Packington Estate

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) – Updated 30th September 2020

The Reserve remains open.  Members have been helpful and responsible during the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Please continue to co-operate by:

  1. Remembering social distancing – 2m minimum between people.
  2. No more than two people, per hide at any one time, subject to (1) above.
  3. A spray and cloth has been put into the six main hides so that if people wish to, they can wipe down doors, flaps, shelves etc.
  4. A mask is preferred for people using hides. 

Can all visitors please ensure they follow HM Government guidance in respect of hand sanitisation and social distancing, and ensure they avoid the Reserve  if they or any family members (or anyone else you may be in contact with) are showing any symptoms associated with Covid-19.

Work Party Dates

Subject to the Government lifting the lock-down restrictions, the proposed Work Party dates are:

14th November – 2 p.m.

12th December – 2 p.m.

Link to bird ringing group –


26th October 2020 – Records updated

31st October 2020

Very wet a.m., sunny from 2 pm onwards, remaining mild but with a strong south-westerly wind.

Today’s counts care of Graham Rowling and Dave Scanlan in pretty grim morning conditions, were as follows: 16 Mute Swans, 590 Greylags, two Greylag / Canadas, the juvenile Pinkfooted Goose, 69 Canadas, 96 Wigeon, 190 Teal, 37 Gadwall, 15 Mallard, 42 Shoveler, 29 Pochard, 24 Tufted, 25 Cormorants, a Great Crested Grebe, one Little Grebe, three Herons, two Little Egrets, 19 Moorhen, 51 Coot, three Snipe, 140 Lapwing including the colour-ringed bird again, 155 Blackheaded Gulls, seven Common Gulls, three Herring Gulls, three Lesser Blackback Gulls, the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull, over 600 Jackdaws on the flood plain, a Treecreeper and 30 Redwings in the back gate copse.

30th October 2020

Overcast and drizzly all day remaining mild, south-westerly wind.

16 Common Gulls was a noteworthy count today, this relatively early in the winter season. The adult Greater Blackbacked Gull was also roosting on Car Park Pool. The Pinkfooted Goose was again with the Greylags and there were a minimum of 28 Pochard.

In the afternoon, the Marsh Harrier flew over Railway Pool and was presumably one of the birds that has been up at Middleton Hall. There were also two Snipe seen from Railway Hide.

29th October 2020

Mostly overcast, showers, south-westerly wind.

A juvenile Pinkfooted Goose was present again and the colour-ringed Lapwing reappeared. This bird was ringed on the 22nd May 2018 at Pulborough Brooks and was seen on the 20th January this year at Marsh Lane and was back again.

There were also 29 Pochard, 11 Common Gulls, a Herring Gull, the adult Greater Blackbacked Gull, two Cetti’s Warblers heard at the same time, one on the causeway and one at the north end of Railway Pool, 33 Redwing and, finally, a Grey Wagtail on the flood plain.

28th October 2020

Blustery south-westerly wind after overnight rain, sunshine and showers.

There was a male Kestrel again around the car park with this bird wandering over to Railway Pool, Bradnocks Marsh and up and down the A452. A minimum of 28 Pochard were joined later on with the Pinkfooted Goose which came to Car Park Pool with the Greylag flock. There were also two Little Egrets, 150 Wigeon, a Great Crested Grebe briefly, a Sparrowhawk which attacked the feeders and 30 Linnets around the Reserve.

27th October 2020

Wet all day, southerly wind.

In generally poor conditions, a Great White Egret over at 9.05 am was the main highlight. A late Chiffchaff showed on the railway embankment and the Pink-footed Goose was again with a large contingent of other geese, notably 645 Greylags, a Greylag / Canada Cross and 194 Canadas.

There were 28 Pochard, five Common Gull, six Snipe, a Grey Wagtail on Railway Pool and a Lesser Redpoll by Railway Hide.

26th October 2020

Sunshine and showers, south-westerly.

A quiet start with little obvious movement overhead; just four Redwings dropped into the causeway thorns to join at least six others there and a Water Rail showed well in the north causeway channels.

There were few geese early on but when the Greylags arrived they brought in a Pink-footed Goose, presumably the same bird as the 7th.

A little later in the morning the Pink-footed Goose flew off but came back with a second bird and in addition there were a minimum of 18 Pochard, and a red head Goosander.

25th October 2020

Sunshine with odd showers, increasing south-westerly.

Today’s highlights included three late Swallows south over Patrick Farm at 09:20, a female Stonechat on the double fence line by the mobile phone mast, two Jack Snipe with two Common Snipe in the wet field just to the south, five Coal Tits together in Siden Hill Wood and one in the Back Gate Copse (bearing in mind that we couldn’t buy one on the bird race day!), two first-winter Yellow-legged Gulls over and a steady trickle of Larks, Pipits and Thrushes.  To be more precise on the latter, 24 Skylarks went over and five were in the adjoining fields, 41 Redwings went over, or were feeding in the hedgerows spread across the Reserve, 36 Fieldfares went over as did two Lesser Redpolls.  Three Pied Wagtails were feeding amongst cattle but they quickly moved on whilst a pair of Pied Wagtails at Patrick Farm, probably a resident pair, were later seen to mob a female Sparrowhawk that came over the Farm.  Seven Meadow Pipits were present in the Aero field along with four Linnets and three further birds were present around the Dragonfly Pond.

Bullfinches were seen at the top gate and by the mobile phone mast, five Rooks, two Egyptian Geese and four Stock Doves on or around the flood plain whilst two very noisy Jays by Tower Hide, were probably mobbing an Owl but the latter was not visible.  A male Kestrel roved across the Reserve and over to Bradnocks Marsh, there were at least 15 Pochard on Car Park Pool (raising up to 22 in the afternoon) along with four Common Gulls and Goldcrests were seen along the Old Road, in Siden Hill Wood and in the Back Gate Copse (along with a Nutchatch).

In the afternoon, two Green Sandpipers were feeding on the flash opposite Patrick Farm and a Yellowhammer was also seen by the Farm.  Five Little Egrets were present with two cattle on the flood plain with the River having broken its banks by the Meriden Road.

The autumn colours were particularly good in today’s sunshine with the reds of the Spindleberry in the back gate copse and the yellow of the Hornbeams in Siden Hill Wood looking particularly vibrant.

Photographs by Nick Barlow

Siden Hill Wood

Ash Tree Siden Hill Wood 

Lone Oak, former Aeromodellers field – ( Not sure on its longevity with HS2)

24th October 2020

Mostly wet, south-westerly.

Twelve Goosanders had roosted overnight but departed at first light.  The semi-darkness made it difficult to establish whether they were all red-heads or not although they looked to be.  The regular pair of Egyptian Geese were also present, a Peregrine went over and a Great Crested Grebe on Railway Pool was new in.

With thanks to Graham Rowling and Dave Scanlan and Glen Giles the counts today were as follows 17 Mute Swans, 612 Greylags (a record I think), 20 Canadas, a Greylag Canada hybrid, 174 Wigeon, 103 Teal, 23 Gadwall, 34 Shoveler, 32 Mallard, 19 Pochard, 12 Tufted, three Little Grebes, a Little Egret, two Herons, 16 Cormorants, 19 Moorhen, 48 Coot, 161 Lapwing, 112 Black-headed Gulls, three Common Gulls, one Lesser Black-backed Gull, an adult Greater Black-backed Gull, 28 Redwings and ten Fieldfares over, a Cetti’s Warbler in the Reedbed, a Chiffchaff behind Railway Hide, a Grey Wagtail on the muck heap and a Water Rail in the Reedbed.

23rd October 2020

Light rain most of the day, south-westerly.

No records.

22nd October 2020

Sunny and mild, light southerly.

The bird of the day was a female or juvenile Marsh Harrier that came over the Reserve at 10:50 when its presence put up many of the Lapwings and drew the attention of the local Jackdaws.  It was initially seen over the causeway heading towards River Hide where upon it tracked over towards Siden Hill Wood, went north and then came back over the north end of Car Park Hide and drifted off east.  It was seen again in the afternoon at about 15:30 quartering the fields behind Oak Hide.

There were 11 red head Goosanders at dawn which presumably had roosted but they departed pretty quickly.  A female Pintail was present on Car Park Pool with 16 Pochards and two Egyptian Geese.  A Peregrine appeared on at least one occasion, there was a Grey Wagtail on the muck heap, 19 Skylarks flew over and there was a Cetti’s Warbler singing on the causeway.

21st October 2020

Wet all day, southerly.

There were ten Redwings and two Blackbirds feeding on the Hawthorn berries along the causeway this morning whilst overhead two Redwings flew over and there were further Redwings on the railway embankment along with a Siskin.  A single Meadow Pipit dropped on to the shore below Car Park Hide before moving on to the islands and two Grey Wagtails went over the reedbed, low.

In the afternoon there was a minimum of 15 Pochard recorded on Car Park Pool along with 150 Wigeon, 23 Redwings went due south and a little later in the afternoon 50 more went north. There were 11 Common Snipe on Railway Pool and a Peregrine went over.

20th October 2020

Mild, occasional showers, mostly overcast, southerly.

Today’s counts included an increase in Mute Swans to 25, 447 Greylags, a Greylag Canada Cross, six Canadas, two Egyptian Geese, 12 Pochard, two Little Egrets, a Grey Wagtail on the margins of Railway Pool, a Cetti’s Warbler at the north end of Railway Pool, 18 Rooks on the flood plain, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, five Common Gulls and 36 Redwings whilst a late Migrant Hawker along the north causeway bay reflected the mild conditions.

19th October 2020

Occasional sunny intervals, mild southerly increasingly brisk.

A good tally of birds today included the best count of Goosander so far with 11 female / immatures on Car Park Pool together with two Egyptian Geese, two Little Egrets and a late Redshank.  There were also ten Pochards there whilst birds over comprised 60 Fieldfare, 30 Redwing, ten Skylark and six Siskins. Six Lesser Redpolls were present in the Alders in the South-west Pond, the Greater Black-backed Gull came into Car Park Pool in the late morning and two Ravens flew over.

Fox with Rabbit – near Oak Hide – 19th October 2020 – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

18th October 2020

Overcast, light north-easterly.

A Dunlin was new in this morning and was present along with three Snipe, ten Pochard, five Common Gulls, the adult Greater Black-backed Gull, a late Swallow, three Redwings, a Lesser Redpoll, six Siskins, three Skylarks, two Cetti’s Warblers and two Muntjac.  A minimum of eight Redwings were feeding along the causeway with a further 21 over in the afternoon when Sparrowhawk and Kestrel were also seen, a Water Rail was heard calling from the marsh and a first-winter male Goosander came in to Car Park Pool.

17th October 2020

Sunny intervals, brisk south-easterly.

A Rock Pipit was heard flying over Railway Pool this morning, heading east and was the first record since October 3rd 2015.  Three Fieldfares, 50 Redwings, 22 Skylarks all flew over in the early part of the day and a Kingfisher was seen.

An unsigned and incongruous record in the log was a report of an Osprey landing on the bank opposite Car Park Hide.  Aside from the fact that this is a very late date, the unusual behaviour, I’m afraid, suggests it was more likely to be a Buzzard but if the person who spotted it could kindly be in touch I would be grateful.

Today’s other counts were as follows: 12 Mute Swans, 228 Greylags, 43 Canadas, 168 Wigeon, 22 Gadwall, 85 Teal, 24 Shoveler, 34 Mallard, eight Pochard, 16 Tufteds, two Little Egrets, two Herons, 15 Cormorants, three Little Grebes, 12 Moorhen, 47 Coot, 117 Lapwing, two Snipe, 170 Black-headed Gulls, four Common Gulls, five Lesser Black-backed Gulls, an adult Greater Black-backed Gull, a female Stonechat at the Dragonfly Pond (definitely different to the male earlier in the week) and a Cetti’s Warbler at the north end of Railway Pool.

16th October 2020

Occasional sunny intervals, mostly cloudy with drizzle, light easterly.

Counts today comprised 156 Wigeon, 140 Teal, 55 Gadwall, 24 Shoveler, seven Pochard, six Little Grebes whilst overhead at least 200 Redwing, a Mistle Thrush, a Skylark, a Grey Wagtail, two Siskins; two Bullfinches and a Chiffchaff were also logged.

A late Common Sandpiper was a surprise find on Car Park Pool in the early afternoon and two Ravens flew over Siden Hill Wood.

The Thrush passage continued into the late afternoon with at least 32 Redwings over and the Great Black-backed Gull reappeared on Car Park Pool.

15th October 2020

Mostly cloudy, north-easterly.

The two Egyptian Geese remained on site and 25 Fieldfare went over to the west.  Wigeon numbers increased today with 142 on site and Pochard numbers were also up with at least nine present.  A red-head Goosander appeared for part of the day and the male Stonechat was again around the Dragonfly Pool.  In addition to the Fieldfares, 16 Skylark, nine Meadow Pipits and at least 100 Redwings went over and there was a lingering Chiffchaff in the north causeway vegetation.

14th October 2020

Occasional sunny intervals, cloudy light north-easterly.

Between 07:10 and 09:30 at least 110 Redwings flew over with additional passage including four Fieldfares, ten Skylarks, 20 Siskins and ten Lesser Redpolls.  Two Egyptian Geese were on site and there was a Grey Wagtail on Railway Pool.  A Common Darter was also seen.

Chaffinch, near Oak Hide – 14th October 2020 – Photograph by Stef Fraczek

13th October 2020

Occasional sunny intervals in the morning, rain in the afternoon, north north-westerly.

A wider selection of records today included the first substantial movement of Thrushes with a least 100 Redwings and four Fieldfares over to the south together with a good supporting cast of eight Meadow Pipits, six Skylarks, four Crossbills and a Grey Wagtail.

Some Thrushes dropped in to feed and along the causeway where there were ten Redwings and two first-winter Blackbirds.  One of the Cetti’s Warblers was also seen in the same area.

On Railway Pool there were two Egyptian Geese, a Water Rail calling from the marsh, two Ravens went over and towards the South-west Pond there was a mixed flock of 60 Siskins and Redpolls.  On Car Park Pool there were five Pochard, two Common Gulls and a Grey Wagtail with probably the same Wagtail seen later on the Old Road muck heap.

At 10:45 a single Green Sandpiper came into Railway Pool but then departed to the south. 18 Skylarks went south between 10:00 and midday and the adult Greater Black-backed Gull (presumably the returning bird) was again on Car Park Pool.  A further two Egyptian Geese had moved to the flood plain and there was a Nuthatch with a mixed Tit flock towards Patrick Farm.

The male Stonechat (from yesterday at least) was again around the Dragonfly Pond and a Great White Egret flew over to the east at 09:45.  Despite the increase in records in the Midlands, this still remains a scarce bird at Marsh Lane.

12th October 2020

Light westerly, rain from mid morning.

Only a limited number of records made it into the book today with a single Lesser Redpoll, a Chiffchaff, eight Greenfinches and a Great Spotted Woodpecker in and around the car park feeders and four Stock Doves on the grass to the right of Car Park Hide.

11th October 2020

Mostly cloudy, north-westerly.

A male Stonechat in the marsh this morning was definitely a different bird to the first year female type seen on the 7th and the 9th.  There was also a separate pair by the flash opposite Patrick Farm where there were two Green Sandpipers.

About 30 Fieldfares flew over the railway bridge and there were 25 Siskins and a Lesser Redpoll in the Alders along the central stream.

Other birds of note were six Pochard, two Common Gulls, a Kingfisher, two Cetti’s Warblers and singles of Little Egret, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel.

10th October 2020

Mostly showery, north-westerly.

Today’s highlights included five Green Sandpipers on one of the flashes north of Patrick Farm, a Grey Wagtail on the remains of the Old Road much heap, a Chiffchaff in the back gate copse and a flock of 56 Siskin and five Lesser Redpolls in the Alders along the concrete road.

Wildfowl and other counts were as follows: 18 Mute Swans (12 adults and six juveniles), 283 Greylags, four Canadas, two Egyptian Geese (on the flood plain), 104 Wigeon, 22 Gadwall, 20 Shoveler, 84 Mallard, 103 Teal, two pairs of Pochard, eight Tufted, three Little Grebes, 20 Cormorants, eight Herons, one Little Egret, 19 Moorhen, 49 Coot, 55 Lapwing, a single Snipe, 118 Black-headed Gulls, an adult Common Gull, a first-winter Herring Gull, an adult Greater Black-backed Gull, 12 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and two Cetti’s Warblers (Reedbed and south of Oak Hide).

9th October 2020

Mostly cloudy, west north-westerly.

A Stonechat, seen distantly by the railway arches, seems likely to have been the one from the 7th.  Additional birds this morning comprised six Swallows south, 12 Siskins, an adult and juvenile Common Gull and a Cetti’s Warbler.  In the early afternoon wildfowl counts comprised at least 90 Wigeon, 115 Teal, 95 Lapwing and a PochardCommon Gull numbers rose to three and there was a Kestrel, four Herons, a Snipe and two Buzzards as well.

8th October 2020

Cool westerly wind, sunny intervals.

The two Egyptian Geese appeared again this morning and, on the pools, there were six Pochard, three Little Egrets and a juvenile Common Gull with singing Cetti’s Warblers at the north end of Car Park Pool and behind Oak Hide. Finally, there was a Chiffchaff along the Old Road.

7th October 2020

Mostly sunny, brisk westerly.

Today’s highlights were a Pink-footed Goose which was in amongst the Greylags on Railway Pool.  Initially found mid-morning on the opposite side of Railway Pool from Oak Hide, it eventually made its way across the river and was feeding in lower Siden in the early afternoon.  It was best viewed from River Hide looking south-west.

Pink-footed Goose – Railway Pool – Photograph by John Hunt

In addition a juvenile Stonechat was present in front of Railway Hide mid-morning but could not be found later.

Stonechat – Railway Pool – Photograph by John Hunt

Nine Common Snipe, six Siskin were also seen to begin with, with eight Skylarks flying over. By 13:45 eight Swallows had gone south with three Redpolls and a Linnet.  A male Sparrowhawk and a male Kestrel were both hunting the Reserve and four Buzzards were seen.  A flock of 15 Siskin were present in the Alders by the South-west Pond in the early afternoon.

Below are pictures of a Moulting Drake Wigeon taken from the South Screen.

Photographs by Robert Baker












The Pink-footed Goose lingered until 6 pm when it flew off north. Two Egyptian Geese were present on and off during the day and, in the evening, ten further Swallows appeared, feeding over Railway Pool. 26 Meadow Pipits, a Grey Wagtail and a Lesser Redpoll went over.

6th October 2020

Sunny and showery, westerly.

There was a female Pintail on Railway Pool this morning, four Egyptian Geese on Car Park Pool and a jump in the number of Wigeon to 131.  An influx of Mallard took the total to 240 and there were three Pochard, three Little Egrets, a Cetti’s Warbler in the marsh and two Siskins along the Concrete Road.

Pintail on Railway Pool – Photograph by Martin Durkin

In the early afternoon a Jack Snipe showed well in the marsh along with 11 Common Snipe and 20 Linnets went over Car Park Pool.

5th October 2020


The river is still flooded at Patrick Bridge and there were three red-head Goosanders there at 1300 this afternoon; one of the Marsh Lane ringed Black-headed Gulls 2CKA was found dead in Limerick this morning, details to follow.

The West Midland Ringing Group had a session this morning in the Back Gate Copse and ringed one Song Thrush, one Starling, five Blackcaps, one Robin, one Bullfinch, two Dunnock, seven Long-tailed Tits, one Chiffchaff, three Siskins, two Redpoll and 40 mixed Tits.  The juvenile Cetti’s Warbler ringed in August was re-caught and a Blackbird that was ringed in May was also re-caught.

Lesser Redpoll – Back Gate Copse – 5th October 2020 – Photograph by Ben Dolan

During the session the ringers also heard Tawny Owl in Siden Hill Wood and saw approximately 40 Meadow Pipits, 15 Red Poll, ten Siskin, two Grey Wagtails and ten Pied Wagtails go over.

Other birds today on or around Car Park and Railway Pools are as follows: four Egyptian Geese on Car Park and a female Goosander there, 81 Wigeon, three Pochard, 14 Snipe, an adult Common Gull in and around the pools generally; 20 plus Meadow Pipits, 14 Siskin, six Skylarks, three Chiffchaffs and two Grey Wagtails over or around the pools and finally two Cetti’s Warblers, one left of Oak Hide and one on the causeway.

4th October 2020

Drizzly until mid-afternoon when it brightened up, easterly turning westerly.

Today’s highlights included an Otter which showed to one individual on the Reedbed Pool at about 10:15 but was sadly not seen again. Previous records have often been associated with high water levels in the river.

At midday four Crossbills flew over the car park heading low south before diverting south-east towards Berkswell.

There were other birds on the move in smaller numbers with a single Redwing, two Swallows and a House Martin prior to 11:00, at least six Skylarks, eight Chaffinches and a Siskin.

Other noteworthy records included a summer plumage Dunlin on Car Park Pool, a juvenile Reed Warbler in the reeds in front of Oak Hide, a Kingfisher on the Reedbed, two Grey Wagtails on the new HS2 fencing and at least 18 Chiffchaffs, mostly in tip flocks, a further seven Swallows perched on wire behind Railway Hide about 11:30, two Yellowhammers at Oak Hide, 15 Snipe on Railway Pool and a Green Sandpiper along the river.

The river had extensively flooded at Patrick Bridge, not helping HS2!  See the photo.

Flooding at Patrick Bridge on 4th October 2020 impact on new HS2 works. 5mph, as per signs, might be a push!

Photograph by Nick Barlow

Other counts today comprised ten Mute Swans, 336 Canadas, 228 Greylags, two Canada Greylag Crosses, 64 Wigeon, 150 Teal, 23 Shoveler, 33 Gadwall, 96 Mallard, a pair of Pochard, 14 Tufted, five Little Grebes, eight Herons (including one killing and eating a mole on Railway Pool), at least two Little Egrets, eight Cormorants, nine Moorhen, 55 Coot, 145 Lapwing, 16 Black-headed Gulls, five Lesser Black-backed Gulls, four Meadow Pipits, a number of Goldcrests along the road together with at least five first winter Blackbirds together by the junction of the Concrete Road and a Song Thrush there and two further first winter Blackbirds and Song Thrush along the causeway (these were very vocal and a sure sign of migrants).

3rd October 2020

Rain pretty constant, light north-easterly.

Counts were limited today by the weather with 67 Wigeon, 17 Snipe, a Cetti’s Warbler on the causeway and a Little Egret over Railway Pool.

2nd October 2020

Wet all day, not records.

1st October 2020

Sunny and mild.

Birds today included a flock of nine Redwings over together with ten Siskins and two Skylarks and a Swallow.  On the pools there were 35 Wigeon, five Pochard, 18 Shoveler, 103 Teal, 35 Gadwall, five Tufted, 28 Snipe 85 to 100 Lapwing, three Little Egrets and a Common Gull.