Packington Estate

Coarse Fishing Map
Coarse Fishing Contact
T: 01676 523 833

Fishing rules

  1. All anglers must be in possession of a current EA Rod licence.
  2. Barbless hooks only. Maximum size 6.
  3. All fish must be returned to the water and peg from which they are caught.
  4. Braid can only be used as hook lengths, strictly no braid mainline.
  5. Tackle must not be left unattended.
  6. Maximum of 2 rods per angler.
  7. No fires, dogs, bikes or loud radios allowed on the fishery.
  8. Fishing is from designated pegs only, seat boxes only allowed in water at low level conditions.
  9. No keep nets to be used except in matches.
  10. Every angler must be in possession of a landing net.
  11. FISHERY FEED PELLET ONLY (No other pellets to be fed).
  12. No bait boats.
  13. Non fishing visitors and guests only allowed at the discretion of the fishery staff and then only 1 non fishing guest per angler.

Additional rules for matches

  1. Keep nets must be dipped and then laid out to dry and not put into the water until 15 minutes before match starts.
  2. 60lb weight limit per net. Anything over 60lb will not count.
  3. Floating baits must not be fed, can be only used on the hook.
  4. A float must be used when fishing the pole.

Cars parked at owners risk. Packington Estate will not accept any responsibility for any injury or loss that is incurred whilst the bearer is on the fishery.

The management reserve the right to inspect fishing tackle and cars at any time when at or leaving the fishery. Any angler found to be breaking the rules or

generally misbehaving will be asked to leave the fishery.

NB The fishery reserves the right to change any rules at any time without notice.


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