Wagtails and a Green Sandpiper were feeding on the flashes north of Patrick Farm this afternoon.  300 to 400 Starlings over the reedbed at dusk to roost whilst during the day the adult Greater Black-backed Gull was present on Car Park Pool along with three Common Gulls, two Lesser Black-backs and a Herring Gull.  20 Fieldfares and ten Redwings were feeding in the trees along the river opposite Car Park Hide and other bits and pieces included 32 Shoveler, 170 Lapwing, a Cetti’s Warbler in the marsh and a Kestrel over the crop field.

14th November 2020

Overnight wind and rain, persisting throughout the day.

A few quality birds today came in the shape of a Woodcock which was flushed from the crop field and a first-winter Mediterranean Gull that was present twice on Railway Pool in the morning before, on both occasions, disappearing to Bradnock’s Marsh.

A 100 Fieldfares went over at dawn along with 11 Redwings; there were a further five Redwings on the railway embankment and 10 – 15 along the Old Road.

Two Grey Wagtails fed separately, one on the flood plain and one on the old muck heap.  There were at least seven Common Gulls together with the adult Greater Black-backed Gull.  A flock of 12 Chaffinches fed on the edge of the crop field and there were at least 400 Jackdaws on the flood plain.

300 to 400 Starlings came in to roost.

Seven attended the work party and on not a particularly pleasant afternoon.  Further weeding and scything of the islands took place and some drain clearance as well. Many thanks to those who attended.

First-winter Mediterranean Gull on Railway Pool – Photographs by John Coakley

13th November 2020

Heavy overnight rain and a blustery south-westerly wind, cleared at dawn to give a sunny day.

A flock of 20 Snipe flew around Railway Pool first thing and appeared to land in the marsh.  A Cetti’s Warbler was in song on the causeway but there were no other records.


12th November 2020

Sunny and mild after overnight rain and wind.

A walk along the Old Road yielded about 25 Redwing and three Fieldfare feeding in ones and twos on the Hawthorn berries between the cottages and the muck heap. There were also three Goldcrests, six Goldfinches, three Greenfinch, six Chaffinches, four Siskins and five Skylarks, the latter on the field by the former Aeromodellers. A further eight Fieldfares and 30 Wood Pigeons went over.

A male Stonechat was east of the A452 with a Grey Wagtail at the entrance gate cottages. 15 Pochard, a relatively high count of 300 Black-headed Gulls, 15 Rooks on the flood plain and 15 Siskins along the concrete road made up the other records during the day.  At least 100 Starlings came in to roost in the evening.

Kestrel hunting adjacent Oak Hide – 12th November 2020 – Photographs by Anthony Burbery

11th November 2020

Mostly overcast, increasing south-easterly wind.

100 Redwings went over at first light with a further 51 Redwings by 8.20 along with two Pied Wagtails, a Meadow Pipit, four Siskin, 16 Goldfinches, two Chaffinches and 17 Wood Pigeons over between 8.20 and 9 a.m. 15 Fieldfares were perched in the river side trees opposite Car Park Hide, Bullfinches were seen and heard around the back gate and at Oak Hide and at least two Cetti’s Warblers were in song.

10 Pied Wagtails were present on Car Park Pool with four more on the muck heap (or what remains of it). Two Ravens flew over, 400 Jackdaws with nine Rooks were on the flood plain and 50 Redwings and five Fieldfare were present around an increasingly denuded Patrick Farm.

Herons adhering to social distancing – 11th November 2020 – Photograph by Keith Barnsley

10th November 2020

Occasional sunny intervals, mostly cloudy, south, south-westerly wind.

Counts today comprised 206 Wigeon, 13 Pochard, 100 Lapwing (including the colour-ringed bird again), seven Snipe, four Herring Gulls, 20 Siskins along the central stream, a female Stonechat east of the A452, a Raven over the wood and, later in the morning, a female Goosander. In the afternoon, both Kestrel and Peregrine were noted in the log.

9th November 2020

Mostly overcast, south-westerly wind.

Three Goosanders roosted overnight and departed early from Car Park Pool at 7.30 am. There was a Water Rail in front of the Reedbed Hide, the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull on Car Park Pool and eight Redwings on the railway embankment.

A Grey Wagtail was present around the Patrick Farm entrance, a Raven flew over and other bits and pieces included two Goldcrests outside Oak Hide, two Snipe and two Little Egrets on Car Park Pool.

8th November 2020

Still, misty and drizzly start, light slowly improving.

A female Garganey was found by Glen Giles this morning at about 8.30 before promptly disappearing for approximately two hours and then showing again in front of Car Park Hide until 12.30 at least. It seemed to disappear into the north causeway bay and then subsequently roosted on the left-hand island as viewed from Car Park Hide.

A Dunlin was on Railway Pool, briefly, before being spooked and flying off. In the murk, a few things were on the move, including 14 Starlings, two Meadow Pipits, three Chaffinches and two Siskins with approximately 150 Redwings and ten Fieldfares over. A very active and noisy Mistle Thrush appeared around the car park at approximately 10.15 but was constantly on the move and then disappeared, probably a migrant.

Other bits and pieces in the morning included five Common Gulls, five Lesser Blackbacked Gulls, the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull, five Greenfinches and both Woodpeckers.

At about mid-day, the Dunlin reappeared on Railway Pool, visible from Railway Hide. There were 16 Pochard, 34 Shoveler and two Water Rails. The latter were heard in the Marsh and in the causeway bay.

7th November 2020

Cold, frosty and sunny start becoming increasingly mild with temperatures up to 11 degrees.

Reedbed Pool – Photograph by Nick Barlow

Another frost and more Pigeons – 1200 flew over between 7.30 am and 8.15 with other birds on the move in the same period comprising five Common Gulls, 53 Fieldfares, 20 Redwings, eight Meadow Pipits, 20 Goldfinches, two Chaffinches, a Reed Bunting, three Pied Wagtails and one Stock Dove (with the Pigeons). A Snipe flew over from the south and dropped onto the Dragonfly Pool and there were five Green Finches and a Great Spotted Woodpecker at the car park feeder.

Wildfowl and other counts, care of Graham and Dave, were as follows: 20 Mute Swans, 76 Canadas, 212 Greylags, a Canada Greylag cross, 145 Wigeon, 24 Gadwall, 26 Shoveler, 20 Mallard, 83 Teal, eight Pochard and a noticeable increase in Tufted Ducks to 47, six Herons, two Little Egrets, 23 Cormorants, two Little Grebes, 11 Moorhen, 69 Coot, 93 Lapwing, 118 Blackheaded Gulls, 13 Common Gulls, five Lesser Blackbacks, two Herring Gulls, ten Skylarks, a further 33 Redwing and 20 Fieldfare, one Cetti’s Warbler in the Marsh; and east of the A452, a male Stonechat and a Grey Wagtail whilst three late Common Darters were noted around the Dragonfly Pond.

In the late afternoon there were seven Snipe on the shore in front of Car Park Hide and c.1000 Starlings in an excellent murmuration came into the Reedbed to roost at 4.30 with one being picked off by a Peregrine.   A Blackcap was feeding on apples at Patrick Farm with 100 Starlings on the overhead wires there, and a Grey Wagtail and two Pied Wagtails by the muck heap.

Near the Car Park – Photograph by Nick Barlow

6th November 2020

Sunny, cool, light south-easterly wind, after a light frost.

Few records today. The adult Greater Black-backed Gull was present on Car Park Pool still and a Stoat showed well by the gate between Oak and Railway Hide. There was another one yesterday near the car park.

5th November 2020

Still, sunny, with some cloud.

There was another movement of Wood Pigeons this morning with 440 flying through south-west between 8 am and 8.20 am. Most carried on but a few did drop in to Siden Hill Wood. There were 150 Fieldfares over or around the Siden Hill Wood area as well and 15 Redwings, 10 Starlings, two Siskins and four Chaffinches also flew over, whilst eight Redwings dropped into the Old Road and there were two Fieldfares and a Song Thrush by the car park. The adult Greater Blackbacked Gull was again on Car Park Pool.

Later in the day, well over 100 Chaffinches were found in the corner of the field at the back of Siden Hill Wood. Two, possibly three, Bullfinches were in the hedge by the mobile phone mast and there was a regular scattering of Thrushes in the walk all the way around.

4th November 2020

Cool, frosty start, sunny and light winds.

A Kestrel was mobbing Buzzards above the entrance gate in the afternoon and there was a female Goosander on Car Park Pool, along with the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull. A Green Woodpecker showed in front of Car Park Hide, a Bullfinch was heard in the back gate copse, where there were 30 Siskins and then, as the day closed in, about 400 Starlings roosted in the Reedbed at 4.30 pm.

3rd November 2020

Wet overnight, clearing quickly, mostly sunny, but noticeably cooler with the wind having moved around to the west.

Between 8 and 10 am this morning there was a large movement of Wood Pigeons south-west with a minimum of 3000 birds flying over.

The Pinkfooted Goose and two Egyptian Geese were on site again, though could not be found in the early afternoon. 25 Pochard, five Common Gulls and two Little Egrets were also counted on the pools.

Treecreeper, Nuthatch and Goldcrest were seen in the back gate copse, with a handful of Redwings on the railway embankment, two to three Redwings (at least) on the causeway and a small number of Redwings and a single Fieldfare on the flood plain. The usual Grey Wagtail and four Pied Wagtails were on the muck store and there was a Siskin along the concrete road.

In the afternoon, three different Cetti’s Warblers were heard – Causeway, Marsh and between the Oak Hide and the south-west pond. 11 female Goosanders came in to roost.

2nd November 2020

Mostly sunny, blowy from the south-west.

The Pinkfooted Goose and two Egyptian Geese were on the Reserve today along with 259 Canadas. 23 Pochard and five Common Gulls were counted on Car Park Pool, there was a Kestrel over the crop field and a pair of Treecreepers in the back gate copse.

1st November 2020

Sunny and mild with temperatures over 15 degrees centigrade, blustery south-westerly with showers in the afternoon.

By the end of the day there was a reasonable selection of records with the Pinkfooted Goose again in amongst the Greylags, principally present in the afternoon when it roosted. There were two Egyptian Geese on the flood plain where the river had flooded to a small extent. Three Green Sandpipers were on the left hand flash opposite Patrick Farm and, at dusk, eight red-head Goosanders came in to roost on Car Park Pool.

Other wildfowl counts today included 31 Pochard and at least 50 Shoveler. Other birds of note included Cetti’s Warbler and Water Rail in the causeway bay, ten Siskin the in the back gate copse, 15 Fieldfares, a Redwing and Kestrel around the car park / Old Road, nine Fieldfare and 28 Redwing around the margins of Railway Pool.