Packington Estate


Work Party Dates

November 11th – 2pm

December 9th – 2 pm

31st October 2017

Sunny intervals, remaining mostly mild.

There were two Dunlin today and Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail both showed well in the recently cleared Marsh. A Water Rail was visible in the north causeway channels and on Car Park Pool there were five Snipe, a Common Gull and two Pochard.


30th October 2017

Sunny intervals, remaining mostly mild.

There was a Dunlin in front of Oak Hide this morning and an unidentified wader, seen briefly on the Dragonfly Pond. It was thought likely to be a Whimbrel.

Other miscellaneous records comprised six Redwings along the Old Road, four Rooks on the flood plain and a Water Rail in the Marsh.

Dunlin – 30 October 2017 – Photograph taken by Max Silverman

29th October 2017

Sunny intervals, mild, light north-westerly wind.

In the continuing mild and sunny conditions, a female Stonechat appears to have replaced the male on Railway Pool with this particular bird showing well in the Marsh. 32 Fieldfare went over, two Red-legged Partridges were in the field by the Aeromodellers, a Grey Wagtail and a Mistle Thrush were feeding around the buildings at Patrick Farm and five Lesser Redpolls and a Siskin were also in the area.

Other counts today comprised five Mutes, 266 Greylags, 18 Canadas, oddments in the shape of a Farmyard Goose, a Greylag / Canada cross and a Greylag / Barnacle cross, 189 Wigeon, 28 Gadwall, 11 Mallard, 77 Shoveler, 143 Teal, a male and female Pochard, ten Tufteds, a Water Rail in the causeway bay, 32 Cormorants, one Grey Heron, three Little Grebes, 18 Moorhen, 79 Coot, eight Snipe, 210 Lapwing, 53 Black-headed Gulls, one Common Gull and seven Lesser Black-backs. A Kingfisher flew past River Hide and a Cetti’s Warbler was calling from near Railway Hide.

50 Starlings were congregating prior to roosting in the Reedbed where there has been a small roost now for a number of evenings.

Lastly, from the 7th October  Black-headed Gull 2APA,  ringed from 2016 were seen on the 5th October in Dublin, 205 miles away.

Goldcrest on the Old Road – 29th October 2017 – Photograph by Dave Shakespeare

In The Marsh – Stoat, Stonechat and Lesser Redpoll – 29th October 2017 – Photograph by Jeff Rankin


28th October 2017

Bright intervals, light westerly wind.

The first 20 Fieldfare of the autumn moved south along with 51 Redwings and a Grey Wagtail. Six Redpolls were spread across the Reserve and two Siskins also were on the move. 67 Shoveler, 148 Wigeon, 150 Teal and a male Pochard were counted on the pools and there was a late Common Darter on the Old Road along with a Red Admiral.

Last, but not least, a Stoat showed well in the Marsh.

27th October 2017

Mild, up to 18 degrees and sunny.

The variable Snipe numbers were reflected by 42 today, with a Kingfisher again showing well in the Marsh along with a Grey Wagtail. The male Stonechat was also on the Railway Pool islands.

Two Ravens flew over the Old Road and there are still Red Admirals about in the mild weather. Very small numbers of Skylarks and Meadow Pipits continue to move through.

A lamping session at Marsh Lane ringed singles of Stock Dove, Redwing, Mistle Thrush, Fieldfare plus three Skylarks with 33 Lapwing, 15 Skylarks seen in the fields east of the Reserve and at least 60 Redwings were heard going over.

26th October 2017

Drizzly, mild

There were 20 Redwings and at least five Song Thrushes along the Old Road with three of the latter by the top gate and at least two by the Cottages, along with the Mistle Thrush. There were also three Siskins by the top gate and overhead over 300 Wood Pigeons were on the move this morning along with five Skylarks.

A Grey Wagtail showed well in the Marsh later in the morning and the male Stonechat showed around the Railway Pool margins. 25 Linnets were brief visitors to the crop field and there were ten Siskins and six Redpolls in the Alders by the back gate.

Grey Wagtail – 26 October – Photograph taken by John Hunt

25th October 2017

Sunny, remaining mild with temperatures over 16 degrees

An intermittent sky watch this morning yielded at least 850 Wood Pigeons south west by 10am along with 10-15 Skylarks, 40 Redwing, a male Bullfinch, five Pied Wagtails, 15 Meadow Pipits, 130 Starlings and at least 40 unidentified Finches which were too distant towards Siden Hill Wood to clinch. There were at least 35 Goldfinches around the Car Park area from time to time and a female Goldeneye flew in at 8.15am to the north end of Car Park Pool and was present for most of the day.

A Kingfisher showed really well for half an hour in the Marsh this morning and caught a few fish (see photo). The Tawny Owl was also visible through the leaves in the box on the central streamline.  Lastly, a Water Rail showed from the causeway hide.

Photographs taken by Max Silverman – 25 October


The Brewood ringers and some of the regular Marsh Lane volunteers helped to create a large gravel patch for nesting Terns on Car Park Pool Island opposite the main hide this morning (see photos). Many thanks to all who attended.


24th October 2017

Overcast, light south westerly

No records.

23rd October 2017

Mostly overcast, light south westerly

The male Stonechat had moved over to the riverside this morning whilst along the Old Road there were at least 15 Redwing feeding on the berries on the hawthornes. Eight Snipe were counted round the pool margins and there were plenty of birds at the Car Park feeders including five Goldfinch and three Greenfinch. A party of five Bullfinches showed well along the Causeway.

22nd October 2017

Mostly sunny, north westerly

Despite a sky watch for much of the morning, there were no further Hawfinches recorded and overhead passage was relatively thin with 43 Redwings, 20 Skylarks, five Chaffinches and 40 Starlings, the best of a relatively thin bunch. In amongst the cattle there were seven Pied Wagtails and a Grey Wagtail whilst the Stonechat remained in front of Car Park Hide.

There were at least 20 further Pied Wagtails around the Aeromodellers and other bits and pieces included eight Goldfinches by the farm, five Greenfinches and a Lesser Redpoll by the mobile phone mast, 20 Starlings with at least 12 Rooks on the flood plain and two Common Snipe and a Jack Snipe along with a Meadow Pipit in the wet grassland by the mobile phone mast. Two Meadow Pipits dropped in to join the Pied Wagtails on the flood plain as did three Reed Buntings.

Wildfowl that were counted included 62 Shoveler and two female Pochard. A Raven also went over.

Pied Wagtail – 22 October – Photograph by Dave Shakespeare


Stonechat – 22 October – Photograph by Dave Shakespeare

21st October 2017

Strong south westerly wind, mostly cloudy with regular showers

Today’s undoubted highlights were two Hawfinches which flew south over Siden Hill Wood at 11.05am. October has seen a national movement of this species with birds being widely recorded elsewhere. There were plenty of other highlights today aswell with three late Swallows south in the morning – one at 11.35am and two at 12.05pm whilst at least 50 Redwings moved south and a male Stonechat showed really well in front of Car Park Hide for most of the day. A Yellowhammer was recorded by the farm, a Cetti’s Warbler sang from the Reed Bed, a Water Rail showed from the north causeway hide and there was again a build up of large Gulls on the Car Park islands with at least 40 Lesser Black-backs, six Herring Gulls and three Common Gulls.

At least two Sparrowhawks were seen during the day and a Coal Tit was a relatively unusual occurrence around the Car Park area. Mistle Thrushes were seen at the north end of Siden Hill Wood and one at Patricks Bridge. There were no regular duck counts today.

20th October 2017

Showery, south westerly

In the early morning there were flocks of 30 Goldfinches and 12 Linnets around the Car Park and four Siskins flew out from the central streamline. Two Common Gulls, two Goldfinches, two Pied Wagtails and a Skylark went south, a Redwing north, and there were at least two Cetti’s Warblers calling around the causeway area.

A few Starlings left the roost in the reed bed and there was a single Little Egret on site.

Yesterday’s female Pintail reappeared on Railway Pool and during the mid morning period, six Redwings, two Siskins and a Redpoll went over. A Sparrowhawk was hunting the site and amongst the Gulls on Car Park Pool there were three Common Gulls and two Herring Gulls.

19th October 2017

Mostly wet, south westerly

A Dunlin was a new arrival on Car Park Pool this morning and there was a dramatic increase in Snipe with 56 counted across the Pool islands. There were 43 Lesser Black-back Gulls, two Herring Gulls and a Common Gull during the morning and a female Pintail was found late morning but was only seen briefly. Other wildfowl counts comprised 120 Wigeon, 90 Teal, 50 Shoveler, seven Pochard including two on the Dragonfly pond! Also of note, were nine Song Thrushes together in the hedge behind the Oak Hide feeder along with a Treecreeper, ten Redwings, one Siskin, two Meadow Pipits over or along the Old Road where there was also a Coal Tit.

18th October 2017

Dull & cloudy with occasional light drizzle, cooler than of late; light E breeze

Morning sightings included 31 Lesser Blackbacked Gulls and a single Common Gull on Car Park Pool, 26 Goldfinches along the Concrete Road, Green Woodpecker behind Oak Hide and a Grey Wagtail by Patrick Bridge.



17th October 2017

Mild, mostly dry, light westerly

Around the Old Road game crop this morning, there were ten Chaffinches, four Pied Wagtails plus ten Red Admirals and two Commas on the ivy covered hedge line.

A Peregrine was hunting the wildfowl around Car Park Pool and wildfowl totals today consisted of 127 Wigeon, 58 Shoveler and 102 Teal.

Overhead passage was limited to ten Skylarks and five Meadow Pipits whilst a flock of 40 Stock Doves around Siden Hill Wood was of note. There were also 22 Rooks on the flood plain. A late Chiffchaff accompanied a Tree Creeper and a small Tit flock around the south west pond and a Grey Wagtail flew over the tip field. At least seven Snipe were counted, mostly in the Marsh, there were two Little Egrets present on site along with Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.


16th October 2017

Cloudy start with light drizzle then sunny intervals and very mild. SW/SSW wind becoming strong & gusty during the afternoon.

Sightings during the morning were of a Common Gull on Car Park Pool and a Kingfisher plus five Snipe on Railway Pool.

The Car Park feeder was busy today with at least 11 Goldfinches, three Greenfinches and the usual Tits and Reed Buntings.

There was a flock of Lesser Redpolls at the rear of Oak Hide but no numbers unfortunately. There was also a Little Egret on the River.

15th October 2017

Cloudy start with some patchy light drizzle, much brighter later & continuing mild; light southerly breeze.

Both Kingfisher and two Meadow Pipits were recorded around the Dragonfly Pond, with a Nuthatch near to Patrick Farm. Two Kestrels were hunting over the Crop Field and there was a tussle over the Causeway involving a couple of Peregrines. Other sightings included two Ravens, Great Spotted Woodpecker on the Car Park feeders, Green Woodpecker along the Railway Embankment and six Snipe from Oak Hide.

Kingfisher – 15th October 2017 – Photograph by Gary Cook

Little Grebe – 15 October 2017 – Photograph by Dave Shakespeare

14th October 2017

Cloudy start then brighter in the afternoon, very mild; light southerly breeze.

The regular Saturday morning survey produced the following counts:

Three Little Grebes, 89 Coot, 24 Moorhen, three Herons, Little Egret, 28 Cormorant, 163 Greylag Geese, six Mute Swans, 23 Gadwall, 122 Wigeon, 64 Teal, 24 Shoveler, 20 Mallard and nine Tufted Duck. In addition, there were 189 Lapwing, three Snipe, 110 Blackheaded Gull, 18 Lesser Blackbacked Gulls, three Common Gulls and a single Herring Gull. The Tawny Owl showed along the central stream, both Cetti’s Warbler and Chiffchaff were around the causeway, with another of the latter along the Old Road, and 15 Skylarks flew over.

Other reports included Peregrine, Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail in the Marsh, and Redpoll over.

13th October 2017

Scattered clouds, continuing mild; light southerly breeze.

Butterflies were again in evidence in the continuing mild spell, with four Red Admirals and a Comma along the edge of the Old Road crop field. Other sightings included three Buzzards and Green Woodpecker.

12th October 2017

Sunny intervals, continuing mild; light SW breeze

The Old Road crop field had three Red Admirals and a group of 29 Pied Wagtails, with a further six around the bale feeder on the flood plain. A small mixed flock comprising five Long-tailed Tits, three Blue Tits and a single Goldcrest was also recorded.

Records later in the day included ten Snipe and a Green Sandpiper from Oak Hide, with three Buzzards and a Raven seen flying over.

11th October 2017

Sunny intervals with some cloud and light drizzle late afternoon; light south, south-westerly breeze.

Up to two Little Egrets were around the pools along with two Herring Gulls and 36 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, another notable count for October. The Tawny Owl was seen again, as was the Cetti’s Warbler, along with two Chiffchaff, four+ Goldcrests and a Grey Wagtail, the latter from Oak Hide where a Water Rail was also recorded. Redwing sightings continued with a further record of six flying over.

10th October 2017

Generally bright with some cloudy intervals, warm during the afternoon; light south-westerly breeze.

Early records were of a Red Kite, which flew over going south-east, around 0835, two Redwings and some 80 Jackdaws. Later in the morning, the Cetti’s Warbler was around the Reed Bed, and a large mixed flock was working its way along the Old Road, this comprising 15 Long-tailed Tits, six Blue Tits, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and Treecreeper. A count of 21 Lesser Black-backed Gulls was notable for the time of year and there were adult singles of both Herring Gull and Common Gull.

During the afternoon, Water Rail was seen from both the Causeway Hide and Oak Hide, with Jack Snipe and five Common Snipe also from the latter.

9th October 2017

Sunny intervals and mild; light westerly breeze.

No records

8th October 2017

Mostly overcast and drizzly.

Duck numbers today were similar to yesterday with 74 Wigeon, 50 Shoveler, three Pochard and, in addition, three female type Goosanders. The Tawny Owl showed well on the central streamline near the box and there were again large numbers of Gulls about with the best count comprising 32 Lesser Black-backs on Car Park Pool.

Overhead passage included five Skylarks and ten Meadow Pipits, there was a Nuthatch south of Oak Hide and a Treecreeper nearby, a Raven went over Car Park Pool and there was a single Chiffchaff on the Old Road.

7th October 2017

Mild, sunny intervals until rain late afternoon. North-westerly wind.

Duck numbers continue to build up or vary, as can be seen in the totals below.

With the wind remaining steadfastly from the west, there has not been a great deal of visible migration and this morning was no exception with just a single Lesser Redpoll over Railway Pool, a single Siskin along the Old Road and two Redwings in the back gate copse. There was still at least three Chiffchaffs on site, two on the railway embankment and one on the top stream and other counts today comprised six Mute Swans, 151 Greylags, 35 Canadas, 70 Wigeon, 15 Gadwall, 127 Teal, 39 Mallard, 50 Shoveler, four Pochard, 12 Tufted, 20 Cormorants, four Herons, six Little Egrets, six Little Grebes, 21 Moorhen, 82 Coot, 174 Lapwing, 15 Snipe, 142 Black-headed Gulls, two Common Gulls, 58 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, four Herring Gulls, a Cetti’s Warbler in the Reedbed, and a Water Rail in the north causeway bay.

Nine attended the work party with more strimming undertaken on the Railway Pool islands and some spraying of the marginal vegetation. The Marsh also received attention with some of the emergent Willows being removed; the same in the north causeway bay where some of the bulrushes were also removed. Thanks to all those who attended.


6th  October 2017

Sunny but cool north westerly, clouding over pm

Early on there was just a Chiffchaff calling by the edge of the crop field, a male Sparrowhawk went high south mobbed by a single Jackdaw, there were six Goldfinches around the Car Park feeder and at least two Skylarks went south.  There was again a build-up of large Gulls, this time from mid-day with at least 48 Lesser Black-backs and 11 Herring Gulls.

5th  October 2017

Mostly cloudy, sunny intervals, westerly

A male Stonechat showed well on the Railway Pool islands this morning and a Green Sandpiper appeared later in the afternoon on the gravel bar visible from River Hide.

Two female Goosanders came into roost on Car Park pool in the evening and other birds included a pair of Kestrels, 25 Lesser Black-backs, 10 Snipe and two Little Egrets.

At least ten Red Admirals and four Commas were nectaring on the ivy in the Old Road crop field.

4th October 2017

Mostly overcast, westerly

Two Swallows flew south at 9.30am and there were again Red Admirals nectaring on the ivy along the edge of the Old Road game crop .

3rd October 2017

Mostly overcast, north westerly.

There was no sign of the Little Stint today , but a trickle of Swallows continued South with three at 8.30am and five more at 1.30pm.

Of particular note, was an interaction between a Stoat and a Heron. The Heron caught the Stoat but the Stoat bit the Heron and escaped.

Three Pied Wagtails and five Meadow Pipits were adjacent to the Old Road game crop with at least six Red Admirals and a Speckled Wood on the ivy there.

In addition, there were two Little Egrets and eight Snipe and a drake Pochard.

2nd October 2017

Mostly cloudy, brisk westerly

The Little Stint was again on Railway Pool but often elusive as before.  The build up of large Gulls continued again with 53 Lesser Black-backs and four adult Herring Gulls this morning. Both male and female Kestrels hunted the crop field and there was a Great Spotted Woodpecker on the Oak Hide feeder. On the Car Park feeder there were nine Goldfinches, three Greenfinches and three Reed Buntings. In the continuing mild weather, at least three Red Admirals were seen around the site.

1st October 2017

Mostly overcast after heavy overnight rain. Periods of drizzle and more rain in the evening, remaining very mild at over 15 degrees centigrade. South-westerly wind.

The Little Stint was again present but also mobile and frequently elusive. Additional quality came in the shape of an adult Yellow-legged Gull on the islands on Car Park Pool in amongst 28 Lesser Black-backs and a second winter Herring Gull. The bird was present for at least half an hour in the morning prior to 12.30. A Common Gull also lingered, briefly. The Shoveler total jumped from yesterday’s count to an impressive 105 and there were still 53 Wigeon and a couple of Pochard. Five Swallows flew south as did a flock of nine Pied Wagtails, the latter probably birds feeding on the tip field.

Seven Snipe showed early morning in front of Car Park Hide and a Water Rail allowed for photographs from the north causeway hide.