Packington Estate


October 17th and 22nd – Records added

31st October 2019

Sunny and cool.

A few birds were clearly new in with at least six Chaffinches in and out over the Old Road. A single Skylark went over, there were two Goldcrests by the cottages and one by the car park, at least six Redwings and two Song Thrushes along the Old Road, along with a pair of Bullfinches and a Goldfinch.

A Dunlin was an unexpected arrival on the Car Park Pool margins today. Other counts were nine Pochard, 14 Common Gulls and seven Herring Gulls, whilst a single Siskin went over.

30th October 2019

Mostly sunny.

A female Goldeneye on Car Park Pool this morning was the best record of the day. This species is just about annual but birds rarely linger. Also on Car Park Pool there were seven Pochards, two Little Egrets and five Common Gulls with 50 Fieldfares and half a dozen Redwings over or feeding on site.

Two Green Sandpipers were on the flash north of Patrick Farm.

29th October 2019

Mostly sunny.

40 Fieldfare flew west over the Old Road this morning and there were nine Pochard, two Little Egrets, at least 14 Snipe and five Common Gulls on site together with at least one Song Thrush along the Old Road. Two Buzzards and a Sparrowhawk were also recorded.

28th October 2019

Sunny with a frosty start.

Goldcrests are regular now by the cottages and there were at least four there this morning. The frosty start triggered some Wood Pigeon passage with at least 50 at 7.45 am.

A Kingfisher was perched on the post on the flood plain, in the floods, later on the day, with four Fieldfare over the Old Road, ten Siskins in the Alders along the concrete road, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull back on Car Park Pool with at least one Common Gull, two Bullfinches and three Redwings on the railway embankments and five Pheasants and three Greenfinches amongst many birds at the feeders.

In the afternoon there was a Green Sandpiper on the Patrick Barn flash and a Grey Wagtail on the manure heap along the Old Road.

27th October 2019

Mostly sunny.

There were three Green Sandpipers on the flash north of Patrick Farm today and a small increase in Pochard to 12. A Great Crested Grebe was also on site, two Ravens went over, a Cetti’s Warbler was seen and heard in the Marsh and there were at least two Redwings on the causeway.

26th October 2019

Wet all day.

Some good counts of wildfowl today and the Blythe Valley was again well flooded.

Graham’s counts today were 26 Mute Swans, 381 Greylags, 254 Canadas, 181 Wigeon, 169 Teal, 43 Gadwall, 28 Shoveler, 34 Mallard, eight Pochard, 13 Tufted, four Herons, two Little Grebes, 18 Cormorants, 18 Moorhen, 100 Coot, 80 Lapwing, 27 Snipe, 125 Black-headed Gulls and two Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

In the evening, about 100 Starlings dropped into the Reedbed to roost and 50 Redwings were also trying to roost around the back gate area. A young Barn Owl was caught by the ringers, however.

Photograph by West Midland Ringing Group – 26th October 2019

25th October 2019

Mild but drizzly.

An impressive 44 Snipe this morning were counted, six in front of Car Park Hide and, on the islands, 14 Herring Gulls and three Common Gulls were bathing and roosting.

A Meadow Pipit and a Green Woodpecker were feeding on the disturbed ground around Car Park Hide and there were seven Pochard on the pools.

24th October 2019

Foggy start, sun from mid-day, clouding over pm, overnight rain.

The main records in the log today were 12 Pochard, 30 Snipe and five Redwing, with three adult Common Gulls on Car Park Pool in the afternoon. A Cetti’s Warbler was heard calling from the causeway with a second bird by Railway Hide.

23rd October 2019

Foggy start, slowly clearing by about lunchtime.

No records.

22nd October 2019

Classic sunny, mile autumn day.

There was a Green Sandpiper on Car Park Pool this morning until about 08:15 when it departed.  There were 30 Snipe circling Railway Pool before coming down in various places and lastly 20 Long-tailed Tits in a mixed Tit flock on the Railway embankment.

21st October 2019

Overcast with some drizzle.

Four Pintail (one male and three female) were new in today on Car Park Pool and joined five Pochard (four males and a female).  In addition there were 27 Common Snipe in front of Car Park Hide on the disturbed ground, a Cetti’s Warbler in the reed bed area and a Bullfinch on the causeway.

Later in the morning a Sparrowhawk was chasing the Snipe and dispersed them.

20th October 2019

Mostly cloudy, light northerly wind.

The first Jack Snipe of the autumn joined 33 Common Snipe on the grass in front of Car Park Hide. Six Pochard joined the other wildfowl on Car Park Pool and there were 36 Gadwall spread across both pools. Two Little Egrets were roosting on the islands, a Raven went over, a Cetti’s Warbler sang from the causeway area and there was a Green Sandpiper on Patrick Farm flash.

19th October 2019

Some sunny intervals, light westerly wind.

The main highlight today was a Great White Egret which flew south over Railway Pool at 10:55.  The warm, relatively mild weather was suitable for some lingering insects to be about including one Red Admiral, one Small Tortoiseshell, one Common Blue Damselfly, two Migrant Hawkers and seven Common Darters.

Other counts today were as follows: 25 Mute Swans, 261 Greylags, a Greylag Canada Cross, one Farmyard Goose, 50 Canadas, 88 Wigeon, 35 Gadwall, 98 Teal, 21 Shoveler, 21 Mallard, 9 Pochard, 15 Tufted, five Herons, three Little Egrets, one Great Crested Grebe, two Little Grebes, 20 Cormorants, 7 Moorhen, 107 Coots, 137 Lapwing, 21 Snipe, 138 Black-headed Gulls, three Common Gulls, two Herring Gulls, eight Lesser Black-backed Gulls and a Cetti’s Warbler below Railway Hide again, with a presumed second bird, from the North Causeway Hide.

18th October 2019

Mostly overcast.

Fourteen Snipe, one Meadow Pipit and two Pied Wagtails were feeding on the grass to the left of Car Park Hide this morning.  Twenty Redwings went over and there were two Great Spotted Woodpeckers on the Oak Hide feeder.

17th October 2019

Starting off sunny after a light overnight frost (the first of the autumn).

A Green Woodpecker showed well in front of Car Park Hide, enjoying the disturbed ground from the cattle grazing. Fifteen Skylarks went over with a solitary Common Gull amongst the Black-heads in front of Oak Hide it was pretty quiet on the pools.

Green Woodpecker from Car Park Hide 17th October 2019 – Photograph by Mike Pugh

16th October 2019

Sunny, light westerly wind.

The first two returning Shelducks of the year were present on Car Park Pool this morning.  They were joined by an adult Common Gull, 12 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and three Herring Gulls with a further three Lesser Black-backed Gulls on Railway Pool.  A Buzzard was also seen.

15th October 2019

Mostly overcast, some drizzle, light south-easterly wind.

The only record in the log today was of a female Stonechat on the margins of Railway Pool this morning. It subsequently flew to the railway line in the later morning but was not reported again.


14th October 2019

Mostly wet.

Five Swallows went south-east this morning, along with ten Skylarks and there were 12 Pied Wagtails on the flood plain around the cattle feeder.  On Car Park Pool there were four Pochard, a Little Egret, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull and two Common Gulls whilst there was Chiffchaff in the back gate copse and another one around the car park feeder.  There were six Pheasants feeding around the feeder along with two Moorhens, a Great Spotted Woodpecker and six.

13th October 2019

Heavy rain a.m. stopped at midday, slowly clearing, sunny afternoon, light south-westerly wind.

A Ringed Plover was on Car Park Pool and then moved to Railway Pool this morning until 09:30 when it appeared to depart, being replaced by a Black-tailed Godwit which flew in at 09:30 and was still there at midday.  Three Green Sandpipers frequented the flash, north of Patrick Farm and there were two Little Egrets on the flood plain.

A male Blackcap was a surprise visitor to the car park feeders. There were two Chiffchaffs in the gorse between Oak and Railway Hide and also two Song Thrushes. Two Redwings and three Meadow Pipits went over, a Cetti’s Warbler sang from the reed bed and there was a Coal Tit in the back gate copse.

The long staying drake Pochard was joined by two females on Car Park Pool this morning and 25 Snipe were split 15 on Railway Pool and ten on Car Park Pool.

12th October 2019

Grey and periods of drizzle, light south-westerly wind.

A small amount of overhead passage included 15 Skylarks, three Song Thrushes and 16 Redwings, whilst around Car Park Pool and the flood plain there were at least 11 Pied Wagtails. The latter were often enjoying the churned up ground in front of Car Park Hide, where the cattle have crossed the water to enjoy the fresh grass.

There was a singing Chiffchaff along the causeway and a Cetti’s Warbler below Railway Hide.

Meantime, the other counts c/o of Graham and Dave were:  30 Mute Swans, 209 Greylags, 69 Canadas, a Greylag Canada Cross, 125 Wigeon, 32 Gadwall, 90 Teal, 27 Shoveler, 26 Mallard, 14 Tufted, 14 Cormorants, four Herons, one Little Egret, three Little Grebes, ten Moorhens, 114 Coot, 175 Lapwings, three Snipe, 325 Black-headed Gulls, one Common Gull and four Lesser Black-backed Gulls.

11th October 2019

Mostly dry but a south westerly wind am., turning to rain in the late morning.

There were seven Snipe on Railway Pool margins this morning with the weeding on the island in front of Car Park Hide last weekend allowing better visibility. Two Ravens flew over Railway Pool this morning and there were at least two Chiffchaffs calling there. Both Bullfinch and Goldcrest were present in the back gate compounds with further Goldcrests calling by the cottages on the Old Road.

Volunteers helpfully undertook some strimming in various places today including the causeway bay (many thanks to Mike and John for that). Various areas were also mown by the Estate staff and thanks to Matthew Joyce for that.

10th October 2019

Mostly sunny, but periods of cloud on a south-westerly wind.

A steady passage of Meadow Pipits and Pied Wagtails was recorded today, though no numbers were shown. However, there were five Pied Wagtails on the Car Park Pool margins with a further seven in amongst the cattle and two over the Aeromodellers. There were also three Little Egrets with the cattle on the flood plain.

A Common Gull was present amongst the Blackheads on Car Park Pool and there were still five Green Sandpipers on the flash north of Patrick Farm. Two Linnets and 15 Siskin went over and there was a female Bullfinch by Railway Hide.

An indication of the mild weather is evidenced by records of Red Admiral, Comma and Migrant Hawker today.

9th October 2019

Mostly sunny but with increasing cloud from the south-west.

The first four Siskins of the year went over today and there was a small passage of Redwings totalling between 40 and 50 birds. A distant hirundine also went south but it was too far away, over the wood to be clinched.

There was again a Common Gull and a drake Pochard on Car Park Pool, four Snipe on Railway Pool, two Chiffchaffs (one in song by Oak Hide and one on the Railway embankment), a Cetti’s by the causeway and 14 Stock Doves around Car Park Hide.

8th October 2019

Sunny all day.

No records.

7th October 2019

Sunshine and showers on a south-westerly wind.

An unseasonal Redshank on Car Park Pool this morning was about the only noteworthy record today.  The only other birds were a Common Gull and Snipe on Car Park Pool, four Stock Doves feeding on the grass around Car Park Hide and Green Woodpecker on the railway embankment.

6th October 2019

Sunny and mild, after overnight rain.

The Blythe is still flooded at Patrick Bridge and amongst the many wildfowl there was a Pintail in with 160 Canadas, 140 Greylags, three Gadwall, 9 Wigeon and 200 Lapwing.

In the left hand flash, looking north from Patrick Farm, there were six Green Sandpipers this morning and still three this afternoon.

Passage overhead included a very late Common Tern, which flew north together with three House Martins and a Swallow.

In addition to the usual gulls there were two Mediterranean Gulls this morning, an adult and a second-winter and joining the adult Greater Black-backed Gull was a first-winter. There were also at least three Common Gulls.

Forty Snipe were flushed by a Peregrine from Oak Hide and least 12 Redwings and a Chiffchaff were visible from Railway Hide.

5th October 2019

Sunny, mild light south-westerly wind.

Today’s best bird was a Great White Egret which came into Railway Pool at about 11:10 and lingered for about half an hour before flying off east.

Other counts today comprised: 47 Mute Swans, including five juveniles, 175 Canadas, 76 Greylags, 66 Wigeon, 45 Gadwall, 141 Teal, 45 Mallard, 25 Shoveler, 12 Tufted, six Little Grebes, three Herons, one Little Egret, 14 Cormorants, 15 Moorhen, 94 Coot, 155 Lapwing, 120 Black-headed Gulls, one Common Gull, five Lesser Black-backed Gulls and two Herring Gulls.

Six attended the work party. The nettle regrowth on Car Park Pool was sprayed off, feeders were cleaned and further clearance of Railway Pool islands was undertaken. Thanks to all those who attended.  A gentle reminder for as many people as possible to come to the work parties as there is a lot to do.

Fire burning the weeds on Railway Pool Islands – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

4th October 2019

Overcast, some rain south-westerly wind.

The first four Redwings of the year went through today and in the unsettled conditions a late push of hirundines included over 60 House Martins, two late Sand Martins and two Swallows. The adult Greater Black-backed Gull was joined by a sub-adult Common Gull on Car Park Pool.  Two Chiffchaffs, a Cetti’s Warbler and a Water Rail were also recorded.

The Spindle (euonymus /europaeus) is now in fruit with examples along the path to River Hide and in the back gate copse.  The fruits are small bright pink capsules containing bright orange seeds.

3rd October 2019

Sunny start but clouding over, cool, light but increasing westerly wind, rain p.m.

A few birds were on the move this morning with six Meadow Pipits, a Chaffinch and Skylark over at 0900 but other birds seen moving at a distance across the valley. There were 33 Mute Swans on Car Park Pool, a singing Chiffchaff by the South West Pond and at least one other bird by the car park.

In addition there were over 200 Canada, 58 Wigeon and two Little Egrets.

2nd October 2019

Cool but sunny.

A single Common Sandpiper was feeding on the edge of the flood at Patrick Farm today and there were six Little Egrets on the flash, in the fields north of Patrick Farm, with a seventh on Car Park Pool.  The Mute Swan total on Car Park Pool was 30.

1st October 2019

Showery, north-easterly wind.

There were no records.