Packington Estate

Latest News

June 2017

  Updates: Photograph added to 27th June. Photographs added to 17th June. New records and photographs added to the 7th June. New records added to the 4th and 5th June. Courtesy of Ben Dolan and the Brewood Ringing

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May 2017

Updates: Photographs added 25th May 2017 Photograph added 21st May 2017 Photographs added to 14th May 2017. Updated record for 12th May added. Photograph added to 27th April 2017 and text update to 27th, 27th and 28th April.

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April 2017

  Work Party Dates: 9th May 2017 – 6 p.m. 6th June 2017 – 6 p.m. Updates: See new photograph added 31st March 2017. Updates added to 26th, 27th (plus photograph) and 28th April. 30th April 2017 Sunny,

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March 2017

Updates: See new photographs added under the 4th March 2017. See new photograph added 31st March 2017. 31st March 2017 Heavy rain showers early on, clearing, sunny, mild south-westerly wind. In the rain just after first light there

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February 2017

 Work Party Dates: 18th March 2017 – 2 p.m. 15th April 2017 – 2 p.m. 9th May 2017 – 6 p.m. 6th June 2017 – 6 p.m. Updates: See Stonechat photograph added under 7th January 2017. 28 February

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January 2017

Wishing all our members a very Happy New Year! Work Party Dates: 18th February 2017 – 2 p.m. 18th March 2017 – 2 p.m. 15th April 2017 – 2 p.m. 31st January 2017 Drizzly, mild. Within the crop field

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December 2016

Wishing all our members and visitors to this site a very happy Christmas and New Year 31st December 2016 Misty start, occasional sunny intervals p.m., south-westerly wind. The year ended in fine style with another record count, this

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November 2016

Work Party Dates: 17th December 2016 – 2 p.m. 21st January 2017 – 2 p.m. 18th February 2017 – 2 p.m. Update: Late news for the 4th,  two Water Pipits were seen and photographed by Car Park Hide –

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October 2016

Update: I am having a catch-up on a few pieces of information that have been supplied to me and upon which I have been remiss in adding to the Website. These are: Graham Rowling found a dead Barn

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September 2016

30th September 2016 Mostly sunny, west south-westerly wind. There was again good visible migration this morning with birds going through in reasonable numbers for much of the morning. In a count from 8.30 to 9.10 a.m., the following

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August 2016

Note:   A Goldfinch, D788283, ringed at a Marsh Lane Reserve feeder on the 28th December 2013 was found dead at Birchfield, Hope, Derbyshire (SK1784) on the 26th May 2016.  Thank you to David Stone for the information. 31st

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July 2016

31 July 2016 – Mostly sunny, westerly. Both Green Sandpiper and Common Sandpiper were either present or heard going over today with a single Little Egret amongst a few Black-headed Gulls on the gravel spit in front of

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June 2016

Work party 15 June 2016 – 6 p.m. Members notice Scott Hackett and Glen Giles are running a month night on the 11th June 2016. This event will go ahead, whatever the weather and members and their guests are welcome to

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May 2016

Members notice Scott Hackett and Glen Giles are running a moth night on the 11th June 2016. This event will go ahead, whatever the weather and members and their guests are welcome to attend (members free – guest charge £3

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April 2016

Update: The colour-ringed Redshank that was present at Marsh Lane on a number of dates between the 19th March and 29th April was ringed as an adult on Thorny Island, Chichester Harbour, West Sussex, on the 17th October

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March 2016

Update: The colour-ringed Redshank that was present at Marsh Lane on a number of dates between the 19th March and 29th April was ringed as an adult on Thorny Island, Chichester Harbour, West Sussex, on the 17th October

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February 2016

29th February 2016 – Frosty and sunny start slowly clouding over Records in the log today were 40 Snipe in the Marsh, three Oystercatchers on the islands, two Shelduck and two Little Grebes. 28th February 2016 – Mostly

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January 2016

31st January 2016 – Grey, mild, drizzly. The first Oystercatcher of the “spring” was a bird feeding on the flood plain at mid-day. TwoGreen Sandpipers were also good records, with one over the Reedbed Pool south and a

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December 2015

31st December 2015 – Mostly sunny, increasing south-westerly wind, cooler. There were three Jack Snipe in the Marsh this morning, two together half way towards the water and a third near the water’s edge. 21 Common Snipe were

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November 2015

30th November 2015 – Drizzly and overcast, south-westerly wind, remaining mild. The drake Goldeneye remains on Car Park Pool where it was joined by a Little Egret during the morning. 25 Snipe hid cryptically in the Marsh and

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October 2015

31st October 2015 – Overnight rain slowly clearing to become sunny again. In a ringing session this morning, a female Cetti’s Warbler was caught by the south-west pond with one, possibly two, seen from Oak Hide later in

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