Packington Estate


Please note that with effect from 20th January 2021 Marsh Lane, Hampton in Arden will be gated just north of the railway bridge which accesses the Marsh Lane Nature Reserve car park, to the west of Siden Hill Wood.  The gate is going to be locked overnight.  Solihull Council have deemed this has become necessary due to frequent problems of anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping and other forms of environmental crime at Bradnocks Marsh.

The closing/opening times will be as follows:

  • 1st April – 30th September 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.
  • 1st October – 31st March 6 p.m. to 8 a.m.

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) – Updated 15th April 2021

The Reserve remains open.  Members have been helpful and responsible during the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Please continue to co-operate by:

  1. Remembering social distancing – 2m minimum between people.
  2. No more than three people, per hide at any one time, subject to (1) above.
  3. For the time being, please leave two hide flaps open permanently, one on each side, to allow for air flow.
  4. A spray and cloth has been put into the six main hides so that if people wish to, they can wipe down doors, flaps, shelves etc.
  5. A mask is preferred for people using hides. 

Can all visitors please ensure they follow HM Government guidance in respect of hand sanitisation and social distancing, and ensure they avoid the Reserve  if they or any family members (or anyone else you may be in contact with) are showing any symptoms associated with Covid-19.

Work Party Dates

December 4th – 2 pm

December 13th – This is an all day work party which may cause some disturbance to other members

January 15th – 2pm

February 12th – 2pm

March 12th – 2pm

April 9th – 2pm

May 4th –  6pm

Link to West Midland Bird Ringing Group:


2nd November – photograph added

2nd and 3rd November 2021 – records updated.

30th November 2021

Mild and bright with mostly high clouds south westerly.

Seven Siskins and two Lesser Redpolls were feeding in the alders along the Concrete Road this afternoon and a pair of Stonechats were again in the former Aeromodellers field, beyond the large oak by Patricks Farm. On Car Park Pool, the adult Greater Black-back Gull was joined by two Lesser Black-backed Gulls, a Herring Gull and ten Common Gulls.

Siskin in the alders by Concrete Road – Photograph by Paul Casey

29th November 2021

Yesterday’s snow slowly melting slowly becoming milder. Weak sun, bright intervals.

The only birds making the log today were the adult Greater Black-back Gull on Car Park Pool, three Siskins in the alders behind Oak Hide and two more along the Old Road, a Meadow Pipit feeding around the car park and a Treecreeper in the Back Gate Copse.

Cormorant in front of Car Park Hide – Photograph by Paul Casey

Chaffinch along the Old Road – Photograph by Paul Casey

28th November 2021

Sunny, cold and frosty start, light northerly. Snow from 13:30 which lay about an inch deep towards the end of the day. Pool edges were frozen.

The most noteworthy occurrence this morning was a steady passage of large Gulls north over the Reserve between 8am and 9am. I counted 327 of which the majority were Lesser Black-backs and about 25% were Herring Gulls, although the precise numbers were impossible with the birds flying due (on a sample count where possible) north against the sun. There was one adult Lesser Black-backed Gull amongst them.

A flock of 13 Goldfinches were present in the streamline alders and about 60 Redwings were spread around the Reserve or flying over in small groups. Eight Reed Buntings were in the crop field but there weren’t any other birds up until 9am at least. A pair of Bullfinches were feeding on berries on the Causeway and the Water Rail called from the north Causeway Bay.

73 further large Gulls went northeast between 9:30 and 10:30 in small groups comprising 50% Herring Gulls and 50% Lesser Black-backed Gulls. On Car Park Pool, the adult Greater Black-back Gull joined three Common Gulls amongst a few Black-heads.

A Siskin Flew over the Back Gate Copse, the pair of Stonechats were again along the Old Road by the Aeromodellers and 40 Redwings were spread down the Old Road feeding on the berries. There were however only two Fieldfares amongst them. A Grey Wagtail fed along the margins of Railway Pool and the adult female Peregrine perched in Siden Hill Wood during the late morning and early afternoon. A Sparrowhawk spooked the birds around the Oak Hide feeder. In the late morning and early afternoon, two drake Goosanders flew over and landed on the Blythe and a count of 36 Shovelers was made on Car Park Pool.

A pair of Bullfinches fed on the Guelder Rose berries behind Railway Hide, Water Rails were heard from the Marsh and the south end of Railway Pool, a Kestrel hunted the Reserve generally, there was a single Yellowhammer and a handful of Chaffinches in the crop field and lastly, a Lesser Redpoll was in the alders by the Back Gate.

27th November 2021

Early snow showers, brightening later, gale force northerly wind and cold.

The crop field which has been quiet up until now, attracted a decent flock of birds this morning with 40 Chaffinches, 20 Reed Buntings and a male Yellowhammer, along with ten Pheasants. We intend to start scattering supplementary feed in the field to the south of the oak trees in the hope of adding to the sown seed and attracting more birds.

There were three Stonechats on or around the site, a female on the fence down to Car Park Hide and a pair by the oak tree in the former Aeromodellers field.

Other counts c/o Graham and Dave were 13 Mute Swans, 130 Canadas, 45 Greylags, 27 Shoveler, only three Gadwall, 275 Wigeon, 28 Mallard, 348 Teal, eight Tufted, 46 Cormorants, three Herons, two Little Egrets, three Little Grebes, nine Moorhen, 49 Coot, ten Lapwing, 75 Black-headed Gulls, two Common Gulls, one Herring Gull and three Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

26th November 2021

Increasingly windy from the north west, periodic heavy showers after some overnight rain.

Some counts today from Reserve yielded over 220 Wigeon, 35 Shoveler, 195 Teal, eight Tufted, 41 Coot, one Little Egret, two Snipe, 35 Lapwing, eight Common Gulls, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull and 80 Redwings.

25th November 2021

Sunny but light northerly.

There were limited records today with the adult Greater Black-backed Gull on Car Park Pool, a Sparrowhawk generally hunting the Reserves and ten Skylarks on the former Aeromodellers field. Four Greenfinches were utilising the car park feeders and at least 25 Redwings, mostly around the Car Park, were enjoying the hawthorn berries, there was a first single Little Egret.

24th November

Overcast and mostly still.

A female Stonechat was on the fence down to Car Park Hide at 11:30 this morning.

In the afternoon and towards dusk, a Kestrel was hunting the crop field, 45 Redwings were present across the Reserve and over 400 Corvids came in from the south-west to roost, initially on the floodplain and subsequently in Siden Hill Wood.

23rd November 2021

Overcast, bright, cool northerly frost.

A Barn Owl was present at dawn hunting around the car park and then in the crop field. There were a pair of Goosanders roosting on Car Park Pool at dawn but they flew off just after first light. There were also five drake Pochards.

On Car Park Pool in the afternoon, there were 11 Common Gulls. A single Snipe was feeding in the Marsh and a pair of Bullfinches and a Song Thrush were in the Back Gate Copse. 11 Skylarks were feeding together in the former Aeromodellers field.

22nd November 2021

Sunny, light northerly frost.

An adult Peregrine flew over Car Park Pool in the afternoon when 16 Common Gulls were in amongst Black-heads on Car Park Pool and there were three Snipe on the shoreline in front of the hide. Three Meadow Pipits and at least one Skylark were in the Aeromodellers field.

A female Goosander was on the river north of the Reserve whilst at Bradnocks Marsh, two female Goldeneyes were present with three Siskins in the alders there.

21st November 2021

Sunny and bright, but with an increasingly strong and northerly wind.

The female Ferruginous Duck continued to show today, principally from River Hide, although it occasionally wandered across the pool into deeper water. It does however prefer the shallow water and the margins of Railway Pool.

Ferruginous Duck – Photograph by Dave Hutton – with the sun highlighting the Ferruginous colours

Other birds making the log today were two female-type Goosanders on Car Park Pool, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull along with five Common Gulls on Car Park Pool where there were also ten Mute Swans and 31 Shovelers. Five Pochard, one Little Egret and a Sparrowhawk comprised the rest of the records.

20th November 2021

Mixture of mostly overcast with occasional sunny intervals light Westerly.

Graham Rowling and Dave Scanlan undertake the wildfowl counts on most Saturday mornings. As Bill Oddie used to say the benefit of counting is that you are more diligent in picking out unusual birds, and when Graham picked up a duck on the small island, on Railway Pool, from River Hide that set his pulse rating, a quick word to Dave for backup confirmed his initial view that it was a female Ferruginous duck, a first the Reserve. The bird showed all day at but it could be difficult to see as it hunted very close to the shore in front of River Hide. Picking out the colours was also difficult in the often poor light. This is an excellent find and is probably the relocating bird from Belvide Reservoir.

Other counts today comprised seven Mute Swans 12 Canada Geese one Canada / Greylag hybrid, 39 Greylags, two drake Mandarins, 26 Shoveler, 17 Gadwall, 178 Wigeon, 80 Mallard, 225 Teal, four Pochard, 17 Tufted Ducks, one Little Grebe, four Herons, one Little Egret, 14 Cormorants, four Moorhens, 55 Coot, 304 Lapwing (the best count of the autumn so far), 52 Black-headed Gulls, 20 Common Gulls, four Herring Gulls, two Lesser Black-backed Gulls and the adult Greater Black-backed Gull.

The adult Peregrine was perched in the front of Siden Hill Wood for some of the morning and singing Cetti’s Warbler included a showy bird in front of River Hide and a second bird are on the Causeway. Small numbers of Thrushes were scattered around the thorn bushes across the Reserve and one flock of 32 Fieldfares flew south-west over Railway Pool. A Sparrowhawk hunted over Car Park Pool and there were three Siskins in the alders by Oak Hide.

Ferruginous Duck – Photograph by Nick Barlow

19th November 2021

The weather was sunny intervals, light south westerly remaining mild.

Initially only the male Stonechat could be found along the concrete road by the Dragonfly pond this morning but later in the day, the pair had moved north to the large oak in the Aero modellers field. Singles of Siskin and Redpoll were feeding in the alders nearby.

On Car Park Pool there were 20 Common Gulls, two Herring Gulls and five Lesser Black-backed Gulls and at 3:30 three Redhead Goosanders came into roost there. A Sparrowhawk was perched on the railway embankment, a Cetti’s Warbler sang by the Dragonfly pool and there were still two Meadow Pipits on the tip field.

Little Grebe – Photograph by Andy Ambrose

18th November 2021

Cloudy South Westerly remaining mild.

The Stonechats were feeding by the Dragonfly Pond this morning with two Meadow Pipits nearby, but these were the only records in the log.

17th November 2021

Sunny, cooler South Westerly, mild.

The pair of Stonechats were back around the Dragonfly Pond this morning. They do wander east of the A452 and north into the older Aero modellers field. There was a Little Egret and Common Snipe, 17 Meadow Pipits in the tip field , 20 Common and two Herring Gulls on Car Park pool and a scattering of Redwings along the Old Road. The mobile Linnet flock, including the bird with the white head, were also around the Aero modellers field and a small group of five Chaffinches nearby.

16th November

Foggy start mostly overcast light southerly.

The only record making the log today was of a Kingfisher which was fishing from the posts in front of Oak hide.

15th November 2021

Misty start, sun slowly breaking through, light south westerly.

A Barn Owl was seen at dawn from the North causeway hide and 7 Goosanders had roosted overnight on car park pool (one male and six female). Other records were limited to 8 drake Pochards on Railway Pool, 3 Jay at the Oak hide feeders and a Grey Wagtail on the flood plain.

14th November 2021

Overcast start, sun breaking through in the middle of the day, light (??)

The adult Whooper Swan was back on Car Park Pool this morning and Common Gulls reached a significant 34 today. There were also just five Pochard and a Little Egret initially and a Grey Wagtail in front of Oak Hide.

Later in the morning, three Water Rails were heard – Causeway, River Hide and the Marsh and a pair of Stonechats (both un-ringed) east of the A452. A Lesser Redpoll was heard in the alders along the central stream and both Nuthatch and Coal Tit were present in the trees by the southwest pond.

A flock of over 30 Grey Geese flew high south over Siden in a perfect V formation but were not heard to call. They appeared less bulky than Greylags and may have been Pink Feet but could not be clinched.

In the afternoon, there were three Little Egrets on the floodplain amongst the remaining cattle and three Redpolls in a flock of a dozen Goldfinch by Patrick Farm.

As dusk began to settle, the three Little Egrets flew upstream towards Bradnocks Marsh, presumably to roost. A Kestrel came from the Berkswell direction to roost on the railway arches and Redwings were dropping to the Causeway bushes and to the Old Road, also to roost. Other roosting activity included about 30 Starlings in the Reedbed, a Bullfinch which called before landing in the Back Gate Copse and at least 500 Jackdaws which came in from the south to perch either in the tall Ash trees on the floodplain or in Siden Hill Wood and were presumably aiming to roost in the wood, albeit it was nearly dark at that stage. Finally, as on the previous night, six Goosander arrived on Car Park Pool at 4:30pm.

13th November 2021

Overcast, light drizzle to begin with, periodic sunny intervals thereafter, remaining mild at about 11-12 degrees, light north westerly.

Todays counts courtesy of Graham Rowling and Dave Scanlan was as follows: eight Mute Swans, 150 Greylag, 140 Canadas, 19 Gadwall, 38 Shoveler, 275 Wigeon, 86 Mallard, 328 Teal, seven Pochard, 18 Tufted, 21 Cormorants, six Herons, singles of Little Egret and Little Grebe, 12 Moorhen, 61 Coot, 99 Lapwing, a Snipe on the Dragonfly Pond, 235 Black-headed Gulls, 13 Common Gulls, 13 Herring Gulls, four Lesser-black backed Gulls, the adult Greater Black-Back, a pair of Goosander, a pair of Stonechat (north of Patrick Farm of which the male is un-ringed but the female is ringed), a Grey Wagtail over the Back Gate Copse, a Lesser Redpoll over Siden Hill Wood, a Nuthatch on the Railway line, a Raven over Siden Hill Wood and lastly two Siskins also by the wood.

In the evening, six Goosanders came into roost of which two were males.

12th November 2021

A mixture of sunny intervals, overcast remaining mild, some drizzle.

A two hour session between 12:45 and 2:45 this afternoon yielded the following counts: 168 Wigeon, 360 Teal, 64 Shoveler, 18 Gadwall, 12 Tufted, seven Pochard, 25 Cormorants, 120 Lapwing, 17 Common Gulls.

The regular Peregrine caught a Moorhen!

11th November 2021

Overcast, occasional sunny intervals, light south – westerly, rain in the evening.

There were plenty of birds around this morning with Thrushes to the fore. At least 70 Redwings included both birds flying over and those feeding either in the Back Gate Copse, along the Causeway or in the Blythe riverside trees. At least six Song Thrushes was notable with the birds generally as singles between Railway Hide and the Causeway. At least ten Blackbirds were feeding on the thorns along the Causeway as well and two Fieldfares were amongst the Redwings along the river.

Treecreeper and Goldcrest were amongst the small Tit flock in the Back Gate Copse with another Goldcrest on the central stream. Singing Cetti’s Warblers have probably been as high as three in the last few days but this morning there was just a vocal bird near the south west pond and a second one in the North Causeway Bay where a noisy Water Rail called consistently for about 10 minutes.

An adult Peregrine was hunting the floodplain just after first light and is probably the large female that has been present for the last few days. Four Little Egrets, eight Pochard, a Dabchick, six Bullfinches, four Greenfinches and five Linnets were the other birds making the log early morning.

Some good records in the afternoon included a flock of about 40 Lesser Redpolls in the Back Gate Copse briefly before heading west, two Coal Tits at the Oak Hide feeder, four Snipe on the gravel bar and 20 Common Gulls on Car Park Pool.

A roost ringing session this evening yielded 19 birds. Out of about 15 Reed Buntings coming into the Reedbed to roost, nine were ringed and of at least 100 Redwings roosting along the streamline or in the Blackthorn on the Causeway, six were ringed. Additional birds included: singles of Blackcap, Blackbird, Dunnock and Song Thrush. The Starling murmuration was less than 100 birds but Barn Owls were very vocal just after dusk.

10th November 2021

Overcast, drizzly and mild.

No records.

9th November 2021

High cloud, bright, mild, south-westerly wind.

A Peregrine flushed a Snipe from the margins of Railway Pool this morning and eight Pochard were amongst the plentiful wildfowl there. Common Gulls were coming and going this morning, though there were no more than eight at any one time. 15 Redwing were enjoying the berries along the Old Road, in the thinning thorns and at least six more were in the trees along the river.

In the afternoon, 50 Redwings and two Fieldfares were loosely spread across the Reserve with some preparing to roost along the central streamline. An impressive 37 Meadow Pipits were in the sheep field opposite the car park. A 400 strong Starling murmuration appeared before dusk but dispersed to the east. Last but not least, a Migrant Hawker was enjoying the mild conditions around the car park.

8th November 2021

Mostly overcast, mild, south-westerly wind.

Three Stonechats this morning included the regular male by the Dragonfly Pond, and a pair on the flood plane fences. Water Rail and Kingfisher were also noted, but with no location. Four Egyptian Geese were new in, there was a Coal Tit at the Oak Hide feeder and a Bullfinch in the Back Gate Copse.

7th November 2021

Sunny and mild. Increasing south-westerly wind.

Three Greater Black-backed Gulls today represented a good count for the Reserve. These included the regular adult, plus another adult and a first-winter, which flew over.

Two Migrant Hawkers hunting around the Reedbed gives some idea on how mild it is, with delayed leaf fall a further indication.

The male Stonechat was again around the Dragonfly Pond, an adult Peregrine went over, two Water Rail emerged from the cover to the right of Oak Hide and there was a Kingfisher on the Blythe by Packhorse Bridge.

6th November 2021

Overcast, strong south-westerly wind.

The increasing Wigeon and Teal numbers were reflected in further good counts today, although Shoveler numbers, having passed 100, have dropped back to lower double figures. The totals today were: 11 Mute Swans, five Greylags, 80 Canadas, 294 Wigeon, 26 Gadwall, 39 Shoveler, 93 Mallard, 305 Teal, eight Pochard, seven Tufted Ducks, 12 Moorhen, 66 Coot, one Little Grebe, 29 Cormorants, three Herons, 107 Lapwing, 126 Black-headed Gulls, 19 Common Gulls, two Herring Gulls and nine Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

The male Stonechat continued to entertain around the Dragonfly Pond and a single Grey Wagtail was fairly mobile around the Reserve.

A Green Sandpiper was on the flash north of Patrick Farm and more Fieldfares started to move through today with 20 over Railway Pool this morning along with 40 Redwing, and a further 40 Redwing were spread around the bushes along the Old Road and in the Back Gate Copse.

The work party were entertained by 150 Fieldfare and 70 Redwing which flew over at 3.30 pm, many of which dropped into the Old Road hedges and the crop field oaks.

Three Redpoll and a Siskin flew south down the Old Road and the work party flushed a Jack Snipe from the island in front of Railway Pool. Lastly, about 400 Starlings came in to roost in the reeds in the North Causeway Bay.

Ten attended the work party; thanks to all of those who attended. A good array of work was undertaken including the strimming of the rest of the island in front of Railway Pool, mowing and pollarding the willows by the car park feeder, digging out alders along the Car Park Pool shore and a start was made on lowering some of the taller trees along the Causeway.

5th November 2021

Mostly overcast, but mild.

This afternoon’s wildfowl count comprised two Mute Swans, 150 Wigeon, 309 Teal, 64 Shoveler, ten Gadwall, five Tufted Ducks and six Pochard. There were also four Dabchicks, 24 Cormorants, 51 Coot, 16 Common Gulls and three Siskins.

4th November 2021

Sunny and mild.

The Cattle Egret remained amongst the cattle on the flood plain this morning before flying to Car Park Pool briefly at 8:50 am, then on towards Railway before disappearing.

An immature Peregrine went over, the male Stonechat was still by the Dragonfly Pond, 30 Redwing flew south along with a Siskin and there was six Common Gulls and three Herring Gulls on Car Park Pool.


3rd November 2021

Misty with drizzly rain light northerly.

Fortunately, yesterdays Cattle Egret reappeared this morning feeding on the Flood plain, either amongst the cattle or along the riverside, north of Car Park Pool. There were at least 30 Redwings also feeding on the Flood plain west of the river and a flock of 50 Goldfinches flew over. Two Meadow Pipits and two Pied Wagtails were also amongst the remaining cattle.

Later in the day, a Whooper Swan was present on Car Park Pool and was joined by a second in the afternoon.

Whooper Swan – Photograph by Paul Casey

The Reserve’s first Fieldfares were seen today with a flock of 19 flying south over the Old Road along with three Redwings. Three Siskins were feeding in the alders by the Dragonfly Pond and counts today comprised three Snipe, three Herring Gulls, ten Common Gulls, 75 Shoveler, 244 Teal, 14 Pochard, 20 Wigeon and three Little Egrets. A Kestrel was hunting over the crop field and a Sparrowhawk went over. A Goldcrest was in amongst a small flock of Tits along the Causeway.

2nd November 2021

Sunny and frosty start remaining fine all day

The Reserves second Cattle Egret on Car Park Pool islands this morning put in a brief appearance as the first one in October 20216 and lingered for no more than half an hour before disappearing.

A House Sparrow was calling by the cottages this morning; other records to follow.

15 Pochard were spread across the pools and 11 Linnets were feeding on the Railway Pool islands. There was a male Stonechat by the Dragonfly Pond this morning which showed particularly well.

Raptors included Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and Buzzard. At 10:10, about 300 Wood Pigeons emerged from Siden Hill Wood and headed south with 60 Redwing.

Stonechat on Dragonfly Pond – by Stef Fraczek

1st November 2021

Sunshine and showers remaining mild

No records